using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; namespace BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL { /// /// Adapts a GraphicsControl to gain the power of remembering what was drawn to it, and keeping it presented in response to Paint events /// public class RetainedGraphicsControl : GraphicsControl { public RetainedGraphicsControl(IGL gl) : base(gl) { GL = gl; GuiRenderer = new GuiRenderer(gl); } /// /// Control whether rendering goes into the retaining buffer (it's slower) or straight to the viewport. /// This could be useful as a performance hack, or if someone was very clever, they could wait for a control to get deactivated, enable retaining, and render it one more time. /// Of course, even better still is to be able to repaint viewports continually, but sometimes thats annoying. /// public bool Retain { get { return _retain; } set { if (_retain && !value) { rt.Dispose(); rt = null; } _retain = value; } } bool _retain = true; IGL GL; RenderTarget rt; GuiRenderer GuiRenderer; public override void Begin() { base.Begin(); if (_retain) { //TODO - frugalize me if (rt != null) rt.Dispose(); rt = GL.CreateRenderTarget(Width, Height); rt.Bind(); } } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); //todo - check whether we're begun? base.Begin(); Draw(); base.End(); } void Draw() { if (rt == null) return; GuiRenderer.Begin(Width, Height); GuiRenderer.SetBlendState(GL.BlendNoneCopy); GuiRenderer.Draw(rt.Texture2d); GuiRenderer.End(); base.SwapBuffers(); } public override void SwapBuffers() { //if we're not retaining, then we havent been collecting into a framebuffer. just swap it if (!_retain) { base.SwapBuffers(); return; } //if we're retaining, then we cant draw until we unbind! its semantically a bit odd, but we expect users to call SwapBuffers() before end, so we cant unbind in End() even thoug hit makes a bit more sense. rt.Unbind(); Draw(); } public override void End() { if (_retain) rt.Unbind(); base.End(); } } }