using System.IO; using System.Drawing; namespace BizHawk.MultiClient { public class Config { public Config() { SMSController[0] = new SMSControllerTemplate(true); SMSController[1] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false); PCEController[0] = new PCEControllerTemplate(true); PCEController[1] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEController[2] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEController[3] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEController[4] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); NESController[0] = new NESControllerTemplate(true); NESController[1] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); NESController[2] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); NESController[3] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); SNESController[0] = new SNESControllerTemplate(true); SNESController[1] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); SNESController[2] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); SNESController[3] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); GBController[0] = new GBControllerTemplate(true); DualGBController[0] = new DualGBControllerTemplate(true); AutoDualGBController[0] = new DualGBControllerTemplate(true); GBAutoController[0] = new GBControllerTemplate(true); TI83Controller[0] = new TI83ControllerTemplate(true); GBAController[0] = new GBAControllerTemplate(true); GBAAutoController[0] = new GBAControllerTemplate(false); GenesisController[0] = new GenControllerTemplate(true); GenesisAutoController[0] = new GenControllerTemplate(false); Atari2600Controller[0] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(true); Atari2600Controller[1] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); Atari2600AutoController[0] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); Atari2600AutoController[1] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); Atari2600ConsoleButtons[0] = new Atari2600ConsoleButtonsTemplate(true); Atari7800Controller[0] = new DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate(true); Atari7800Controller[1] = new DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); Atari7800AutoController[0] = new DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); Atari7800AutoController[1] = new DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); Atari7800ConsoleButtons[0] = new Atari7800ConsoleButtonsTemplate(true); NESAutoController[0] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); NESAutoController[1] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); NESAutoController[2] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); NESAutoController[3] = new NESControllerTemplate(false); SMSAutoController[0] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false); SMSAutoController[1] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false); PCEAutoController[0] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEAutoController[1] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEAutoController[2] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEAutoController[3] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); PCEAutoController[4] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false); SNESAutoController[0] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); SNESAutoController[1] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); SNESAutoController[2] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); SNESAutoController[3] = new SNESControllerTemplate(false); ColecoController[0] = new ColecoVisionControllerTemplate(true); ColecoController[1] = new ColecoVisionControllerTemplate(false); ColecoAutoController[0] = new ColecoVisionControllerTemplate(false); ColecoAutoController[1] = new ColecoVisionControllerTemplate(false); IntellivisionController[0] = new IntellivisionControllerTemplate(true); IntellivisionController[1] = new IntellivisionControllerTemplate(false); IntellivisionAutoController[0] = new IntellivisionControllerTemplate(false); IntellivisionAutoController[1] = new IntellivisionControllerTemplate(false); C64Joysticks[0] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(true, true); C64Joysticks[1] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); C64AutoJoysticks[0] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); C64AutoJoysticks[1] = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(false); C64Keyboard = new C64KeyboardTemplate(true); NESConsoleButtons = new NESConsoleButtonTemplate(); SNESConsoleButtons = new NESConsoleButtonTemplate(); SMSConsoleButtons = new SMSConsoleButtonTemplate(); GenesisConsoleButtons = new GenConsoleButtonTemplate(); } // Directories public bool UseRecentForROMs = false; public string LastRomPath = "."; public string BasePath = "."; public string BaseROMPath = "."; public string BaseINTV = Path.Combine(".", "Intellivision"); public string PathINTVROMs = "."; public string PathINTVSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathINTVSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathINTVScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathINTVCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseNES = Path.Combine(".", "NES"); public string PathNESROMs = "."; public string PathNESSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathNESSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathNESScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathNESCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string PathNESPalette = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"); public string BaseSNES = Path.Combine(".", "SNES"); public string PathSNESROMs = "."; public string PathSNESSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathSNESSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathSNESScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathSNESCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); //public string PathSNESFirmwares = Path.Combine(".", "Firmwares"); public string BaseGBA = Path.Combine(".", "GBA"); public string PathGBAROMs = "."; public string PathGBASavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathGBASaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathGBAScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathGBACheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseSMS = Path.Combine(".", "SMS"); public string PathSMSROMs = "."; public string PathSMSSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathSMSSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathSMSScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathSMSCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseGG = Path.Combine(".", "Game Gear"); public string PathGGROMs = "."; public string PathGGSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathGGSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathGGScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathGGCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseSG = Path.Combine(".", "SG-1000"); public string PathSGROMs = "."; public string PathSGSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathSGSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathSGScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathSGCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseGenesis = Path.Combine(".", "Genesis"); public string PathGenesisROMs = "."; public string PathGenesisSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathGenesisSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathGenesisScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathGenesisCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BasePCE = Path.Combine(".", "PC Engine"); public string PathPCEROMs = "."; public string PathPCESavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathPCESaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathPCEScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathPCECheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseGameboy = Path.Combine(".", "Gameboy"); public string PathGBROMs = "."; public string PathGBSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathGBSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathGBScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathGBCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string PathGBPalettes = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"); public string BaseTI83 = Path.Combine(".", "TI83"); public string PathTI83ROMs = "."; public string PathTI83Savestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathTI83SaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathTI83Screenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathTI83Cheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseAtari2600 = Path.Combine(".", "Atari 2600"); public string PathAtari2600ROMs = "."; public string PathAtari2600Savestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathAtari2600Screenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathAtari2600Cheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string BaseAtari7800 = Path.Combine(".", "Atari 7800"); public string PathAtari7800ROMs = "."; public string PathAtari7800Savestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathAtari7800SaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathAtari7800Screenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathAtari7800Cheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); //public string PathAtari7800Firmwares = Path.Combine(".", "Firmwares"); public string BaseC64 = Path.Combine(".", "C64"); public string PathC64ROMs = "."; public string PathC64Savestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathC64Screenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathC64Cheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); //public string PathC64Firmwares = Path.Combine(".", "Firmwares"); public string BasePSX = Path.Combine(".", "PSX"); public string PathPSXROMs = "."; public string PathPSXSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathPSXSaveRAM = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"); public string PathPSXScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathPSXCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); //public string PathPSXFirmwares = Path.Combine(".", "Firmwares"); public string BaseCOL = Path.Combine(".", "Coleco"); public string PathCOLROMs = "."; public string PathCOLSavestates = Path.Combine(".", "State"); public string PathCOLScreenshots = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"); public string PathCOLCheats = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"); public string MoviesPath = Path.Combine(".", "Movies"); public string MoviesBackupPath = Path.Combine(".", "Movies", "backup"); public string LuaPath = Path.Combine(".", "Lua"); public string WatchPath = "."; public string AVIPath = "."; public string LogPath = "."; public string FirmwaresPath = Path.Combine(".", "Firmware"); //BIOS Paths public string FilenamePCEBios = "[BIOS] Super CD-ROM System (Japan) (v3.0).pce"; public string FilenameFDSBios = "disksys.rom"; public string FilenameGBABIOS = "gbabios.rom"; public string FilenameCOLBios = "ColecoBios.bin"; public string FilenameINTVGROM = "grom.bin"; public string FilenameA78NTSCBios = "7800NTSCBIOS.bin"; public string FilenameA78PALBios = "7800PALBIOS.bin"; public string FilenameA78HSCBios = "7800highscore.bin"; public string FilenameINTVEROM = "erom.bin"; public string FFMpegPath = "%exe%/dll/ffmpeg.exe"; // General Client Settings public int Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions = 0; public bool StackOSDMessages = true; public int TargetZoomFactor = 2; public int TargetDisplayFilter = 0; public bool AutoLoadMostRecentRom = false; public RecentFiles RecentRoms = new RecentFiles(8); public bool PauseWhenMenuActivated = true; public bool SaveWindowPosition = true; public bool StartPaused = false; public int MainWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored public int MainWndy = -1; public bool RunInBackground = true; public