using System; using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.Gameboy; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.Gameboy { /// /// a gameboy/gameboy color emulator wrapped around native C++ libgambatte /// [Core( "Gambatte", "", isPorted: true, isReleased: true, portedVersion: "SVN 344", portedUrl: "")] [ServiceNotApplicable(typeof(IDriveLight), typeof(IDriveLight))] public partial class Gameboy : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISoundProvider, ISaveRam, IStatable, IInputPollable, ICodeDataLogger, IBoardInfo, IDebuggable, ISettable, IGameboyCommon, ICycleTiming, ILinkable { [CoreConstructor("GB", "GBC")] public Gameboy(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] file, object settings, object syncSettings, bool deterministic) { var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this); ser.Register(new GBDisassembler()); ServiceProvider = ser; Tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = "Z80: PC, opcode, registers (A, B, C, D, E, F, H, L, LY, SP, CY)" }; ser.Register(Tracer); InitMemoryCallbacks(); CoreComm = comm; comm.RomStatusAnnotation = null; comm.RomStatusDetails = null; comm.NominalWidth = 160; comm.NominalHeight = 144; ThrowExceptionForBadRom(file); BoardName = MapperName(file); DeterministicEmulation = deterministic; GambatteState = LibGambatte.gambatte_create(); if (GambatteState == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("gambatte_create() returned null???"); } Console.WriteLine(game.System); try { _syncSettings = (GambatteSyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new GambatteSyncSettings(); // copy over non-loadflag syncsettings now; they won't take effect if changed later zerotime = (uint)_syncSettings.RTCInitialTime; real_rtc_time = !DeterministicEmulation && _syncSettings.RealTimeRTC; DivInternal = _syncSettings.GetInitialDivInternal(); LibGambatte.LoadFlags flags = 0; switch (_syncSettings.ConsoleMode) { case GambatteSyncSettings.ConsoleModeType.GB: flags |= LibGambatte.LoadFlags.FORCE_DMG; break; case GambatteSyncSettings.ConsoleModeType.GBC: break; default: if (game.System == "GB") flags |= LibGambatte.LoadFlags.FORCE_DMG; break; } if (_syncSettings.GBACGB) { flags |= LibGambatte.LoadFlags.GBA_CGB; } if (_syncSettings.MulticartCompat) { flags |= LibGambatte.LoadFlags.MULTICART_COMPAT; } if (LibGambatte.gambatte_load(GambatteState, file, (uint)file.Length, GetCurrentTime(), flags, DivInternal) != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("gambatte_load() returned non-zero (is this not a gb or gbc rom?)"); } if ((flags & LibGambatte.LoadFlags.FORCE_DMG) == LibGambatte.LoadFlags.FORCE_DMG) { byte[] Bios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GB", "World", true, "BIOS Not Found, Cannot Load"); IsCgb = false; if (LibGambatte.gambatte_loaddmgbios(GambatteState, Bios) != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("gambatte_loaddmgbios() returned non-zero (bios error)"); } } else { byte[] Bios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GBC", "World", true, "BIOS Not Found, Cannot Load"); IsCgb = true; if (LibGambatte.gambatte_loadgbcbios(GambatteState, Bios) != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("gambatte_loadgbcbios() returned non-zero (bios error)"); } } // set real default colors (before anyone mucks with them at all) PutSettings((GambatteSettings)settings ?? new GambatteSettings()); InitSound(); Frame = 0; LagCount = 0; IsLagFrame = false; InputCallback = new LibGambatte.InputGetter(ControllerCallback); LibGambatte.gambatte_setinputgetter(GambatteState, InputCallback); InitMemoryDomains(); CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = $"{game.Name}\r\nSHA1:{file.HashSHA1()}\r\nMD5:{file.HashMD5()}\r\n"; byte[] buff = new byte[32]; LibGambatte.gambatte_romtitle(GambatteState, buff); string romname = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buff); Console.WriteLine("Core reported rom name: {0}", romname); TimeCallback = new LibGambatte.RTCCallback(GetCurrentTime); LibGambatte.gambatte_setrtccallback(GambatteState, TimeCallback); _cdCallback = new LibGambatte.CDCallback(CDCallbackProc); NewSaveCoreSetBuff(); } catch { Dispose(); throw; } } /// /// the nominal length of one frame /// private const uint TICKSINFRAME = 35112; /// /// number of ticks per second /// private const uint TICKSPERSECOND = 2097152; /// /// keep a copy of the input callback delegate so it doesn't get GCed /// private LibGambatte.InputGetter InputCallback; /// /// whatever keys are currently depressed /// private LibGambatte.Buttons CurrentButtons = 0; private uint DivInternal = 0; #region RTC /// /// RTC time when emulation begins. /// private readonly uint zerotime = 0; /// /// if true, RTC will run off of real elapsed time /// private bool real_rtc_time = false; private LibGambatte.RTCCallback