using System; using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters; using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL; using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.FilterManager { public enum SurfaceDisposition { Unspecified, Texture, RenderTarget } public class SurfaceFormat { public SurfaceFormat(Size size) { this.Size = size; } public Size Size { get; private set; } } public class SurfaceState { public SurfaceState() { } public SurfaceState(SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat, SurfaceDisposition surfaceDisposition = SurfaceDisposition.Unspecified) { this.SurfaceFormat = surfaceFormat; this.SurfaceDisposition = surfaceDisposition; } public SurfaceFormat SurfaceFormat; public SurfaceDisposition SurfaceDisposition; } public interface IRenderTargetProvider { RenderTarget Get(Size size); } public class FilterProgram { public List Filters = new List(); Dictionary FilterNameIndex = new Dictionary(); public List Program = new List(); public BaseFilter this[string name] { get { BaseFilter ret; FilterNameIndex.TryGetValue(name, out ret); return ret; } } public enum ProgramStepType { Run, NewTarget, FinalTarget } //services to filters: public GuiRenderer GuiRenderer; public IGL GL; public IRenderTargetProvider RenderTargetProvider; public RenderTarget GetRenderTarget(string channel = "default") { return CurrRenderTarget; } public RenderTarget CurrRenderTarget; public void AddFilter(BaseFilter filter, string name = "") { Filters.Add(filter); FilterNameIndex[name] = filter; } /// /// Receives a point in the coordinate space of the output of the filter program and untransforms it back to input points /// public Vector2 UntransformPoint(string channel, Vector2 point) { for (int i = Filters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var filter = Filters[i]; point = filter.UntransformPoint(channel, point); } return point; } /// /// Receives a point in the input space of the filter program and transforms it through to output points /// public Vector2 TransformPoint(string channel, Vector2 point) { for (int i = 0; i < Filters.Count; i++) { var filter = Filters[i]; point = filter.TransformPoint(channel, point); } return point; } public class ProgramStep { public ProgramStep(ProgramStepType type, object args, string comment = null) { this.Type = type; this.Args = args; this.Comment = comment; } public ProgramStepType Type; public object Args; public string Comment; public override string ToString() { if (Type == ProgramStepType.Run) return string.Format("Run {0} ({1})", (int)Args, Comment); if (Type == ProgramStepType.NewTarget) return string.Format("NewTarget {0}", (Size)Args); if (Type == ProgramStepType.FinalTarget) return string.Format("FinalTarget"); return null; } } public void Compile(string channel, Size insize, Size outsize, bool finalTarget) { RETRY: Program.Clear(); //prep filters for initialization foreach (var f in Filters) { f.BeginInitialization(this); f.Initialize(); } //propagate input size forwards through filter chain to allow a 'flex' filter to determine what its input will be Size presize = insize; for (int i = 0; i < Filters.Count; i++) { var filter = Filters[i]; presize = filter.PresizeInput(channel, presize); } //propagate output size backwards through filter chain to allow a 'flex' filter to determine its output based on the desired output needs presize = outsize; for (int i = Filters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var filter = Filters[i]; presize = filter.PresizeOutput(channel, presize); } SurfaceState currState = null; for (int i = 0; i < Filters.Count; i++) { BaseFilter f = Filters[i]; //check whether this filter needs input. if so, notify it of the current pipeline state var iosi = f.FindInput(channel); if (iosi != null) { iosi.SurfaceFormat = currState.SurfaceFormat; f.SetInputFormat(channel, currState); //check if the desired disposition needs to change from texture to render target //(if so, insert a render filter) if (iosi.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.RenderTarget && currState.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture) { var renderer = new Render(); Filters.Insert(i, renderer); goto RETRY; } //check if the desired disposition needs to change from a render target to a texture //(if so, the current render target gets resolved, and made no longer current else if (iosi.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture && currState.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.RenderTarget) { var resolver = new Resolve(); Filters.Insert(i, resolver); goto RETRY; } } //now, the filter will have set its output state depending on its input state. check if it outputs: iosi = f.FindOutput(channel); if (iosi != null) { if (currState == null) { currState = new SurfaceState(); currState.SurfaceFormat = iosi.SurfaceFormat; currState.SurfaceDisposition = iosi.SurfaceDisposition; } else { //if output disposition is unspecified, change it to whatever we've got right now if (iosi.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Unspecified) { iosi.SurfaceDisposition = currState.SurfaceDisposition; } bool newTarget = false; if (iosi.SurfaceFormat.Size != currState.SurfaceFormat.Size) newTarget = true; else if (currState.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture && iosi.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.RenderTarget) newTarget = true; if (newTarget) { currState = new SurfaceState(); iosi.SurfaceFormat = currState.SurfaceFormat = iosi.SurfaceFormat; iosi.SurfaceDisposition = currState.SurfaceDisposition = iosi.SurfaceDisposition; Program.Add(new ProgramStep(ProgramStepType.NewTarget, currState.SurfaceFormat.Size)); } else { currState.SurfaceDisposition = iosi.SurfaceDisposition; } } } Program.Add(new ProgramStep(ProgramStepType.Run, i, f.GetType().Name)); } //filter loop //if the current output disposition is a texture, we need to render it if (currState.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture) { var renderer = new Render(); Filters.Insert(Filters.Count, renderer); goto RETRY; } //patch the program so that the final rendertarget set operation is the framebuffer instead if (finalTarget) { for (int i = Program.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var ps = Program[i]; if (ps.Type == ProgramStepType.NewTarget) { var size = (Size)ps.Args; Debug.Assert(size == outsize); ps.Type = ProgramStepType.FinalTarget; ps.Args = size; break; } } } } } }