bool AcceptBackgroundInput = false; public bool SingleInstanceMode = false; public bool AllowUD_LR = false; public bool ShowContextMenu = true; public bool EnableBackupMovies = true; public bool HotkeyConfigAutoTab = true; public bool InputConfigAutoTab = true; public bool ShowLogWindow = false; public bool BackupSavestates = true; public bool BackupSaveram = true; public bool AutoSavestates = false; public bool SaveScreenshotWithStates = true; public int AutofireOn = 1; public int AutofireOff = 1; public bool AutofireLagFrames = true; public int SaveSlot = 0; //currently selected savestate slot public bool AutoLoadLastSaveSlot = false; public bool WIN32_CONSOLE = true; public bool SkipLagFrame = false; public string MovieExtension = "bkm"; public bool SupressAskSave = false; public bool AVI_CaptureOSD = false; public bool Screenshot_CaptureOSD = false; // Run-Control settings public int FrameProgressDelayMs = 500; //how long until a frame advance hold turns into a frame progress? public int FrameSkip = 4; public int SpeedPercent = 100; public int SpeedPercentAlternate = 400; public bool ClockThrottle = true; public bool AutoMinimizeSkipping = true; public bool VSyncThrottle = false; public bool RewindEnabled = true; /// use vsync. if VSyncThrottle = false, this will try to use vsync without throttling to it public bool VSync = false; // Display options public int MessagesColor = -1; public int AlertMessageColor = -65536; public int LastInputColor = -23296; public int MovieInput = -8355712; public bool DisplayFPS = false; public int DispFPSx = 0; public int DispFPSy = 0; public int DispFPSanchor = 0; //0 = UL, 1 = UR, 2 = DL, 3 = DR public bool DisplayFrameCounter = false; public int DispFrameCx = 0; public int DispFrameCy = 14; public int DispFrameanchor = 0; public bool DisplayLagCounter = false; public int DispLagx = 0; public int DispLagy = 42; public int DispLaganchor = 0; public bool DisplayInput = false; public int DispInpx = 0; public int DispInpy = 28; public int DispInpanchor = 0; public bool DisplayRerecordCount = false; public int DispRecx = 0; public int DispRecy = 56; public int DispRecanchor = 0; public int DispMultix = 0; public int DispMultiy = 14; public int DispMultianchor = 1; public bool DisplayGDI = false; public bool SuppressGui = false; public bool DisplayStatusBar = true; public int DispRamWatchx = 0; public int DispRamWatchy = 70; public bool DisplayRamWatch = false; public bool ShowMenuInFullscreen = false; public int DispMessagex = 3; public int DispMessagey = 0; public int DispMessageanchor = 2; public int DispAutoholdx = 0; public int DispAutoholdy = 0; public int DispAutoholdanchor = 1; public bool DispBlurry = false; // make display look ugly // Sound options public bool SoundEnabled = true; public bool MuteFrameAdvance = true; public int SoundVolume = 100; //Range 0-100 public bool SoundThrottle = false; // Log Window public bool LogWindowSaveWindowPosition = true; public int LogWindowWndx = -1; public int LogWindowWndy = -1; public int LogWindowWidth = -1; public int LogWindowHeight = -1; // Lua Console public RecentFiles RecentLua = new RecentFiles(8); public RecentFiles RecentLuaSession = new RecentFiles(8); public bool AutoLoadLuaSession = false; public bool AutoLoadLuaConsole = false; public bool LuaConsoleSaveWindowPosition = true; public int LuaConsoleWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int LuaConsoleWndy = -1; public int LuaConsoleWidth = -1; public int LuaConsoleHeight = -1; public bool DisableLuaScriptsOnLoad = false; // RamWatch Settings public bool AutoLoadRamWatch = false; public RecentFiles RecentWatches = new RecentFiles(8); public bool RamWatchSaveWindowPosition = true; public int RamWatchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int RamWatchWndy = -1; public int RamWatchWidth = -1; public int RamWatchHeight = -1; public bool RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true; public bool RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false; public bool RamWatchShowDiffColumn = false; public bool RamWatchShowDomainColumn = true; public int RamWatchAddressWidth = -1; public int RamWatchValueWidth = -1; public int RamWatchPrevWidth = -1; public int RamWatchChangeWidth = -1; public int RamWatchDiffWidth = -1; public int RamWatchNotesWidth = -1; public int RamWatchDomainWidth = -1; public int RamWatchAddressIndex = 0; public int RamWatchValueIndex = 1; public int RamWatchPrevIndex = 2; public int RamWatchChangeIndex = 3; public int RamWatchDiffIndex = 4; public int RamWatchDomainIndex = 5; public int RamWatchNotesIndex = 6; public int RamWatchPrev_Type = 1; // RamSearch Settings public bool AutoLoadRamSearch = false; public bool RamSearchSaveWindowPosition = true; public RecentFiles RecentSearches = new RecentFiles(8); public int RamSearchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int RamSearchWndy = -1; public int RamSearchWidth = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored public int RamSearchHeight = -1; public int RamSearchPreviousAs = 0; public bool RamSearchPreviewMode = true; public bool AlwaysExcludeRamWatch = false; public int RamSearchAddressWidth = -1; public int RamSearchValueWidth = -1; public int RamSearchPrevWidth = -1; public int RamSearchChangesWidth = -1; public int RamSearchAddressIndex = 0; public int RamSearchValueIndex = 1; public int RamSearchPrevIndex = 2; public int RamSearchChangesIndex = 3; // HexEditor Settings public bool AutoLoadHexEditor = false; public bool HexEditorSaveWindowPosition = true; public int HexEditorWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int HexEditorWndy = -1; public int HexEditorWidth = -1; public int HexEditorHeight = -1; public bool HexEditorBigEndian = false; public int HexEditorDataSize = 1; //Hex Editor Colors public Color HexBackgrndColor = Color.FromName("Control"); public Color HexForegrndColor = Color.FromName("ControlText"); public Color HexMenubarColor = Color.FromName("Control"); public Color HexFreezeColor = Color.LightBlue; public Color