#ifndef NALL_PRIORITYQUEUE_HPP #define NALL_PRIORITYQUEUE_HPP #include #include #include #include namespace nall { template void priority_queue_nocallback(type_t) {} //priority queue implementation using binary min-heap array; //does not require normalize() function. //O(1) find (tick) //O(log n) append (enqueue) //O(log n) remove (dequeue) template class priority_queue { public: inline void tick(unsigned ticks) { basecounter += ticks; while(heapsize && gte(basecounter, heap[0].counter)) callback(dequeue()); } //counter is relative to current time (eg enqueue(64, ...) fires in 64 ticks); //counter cannot exceed std::numeric_limits::max() >> 1. void enqueue(unsigned counter, type_t event) { unsigned child = heapsize++; counter += basecounter; while(child) { unsigned parent = (child - 1) >> 1; if(gte(counter, heap[parent].counter)) break; heap[child].counter = heap[parent].counter; heap[child].event = heap[parent].event; child = parent; } heap[child].counter = counter; heap[child].event = event; } type_t dequeue() { type_t event(heap[0].event); unsigned parent = 0; unsigned counter = heap[--heapsize].counter; while(true) { unsigned child = (parent << 1) + 1; if(child >= heapsize) break; if(child + 1 < heapsize && gte(heap[child].counter, heap[child + 1].counter)) child++; if(gte(heap[child].counter, counter)) break; heap[parent].counter = heap[child].counter; heap[parent].event = heap[child].event; parent = child; } heap[parent].counter = counter; heap[parent].event = heap[heapsize].event; return event; } void reset() { basecounter = 0; heapsize = 0; } priority_queue(unsigned size, function callback_ = &priority_queue_nocallback) : callback(callback_) { heap = new heap_t[size]; heapcapacity = size; reset(); } ~priority_queue() { delete[] heap; } priority_queue& operator=(const priority_queue&) = delete; priority_queue(const priority_queue&) = delete; private: function callback; unsigned basecounter; unsigned heapsize; unsigned heapcapacity; struct heap_t { unsigned counter; type_t event; } *heap; //return true if x is greater than or equal to y inline bool gte(unsigned x, unsigned y) { return x - y < (std::numeric_limits::max() >> 1); } }; } #endif