using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.Commodore64.Media; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.Commodore64.MOS { public sealed partial class Via { [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_INT_CONTROL_NEGATIVE_EDGE = 0x00; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_INT_CONTROL_POSITIVE_EDGE = 0x01; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_INPUT_NEGATIVE_ACTIVE_EDGE = 0x00; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_INDEPENDENT_INTERRUPT_INPUT_NEGATIVE_EDGE = 0x02; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_INPUT_POSITIVE_ACTIVE_EDGE = 0x04; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_INDEPENDENT_INTERRUPT_INPUT_POSITIVE_EDGE = 0x06; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE_OUTPUT = 0x08; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_PULSE_OUTPUT = 0x0A; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_LOW_OUTPUT = 0x0C; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int PCR_CONTROL_HIGH_OUTPUT = 0x0E; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_DISABLED = 0x00; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_IN_T2_ONCE = 0x04; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_IN_PHI2 = 0x08; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_IN_CLOCK = 0x0C; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_OUT_T2 = 0x10; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_OUT_T2_ONCE = 0x14; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_OUT_PHI2 = 0x18; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_SR_CONTROL_SHIFT_OUT_CLOCK = 0x1C; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_T2_CONTROL_TIMED = 0x00; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_T2_CONTROL_COUNT_ON_PB6 = 0x20; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_T1_CONTROL_INTERRUPT_ON_LOAD = 0x00; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_T1_CONTROL_CONTINUOUS_INTERRUPTS = 0x40; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_T1_CONTROL_INTERRUPT_ON_LOAD_AND_ONESHOT_PB7 = 0x80; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private const int ACR_T1_CONTROL_CONTINUOUS_INTERRUPTS_AND_OUTPUT_ON_PB7 = 0xC0; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortOutputA")] private int _pra; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortDirectionA")] private int _ddra; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortOutputB")] private int _prb; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortDirectionB")] private int _ddrb; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Timer1Counter")] private int _t1C; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Timer1Latch")] private int _t1L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Timer2Counter")] private int _t2C; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Timer2Latch")] private int _t2L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("ShiftRegister")] private int _sr; [SaveState.SaveWithName("AuxiliaryControlRegister")] private int _acr; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PeripheralControlRegister")] private int _pcr; [SaveState.SaveWithName("InterruptFlagRegister")] private int _ifr; [SaveState.SaveWithName("InterruptEnableRegister")] private int _ier; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Port")] private readonly Port _port; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortLatchA")] private int _paLatch; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortLatchB")] private int _pbLatch; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CA1InterruptControl")] private int _pcrCa1IntControl; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CA2Control")] private int _pcrCa2Control; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CB1InterruptControl")] private int _pcrCb1IntControl; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CB2Control")] private int _pcrCb2Control; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortLatchEnableA")] private bool _acrPaLatchEnable; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PortLatchEnableB")] private bool _acrPbLatchEnable; [SaveState.SaveWithName("ShiftRegisterControl")] private int _acrSrControl; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Timer1Control")] private int _acrT1Control; [SaveState.SaveWithName("Timer2Control")] private int _acrT2Control; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PreviousCA1")] private bool _ca1L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PreviousCA2")] private bool _ca2L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PreviousCB1")] private bool _cb1L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PreviousCB2")] private bool _cb2L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PreviousPB6")] private bool _pb6L; [SaveState.SaveWithName("ResetCa2NextClock")] private bool _resetCa2NextClock; [SaveState.SaveWithName("ResetCb2NextClock")] private bool _resetCb2NextClock; [SaveState.SaveWithName("HandshakeCa2NextClock")] private bool _handshakeCa2NextClock; [SaveState.SaveWithName("HandshakeCb2NextClock")] private bool _handshakeCb2NextClock; [SaveState.SaveWithName("ShiftRegisterCounter")] private int _shiftCount; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CA1")] public bool Ca1; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CA2")] public bool Ca2; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CB1")] public bool Cb1; [SaveState.SaveWithName("CB2")] public bool Cb2; [SaveState.SaveWithName("PB6")] private bool _pb6; [SaveState.SaveWithName("InterruptNextClock")] private int _interruptNextClock; [SaveState.SaveWithName("T1Loaded")] private bool _t1CLoaded; [SaveState.SaveWithName("T2Loaded")] private bool _t2CLoaded; [SaveState.SaveWithName("T1Delayed")] private int _t1Delayed; [SaveState.SaveWithName("T2Delayed")] private int _t2Delayed; public Via() { _port = new DisconnectedPort(); } public Via(Func readPrA, Func readPrB) { _port = new DriverPort(readPrA, readPrB); } public Via(Func readClock, Func readData, Func readAtn, int driveNumber) { _port = new IecPort(readClock, readData, readAtn, driveNumber); _ca1L = true; } [SaveState.DoNotSave] public bool Irq { get { return (_ifr & 0x80) == 0; } } public void HardReset() { _pra = 0; _prb = 0; _ddra = 0; _ddrb = 0; _t1C = 0; _t1L = 0; _t2C = 0; _t2L = 0; _sr = 0; _acr = 0; _pcr = 0; _ifr = 0; _ier = 0; _paLatch = 0; _pbLatch = 0; _pcrCa1IntControl = 0; _pcrCa2Control = 0; _pcrCb1IntControl = 0; _pcrCb2Control = 0; _acrPaLatchEnable = false; _acrPbLatchEnable = false; _acrSrControl = 0; _acrT1Control = 0; _acrT2Control = 0; _ca1L = false; _cb1L = false; Ca1 = false; Ca2 = false; Cb1 = false; Cb2 = false; _pb6L = false; _pb6 = false; _resetCa2NextClock = false; _resetCb2NextClock = false; _handshakeCa2NextClock = false; _handshakeCb2NextClock = false; _interruptNextClock = 0; _t1CLoaded = false; _t2CLoaded = false; } public void ExecutePhase() { // Process delayed interrupts _ifr |= _interruptNextClock; _interruptNextClock = 0; // Process 'pulse' and 'handshake' outputs on CA2 and CB2 if (_resetCa2NextClock) { Ca2 = true; _resetCa2NextClock = false; } else if (_handshakeCa2NextClock) { Ca2 = false; _resetCa2NextClock = _pcrCa2Control == PCR_CONTROL_PULSE_OUTPUT; _handshakeCa2NextClock = false; } if (_resetCb2NextClock) { Cb2 = true; _resetCb2NextClock = false; } else if (_handshakeCb2NextClock) { Cb2 = false; _resetCb2NextClock = _pcrCb2Control == PCR_CONTROL_PULSE_OUTPUT; _handshakeCb2NextClock = false; } // Count timers if (_t1Delayed > 0) { _t1Delayed--; } else { _t1C--; if (_t1C < 0) { if (_t1CLoaded) { _interruptNextClock |= 0x40; _t1CLoaded = false; } switch (_acrT1Control) { case ACR_T1_CONTROL_CONTINUOUS_INTERRUPTS: _t1C = _t1L; _t1CLoaded = true; break; case ACR_T1_CONTROL_CONTINUOUS_INTERRUPTS_AND_OUTPUT_ON_PB7: _t1C = _t1L; _prb ^= 0x80; _t1CLoaded = true; break; } _t1C &= 0xFFFF; } } if (_t2Delayed > 0) { _t2Delayed--; } else { switch (_acrT2Control) { case ACR_T2_CONTROL_TIMED: _t2C--; if (_t2C < 0) { if (_t2CLoaded) { _interruptNextClock |= 0x20; _t2CLoaded = false; } _t2C = _t2L; } break; case ACR_T2_CONTROL_COUNT_ON_PB6: _pb6L = _pb6; _pb6 = (_port.ReadExternalPrb() & 0x40) != 0; if (!_pb6 && _pb6L) { _t2C--; if (_t2C < 0) { _ifr |= 0x20; _t2C = 0xFFFF; } } break; } } // Process CA2 switch (_pcrCa2Control) { case PCR_CONTROL_INPUT_NEGATIVE_ACTIVE_EDGE: case PCR_CONTROL_INDEPENDENT_INTERRUPT_INPUT_NEGATIVE_EDGE: if (_ca2L && !Ca2) _ifr |= 0x01; break; case PCR_CONTROL_INPUT_POSITIVE_ACTIVE_EDGE: case PCR_CONTROL_INDEPENDENT_INTERRUPT_INPUT_POSITIVE_EDGE: if (!_ca2L && Ca2) _ifr |= 0x01; break; case PCR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE_OUTPUT: if (_ca1L && !Ca1) { Ca2 = true; _ifr |= 0x01; } break; case PCR_CONTROL_PULSE_OUTPUT: break; case PCR_CONTROL_LOW_OUTPUT: Ca2 = false; break; case PCR_CONTROL_HIGH_OUTPUT: Ca2 = true; break; } // Process CB2 switch (_pcrCb2Control) { case PCR_CONTROL_INPUT_NEGATIVE_ACTIVE_EDGE: case PCR_CONTROL_INDEPENDENT_INTERRUPT_INPUT_NEGATIVE_EDGE: if (_cb2L && !Cb2) _ifr |= 0x08; break; case PCR_CONTROL_INPUT_POSITIVE_ACTIVE_EDGE: case PCR_CONTROL_INDEPENDENT_INTERRUPT_INPUT_POSITIVE_EDGE: if (!_cb2L && Cb2) _ifr |= 0x08; break; case PCR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE_OUTPUT: if (_cb1L && !Cb1) { Cb2 = true; _ifr |= 0x08; } break; case PCR_CONTROL_PULSE_OUTPUT: break; case PCR_CONTROL_LOW_OUTPUT: Cb2 = false; break; case PCR_CONTROL_HIGH_OUTPUT: Cb2 = true; break; } // interrupt generation if ((_pcrCb1IntControl == PCR_INT_CONTROL_POSITIVE_EDGE && Cb1 && !_cb1L) || (_pcrCb1IntControl == PCR_INT_CONTROL_NEGATIVE_EDGE && !Cb1 && _cb1L)) { _ifr |= 0x10; if (_acrPbLatchEnable) { _pbLatch = _port.ReadExternalPrb(); } } if ((_pcrCa1IntControl == PCR_INT_CONTROL_POSITIVE_EDGE && Ca1 && !_ca1L) || (_pcrCa1IntControl == PCR_INT_CONTROL_NEGATIVE_EDGE && !Ca1 && _ca1L)) { _ifr |= 0x02; if (_acrPaLatchEnable) { _paLatch = _port.ReadExternalPra(); } } switch (_acrSrControl) { case ACR_SR_CONTROL_DISABLED: _ifr &= 0xFB; break; default: break; } if ((_ifr & _ier & 0x7F) != 0) { _ifr |= 0x80; } else { _ifr &= 0x7F; } _ca1L = Ca1; _ca2L = Ca2; _cb1L = Cb1; _cb2L = Cb2; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { SaveState.SyncObject(ser, this); } } }