HexHighlightColor = Color.Pink; public Color HexHighlightFreezeColor = Color.Violet; //Trace Logger Settings public bool TraceLoggerAutoLoad = false; public bool TraceLoggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public int TraceLoggerMaxLines = 100000; public int TraceLoggerWndx = -1; public int TraceLoggerWndy = -1; public int TraceLoggerWidth = -1; public int TraceLoggerHeight = -1; // Video dumping settings public string VideoWriter = ""; public int JMDCompression = 3; public int JMDThreads = 3; public string FFmpegFormat = ""; public string FFmpegCustomCommand = "-c:a foo -c:v bar -f baz"; public string AVICodecToken = ""; public int GifWriterFrameskip = 3; public int GifWriterDelay = -1; // NESPPU Settings public bool AutoLoadNESPPU = false; public bool NESPPUSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESPPUWndx = -1; public int NESPPUWndy = -1; public int NESPPURefreshRate = 4; // NESDebuger Settings public bool AutoLoadNESDebugger = false; public bool NESDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESDebuggerWndx = -1; public int NESDebuggerWndy = -1; public int NESDebuggerWidth = -1; public int NESDebuggerHeight = -1; // NESNameTableViewer Settings public bool AutoLoadNESNameTable = false; public bool NESNameTableSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESNameTableWndx = -1; public int NESNameTableWndy = -1; public int NESNameTableRefreshRate = 4; // NES Graphics settings public bool NESAllowMoreThanEightSprites = false; public bool NESClipLeftAndRight = false; public bool NESAutoLoadPalette = true; public bool NESDispBackground = true; public bool NESDispSprites = true; public int NESBackgroundColor = 0; public string NESPaletteFile = ""; public int NTSC_NESTopLine = 8; public int NTSC_NESBottomLine = 231; public int PAL_NESTopLine = 8; public int PAL_NESBottomLine = 231; // gb gpu view settings public bool AutoLoadGBGPUView = false; public bool GBGPUViewSaveWindowPosition = true; public int GBGPUViewWndx = -1; public int GBGPUViewWndy = -1; public Color GBGPUSpriteBack = Color.Lime; // SNES Graphics Debugger Dialog Settings public bool AutoLoadSNESGraphicsDebugger = false; public bool SNESGraphicsDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndx = -1; public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndy = -1; public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerRefreshRate = 4; public bool SNESGraphicsUseUserBackdropColor = false; public int SNESGraphicsUserBackdropColor = -1; public string SNESPalette = "BizHawk"; // SNES Graphics settings //bsnes allows the layers to be enabled for each priority level. //this may not be important for the bg (there are two priority levels) //but it may be useful for OBJ, so we might want to control them separately public bool SNES_ShowBG1_0 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG2_0 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG3_0 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG4_0 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG1_1 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG2_1 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG3_1 = true; public bool SNES_ShowBG4_1 = true; public bool SNES_ShowOBJ1 = true; public bool SNES_ShowOBJ2 = true; public bool SNES_ShowOBJ3 = true; public bool SNES_ShowOBJ4 = true; // PCE Graphics settings public bool PCEDispBG1 = true; public bool PCEDispOBJ1 = true; public bool PCEDispBG2 = true; public bool PCEDispOBJ2 = true; // PCE BG Viewer settings public bool PCEBGViewerSaveWIndowPosition = true; public bool PCEBGViewerAutoload = false; public int PCEBGViewerWndx = -1; public int PCEBGViewerWndy = -1; public int PCEBGViewerRefreshRate = 16; // SMS Graphics settings public bool SMSDispBG = true; public bool SMSDispOBJ = true; // Coleco Settings public bool ColecoSkipBiosIntro = false; //GB Debugger settings public bool AutoloadGBDebugger = false; public bool GBDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool GameBoySkipBIOS = true; // Cheats Dialog public bool Cheats_ValuesAsHex = true; public bool AutoLoadCheats = false; public bool CheatsSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool DisableCheatsOnLoad = false; public bool LoadCheatFileByGame = true; public bool CheatsAutoSaveOnClose = true; public RecentFiles RecentCheats = new RecentFiles(8); public int CheatsWndx = -1; public int CheatsWndy = -1; public int CheatsWidth = -1; public int CheatsHeight = -1; public int CheatsNameWidth = -1; public int CheatsAddressWidth = -1; public int CheatsValueWidth = -1; public int CheatsCompareWidth = -1; public int CheatsDomainWidth = -1; public int CheatsOnWidth = -1; public int CheatsNameIndex = 0; public int CheatsAddressIndex = 1; public int CheatsValueIndex = 2; public int CheatsCompareIndex = 3; public int CheatsOnIndex = 4; public int CheatsDomainIndex = 5; // TAStudio Dialog public bool TAStudioSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool AutoloadTAStudio = false; public int TASWndx = -1; public int TASWndy = -1; public int TASWidth = -1; public int TASHeight = -1; public bool TASUpdatePads = true; // VirtualPad Dialog public bool VirtualPadSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool AutoloadVirtualPad = false; public bool VirtualPadSticky = true; public int VPadWndx = -1; public int VPadWndy = -1; public int VPadWidth = -1; public int VPadHeight = -1; // NES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder public bool NESGGAutoload = false; public bool NESGGSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESGGWndx = -1; public int NESGGWndy = -1; //Movie Settings public RecentFiles RecentMovies = new RecentFiles(8); public bool AutoLoadMostRecentMovie = false; public bool BindSavestatesToMovies = true; public string DefaultAuthor = "default user"; public bool UseDefaultAuthor = true; public bool DisplaySubtitles = true; public bool VBAStyleMovieLoadState = false; public bool MoviePlaybackPokeMode = false; //Play Movie Dialog public bool PlayMovie_IncludeSubdir = true; public bool