//we could flag textures as 'actually' render targets (keep a reference to the render target?) which could allow us to convert between them more quickly in some cases
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.FilterManager;
using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL;
using OpenTK;
using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.GdiPlus;
namespace BizHawk.Client.MultiHawk
/// A DisplayManager is destined forevermore to drive the PresentationPanel it gets initialized with.
/// Its job is to receive OSD and emulator outputs, and produce one single buffer (BitampBuffer? Texture2d?) for display by the PresentationPanel.
/// Details TBD
public class DisplayManager : IDisposable
class DisplayManagerRenderTargetProvider : IRenderTargetProvider
DisplayManagerRenderTargetProvider(Func callback) { Callback = callback; }
Func Callback;
RenderTarget IRenderTargetProvider.Get(Size size)
return Callback(size);
public DisplayManager(PresentationPanel presentationPanel, IGL gl, GLManager glManager)
GL = gl;
this.presentationPanel = presentationPanel;
GraphicsControl = this.presentationPanel.GraphicsControl;
CR_GraphicsControl = glManager.GetContextForGraphicsControl(GraphicsControl);
_glManager = glManager;
//it's sort of important for these to be initialized to something nonzero
currEmuWidth = currEmuHeight = 1;
if (GL is BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.IGL_TK)
Renderer = new GuiRenderer(GL);
else if (GL is BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.SlimDX.IGL_SlimDX9)
Renderer = new GuiRenderer(GL);
Renderer = new GDIPlusGuiRenderer((BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.GdiPlus.IGL_GdiPlus)GL);
VideoTextureFrugalizer = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.TextureFrugalizer(GL);
ShaderChainFrugalizers = new RenderTargetFrugalizer[16]; //hacky hardcoded limit.. need some other way to manage these
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
ShaderChainFrugalizers[i] = new RenderTargetFrugalizer(GL);
public bool Disposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
if (Disposed) return;
Disposed = true;
foreach (var f in LuaSurfaceFrugalizers.Values)
foreach (var f in ShaderChainFrugalizers)
if (f != null)
//dont know what to do about this yet
public bool NeedsToPaint { get { return true; } } // TODO
//rendering resources:
public IGL GL;
IGuiRenderer Renderer;
private GLManager _glManager;
//layer resources
PresentationPanel presentationPanel; //well, its the final layer's target, at least
GraphicsControl GraphicsControl; //well, its the final layer's target, at least
GLManager.ContextRef CR_GraphicsControl;
FilterProgram CurrentFilterProgram;
/// these variables will track the dimensions of the last frame's (or the next frame? this is confusing) emulator native output size
int currEmuWidth, currEmuHeight;
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.TextureFrugalizer VideoTextureFrugalizer;
Dictionary LuaSurfaceFrugalizers = new Dictionary();
RenderTargetFrugalizer[] ShaderChainFrugalizers;
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.RetroShaderChain ShaderChain_user;
public void RefreshUserShader()
if (ShaderChain_user != null)
if (File.Exists(Global.Config.DispUserFilterPath))
var fi = new FileInfo(Global.Config.DispUserFilterPath);
using (var stream = fi.OpenRead())
ShaderChain_user = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.RetroShaderChain(GL, new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.RetroShaderPreset(stream), Path.GetDirectoryName(Global.Config.DispUserFilterPath));
FilterProgram BuildDefaultChain(Size chain_insize, Size chain_outsize, bool includeOSD)
//select user special FX shader chain
Dictionary selectedChainProperties = new Dictionary();
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.RetroShaderChain selectedChain = null;
if (Global.Config.TargetDisplayFilter == 3 && ShaderChain_user != null && ShaderChain_user.Available)
selectedChain = ShaderChain_user;
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation fPresent = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation(chain_outsize);
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.SourceImage fInput = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.SourceImage(chain_insize);
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.OSD fOSD = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.OSD();
fOSD.RenderCallback = () =>
if (!includeOSD)
var size = fOSD.FindInput().SurfaceFormat.Size;
Renderer.Begin(size.Width, size.Height);
var chain = new FilterProgram();
//add the first filter, encompassing output from the emulator core
chain.AddFilter(fInput, "input");
//choose final filter
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation.eFilterOption finalFilter = BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation.eFilterOption.None;
if (Global.Config.DispFinalFilter == 1) finalFilter = BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation.eFilterOption.Bilinear;
if (Global.Config.DispFinalFilter == 2) finalFilter = BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation.eFilterOption.Bicubic;
fPresent.FilterOption = finalFilter;
//add final presentation
chain.AddFilter(fPresent, "presentation");
return chain;
void AppendRetroShaderChain(FilterProgram program, string name, BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.RetroShaderChain retroChain, Dictionary properties)
for (int i = 0; i < retroChain.Passes.Length; i++)
var pass = retroChain.Passes[i];
var rsp = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.RetroShaderPass(retroChain, i);
string fname = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", name, i);
program.AddFilter(rsp, fname);
rsp.Parameters = properties;
/// This will receive an emulated output frame from an IVideoProvider and run it through the complete frame processing pipeline
/// Then it will stuff it into the bound PresentationPanel.
