using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using swf = System.Windows.Forms;
using sd = System.Drawing;
using sdi = System.Drawing.Imaging;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL;
//TODO - maybe a layer to cache Graphics parameters (notably, filtering) ?
namespace BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.GdiPlus
public class IGL_GdiPlus : IGL
//rendering state
RenderTarget _CurrRenderTarget;
public IGL_GdiPlus()
MyBufferedGraphicsContext = new BufferedGraphicsContext();
void IDisposable.Dispose()
public void Clear(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ClearBufferMask mask)
var g = GetCurrentGraphics();
if((mask & ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit) != 0)
public string API { get { return "GDIPLUS"; } }
public IBlendState CreateBlendState(BlendingFactorSrc colorSource, BlendEquationMode colorEquation, BlendingFactorDest colorDest,
BlendingFactorSrc alphaSource, BlendEquationMode alphaEquation, BlendingFactorDest alphaDest)
return null;
private sd.Color _currentClearColor = Color.Transparent;
public void SetClearColor(sd.Color color)
_currentClearColor = color;
public unsafe void BindArrayData(void* pData)
public void FreeTexture(Texture2d tex)
var tw = tex.Opaque as TextureWrapper;
public Shader CreateFragmentShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required)
return null;
public Shader CreateVertexShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required)
return null;
public void FreeShader(IntPtr shader) { }
public void SetBlendState(IBlendState rsBlend)
//TODO for real
class MyBlendState : IBlendState { }
static MyBlendState _rsBlendNoneVerbatim = new MyBlendState(), _rsBlendNoneOpaque = new MyBlendState(), _rsBlendNormal = new MyBlendState();
public IBlendState BlendNoneCopy { get { return _rsBlendNoneVerbatim; } }
public IBlendState BlendNoneOpaque { get { return _rsBlendNoneOpaque; } }
public IBlendState BlendNormal { get { return _rsBlendNormal; } }
public Pipeline CreatePipeline(VertexLayout vertexLayout, Shader vertexShader, Shader fragmentShader, bool required, string memo)
return null;
public void FreePipeline(Pipeline pipeline) {}
public VertexLayout CreateVertexLayout() { return new VertexLayout(this, new IntPtr(0)); }
public void SetTextureWrapMode(Texture2d tex, bool clamp)
public void DrawArrays(PrimitiveType mode, int first, int count)
public void BindPipeline(Pipeline pipeline)
public void Internal_FreeShader(Shader shader)
public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, bool value)
public unsafe void SetPipelineUniformMatrix(PipelineUniform uniform, Matrix4 mat, bool transpose)
public unsafe void SetPipelineUniformMatrix(PipelineUniform uniform, ref Matrix4 mat, bool transpose)
public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector4 value)
public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector2 value)
public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, float value)
public unsafe void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector4[] values)
public void SetPipelineUniformSampler(PipelineUniform uniform, Texture2d tex)
public void TexParameter2d(Texture2d tex, TextureParameterName pname, int param)
var tw = tex.Opaque as TextureWrapper;
if (pname == TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter)
tw.MinFilter = (TextureMinFilter)param;
if (pname == TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter)
tw.MagFilter = (TextureMagFilter)param;
public Texture2d LoadTexture(sd.Bitmap bitmap)
var sdbmp = (sd.Bitmap)bitmap.Clone();
TextureWrapper tw = new TextureWrapper();
tw.SDBitmap = sdbmp;
return new Texture2d(this, tw, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
public Texture2d LoadTexture(Stream stream)
using (var bmp = new BitmapBuffer(stream, new BitmapLoadOptions()))
return (this as IGL).LoadTexture(bmp);
public Texture2d CreateTexture(int width, int height)
return null;
public Texture2d WrapGLTexture2d(IntPtr glTexId, int width, int height)
//TODO - need to rip the texturedata. we had code for that somewhere...