TimeCallback; private static long GetUnixNow() { // because internally the RTC works off of relative time, we don't need to base // this off of any particular canonical epoch. return DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / 10000000L - 60000000000L; } private uint GetCurrentTime() { if (real_rtc_time) { return (uint)GetUnixNow(); } ulong fn = (ulong)Frame; // as we're exactly tracking cpu cycles, this can be pretty accurate fn *= 4389; fn /= 262144; fn += zerotime; return (uint)fn; } private uint GetInitialTime() { if (real_rtc_time) { return (uint)GetUnixNow(); } // setting the initial boot time to 0 will cause our zerotime // to function as an initial offset, which is what we want return 0; } #endregion #region ALL SAVESTATEABLE STATE GOES HERE /// /// internal gambatte state /// internal IntPtr GambatteState { get; private set; } = IntPtr.Zero; public int LagCount { get; set; } public bool IsLagFrame { get; set; } public bool IsCgb { get; set; } // all cycle counts are relative to a 2*1024*1024 mhz refclock /// /// total cycles actually executed /// private ulong _cycleCount = 0; /// /// number of extra cycles we overran in the last frame /// private uint frameOverflow = 0; public long CycleCount => (long)_cycleCount; public double ClockRate => TICKSPERSECOND; #endregion #region controller public static readonly ControllerDefinition GbController = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "Gameboy Controller", BoolButtons = { "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Start", "Select", "B", "A", "Power" } }; private LibGambatte.Buttons ControllerCallback() { InputCallbacks.Call(); IsLagFrame = false; return CurrentButtons; } #endregion /// /// true if the emulator is currently emulating CGB /// public bool IsCGBMode() { //return LibGambatte.gambatte_iscgb(GambatteState); return IsCgb; } private InputCallbackSystem _inputCallbacks = new InputCallbackSystem(); // low priority TODO: due to certain aspects of the core implementation, // we don't smartly use the ActiveChanged event here. public IInputCallbackSystem InputCallbacks => _inputCallbacks; /// /// for use in dual core /// public void ConnectInputCallbackSystem(InputCallbackSystem ics) { _inputCallbacks = ics; } internal void FrameAdvancePrep(IController controller) { Frame++; // update our local copy of the controller data CurrentButtons = 0; if (controller.IsPressed("Up")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.UP; if (controller.IsPressed("Down")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.DOWN; if (controller.IsPressed("Left")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.LEFT; if (controller.IsPressed("Right")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.RIGHT; if (controller.IsPressed("A")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.A; if (controller.IsPressed("B")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.B; if (controller.IsPressed("Select")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.SELECT; if (controller.IsPressed("Start")) CurrentButtons |= LibGambatte.Buttons.START; // the controller callback will set this to false if it actually gets called during the frame IsLagFrame = true; if (controller.IsPressed("Power")) { LibGambatte.gambatte_reset(GambatteState, GetCurrentTime(), DivInternal); } if (Tracer.Enabled) { _tracecb = MakeTrace; } else { _tracecb = null; } LibGambatte.gambatte_settracecallback(GambatteState, _tracecb); LibGambatte.gambatte_setlayers(GambatteState, (_settings.DisplayBG ? 1 : 0) | (_settings.DisplayOBJ ? 2 : 0) | (_settings.DisplayWindow ? 4 : 0)); } internal void FrameAdvancePost() { if (IsLagFrame) { LagCount++; } endofframecallback?.Invoke(LibGambatte.gambatte_cpuread(GambatteState, 0xff40)); } private static string MapperName(byte[] romdata) { switch (romdata[0x147]) { case 0x00: return "Plain ROM"; // = PLAIN; break; case 0x01: return "MBC1 ROM"; // = MBC1; break; case 0x02: return "MBC1 ROM+RAM"; // = MBC1; break; case 0x03: return "MBC1 ROM+RAM+BATTERY"; // = MBC1; break; case 0x05: return "MBC2 ROM"; // = MBC2; break; case 0x06: return "MBC2 ROM+BATTERY"; // = MBC2; break; case 0x08: return "Plain ROM+RAM"; // = PLAIN; break; case 0x09: return "Plain ROM+RAM+BATTERY"; // = PLAIN; break; case 0x0F: return "MBC3 ROM+TIMER+BATTERY"; // = MBC3; break; case 0x10: return "MBC3 ROM+TIMER+RAM+BATTERY"; // = MBC3; break; case 0x11: return "MBC3 ROM"; // = MBC3; break; case 0x12: return "MBC3 ROM+RAM"; // = MBC3; break; case 0x13: return "MBC3 ROM+RAM+BATTERY"; // = MBC3; break; case 0x19: return "MBC5 ROM"; // = MBC5; break; case 0x1A: return "MBC5 ROM+RAM"; // = MBC5; break; case 0x1B: return "MBC5 ROM+RAM+BATTERY"; // = MBC5; break; case 0x1C: return "MBC5 ROM+RUMBLE"; // = MBC5; break; case 0x1D: return "MBC5 ROM+RUMBLE+RAM"; // = MBC5; break; case 0x1E: