using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem { partial class CUE_Format2 { /// /// The CUE module user's hook for controlling how cue member file paths get resolved /// public class CueFileResolver { public bool caseSensitive = false; public bool IsHardcodedResolve { get; private set; } string baseDir; /// /// Retrieving the FullName from a FileInfo can be slow (and probably other operations), so this will cache all the needed values /// TODO - could we treat it like an actual cache and only fill the FullName if it's null? /// struct MyFileInfo { public string FullName; public FileInfo FileInfo; } DirectoryInfo diBasedir; MyFileInfo[] fisBaseDir; /// /// sets the base directory and caches the list of files in the directory /// public void SetBaseDirectory(string baseDir) { this.baseDir = baseDir; diBasedir = new DirectoryInfo(baseDir); //list all files, so we dont scan repeatedly. fisBaseDir = MyFileInfosFromFileInfos(diBasedir.GetFiles()); } /// /// TODO - doesnt seem like we're using this... /// public void SetHardcodeResolve(IDictionary hardcodes) { IsHardcodedResolve = true; fisBaseDir = new MyFileInfo[hardcodes.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (var kvp in hardcodes) { fisBaseDir[i++] = new MyFileInfo { FullName = kvp.Key, FileInfo = new FileInfo(kvp.Value) }; } } MyFileInfo[] MyFileInfosFromFileInfos(FileInfo[] fis) { var myfis = new MyFileInfo[fis.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < fis.Length; i++) { myfis[i].FileInfo = fis[i]; myfis[i].FullName = fis[i].FullName; } return myfis; } /// /// Performs cue-intelligent logic to acquire a file requested by the cue. /// Returns the resulting full path(s). /// If there are multiple options, it returns them all /// public List Resolve(string path) { string targetFile = Path.GetFileName(path); string targetFragment = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); DirectoryInfo di = null; MyFileInfo[] fileInfos; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) { di = new FileInfo(path).Directory; //fileInfos = di.GetFiles(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); //does this work? fileInfos = MyFileInfosFromFileInfos(di.GetFiles()); //we (probably) have to enumerate all the files to do a search anyway, so might as well do this //TODO - dont do the search until a resolve fails } else { di = diBasedir; fileInfos = fisBaseDir; } var results = new List(); foreach (var fi in fileInfos) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(fi.FullName).ToLowerInvariant(); //some choices are always bad: (we're looking for things like .bin and .wav) //it's a little unclear whether we should go for a whitelist or a blacklist here. //there's similar numbers of cases either way. //perhaps we could code both (and prefer choices from the whitelist) if (ext == ".cue" || ext == ".sbi" || ext == ".ccd" || ext == ".sub") continue; string fragment = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.FullName); //match files with differing extensions int cmp = string.Compare(fragment, targetFragment, !caseSensitive); if (cmp != 0) //match files with another extension added on (likely to be mygame.bin.ecm) cmp = string.Compare(fragment, targetFile, !caseSensitive); if (cmp == 0) results.Add(fi.FileInfo); } var ret = new List(); foreach (var fi in results) ret.Add(fi.FullName); return ret; } } } }