#include "d3d8Wrapper.h" D3D8Base::LPDIRECT3D8 g_D3D=NULL; HMODULE realDLL; extern "C" { namespace D3D8Wrapper { IDirect3DDevice8 *last_device = NULL; IDirect3DSurface8 *render_surface = NULL; void (*rendering_callback)( int ); D3D8Wrapper::IDirect3D8* WINAPI Direct3DCreate8(UINT Version) { // Get the real DLL path from the system directory // Might be unsafe CHAR dll_path[1024]; GetSystemDirectory(dll_path,1024); strcat(dll_path,"\\d3d8.dll"); realDLL = LoadLibrary(dll_path); D3D8Wrapper::D3DCREATE realDirect3DCreate8 = (D3D8Wrapper::D3DCREATE)GetProcAddress(realDLL, "Direct3DCreate8"); // Use the real Direct3DCreate8 to make the base object D3D8Base::IDirect3D8* realD3D = realDirect3DCreate8(D3D_SDK_VERSION); // Wrap the object D3D8Wrapper::IDirect3D8* wrappedD3D = D3D8Wrapper::IDirect3D8::GetDirect3D(realD3D); return wrappedD3D; } } __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CloseDLL() { FreeLibrary(realDLL); } __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl SetRenderingCallback(void (*callback)(int)) { D3D8Wrapper::rendering_callback = callback; } __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl ReadScreen(void *dest, int *width, int *height) { if (D3D8Wrapper::last_device == NULL) { *width = 0; *height = 0; return; } // surface... // make a D3DSURFACE_DESC, pass to GetDesc D3D8Base::D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; D3D8Wrapper::render_surface->GetDesc(&desc); // get out height/width *width = desc.Width; *height = desc.Height; // if dest isn't null if (dest != NULL) { // make a RECT with size of buffer RECT entire_buffer; entire_buffer.left = 0; entire_buffer.top = 0; entire_buffer.right = desc.Width; entire_buffer.bottom = desc.Height; //resolve rendertarget to a system memory texture, for locking //TODO! UNACCEPTABLE CODE! THIS IS HORRIBLE! //X8R8G8B8 or fail -- A8R8G8B8 will malfunction (is it because the source surface format isnt matching? I think so) static D3D8Wrapper::IDirect3DTexture8* tex = NULL; static RECT texRect; if(!tex || (texRect.right != entire_buffer.right) || (texRect.bottom != entire_buffer.bottom)) { if(tex) tex->Release(); texRect = entire_buffer; D3D8Wrapper::last_device->CreateTexture(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, 0, D3D8Base::D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, D3D8Base::D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &tex); } D3D8Wrapper::IDirect3DSurface8* surf; tex->GetSurfaceLevel(0,&surf); HRESULT hr = D3D8Wrapper::last_device->CopyRects(D3D8Wrapper::render_surface,NULL,0,surf,NULL); // make a D3DLOCKED_RECT, pass to LockRect D3D8Base::D3DLOCKED_RECT locked; hr = surf->LockRect(&locked,&entire_buffer,D3DLOCK_READONLY); //this loop was reversed from the original. //it should be faster anyway if anything since the reading can be prefetched forwardly. //TODO - allow bizhawk to handle flipped images.... nonetheless, it might not handle images with unusual pitches, although maybe we should consider that. //so this code will probably remain for quite some time int dest_row = desc.Height - 1; for (UINT from_row = 0; from_row < desc.Height; from_row++) { memcpy((char*)dest + (dest_row * desc.Width*4),(char*)locked.pBits + from_row * locked.Pitch, desc.Width*4); dest_row--; } // unlock rect surf->UnlockRect(); surf->Release(); } // release the surface //backbuffer->Release(); // we're done, maybe? } }