using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class Bk2ControllerAdapter : IMovieController { private readonly string _logKey = string.Empty; private readonly WorkingDictionary MyBoolButtons = new WorkingDictionary(); private readonly WorkingDictionary MyFloatControls = new WorkingDictionary(); public Bk2ControllerAdapter() { } public Bk2ControllerAdapter(string key) { _logKey = key; SetLogOverride(); } private void SetLogOverride() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_logKey)) { var groups = _logKey.Split(new[] { "#" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var controls = groups .Select(@group => @group.Split(new[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList()) .ToList(); _type.ControlsFromLog = controls; } } // TODO: get rid of this, add a SetBool() method or something for the set access, replace get wtih IsPressed public bool this[string button] { get { return MyBoolButtons[button]; } set { if (MyBoolButtons.ContainsKey(button)) { MyBoolButtons[button] = value; } } } #region IController Implementation public bool IsPressed(string button) { return MyBoolButtons[button]; } public float GetFloat(string name) { return MyFloatControls[name]; } #endregion #region IMovieController Implementation private Bk2ControllerDefinition _type = new Bk2ControllerDefinition(); public ControllerDefinition Definition { get { return _type; } set { _type = new Bk2ControllerDefinition(value); SetLogOverride(); } } /// /// latches one player from the source /// public void LatchPlayerFromSource(IController playerSource, int playerNum) { foreach (var button in playerSource.Definition.BoolButtons) { var bnp = ButtonNameParser.Parse(button); if (bnp == null) { continue; } if (bnp.PlayerNum != playerNum) { continue; } var val = playerSource.IsPressed(button); MyBoolButtons[button] = val; } foreach (var button in Definition.FloatControls) { var bnp = ButtonNameParser.Parse(button); if (bnp == null) { continue; } if (bnp.PlayerNum != playerNum) { continue; } var val = playerSource.GetFloat(button); MyFloatControls[button] = val; } } /// /// latches all buttons from the provided source /// public void LatchFromSource(IController source) { foreach (var button in Definition.BoolButtons) { MyBoolButtons[button] = source.IsPressed(button); } foreach (var name in Definition.FloatControls) { MyFloatControls[name] = source.GetFloat(name); } } /// /// latches sticky buttons from Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter /// public void LatchSticky() { foreach (var button in Definition.BoolButtons) { MyBoolButtons[button] = Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.IsSticky(button); } } /// /// latches all buttons from the supplied mnemonic string /// public void SetControllersAsMnemonic(string mnemonic) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mnemonic)) { var def = Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition; var trimmed = mnemonic.Replace("|", ""); var buttons = Definition.ControlsOrdered.SelectMany(x => x).ToList(); var iterator = 0; foreach (var key in buttons) { if (def.BoolButtons.Contains(key)) { this.MyBoolButtons[key] = trimmed[iterator] != '.'; iterator++; } else if (def.FloatControls.Contains(key)) { var temp = trimmed.Substring(iterator, 5); var val = int.Parse(temp.Trim()); this.MyFloatControls[key] = val; iterator += 6; } } } } #endregion public void SetFloat(string buttonName, float value) { MyFloatControls[buttonName] = value; } public class Bk2ControllerDefinition : ControllerDefinition { public Bk2ControllerDefinition() { } public Bk2ControllerDefinition(ControllerDefinition source) : base(source) { } public List> ControlsFromLog = new List>(); public override IEnumerable> ControlsOrdered { get { if (ControlsFromLog.Any()) { return ControlsFromLog; } return base.ControlsOrdered; } } } } }