look for tests here: http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/Emulator_tests ==blargg's tests== MMC3: FAIL for 6. neither nintendulator or fceux pass this. we should be able to pass it once mmc3 variant support is finalized. ppu tests: PASS for all but power_up_palette.nes which is lame ppu_vbl_nmi: FAIL for 10. But hardly anyone passes this..... sprite hit tests: FAIL for 9 and 10. fceux passes 10 (oldppu) and nintendulator passes both. both are not going to work any time soon due to sprite pattern decoding being separate from BG pattern fetching instead of interleaved. cpu_timing_test.nes PASS official_only.nes PASS instr_timing.nes PASS cpu_interrupts.nes PASS instr_misc.nes PASS all_instrs.nes FAIL (undocumented opcodes) ============= nestest.nes PASS NEStress.nes FAIL in several cases, but this test is not highly regarded and may be inaccurate.