using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class MovieHeader { //Required Header Params //Emulation - Core version, will be 1.0.0 until there is a versioning system //Movie - Versioning for the Movie code itself, or perhaps this could be changed client version? //Platform - Must know what platform we are making a movie on! //GameName - Which game //TODO: checksum of game, other stuff public Dictionary HeaderParams = new Dictionary(); //Platform specific options go here public List Comments = new List(); public Dictionary BoardProperties = new Dictionary(); public const string EMULATIONVERSION = "emuVersion"; public const string MOVIEVERSION = "MovieVersion"; public const string PLATFORM = "Platform"; public const string GAMENAME = "GameName"; public const string AUTHOR = "Author"; public const string RERECORDS = "rerecordCount"; public const string GUID = "GUID"; public const string STARTSFROMSAVESTATE = "StartsFromSavestate"; public const string FOURSCORE = "FourScore"; public const string SHA1 = "SHA1"; public const string FIRMWARESHA1 = "FirmwareSHA1"; public const string PAL = "PAL"; public const string BOARDNAME = "BoardName"; //Gameboy Settings that affect sync public const string GB_FORCEDMG = "Force_DMG_Mode"; public const string GB_GBA_IN_CGB = "GBA_In_CGB"; public const string SGB = "SGB"; //a snes movie will set this to indicate that it's actually SGB //BIO skipping setting (affects sync) public const string SKIPBIOS = "Skip_Bios"; //Plugin Settings public const string VIDEOPLUGIN = "VideoPlugin"; //Board properties public const string BOARDPROPERTIES = "BoardProperty"; public static string MovieVersion = "BizHawk v0.0.1"; public static string MakeGUID() { return System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } public MovieHeader(string version) //All required fields will be set to default values { HeaderParams.Add(EMULATIONVERSION, version); HeaderParams.Add(MOVIEVERSION, MovieVersion); HeaderParams.Add(PLATFORM, ""); HeaderParams.Add(GAMENAME, ""); HeaderParams.Add(AUTHOR, ""); HeaderParams.Add(RERECORDS, "0"); HeaderParams.Add(GUID, MakeGUID()); } /// /// Adds the key value pair to header params. If key already exists, value will be updated /// /// /// public void AddHeaderLine(string key, string value) { string temp; if (!HeaderParams.TryGetValue(key, out temp)) //TODO: does a failed attempt mess with value? HeaderParams.Add(key, value); } public void UpdateRerecordCount(int count) { HeaderParams[RERECORDS] = count.ToString(); } public bool RemoveHeaderLine(string key) { return HeaderParams.Remove(key); } public void Clear() { HeaderParams.Clear(); } public string GetHeaderLine(string key) { string value; HeaderParams.TryGetValue(key, out value); return value; } public void SetHeaderLine(string key, string value) { HeaderParams[key] = value; } public void WriteText(StreamWriter sw) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in HeaderParams) { sw.WriteLine(kvp.Key + " " + kvp.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in BoardProperties) { sw.WriteLine(BOARDPROPERTIES + " " + kvp.Key + " " + kvp.Value); } foreach (string t in Comments) { sw.WriteLine(t); } } private string ParseHeader(string line, string headerName) { int x = line.LastIndexOf(headerName) + headerName.Length; string str = line.Substring(x + 1, line.Length - x - 1); return str; } //TODO: replace Movie Preload & Load functions with this /// /// Receives a line and attempts to add as a header, returns false if not a useable header line /// /// /// public bool AddHeaderFromLine(string line) { if (line.Length == 0) return false; else if (line.Contains(EMULATIONVERSION)) { line = ParseHeader(line, EMULATIONVERSION); AddHeaderLine(EMULATIONVERSION, line); } else if (line.Contains(MOVIEVERSION)) { line = ParseHeader(line, MOVIEVERSION); AddHeaderLine(MOVIEVERSION, line); } else if (line.Contains(PLATFORM)) { line = ParseHeader(line, PLATFORM); AddHeaderLine(PLATFORM, line); } else if (line.Contains(GAMENAME)) { line = ParseHeader(line, GAMENAME); AddHeaderLine(GAMENAME, line); } else if (line.Contains(RERECORDS)) { line = ParseHeader(line, RERECORDS); AddHeaderLine(RERECORDS, line); } else if (line.Contains(AUTHOR)) { line = ParseHeader(line, AUTHOR); AddHeaderLine(AUTHOR, line); } else if (line.ToUpper().Contains(GUID)) { line = ParseHeader(line, GUID); AddHeaderLine(GUID, line); } else if (line.Contains(STARTSFROMSAVESTATE)) { line = ParseHeader(line, STARTSFROMSAVESTATE); AddHeaderLine(STARTSFROMSAVESTATE, line); } else if (line.Contains(SHA1)) { line = ParseHeader(line, SHA1); AddHeaderLine(SHA1, line); } else if (line.Contains(SKIPBIOS)) { line = ParseHeader(line, SKIPBIOS); AddHeaderLine(SKIPBIOS, line); } else if (line.Contains(GB_FORCEDMG)) { line = ParseHeader(line, GB_FORCEDMG); AddHeaderLine(GB_FORCEDMG, line); } else if (line.Contains(GB_GBA_IN_CGB)) { line = ParseHeader(line, GB_GBA_IN_CGB); AddHeaderLine(GB_GBA_IN_CGB, line); } else if (line.Contains(SGB)) { line = ParseHeader(line, SGB); AddHeaderLine(SGB, line); } else if (line.Contains(PAL)) { line = ParseHeader(line, PAL); AddHeaderLine(PAL, line); } else if (line.Contains(VIDEOPLUGIN)) { line = ParseHeader(line, VIDEOPLUGIN); AddHeaderLine(VIDEOPLUGIN, line); } else if (line.Contains(BOARDPROPERTIES)) { line = ParseHeader(line, BOARDPROPERTIES); string[] vals = line.Split(' '); BoardProperties.Add(vals[0], vals[1]); } else if (line.StartsWith("subtitle") || line.StartsWith("sub")) { return false; } else if (line.StartsWith("comment")) { Comments.Add(line.Substring(8, line.Length - 8)); } else if (line[0] == '|') { return false; } else { if (HeaderParams[PLATFORM] == "N64") { if (HeaderParams.ContainsKey(VIDEOPLUGIN)) { if (HeaderParams[VIDEOPLUGIN] == "Rice") { ICollection settings = Global.Config.RicePlugin.GetPluginSettings().Keys; foreach (string setting in settings) { if (line.Contains(setting)) { line = ParseHeader(line, setting); AddHeaderLine(setting, line); break; } } } else if (HeaderParams[VIDEOPLUGIN] == "Glide64") { ICollection settings = Global.Config.GlidePlugin.GetPluginSettings().Keys; foreach (string setting in settings) { if (line.Contains(setting)) { line = ParseHeader(line, setting); AddHeaderLine(setting, line); break; } } } } } else { Comments.Add(line); } } return true; } public void ReadHeader(StreamReader reader) { string str; while ((str = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { AddHeaderFromLine(str); } reader.Close(); } } }