PlayMovie_ShowStateFiles = false; public bool PlayMovie_MatchGameName = false; //TI83 public bool TI83autoloadKeyPad = true; public bool TI83KeypadSaveWindowPosition = true; public int TI83KeyPadWndx = -1; public int TI83KeyPadWndy = -1; public bool TI83ToolTips = true; // Client Hotkey Bindings public string ToggleBackgroundInput = ""; public string IncreaseSpeedBinding = "Equals"; public string DecreaseSpeedBinding = "Minus"; public string HardResetBinding = ""; public string RebootCoreResetBinding = "Ctrl+R"; public string FastForwardBinding = "Tab, X1 RightShoulder"; public string RewindBinding = "Shift+R, X1 LeftShoulder"; public string EmulatorPauseBinding = "Pause"; public string FrameAdvanceBinding = "F"; public string TurboBinding = ""; public string MaxTurboBinding = "Shift+Tab"; public string ScreenshotBinding = "F12"; public string ToggleFullscreenBinding = "Alt+Return"; public string QuickSave = "I"; public string QuickLoad = "P"; public string SelectSlot0 = "D0"; public string SelectSlot1 = "D1"; public string SelectSlot2 = "D2"; public string SelectSlot3 = "D3"; public string SelectSlot4 = "D4"; public string SelectSlot5 = "D5"; public string SelectSlot6 = "D6"; public string SelectSlot7 = "D7"; public string SelectSlot8 = "D8"; public string SelectSlot9 = "D9"; public string SaveSlot0 = "Shift+F10"; public string SaveSlot1 = "Shift+F1"; public string SaveSlot2 = "Shift+F2"; public string SaveSlot3 = "Shift+F3"; public string SaveSlot4 = "Shift+F4"; public string SaveSlot5 = "Shift+F5"; public string SaveSlot6 = "Shift+F6"; public string SaveSlot7 = "Shift+F7"; public string SaveSlot8 = "Shift+F8"; public string SaveSlot9 = "Shift+F9"; public string LoadSlot0 = "F10"; public string LoadSlot1 = "F1"; public string LoadSlot2 = "F2"; public string LoadSlot3 = "F3"; public string LoadSlot4 = "F4"; public string LoadSlot5 = "F5"; public string LoadSlot6 = "F6"; public string LoadSlot7 = "F7"; public string LoadSlot8 = "F8"; public string LoadSlot9 = "F9"; public string ToolBox = "T"; public string SaveNamedState = ""; public string LoadNamedState = ""; public string PreviousSlot = ""; public string NextSlot = ""; public string RamWatch = ""; public string RamSearch = ""; public string RamPoke = ""; public string HexEditor = ""; public string LuaConsole = ""; public string Cheats = ""; public string TASTudio = ""; public string OpenROM = "Ctrl+O"; public string CloseROM = "Ctrl+W"; public string FrameCounterBinding = ""; public string FPSBinding = ""; public string LagCounterBinding = ""; public string InputDisplayBinding = ""; public string ReadOnlyToggleBinding = "Q"; public string PlayMovieBinding = ""; public string RecordMovieBinding = ""; public string StopMovieBinding = ""; public string PlayBeginningBinding = ""; public string VolUpBinding = ""; public string VolDownBinding = ""; public string SoftResetBinding = ""; public string ToggleMultiTrack = ""; public string MTRecordAll = ""; public string MTRecordNone = ""; public string MTIncrementPlayer = ""; public string MTDecrementPlayer = ""; public string AVIRecordBinding = ""; public string AVIStopBinding = ""; public string ToggleMenuBinding = ""; public string IncreaseWindowSize = "Alt+UpArrow"; public string DecreaseWindowSize = "Alt+DownArrow"; public string AutoholdBinding = ""; public string AutoholdAutofireBinding = ""; public string AutoholdClear = ""; public string ToggleSNESBG1Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESBG2Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESBG3Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESBG4Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESOBJ1Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESOBJ2Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESOBJ3Binding = ""; public string ToggleSNESOBJ4Binding = ""; public string SaveMovieBinding = ""; public string OpenVirtualPadBinding = ""; public string MoviePlaybackPokeModeBinding = ""; public string ClearFrameBinding = ""; // NES Sound settings public bool NESEnableSquare1 = true; public bool NESEnableSquare2 = true; public bool NESEnableTriangle = true; public bool NESEnableNoise = true; public bool NESEnableDMC = true; // SMS / GameGear Settings public bool SmsEnableFM = true; public bool SmsAllowOverlock = false; public bool SmsForceStereoSeparation = false; public bool SmsSpriteLimit = false; public bool GGShowClippedRegions = false; public bool GGHighlightActiveDisplayRegion = false; public SMSControllerTemplate[] SMSController = new SMSControllerTemplate[2]; public SMSControllerTemplate[] SMSAutoController = new SMSControllerTemplate[2]; public SMSConsoleButtonTemplate SMSConsoleButtons = new SMSConsoleButtonTemplate(); // PCEngine Settings public bool PceSpriteLimit = false; public bool PceEqualizeVolume = false; public bool PceArcadeCardRewindHack = true; public PCEControllerTemplate[] PCEController = new PCEControllerTemplate[5]; public PCEControllerTemplate[] PCEAutoController = new PCEControllerTemplate[5]; // Genesis Settings public GenControllerTemplate[] GenesisController = new GenControllerTemplate[1]; public GenControllerTemplate[] GenesisAutoController = new GenControllerTemplate[1]; public GenConsoleButtonTemplate GenesisConsoleButtons = new GenConsoleButtonTemplate(); //Atari 2600 Settings public SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[] Atari2600Controller = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[2]; public SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[] Atari2600AutoController = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[2]; public Atari2600ConsoleButtonsTemplate[] Atari2600ConsoleButtons = new Atari2600ConsoleButtonsTemplate[1]; public bool Atari2600_BW = false; public bool Atari2600_LeftDifficulty = true; public bool Atari2600_RightDifficulty = true; //Atari 7800 Settings public DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate[] Atari7800Controller = new DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate[2]; public DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate[] Atari7800AutoController = new DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate[2]; public Atari7800ConsoleButtonsTemplate[] Atari7800ConsoleButtons = new Atari7800ConsoleButtonsTemplate[1]; //ColecoVision public ColecoVisionControllerTemplate[] ColecoController = new ColecoVisionControllerTemplate[2]; public ColecoVisionControllerTemplate[] ColecoAutoController = new ColecoVisionControllerTemplate[2]; //Intellivision public IntellivisionControllerTemplate[] IntellivisionController = new IntellivisionControllerTemplate[2]; public IntellivisionControllerTemplate[] IntellivisionAutoController = new IntellivisionControllerTemplate[2]; //NES settings public NESControllerTemplate[] NESController = new NESControllerTemplate[4]; public NESControllerTemplate[] NESAutoController = new NESControllerTemplate[4]; public NESConsoleButtonTemplate NESConsoleButtons = new NESConsoleButtonTemplate(); //SNES settings public SNESControllerTemplate[] SNESController = new SNESControllerTemplate[4]; public SNESControllerTemplate[] SNESAutoController = new SNESControllerTemplate[4]; public NESConsoleButtonTemplate SNESConsoleButtons = new NESConsoleButtonTemplate(); public string SNESProfile = "Compatibility"; public bool SNESUseRingBuffer = true; //TI 83 settings public TI83ControllerTemplate[] TI83Controller = new TI83ControllerTemplate[1]; //GB settings public GBControllerTemplate[] GBController = new GBControllerTemplate[1]; public GBControllerTemplate[] GBAutoController = new GBControllerTemplate[1]; public bool GB_ForceDMG = false; public bool GB_GBACGB = false; public bool GB_MulticartCompat = false; public string GB_PaletteFile = ""; public bool GB_AsSGB = false; public Emulation.Consoles.GB.GBColors.ColorType CGBColors = Emulation.Consoles.GB.GBColors.ColorType.gambatte; //Dual Gb public DualGBControllerTemplate[] DualGBController = new DualGBControllerTemplate[1]; public DualGBControllerTemplate[] AutoDualGBController = new DualGBControllerTemplate[1]; //GBA settings public GBAControllerTemplate[] GBAController = new GBAControllerTemplate[1]; public GBAControllerTemplate[] GBAAutoController = new GBAControllerTemplate[1]; //Commodore 64 Settings public SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[] C64Joysticks = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[2]; public SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[] C64AutoJoysticks = new SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate[2]; public C64KeyboardTemplate C64Keyboard = new C64KeyboardTemplate(); public C64KeyboardTemplate C64AutofireKeyboard = new C64KeyboardTemplate(); //GIF Animator Settings public int GifAnimatorNumFrames; public int GifAnimatorFrameSkip; public int GifAnimatorSpeed; public bool GifAnimatorReversable; //LuaWriter Settings public int LuaDefaultTextColor = -16777216; public bool LuaDefaultTextBold = false; public int LuaWriterBackColor = -1; public int LuaKeyWordColor = -16776961; public bool LuaKeyWordBold = false; public int LuaCommentColor = -16744448; public bool LuaCommentBold = false; public int LuaStringColor = -8355712; public bool LuaStringBold = false; public int LuaSymbolColor = -16777216; public bool LuaSymbolBold = false; public int LuaLibraryColor = -16711681; public bool LuaLibraryBold = false; public int LuaDecimalColor = -23296; public bool LuaDecimalBold = false; public float LuaWriterFontSize = 11; public string LuaWriterFont = "Courier New"; public float LuaWriterZoom = 1; public bool LuaWriterStartEmpty = false; //Atari 2600 Settings public bool Atari2600_ShowBG = true; public bool Atari2600_ShowPlayer1 = true; public bool Atari2600_ShowPlayer2 = true; public bool Atari2600_ShowMissle1 = true; public bool Atari2600_ShowMissle2 = true; public bool Atari2600_ShowBall = true; public bool Atari2600_ShowPlayfield = true; } public class NESConsoleButtonTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Reset = ""; public string Power = ""; //public string FDS_Eject = ""; //Not supporting this for now //public string FDS_Insert = ""; //Need to support inserting of disk 1,2,3,4,etc so not supporting this for now //public string VS_Coin_1 = ""; //Not supported yet //public string VS_Coin_2 = ""; //Not supported yet public void SetDefaults() { Reset = ""; Power = ""; } } public class SMSConsoleButtonTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Reset = "C"; public string Pause = "V, X1 Start"; public void SetDefaults() { Reset = "C"; Pause = "V, X1 Start"; } } public class GenConsoleButtonTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Reset = ""; public void SetDefaults() { Reset = ""; } } public class SMSControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string B1 = ""; public string B2 = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public SMSControllerTemplate() { } public SMSControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; B1 = "Z, X1 A"; B2 = "X, X1 B"; } } public class PCEControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string I = ""; public string II = ""; public string Select = ""; public string Run = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public PCEControllerTemplate() { } public PCEControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; I = "Z, X1 B"; II = "X, X1 A"; Run = "C, X1 Start"; Select = "V, X1 Back"; } } public class SNESControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string A = ""; public string B = ""; public string Start = ""; public string Select = ""; public string Y = ""; public string X = ""; public string L = ""; public string R = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public SNESControllerTemplate() { } public SNESControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; A = "X, X1 B"; B = "Z, X1 A"; Y = "A, X1 X"; X = "S, X1 Y"; L = "W, X1 LeftTrigger"; R = "E, X1 RightTrigger"; Start = "Return, X1 Start"; Select = "Space, X1 Back"; } } public class GBAControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string A = ""; public string B = ""; public string