// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // This is not really hardware, it's a software audio mixer running on the Media Engine. // From the perspective of a PSP app though, it might as well be. #pragma once #include "../Globals.h" #include "ChunkFile.h" #include "Core/HW/atrac3plus.h" enum { PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX = 32, PSP_SAS_PITCH_MIN = 1, PSP_SAS_PITCH_BASE = 0x1000, PSP_SAS_PITCH_MAX = 0x4000, PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX = 0x1000, PSP_SAS_ADSR_CURVE_MODE_LINEAR_INCREASE = 0, PSP_SAS_ADSR_CURVE_MODE_LINEAR_DECREASE = 1, PSP_SAS_ADSR_CURVE_MODE_LINEAR_BENT = 2, PSP_SAS_ADSR_CURVE_MODE_EXPONENT_DECREASE = 3, PSP_SAS_ADSR_CURVE_MODE_EXPONENT_INCREASE = 4, PSP_SAS_ADSR_CURVE_MODE_DIRECT = 5, PSP_SAS_ADSR_ATTACK = 1, PSP_SAS_ADSR_DECAY = 2, PSP_SAS_ADSR_SUSTAIN = 4, PSP_SAS_ADSR_RELEASE = 8, PSP_SAS_ENVELOPE_HEIGHT_MAX = 0x40000000, PSP_SAS_ENVELOPE_FREQ_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF, }; struct WaveformEffect { int type; int delay; int feedback; int leftVol; int rightVol; int isDryOn; int isWetOn; }; enum VoiceType { VOICETYPE_OFF, VOICETYPE_VAG, // default VOICETYPE_PCM, VOICETYPE_NOISE, VOICETYPE_ATRAC3, VOICETYPE_TRIWAVE, // are these used? there are functions for them (sceSetTriangularWave) VOICETYPE_PULSEWAVE, }; // VAG is a Sony ADPCM audio compression format, which goes all the way back to the PSX. // It compresses 28 16-bit samples into a block of 16 bytes. class VagDecoder { public: VagDecoder() : data_(0), read_(0), end_(true) {} void Start(u32 dataPtr, int vagSize, bool loopEnabled); void GetSamples(s16 *outSamples, int numSamples); void DecodeBlock(u8 *&readp); bool End() const { return end_; } void DoState(PointerWrap &p); private: void DecodeSample(int i, int sample, int predict_nr); int samples[28]; int curSample; u32 data_; u32 read_; int curBlock_; int loopStartBlock_; int numBlocks_; // rolling state. start at 0, should probably reset to 0 on loops? int s_1; int s_2; bool loopEnabled_; bool loopAtNextBlock_; bool end_; }; class SasAtrac3 { public: SasAtrac3() : contextAddr(0), atracID(-1), sampleQueue(0){} ~SasAtrac3() { if (sampleQueue) delete sampleQueue; } int setContext(u32 context); int getNextSamples(s16* outbuf, int wantedSamples); int addStreamData(u8* buf, u32 addbytes); void DoState(PointerWrap &p); private: u32 contextAddr; int atracID; Atrac3plus_Decoder::BufferQueue *sampleQueue; }; // Max height: 0x40000000 I think class ADSREnvelope { public: ADSREnvelope(); void SetSimpleEnvelope(u32 ADSREnv1, u32 ADSREnv2); void WalkCurve(int rate, int type); void KeyOn(); void KeyOff(); void Step(); int GetHeight() const { return height_ > PSP_SAS_ENVELOPE_HEIGHT_MAX ? PSP_SAS_ENVELOPE_HEIGHT_MAX : height_; } bool HasEnded() const { return state_ == STATE_OFF; } int attackRate; int decayRate; int sustainRate; int releaseRate; int attackType; int decayType; int sustainType; int sustainLevel; int releaseType; void DoState(PointerWrap &p); private: enum ADSRState { STATE_ATTACK, STATE_DECAY, STATE_SUSTAIN, STATE_RELEASE, STATE_OFF, }; void SetState(ADSRState state); ADSRState state_; int steps_; s64 height_; // s64 to avoid having to care about overflow when calculatimg. TODO: this should be fine as s32 }; // A SAS voice. // TODO: Look into pre-decoding the VAG samples on SetVoice instead of decoding them on the fly. // It's not very likely that games encode VAG dynamically. struct SasVoice { SasVoice() : playing(false), paused(false), on(false), type(VOICETYPE_OFF), vagAddr(0), vagSize(0), pcmAddr(0), pcmSize(0), sampleRate(44100), sampleFrac(0), pitch(PSP_SAS_PITCH_BASE), loop(false), noiseFreq(0), volumeLeft(PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX), volumeRight(PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX), volumeLeftSend(0), volumeRightSend(0), effectLeft(PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX), effectRight(PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX) { memset(resampleHist, 0, sizeof(resampleHist)); } void Reset(); void KeyOn(); void KeyOff(); void ChangedParams(bool changedVag); void DoState(PointerWrap &p); bool playing; bool paused; // a voice can be playing AND paused. In that case, it won't play. bool on; // key-on, key-off. VoiceType type; u32 vagAddr; int vagSize; u32 pcmAddr; int pcmSize; int pcmIndex; int sampleRate; int sampleFrac; int pitch; bool loop; int noiseFreq; int volumeLeft; int volumeRight; int volumeLeftSend; // volume to "Send" (audio-lingo) to the effects processing engine, like reverb int volumeRightSend; int effectLeft; int effectRight; s16 resampleHist[2]; ADSREnvelope envelope; VagDecoder vag; SasAtrac3 atrac3; }; class SasInstance { public: SasInstance(); ~SasInstance(); void ClearGrainSize(); void SetGrainSize(int newGrainSize); int GetGrainSize() const { return grainSize; } int maxVoices; int sampleRate; int outputMode; int *mixBuffer; int *sendBuffer; s16 *resampleBuffer; FILE *audioDump; void Mix(u32 outAddr, u32 inAddr = 0, int leftVol = 0, int rightVol = 0); void DoState(PointerWrap &p); SasVoice voices[PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX]; WaveformEffect waveformEffect; private: int grainSize; };