using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { /// /// Manages a ring buffer of storage which can continually chow its own tail to keep growing forward. /// Probably only useful for the rewind buffer /// public class StreamBlobDatabase : IDisposable { private StreamBlobDatabaseBufferManager _mBufferManage; private byte[] _mAllocatedBuffer; private Stream _mStream; private LinkedList _mBookmarks = new LinkedList(); private LinkedListNode _mHead, _mTail; private long _mCapacity, _mSize; public StreamBlobDatabase(bool onDisk, long capacity, StreamBlobDatabaseBufferManager mBufferManage) { _mBufferManage = mBufferManage; _mCapacity = capacity; if (onDisk) { var path = TempFileCleaner.GetTempFilename("rewindbuf"); // I checked the DeleteOnClose operation to make sure it cleans up when the process is aborted, and it seems to. // Otherwise we would have a more complex tempfile management problem here. // 4KB buffer chosen due to similarity to .net defaults, and fear of anything larger making hiccups for small systems (we could try asyncing this stuff though...) _mStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.FullControl, FileShare.None, 4 * 1024, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose); } else { _mAllocatedBuffer = _mBufferManage(null, ref capacity, true); _mStream = new MemoryStream(_mAllocatedBuffer); } } /// /// Gets the amount of the buffer that's used /// public long Size { get { return _mSize; } } /// /// Gets the current fullness ratio (Size/Capacity). Note that this wont reach 100% due to the buffer size not being a multiple of a fixed savestate size. /// public float FullnessRatio { get { return (float)((double)Size / (double)_mCapacity); } } /// /// Gets the number of frames stored here /// public int Count { get { return _mBookmarks.Count; } } /// /// Gets the underlying stream to /// public Stream Stream { get { return _mStream; } } public void Dispose() { _mStream.Dispose(); _mStream = null; if (_mAllocatedBuffer != null) { long capacity = 0; _mBufferManage(_mAllocatedBuffer, ref capacity, false); _mAllocatedBuffer = null; } } public void Clear() { _mHead = _mTail = null; _mSize = 0; _mBookmarks.Clear(); } /// /// The push and pop semantics are for historical reasons and not resemblence to normal definitions /// public void Push(ArraySegment seg) { var buf = seg.Array; int len = seg.Count; long offset = Enqueue(0, len); _mStream.Position = offset; _mStream.Write(buf, seg.Offset, len); } /// /// The push and pop semantics are for historical reasons and not resemblence to normal definitions /// public MemoryStream PopMemoryStream() { var item = Pop(); var buf = new byte[item.Length]; _mStream.Position = item.Index; _mStream.Read(buf, 0, item.Length); var ret = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, item.Length, false, true); return ret; } public long Enqueue(int timestamp, int amount) { _mSize += amount; if (_mHead == null) { _mTail = _mHead = _mBookmarks.AddFirst(new ListItem(timestamp, 0, amount)); return 0; } long target = _mHead.Value.EndExclusive + amount; if (_mTail != null && target <= _mTail.Value.Index) { // theres room to add a new head before the tail _mHead = _mBookmarks.AddAfter(_mHead, new ListItem(timestamp, _mHead.Value.EndExclusive, amount)); goto CLEANUP; } // maybe the tail is earlier than the head if (_mTail != null && _mTail.Value.Index <= _mHead.Value.Index) { if (target <= _mCapacity) { // theres room to add a new head before the end of capacity _mHead = _mBookmarks.AddAfter(_mHead, new ListItem(timestamp, _mHead.Value.EndExclusive, amount)); goto CLEANUP; } } else { // nope, tail is after head. we'll have to clobber from the tail.. _mHead = _mBookmarks.AddAfter(_mHead, new ListItem(timestamp, _mHead.Value.EndExclusive, amount)); goto CLEANUP; } PLACEATSTART: // no room before the tail, or before capacity. head needs to wrap around. _mHead = _mBookmarks.AddAfter(_mHead, new ListItem(timestamp, 0, amount)); CLEANUP: // while the head impinges on tail items, discard them for (; ; ) { if (_mTail == null) { break; } if (_mHead.Value.EndExclusive > _mTail.Value.Index && _mHead.Value.Index <= _mTail.Value.Index && _mHead != _mTail) { var nextTail = _mTail.Next; _mSize -= _mTail.Value.Length; _mBookmarks.Remove(_mTail); _mTail = nextTail; } else { break; } } //one final check: in case we clobbered from the tail to make room and ended up after the capacity, we need to try again //this has to be done this way, because we need one cleanup pass to purge all the tail items before the capacity; //and then again to purge tail items impinged by this new item at the beginning if (_mHead.Value.EndExclusive > _mCapacity) { var temp = _mHead.Previous; _mBookmarks.Remove(_mHead); _mHead = temp; goto PLACEATSTART; } return _mHead.Value.Index; } public ListItem Pop() { if (_mHead == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to pop from an empty data structure"); } var ret = _mHead.Value; _mSize -= ret.Length; LinkedListNode nextHead = _mHead.Previous; _mBookmarks.Remove(_mHead); if (_mHead == _mTail) { _mTail = null; } _mHead = nextHead ?? _mBookmarks.Last; return ret; } public ListItem Dequeue() { if (_mTail == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to dequeue from an empty data structure"); } var ret = _mTail.Value; _mSize -= ret.Length; var nextTail = _mTail.Next; _mBookmarks.Remove(_mTail); if (_mTail == _mHead) { _mHead = null; } _mTail = nextTail ?? _mBookmarks.First; return ret; } //-------- tests --------- public void AssertMonotonic() { if (_mTail == null) { return; } int ts = _mTail.Value.Timestamp; LinkedListNode curr = _mTail; for (; ; ) { if (curr == null) { curr = _mBookmarks.First; break; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(curr.Value.Timestamp >= ts); if (curr == _mHead) { return; } ts = curr.Value.Timestamp; curr = curr.Next; } } public class ListItem { public ListItem(int timestamp, long index, int length) { Timestamp = timestamp; Index = index; Length = length; } public int Timestamp { get; private set; } public long Index { get; private set; } public int Length { get; private set; } public long EndExclusive { get { return Index + Length; } } } private static byte[] test_BufferManage(byte[] inbuf, ref long size, bool allocate) { if (allocate) { // if we have an appropriate buffer free, return it if (test_rewindFellationBuf != null && test_rewindFellationBuf.LongLength == size) { var ret = test_rewindFellationBuf; test_rewindFellationBuf = null; return ret; } // otherwise, allocate it return new byte[size]; } test_rewindFellationBuf = inbuf; return null; } static byte[] test_rewindFellationBuf; private static void test(string[] args) { var sbb = new StreamBlobDatabase(false, 1024, test_BufferManage); Random r = new Random(0); byte[] temp = new byte[1024]; int trials = 0; for (; ; ) { int len = r.Next(1024) + 1; if (r.Next(100) == 0) len = 1024; ArraySegment seg = new ArraySegment(temp, 0, len); Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", trials, seg.Count); if (seg.Count == 1024) Console.Write("*************************"); trials++; sbb.Push(seg); } } } public delegate byte[] StreamBlobDatabaseBufferManager(byte[] existingBuffer, ref long capacity, bool allocate); }