Start = ""; public string Select = ""; public string L = ""; public string R = ""; public string Power = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public GBAControllerTemplate() { } public GBAControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; A = "X, X1 B"; B = "Z, X1 A"; L = "W, X1 LeftTrigger"; R = "E, X1 RightTrigger"; Start = "Return, X1 Start"; Select = "Space, X1 Back"; Power = ""; } } public class NESControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string A = ""; public string B = ""; public string Select = ""; public string Start = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public NESControllerTemplate() { } public NESControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; A = "X, X1 B"; B = "Z, X1 A"; Start = "Return, X1 Start"; Select = "Space, X1 Back"; } } public class GBControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string A = ""; public string B = ""; public string Select = ""; public string Start = ""; public string Power = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public GBControllerTemplate() { } public GBControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; A = "X, X1 B"; B = "Z, X1 A"; Start = "Return, X1 Start"; Select = "Space, X1 Back"; Power = ""; } } public class DualGBControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string P1_Up = ""; public string P1_Down = ""; public string P1_Left = ""; public string P1_Right = ""; public string P1_A = ""; public string P1_B = ""; public string P1_Select = ""; public string P1_Start = ""; public string P1_Power = ""; public string P2_Up = ""; public string P2_Down = ""; public string P2_Left = ""; public string P2_Right = ""; public string P2_A = ""; public string P2_B = ""; public string P2_Select = ""; public string P2_Start = ""; public string P2_Power = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public DualGBControllerTemplate() { } public DualGBControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; P1_Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; P1_Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; P1_Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; P1_Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; P1_A = "X, X1 B"; P1_B = "Z, X1 A"; P1_Start = "Return, X1 Start"; P1_Select = "Space, X1 Back"; P1_Power = ""; P2_Up = "NumberPad8"; P2_Down = "NumberPad2"; P2_Left = "NumberPad4"; P2_Right = "NumberPad6"; P2_A = "C"; P2_B = "V"; P2_Select = ""; P2_Start = ""; } } public class GenControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string A = ""; public string B = ""; public string C = ""; public string Start = ""; public bool Enabled; public GenControllerTemplate() { } public GenControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; A = "Z, X1 A"; B = "X, X1 X"; C = "C, X1 Y"; Start = "Return, X1 Start"; } } public class SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string Button = ""; public bool Enabled; public bool UseNumpad; public SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate() { } public SingleButtonJoyStickTemplate(bool defaults, bool useNumpad = false) { UseNumpad = useNumpad; if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { if (UseNumpad) { Enabled = true; Up = "NumberPad8, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "NumberPad2, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "NumberPad4, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "NumberPad6, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; Button = "NumberPad8, X1 A"; } else { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; Button = "Z, X1 A"; } } } public class DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string Button1 = ""; public string Button2 = ""; public bool Enabled; public DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate() { } public DoubleButtonJoyStickTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; Button1 = "Z, X1 A"; Button2 = "X, X1 X"; } } public class Atari2600ConsoleButtonsTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Reset = "C"; public string Select = "V, X1 Start"; public bool Enabled = false; public Atari2600ConsoleButtonsTemplate() { } public Atari2600ConsoleButtonsTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Reset = ""; Select = ""; } } public class Atari7800ConsoleButtonsTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Power = ""; public string Reset = "C"; public string Select = "V, X1 Start"; public string Pause = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public Atari7800ConsoleButtonsTemplate() { } public Atari7800ConsoleButtonsTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Reset = ""; Select = ""; Pause = ""; } } public class ColecoVisionControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string L = ""; public string R = ""; public string _1 = ""; public string _2 = ""; public string _3 = ""; public string _4 = ""; public string _5 = ""; public string _6 = ""; public string _7 = ""; public string _8 = ""; public string _9 = ""; public string Star = ""; public string _0 = ""; public string Pound = ""; public bool Enabled; public ColecoVisionControllerTemplate() { } public ColecoVisionControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; L = "Z, J1 B1"; R = "X, J1 B1"; _0 = "NumberPad0"; _1 = "NumberPad1"; _2 = "NumberPad2"; _3 = "NumberPad3"; _4 = "NumberPad4"; _5 = "NumberPad5"; _6 = "NumberPad6"; _7 = "NumberPad7"; _8 = "NumberPad8"; _9 = "NumberPad9"; Pound = "NumberPadPeriod"; Star = "NumberPadEnter"; } } public class IntellivisionControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string Up = ""; public string Down = ""; public string Left = ""; public string Right = ""; public string L = ""; public string R = ""; public string _1 = ""; public string _2 = ""; public string _3 = ""; public string _4 = ""; public string _5 = ""; public string _6 = ""; public string _7 = ""; public string _8 = ""; public string _9 = ""; public string Enter = ""; public string _0 = ""; public string Clear = ""; public bool Enabled; public IntellivisionControllerTemplate() { } public IntellivisionControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; Up = "UpArrow, X1 DpadUp, X1 LStickUp"; Down = "DownArrow, X1 DpadDown, X1 LStickDown"; Left = "LeftArrow, X1 DpadLeft, X1 LStickLeft"; Right = "RightArrow, X1 DpadRight, X1 LStickRight"; L = "Z, J1 B1"; R = "X, J1 B1"; _0 = "NumberPad0"; _1 = "NumberPad1"; _2 = "NumberPad2"; _3 = "NumberPad3"; _4 = "NumberPad4"; _5 = "NumberPad5"; _6 = "NumberPad6"; _7 = "NumberPad7"; _8 = "NumberPad8"; _9 = "NumberPad9"; Enter = "NumberPadPeriod"; Clear = "NumberPadEnter"; } } public class C64KeyboardTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string F1 = ""; public string F3 = ""; public string F5 = ""; public string F7 = ""; public string Left_Arrow = ""; public string _1 = ""; public string _2 = ""; public string _3 = ""; public string _4 = ""; public string _5 = ""; public string _6 = ""; public string _7 = ""; public string _8 = ""; public string _9 = ""; public string _0 = ""; public string Plus = ""; public string Minus = ""; public string Pound = ""; public string Clear_Home = ""; public string Insert_Delete = ""; public string Control = ""; public string Q = ""; public string W = ""; public string E = ""; public string R = ""; public string T = ""; public string Y = ""; public string U = ""; public string I = ""; public string O = ""; public string P = ""; public string At = ""; public string Asterisk = ""; public string Up_Arrow = ""; public string Restore = ""; public string Run_Stop = ""; public string Lck = ""; public string A = ""; public string S = ""; public string D = ""; public string F = ""; public string G = ""; public string H = ""; public string J = ""; public string K = ""; public string L = ""; public string Colon = ""; public string Semicolon = ""; public string Equal = ""; public string Return = ""; public string Commodore = ""; public string Left_Shift = ""; public string Z = ""; public string X = ""; public string C = ""; public string V = ""; public string B = ""; public string N = ""; public string M = ""; public string Comma = ""; public string Period = ""; public string Slash = ""; public string Right_Shift = ""; public string Cursor_Up_Down = ""; public string Cursor_Left_Right = ""; public string Space = ""; public bool enabled = false; public C64KeyboardTemplate() { } public C64KeyboardTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { F1 = "F1"; F3 = "F3"; F5 = "F5"; F7 = "F7"; Left_Arrow = "Grave"; _1 = "D1"; _2 = "D2"; _3 = "D3"; _4 = "D4"; _5 = "D5"; _6 = "D6"; _7 = "D7"; _8 = "D8"; _9 = "D9"; _0 = "D0"; Plus = "Equals"; Minus = "Minus"; Pound = "Insert"; Clear_Home = "Delete"; Insert_Delete = "Backspace"; Control = "Tab"; Q = "Q"; W = "W"; E = "E"; R = "R"; T = "T"; Y = "Y"; U = "U"; I = "I"; O = "O"; P = "P"; At = "LeftBracket"; Asterisk = "RightBracket"; Up_Arrow = "Backslash"; Run_Stop = "CapsLock"; A = "A"; S = "S"; D = "D"; F = "F"; G = "G"; H = "H"; J = "J"; K = "K"; L = "L"; Colon = "Semicolon"; Semicolon = "Apostrophe"; Equal = "RightControl"; Return = "Return"; Commodore = "LeftControl"; Left_Shift = "LeftShift"; Z = "Z"; X = "X"; C = "C"; V = "V"; B = "B"; N = "N"; M = "M"; Comma = "Comma"; Period = "Period"; Slash = "Slash"; Right_Shift = "RightShift"; Cursor_Up_Down = "DownArrow"; Cursor_Left_Right = "RightArrow"; Space = "Space"; } } public class TI83ControllerTemplate : iControllerConfigObject { public string _0 = ""; public string _1 = ""; public string _2 = ""; public string _3 = ""; public string _4 = ""; public string _5 = ""; public string _6 = ""; public string _7 = ""; public string _8 = ""; public string _9 = ""; public string DOT = ""; public string ON = ""; public string ENTER = ""; public string DOWN = ""; public string UP = ""; public string LEFT = ""; public string RIGHT = ""; public string PLUS = ""; public string MINUS = ""; public string MULTIPLY = ""; public string DIVIDE = ""; public string CLEAR = ""; public string EXP = ""; public string DASH = ""; public string PARACLOSE = ""; public string TAN = ""; public string VARS = ""; public string PARAOPEN = ""; public string COS = ""; public string PRGM = ""; public string STAT = ""; public string SIN = ""; public string MATRIX = ""; public string X = ""; public string STO = ""; public string LN = ""; public string LOG = ""; public string SQUARED = ""; public string NEG1 = ""; public string MATH = ""; public string ALPHA = ""; public string GRAPH = ""; public string TRACE = ""; public string ZOOM = ""; public string WINDOW = ""; public string Y = ""; public string SECOND = ""; public string MODE = ""; public string DEL = ""; public string COMMA = ""; public bool Enabled = false; public TI83ControllerTemplate() { } public TI83ControllerTemplate(bool defaults) { if (defaults) { SetDefaults(); } } public void SetDefaults() { Enabled = true; _0 = "NumberPad0"; //0 _1 = "NumberPad1"; //1 _2 = "NumberPad2"; //2 _3 = "NumberPad3"; //3 _4 = "NumberPad4"; //4 _5 = "NumberPad5"; //5 _6 = "NumberPad6"; //6 _7 = "NumberPad7"; //7 _8 = "NumberPad8"; //8 _9 = "NumberPad9"; //9 DOT = "NumberPadPeriod";//10 ON = "Space"; //11 ENTER = "Return, NumberPadEnter"; //12 UP = "UpArrow"; //13 DOWN = "DownArrow"; //14 LEFT = "LeftArrow"; //15 RIGHT = "RightArrow"; //16 PLUS = "NumberPadPlus"; //17 MINUS = "NumberPadMinus"; //18 MULTIPLY = "NumberPadStar"; //19 DIVIDE = "NumberPadSlash"; //20 CLEAR = "Escape"; //21 EXP = "6"; //22 DASH = "Minus"; //23 PARACLOSE = "0"; //24 PARAOPEN = "9"; //25 TAN = "T"; //26 VARS = "V"; //27 COS = "C"; //28 PRGM = "R"; //29 STAT = "S"; //30 MATRIX = "LeftBracket"; //31 X = "X"; //32 STO = "Insert"; //33 LN = "L"; //34 LOG = "O"; //35 SQUARED = "2"; //36 NEG1 = "1"; //37 MATH = "M"; //38 ALPHA = "A"; //39 GRAPH = "G"; //40 TRACE = "Home"; //41 ZOOM = "Z"; //42 WINDOW = "W"; //43 Y = "Y"; //44 SECOND = "Slash"; //45 MODE = "BackSlash"; //46 DEL = "Delete"; //47 COMMA = "Comma"; //48 SIN = "Period"; //49 } } public interface iControllerConfigObject { void SetDefaults(); } }