return null;
public void LoadTextureData(Texture2d tex, BitmapBuffer bmp)
var tw = tex.Opaque as TextureWrapper;
public Texture2d LoadTexture(BitmapBuffer bmp)
//definitely needed (by TextureFrugalizer at least)
var sdbmp = bmp.ToSysdrawingBitmap();
var tw = new TextureWrapper();
tw.SDBitmap = sdbmp;
return new Texture2d(this, tw, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
public unsafe BitmapBuffer ResolveTexture2d(Texture2d tex)
var tw = tex.Opaque as TextureWrapper;
var blow = new BitmapLoadOptions()
AllowWrap = false //must be an independent resource
var bb = new BitmapBuffer(tw.SDBitmap,blow);
return bb;
public Texture2d LoadTexture(string path)
//using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
// return (this as IGL).LoadTexture(fs);
return null;
public Matrix4 CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(int w, int h)
return CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(new sd.Size(w, h));
public Matrix4 CreateGuiViewMatrix(int w, int h, bool autoflip)
return CreateGuiViewMatrix(new sd.Size(w, h), autoflip);
public Matrix4 CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(sd.Size dims)
//see CreateGuiViewMatrix for more
return Matrix4.Identity;
public Matrix4 CreateGuiViewMatrix(sd.Size dims, bool autoflip)
//on account of gdi+ working internally with a default view exactly like we want, we don't need to setup a new one here
//furthermore, we _cant_, without inverting the GuiView and GuiProjection before drawing, to completely undo it
//this might be feasible, but its kind of slow and annoying and worse, seemingly numerically unstable
//if (autoflip && _CurrRenderTarget != null)
// Matrix4 ret = Matrix4.Identity;
// ret.M22 = -1;
// ret.M42 = dims.Height;
// return ret;
return Matrix4.Identity;
public void SetViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)
public void SetViewport(int width, int height)
public void SetViewport(sd.Size size)
SetViewport(size.Width, size.Height);
public void SetViewport(swf.Control control)
public void BeginControl(GLControlWrapper_GdiPlus control)
CurrentControl = control;
public void EndControl(GLControlWrapper_GdiPlus control)
CurrentControl = null;
public void SwapControl(GLControlWrapper_GdiPlus control)
public class RenderTargetWrapper
public RenderTargetWrapper(IGL_GdiPlus gdi)
Gdi = gdi;
public void Dispose()
IGL_GdiPlus Gdi;
/// the control associated with this render target (if any)
public GLControlWrapper_GdiPlus Control;
/// the offscreen render target, if that's what this is representing
public RenderTarget Target;
public BufferedGraphics MyBufferedGraphics;
public Graphics refGraphics; //?? hacky?
public void CreateGraphics()
Rectangle r;
if (Control != null)
r = Control.ClientRectangle;
refGraphics = Control.CreateGraphics();
var tw = Target.Texture2d.Opaque as TextureWrapper;
r = Target.Texture2d.Rectangle;
refGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(tw.SDBitmap);
if (MyBufferedGraphics != null)
MyBufferedGraphics = Gdi.MyBufferedGraphicsContext.Allocate(refGraphics, r);
//MyBufferedGraphics.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed;
////not sure about this stuff...
////it will wreck alpha blending, for one thing
//MyBufferedGraphics.Graphics.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
//MyBufferedGraphics.Graphics.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
public void BeginScene()
public void EndScene()
//maybe an inconsistent semantic with other implementations..
//but accomplishes the needed goal of getting the current RT to render
public IGraphicsControl Internal_CreateGraphicsControl()
var ret = new GLControlWrapper_GdiPlus(this);
//create a render target for this control
RenderTargetWrapper rtw = new RenderTargetWrapper(this);
rtw.Control = ret;
ret.RenderTargetWrapper = rtw;
return ret;
public void FreeRenderTarget(RenderTarget rt)
var rtw = rt.Opaque as RenderTargetWrapper;
public unsafe RenderTarget CreateRenderTarget(int w, int h)
TextureWrapper tw = new TextureWrapper();
tw.SDBitmap = new Bitmap(w,h, sdi.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var tex = new Texture2d(this, tw, w, h);
RenderTargetWrapper rtw = new RenderTargetWrapper(this);
var rt = new RenderTarget(this, rtw, tex);
rtw.Target = rt;
return rt;
public void BindRenderTarget(RenderTarget rt)
if (_CurrentOffscreenGraphics != null)
_CurrentOffscreenGraphics = null;
_CurrRenderTarget = rt;
if (CurrentRenderTargetWrapper != null)
if (CurrentRenderTargetWrapper == CurrentControl.RenderTargetWrapper)
//dont do anything til swapbuffers
if (rt == null)
//null means to use the default RT for the current control
CurrentRenderTargetWrapper = CurrentControl.RenderTargetWrapper;
var tw = rt.Texture2d.Opaque as TextureWrapper;
CurrentRenderTargetWrapper = rt.Opaque as RenderTargetWrapper;
_CurrentOffscreenGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(tw.SDBitmap);
//if (CurrentRenderTargetWrapper.MyBufferedGraphics == null)
// CurrentRenderTargetWrapper.CreateGraphics();
Graphics _CurrentOffscreenGraphics;
public Graphics GetCurrentGraphics()
if (_CurrentOffscreenGraphics != null)
return _CurrentOffscreenGraphics;
var rtw = CurrentRenderTargetWrapper;
return rtw.MyBufferedGraphics.Graphics;
public GLControlWrapper_GdiPlus CurrentControl;
public RenderTargetWrapper CurrentRenderTargetWrapper;
public BufferedGraphicsContext MyBufferedGraphicsContext;
public class TextureWrapper : IDisposable
public sd.Bitmap SDBitmap;
public TextureMinFilter MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest;
public TextureMagFilter MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest;
public void Dispose()
if (SDBitmap != null)
SDBitmap = null;
} //class IGL_GdiPlus