using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
/// Contains structural information for the disc broken down into c# data structures for easy interrogation.
/// This represents a best-effort interpretation of the raw disc image.
/// You cannot assume a disc can be round-tripped into its original format through this (especially if it came from a format more detailed)
public class DiscStructure
/// Right now support for anything other than 1 session is totally not working
public List Sessions = new List();
/// List of Points described by the TOC
public List Points;
/// How many sectors in the disc, including the 150 lead-in sectors
public int LengthInSectors;
/// Length (including lead-in) of the disc as a timestamp
public Timestamp FriendlyLength { get { return new Timestamp(LengthInSectors); } }
/// How many bytes of data in the disc (including lead-in). Disc sectors are really 2352 bytes each, so this is LengthInSectors * 2352
public long BinarySize
get { return LengthInSectors * 2352; }
/// Synthesizes the DiscStructure from a DiscTOCRaw
public class SynthesizeFromDiscTOCRawJob
public DiscTOCRaw TOCRaw;
public DiscStructure Result;
public void Run()
Result = new DiscStructure();
Result.Sessions.Add(new Session());
Track lastTrack = null;
for (int tnum = TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber; tnum <= TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber; tnum++)
var ti = TOCRaw.TOCItems[tnum];
var track = new Track();
track.Number = tnum;
track.Control = ti.Control;
track.TrackType = ETrackType.Unknown; //not known yet
track.Start_ABA = ti.LBATimestamp.Sector + 150;
if (lastTrack != null)
lastTrack.LengthInSectors = track.Start_ABA - lastTrack.Start_ABA;
lastTrack = track;
if(lastTrack != null)
lastTrack.LengthInSectors = (TOCRaw.LeadoutTimestamp.Sector + 150) - lastTrack.Start_ABA;
//total length of the disc is counted up to the leadout, including the lead-in.
//i guess supporting storing the leadout is future work.
Result.LengthInSectors = TOCRaw.LeadoutTimestamp.Sector;
/// seeks the point immediately before (or equal to) this LBA
public TOCPoint SeekPoint(int lba)
int aba = lba + 150;
for(int i=0;i aba)
return Points[i - 1];
return Points[Points.Count - 1];
public class TOCPoint
public int Num;
public int ABA, TrackNum, IndexNum;
public Track Track;
public int LBA
get { return ABA - 150; }
/// Generates the Points list from the current logical TOC
public void Synthesize_TOCPointsFromSessions()
Points = new List();
int num = 0;
foreach (var ses in Sessions)
foreach (var track in ses.Tracks)
foreach (var index in track.Indexes)
var tp = new TOCPoint
Num = num++,
ABA = index.aba,
TrackNum = track.Number,
IndexNum = index.Number,
Track = track
var tpLeadout = new TOCPoint();
var lastTrack = ses.Tracks[ses.Tracks.Count - 1];
tpLeadout.Num = num++;
tpLeadout.ABA = lastTrack.Indexes[1].aba + lastTrack.LengthInSectors;
tpLeadout.IndexNum = 0;
tpLeadout.TrackNum = 100;
tpLeadout.Track = null; //no leadout track.. now... or ever?
public class Session
public int num;
/// All the tracks in the session.. but... Tracks[0] should be "Track 1". So beware of this.
/// We might should keep this organized as a dictionary as well.
public List