/// ---
/// If the int[] is size=1, then it contains an openGL texture ID (and the size should be as specified from videoProvider)
/// Don't worry about the case where the frontend isnt using opengl; it isnt supported yet, and it will be my responsibility to deal with anyway
public void UpdateSource(IVideoProvider videoProvider)
var job = new JobInfo
videoProvider = videoProvider,
simulate = false,
chain_outsize = GraphicsControl.Size,
includeOSD = true
public BitmapBuffer RenderOffscreen(IVideoProvider videoProvider, bool includeOSD)
var job = new JobInfo
videoProvider = videoProvider,
simulate = false,
chain_outsize = GraphicsControl.Size,
offscreen = true,
includeOSD = includeOSD
return job.offscreenBB;
class FakeVideoProvider : IVideoProvider
public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return new int[] {}; }
public int VirtualWidth { get; set; }
public int VirtualHeight { get; set; }
public int BufferWidth { get; set; }
public int BufferHeight { get; set; }
public int BackgroundColor { get; set; }
/// Attempts to calculate a good client size with the given zoom factor, considering the user's DisplayManager preferences
public Size CalculateClientSize(IVideoProvider videoProvider, int zoom)
bool ar_active = Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio;
bool ar_system = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System;
bool ar_custom = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom;
bool ar_correct = ar_system || ar_custom;
bool ar_unity = !ar_correct;
bool ar_integer = Global.Config.DispFixScaleInteger;
int bufferWidth = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
int bufferHeight = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
int virtualWidth = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
int virtualHeight = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;
if (ar_custom)
virtualWidth = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
virtualHeight = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;
//Console.WriteLine("DISPZOOM " + zoom); //test
//old stuff
var fvp = new FakeVideoProvider();
fvp.BufferWidth = bufferWidth;
fvp.BufferHeight = bufferHeight;
fvp.VirtualWidth = virtualWidth;
fvp.VirtualHeight = virtualHeight;
Size chain_outsize = new Size(fvp.BufferWidth * zoom, fvp.BufferHeight * zoom);
if (ar_active)
if (ar_correct)
if (ar_integer)
Vector2 VS = new Vector2(virtualWidth, virtualHeight);
Vector2 BS = new Vector2(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
Vector2 AR = Vector2.Divide(VS, BS);
float target_par = (AR.X / AR.Y);
//this would malfunction for AR <= 0.5 or AR >= 2.0
//EDIT - in fact, we have AR like that coming from PSX, sometimes, so maybe we should solve this better
Vector2 PS = new Vector2(1, 1);
//here's how we define zooming, in this case:
//make sure each step is an increment of zoom for at least one of the dimensions (or maybe both of them)
//look for the increment which helps the AR the best
//TODO - this cant possibly support scale factors like 1.5x
//TODO - also, this might be messing up zooms and stuff, we might need to run this on the output size of the filter chain
for (int i = 1; i < zoom;i++)
//would not be good to run this per frame, but it seems to only run when the resolution changes, etc.
Vector2[] trials = new [] {
PS + new Vector2(1, 0),
PS + new Vector2(0, 1),
PS + new Vector2(1, 1)
int bestIndex = -1;
float bestValue = 1000.0f;
for (int t = 0; t < trials.Length; t++)
float test_ar = trials[t].X / trials[t].Y;
//Vector2 calc = Vector2.Multiply(trials[t], VS);
//float test_ar = calc.X / calc.Y;
//not clear which approach is superior
float deviation_linear = Math.Abs(test_ar - target_par);
float deviation_geom = test_ar / target_par;
if (deviation_geom < 1) deviation_geom = 1.0f / deviation_geom;
float value = deviation_linear;
if (value < bestValue)
bestIndex = t;
bestValue = value;
//is it possible to get here without selecting one? doubtful.
