//TODO - for chr, refactor to use 8 registers of 8 bits instead of 16 registers of 4 bits. more realistic, less weird code. using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo { //mapper 21 + 22 + 23 + 25 (docs largely in 021.txt for VRC4 and 22.txt for VRC2) //If you change any of the IRQ logic here, be sure to change it in VRC 3/6/7 as well. public class VRC2_4 : NES.NESBoardBase { //configuration int prg_bank_mask_8k, chr_bank_mask_1k; int prg_reg_mask_8k; Func remap; Func fix_chr; int type; bool latch6k_exists = false; bool extrabig_chr = false; //state public int[] prg_bank_reg_8k = new int[2]; public int[] chr_bank_reg_1k = new int[16]; bool prg_mode; ByteBuffer prg_banks_8k = new ByteBuffer(4); public IntBuffer chr_banks_1k = new IntBuffer(8); bool irq_mode; bool irq_enabled, irq_pending, irq_autoen; byte irq_reload; byte irq_counter; int irq_prescaler; public int extra_vrom; int latch6k_value; public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); prg_banks_8k.Dispose(); chr_banks_1k.Dispose(); } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) ser.Sync("prg_bank_reg_8k_" + i, ref prg_bank_reg_8k[i]); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) ser.Sync("chr_bank_reg_1k_" + i, ref chr_bank_reg_1k[i]); ser.Sync("irq_mode", ref irq_mode); ser.Sync("irq_enabled", ref irq_enabled); ser.Sync("irq_pending", ref irq_pending); ser.Sync("irq_autoen", ref irq_autoen); ser.Sync("irq_reload", ref irq_reload); ser.Sync("irq_counter", ref irq_counter); ser.Sync("irq_prescaler", ref irq_prescaler); ser.Sync("extra_vrom", ref extra_vrom); if (latch6k_exists) ser.Sync("latch6k_value", ref latch6k_value); SyncPRG(); SyncCHR(); SyncIRQ(); } void SyncPRG() { if (prg_mode) { prg_banks_8k[0] = 0xFE; prg_banks_8k[1] = (byte)(prg_bank_reg_8k[1]); prg_banks_8k[2] = (byte)(prg_bank_reg_8k[0]); prg_banks_8k[3] = 0xFF; } else { prg_banks_8k[0] = (byte)(prg_bank_reg_8k[0]); prg_banks_8k[1] = (byte)(prg_bank_reg_8k[1]); prg_banks_8k[2] = 0xFE; prg_banks_8k[3] = 0xFF; } } public void SyncCHR() { //Console.Write("{0}: ", NES.ppu.ppur.status.sl); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int low = (chr_bank_reg_1k[i * 2]); int high = (chr_bank_reg_1k[i * 2 + 1]); int temp = low + high * 16; temp = fix_chr(temp); //Console.Write("{0},", temp); temp &= chr_bank_mask_1k; chr_banks_1k[i] = temp; } } void SyncIRQ() { IRQSignal = (irq_pending && irq_enabled); } public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { fix_chr = (b) => b; switch (Cart.board_type) { case "MAPPER021": case "MAPPER022": case "MAPPER023": case "MAPPER025": throw new InvalidOperationException("someone will need to bug me to set these up for failsafe mapping"); case "MAPPER027": //not exactly the same implementation as FCEUX, but we're taking functionality from it step by step as we discover and document it //world hero (unl) is m027 and depends on the extrabig_chr functionality to have correct graphics. //otherwise, cah4e3 says its the same as VRC4 extrabig_chr = true; remap = (addr) => addr; type = 4; break; case "MAPPER116_HACKY": remap = (addr) => addr; type = 2; break; case "KONAMI-VRC-4": AssertPrg(128,256); AssertChr(128,256); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0,2,8); type = 4; if (Cart.pcb == "352396") remap = (addr) => ((addr & 0xF000) | ((addr >> 2) & 3)); else if (Cart.pcb == "351406") remap = (addr) => ((addr & 0xF000) | ((addr & 1) << 1) | ((addr & 2) >> 1)); else throw new Exception("Unknown PCB type for VRC4"); break; case "KONAMI-VRC-2": AssertPrg(128); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0); type = 2; latch6k_exists = true; if (Cart.pcb == "350926") //likely VRC2b [mapper 23] remap = (addr) => addr; else if (Cart.pcb == "351618") { //ex. ganbare pennant race - important chr note applies (VRC2a [mapper 22]) remap = (addr) => ((addr & 0xF000) | ((addr & 1) << 1) | ((addr & 2) >> 1)); fix_chr = (b) => (b >> 1); } else if (Cart.pcb == "LROG009-00") // Contra (J) { remap = (addr) => addr; } else throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown PCB type for VRC2: \"{0}\"", Cart.pcb)); break; default: return false; } prg_bank_mask_8k = Cart.prg_size / 8 - 1; chr_bank_mask_1k = Cart.chr_size - 1; if(type == 4) prg_reg_mask_8k = 0x1F; else prg_reg_mask_8k = 0xF; //this VRC2 variant has an extra large PRG reg if (Cart.board_type == "MAPPER116_HACKY") prg_reg_mask_8k = 0x1F; prg_bank_reg_8k[0] = 0; prg_bank_reg_8k[1] = 1; SyncPRG(); SyncCHR(); SetMirrorType(EMirrorType.Vertical); return true; } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { int bank_8k = addr >> 13; int ofs = addr & ((1 << 13) - 1); bank_8k = prg_banks_8k[bank_8k]; bank_8k &= prg_bank_mask_8k; addr = (bank_8k << 13) | ofs; return ROM[addr]; } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { int bank_1k = addr >> 10; int ofs = addr & ((1 << 10) - 1); bank_1k = chr_banks_1k[bank_1k]; addr = (bank_1k << 10) | ofs; return VROM[addr + extra_vrom]; } else return base.ReadPPU(addr); } public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value) { //Console.WriteLine("mapping {0:X4} = {1:X2}", addr + 0x8000, value); addr = remap(addr); int chr_value = value & 0xF; if ((addr & 1) == 1 && extrabig_chr) chr_value = value & 0x1F; switch (addr) { default: Console.WriteLine("missed case: {0:X4}", addr + 0x8000); break; case 0x0000: //$8000 case 0x0001: case 0x0002: case 0x0003: prg_bank_reg_8k[0] = value & prg_reg_mask_8k; SyncPRG(); break; case 0x1000: //$9000 case 0x1001: //$9001 switch (value & 3) { case 0: SetMirrorType(NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Vertical); break; case 1: SetMirrorType(NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Horizontal); break; case 2: SetMirrorType(NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.OneScreenA); break; case 3: SetMirrorType(NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.OneScreenB); break; } break; case 0x1002: //$9002 case 0x1003: //$9003 if (type == 4) prg_mode = value.Bit(1); else goto case 0x1000; SyncPRG(); break; case 0x2000: //$A000 case 0x2001: //$A001 case 0x2002: //$A002 case 0x2003: //$A003 prg_bank_reg_8k[1] = value & prg_reg_mask_8k; SyncPRG(); break; case 0x3000: //$B000 case 0x3001: //$B001 case 0x3002: //$B002 case 0x3003: //$B003 chr_bank_reg_1k[addr - 0x3000] = chr_value; SyncCHR(); break; case 0x4000: //$C000 case 0x4001: //$C001 case 0x4002: //$C002 case 0x4003: //$C003 chr_bank_reg_1k[addr - 0x4000 + 4] = chr_value; SyncCHR(); break; case 0x5000: //$D000 case 0x5001: //$D001 case 0x5002: //$D002 case 0x5003: //$D003 chr_bank_reg_1k[addr - 0x5000 + 8] = chr_value; SyncCHR(); break; case 0x6000: //$E000 case 0x6001: //$E001 case 0x6002: //$E002 case 0x6003: //$E003 chr_bank_reg_1k[addr - 0x6000 + 12] = chr_value; SyncCHR(); break; case 0x7000: //$F000 (reload low) if (type == 2) break; irq_reload = (byte)((irq_reload&0xF0) | value); break; case 0x7001: //$F001 (reload high) if (type == 2) break; irq_reload = (byte)((irq_reload&0x0F)|(value<<4)); break; case 0x7002: //$F001 (control) if (type == 2) break; irq_mode = value.Bit(2); irq_autoen = value.Bit(0); if (value.Bit(1)) { //enabled irq_enabled = true; irq_counter = irq_reload; irq_prescaler = 341; } else { //disabled irq_enabled = false; } //acknowledge irq_pending = false; SyncIRQ(); break; case 0x7003: //$F003 (ack) if (type == 2) break; irq_pending = false; irq_enabled = irq_autoen; SyncIRQ(); break; } } void ClockIRQ() { if (type == 2) return; if (irq_counter == 0xFF) { irq_pending = true; irq_counter = irq_reload; SyncIRQ(); } else irq_counter++; } public override void ClockCPU() { if (type == 2) return; if (!irq_enabled) return; if (irq_mode) { ClockIRQ(); //throw new InvalidOperationException("needed a test case for this; you found one!"); } else { irq_prescaler -= 3; if (irq_prescaler <= 0) { irq_prescaler += 341; ClockIRQ(); } } } // a single bit of data can be read at 6000:6fff on some VRC2 carts without wram // games will lock if they can't do this // this isn't a problem in many emus, because if you put wram at 6000:7fff unconditionally, it works. public override byte ReadWRAM(int addr) { if (!latch6k_exists) return base.ReadWRAM(addr); else if (addr >= 0x1000) return NES.DB; else return (byte)(NES.DB & 0xfe | latch6k_value); } public override void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value) { if (!latch6k_exists) base.WriteWRAM(addr, value); else if (addr < 0x1000) latch6k_value = value & 1; } } }