return "MBC5 ROM+RUMBLE+RAM+BATTERY"; // = MBC5; break; case 0xFF: return "HuC1 ROM+RAM+BATTERY"; // = HUC1; break; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } /// /// throw exception with intelligible message on some kinds of bad rom /// private static void ThrowExceptionForBadRom(byte[] romdata) { if (romdata.Length < 0x148) { throw new ArgumentException("ROM is far too small to be a valid GB\\GBC rom!"); } switch (romdata[0x147]) { case 0x00: break; case 0x01: break; case 0x02: break; case 0x03: break; case 0x05: break; case 0x06: break; case 0x08: break; case 0x09: break; case 0x0b: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MM01\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x0c: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MM01\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x0d: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MM01\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x0f: break; case 0x10: break; case 0x11: break; case 0x12: break; case 0x13: break; case 0x15: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MBC4\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x16: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MBC4\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x17: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MBC4\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x19: break; case 0x1a: break; case 0x1b: break; case 0x1c: break; // rumble case 0x1d: break; // rumble case 0x1e: break; // rumble case 0x20: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MBC6\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0x22: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"MBC7\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0xfc: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"Pocket Camera\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0xfd: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"Bandai TAMA5\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0xfe: throw new UnsupportedGameException("\"HuC3\" Mapper not supported!"); case 0xff: break; default: throw new UnsupportedGameException($"Unknown mapper: {romdata[0x147]:x2}"); } } #region ppudebug public IntPtr _vram = IntPtr.Zero; public IntPtr _bgpal = IntPtr.Zero; public IntPtr _sppal = IntPtr.Zero; public IntPtr _oam = IntPtr.Zero; public GPUMemoryAreas GetGPU() { int unused = 0; if (!LibGambatte.gambatte_getmemoryarea(GambatteState, LibGambatte.MemoryAreas.vram, ref _vram, ref unused) || !LibGambatte.gambatte_getmemoryarea(GambatteState, LibGambatte.MemoryAreas.bgpal, ref _bgpal, ref unused) || !LibGambatte.gambatte_getmemoryarea(GambatteState, LibGambatte.MemoryAreas.sppal, ref _sppal, ref unused) || !LibGambatte.gambatte_getmemoryarea(GambatteState, LibGambatte.MemoryAreas.oam, ref _oam, ref unused)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected error in gambatte_getmemoryarea"); } return new GPUMemoryAreas(_vram, _oam, _sppal, _bgpal); } /// /// set up callback /// /// scanline. -1 = end of frame, -2 = RIGHT NOW public void SetScanlineCallback(ScanlineCallback callback, int line) { if (GambatteState == IntPtr.Zero) { return; // not sure how this is being reached. tried the debugger... } endofframecallback = null; if (callback == null || line == -1 || line == -2) { scanlinecb = null; LibGambatte.gambatte_setscanlinecallback(GambatteState, null, 0); if (line == -1) { endofframecallback = callback; } else if (line == -2) { callback(LibGambatte.gambatte_cpuread(GambatteState, 0xff40)); } } else if (line >= 0 && line <= 153) { scanlinecb = delegate { callback(LibGambatte.gambatte_cpuread(GambatteState, 0xff40)); }; LibGambatte.gambatte_setscanlinecallback(GambatteState, scanlinecb, line); } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(line), "line must be in [0, 153]"); } } GambattePrinter printer; /// /// set up Printer callback /// public void SetPrinterCallback(PrinterCallback callback) { // Copying SetScanlineCallback for this check, I assume this is still a bug somewhere if (GambatteState == IntPtr.Zero) { return; // not sure how this is being reached. tried the debugger... } if (callback != null) { printer = new GambattePrinter(this, callback); LinkConnected = true; } else { LinkConnected = false; printer.Disconnect(); printer = null; } } LibGambatte.ScanlineCallback scanlinecb; ScanlineCallback endofframecallback; #endregion #region palette /// /// update gambatte core's internal colors /// public void ChangeDMGColors(int[] colors) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { LibGambatte.gambatte_setdmgpalettecolor(GambatteState, (LibGambatte.PalType)(i / 4), (uint)i % 4, (uint)colors[i]); } } public void SetCGBColors(GBColors.ColorType type) { int[] lut = GBColors.GetLut(type); LibGambatte.gambatte_setcgbpalette(GambatteState, lut); } #endregion } }