//EDIT: YES IT IS. it happened with an 0,0 buffer size. of course, that was a mistake, but we shouldnt crash
if(bestIndex != -1) //so, what now? well, this will result in 0,0 getting picked, so thats probably all we can do
PS = trials[bestIndex];
chain_outsize = new Size((int)(bufferWidth * PS.X), (int)(bufferHeight * PS.Y));
//obey the AR, but allow free scaling: just zoom the virtual size
chain_outsize = new Size(virtualWidth * zoom, virtualHeight * zoom);
//just choose to zoom the buffer (make no effort to incorporate AR)
chain_outsize = new Size(bufferWidth * zoom, bufferHeight * zoom);
//just choose to zoom the buffer (make no effort to incorporate AR)
chain_outsize = new Size(bufferWidth * zoom, bufferHeight * zoom);
var job = new JobInfo
videoProvider = fvp,
simulate = true,
chain_outsize = chain_outsize,
var filterProgram = UpdateSourceInternal(job);
var size = filterProgram.Filters[filterProgram.Filters.Count - 1].FindOutput().SurfaceFormat.Size;
return size;
class JobInfo
public IVideoProvider videoProvider;
public bool simulate;
public Size chain_outsize;
public bool offscreen;
public BitmapBuffer offscreenBB;
public bool includeOSD;
FilterProgram UpdateSourceInternal(JobInfo job)
IVideoProvider videoProvider = job.videoProvider;
bool simulate = job.simulate;
Size chain_outsize = job.chain_outsize;
int vw = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
int vh = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
if (Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio)
if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System)
vw = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
vh = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;
if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom)
vw = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
vh = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;
int[] videoBuffer = videoProvider.GetVideoBuffer();
int bufferWidth = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
int bufferHeight = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
bool isGlTextureId = videoBuffer.Length == 1;
//TODO - need to do some work here for GDI+ to repair gl texture ID importing
BitmapBuffer bb = null;
Texture2d videoTexture = null;
if (!simulate)
if (isGlTextureId)
videoTexture = GL.WrapGLTexture2d(new IntPtr(videoBuffer[0]), bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
//wrap the videoprovider data in a BitmapBuffer (no point to refactoring that many IVideoProviders)
bb = new BitmapBuffer(bufferWidth, bufferHeight, videoBuffer);
//now, acquire the data sent from the videoProvider into a texture
videoTexture = VideoTextureFrugalizer.Get(bb);
GL.SetTextureWrapMode(videoTexture, true);
//TEST (to be removed once we have an actual example of bring in a texture ID from opengl emu core):
//if (!isGlTextureId)
// videoBuffer = new int[1] { videoTexture.Id.ToInt32() };
// goto TESTEROO;
//record the size of what we received, since lua and stuff is gonna want to draw onto it
currEmuWidth = bufferWidth;
currEmuHeight = bufferHeight;
//build the default filter chain and set it up with services filters will need
Size chain_insize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
var filterProgram = BuildDefaultChain(chain_insize, chain_outsize, job.includeOSD);
filterProgram.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
filterProgram.GL = GL;
//setup the source image filter
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.SourceImage fInput = filterProgram["input"] as BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.SourceImage;
fInput.Texture = videoTexture;
//setup the final presentation filter
BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation fPresent = filterProgram["presentation"] as BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation;
fPresent.VirtualTextureSize = new Size(vw, vh);
fPresent.TextureSize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
fPresent.BackgroundColor = videoProvider.BackgroundColor;
fPresent.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
fPresent.GL = GL;
filterProgram.Compile("default", chain_insize, chain_outsize, !job.offscreen);
if (simulate)
CurrentFilterProgram = filterProgram;
if (bb != null) bb.Dispose();
return filterProgram;
void UpdateSourceDrawingWork(JobInfo job)
//begin rendering on this context
//should this have been done earlier?
//do i need to check this on an intel video card to see if running excessively is a problem? (it used to be in the FinalTarget command below, shouldnt be a problem)
//run filter chain
Texture2d texCurr = null;
RenderTarget rtCurr = null;
int rtCounter = 0;
bool inFinalTarget = false;
foreach (var step in CurrentFilterProgram.Program)
switch (step.Type)
case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.Run:
int fi = (int)step.Args;
var f = CurrentFilterProgram.Filters[fi];
var orec = f.FindOutput();
if (orec != null)
if (orec.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture)
texCurr = f.GetOutput();
rtCurr = null;
case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.NewTarget:
var size = (Size)step.Args;
rtCurr = ShaderChainFrugalizers[rtCounter++].Get(size);
CurrentFilterProgram.CurrRenderTarget = rtCurr;
case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.FinalTarget:
var size = (Size)step.Args;
inFinalTarget = true;
rtCurr = null;
CurrentFilterProgram.CurrRenderTarget = null;
if (job.offscreen)
job.offscreenBB = rtCurr.Texture2d.Resolve();
//apply the vsync setting (should probably try to avoid repeating this)
bool vsync = Global.Config.VSyncThrottle || Global.Config.VSync;
//ok, now this is a bit undesireable.
//maybe the user wants vsync, but not vsync throttle.
//this makes sense... but we dont have the infrastructure to support it now (we'd have to enable triple buffering or something like that)
//so what we're gonna do is disable vsync no matter what if throttling is off, and maybe nobody will notice.
if (Global.DisableSecondaryThrottling)
vsync = false;
if (LastVsyncSetting != vsync || LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl != presentationPanel.GraphicsControl)
if (LastVsyncSetting == null && vsync)
// Workaround for vsync not taking effect at startup (Intel graphics related?)
LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl = presentationPanel.GraphicsControl;
LastVsyncSetting = vsync;
//present and conclude drawing
//nope. dont do this. workaround for slow context switching on intel GPUs. just switch to another context when necessary before doing anything
bool? LastVsyncSetting;
GraphicsControl LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl;