using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using BizHawk; //some helpful p/invoke from namespace BizHawk.MultiClient { class AviWriter : IVideoWriter { CodecToken currVideoCodecToken = null; AviWriterSegment currSegment; IEnumerator nameProvider; bool IsOpen { get { return nameProvider != null; } } public void Dispose() { if (currSegment != null) currSegment.Dispose(); } /// /// sets the codec token to be used for video compression /// public void SetVideoCodecToken(IDisposable token) { if (token is CodecToken) currVideoCodecToken = (CodecToken)token; else throw new ArgumentException("AviWriter only takes its own Codec Tokens!"); } public static IEnumerator CreateBasicNameProvider(string template) { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(template); string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(template); string ext = Path.GetExtension(template); yield return template; int counter = 1; for (; ; ) { yield return Path.Combine(dir, baseName) + "_" + counter + ext; counter++; } } /// /// opens an avi file for recording with names based on the supplied template. /// set a video codec token first. /// public void OpenFile(string baseName) { OpenFile(CreateBasicNameProvider(baseName)); } // thread communication // synchronized queue with custom messages // it seems like there are 99999 ways to do everything in C#, so i'm sure this is not the best System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection threadQ; System.Threading.Thread workerT; void threadproc() { try { while (true) { Object o = threadQ.Take(); if (o is IVideoProvider) AddFrameEx((IVideoProvider)o); else if (o is short[]) AddSamplesEx((short[])o); else // anything else is assumed to be quit time return; } } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("AVIFIL32 Thread died:\n\n" + e.ToString()); return; } } // we can't pass the IVideoProvider we get to another thread, because it doesn't actually keep a local copy of its data, // instead grabbing it from the emu as needed. this causes frame loss/dupping as a race condition // instead we pass this class VideoCopy : IVideoProvider { int[] vb; int bw, bh, bc; public int VirtualWidth { get { return bw; } } public int BufferWidth { get { return bw; } } public int BufferHeight { get { return bh; } } public int BackgroundColor { get { return bc; } } public VideoCopy(IVideoProvider c) { vb = (int[])c.GetVideoBuffer().Clone(); bw = c.BufferWidth; bh = c.BufferHeight; bc = c.BackgroundColor; } public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return vb; } } /// /// opens an avi file for recording with the supplied enumerator used to name files. /// set a video codec token first. /// /// public void OpenFile(IEnumerator nameProvider) { this.nameProvider = nameProvider; if (currVideoCodecToken == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to start recording an AVI with no video codec token set"); threadQ = new System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection(30); workerT = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(threadproc)); workerT.Start(); } public void CloseFile() { threadQ.Add(new Object()); // acts as stop message workerT.Join(); if (currSegment != null) currSegment.Dispose(); currSegment = null; } public void AddFrame(IVideoProvider source) { if (!workerT.IsAlive) // signal some sort of error? return; threadQ.Add(new VideoCopy(source)); } void AddFrameEx(IVideoProvider source) { SetVideoParameters(source.BufferWidth, source.BufferHeight); ConsiderLengthSegment(); if (currSegment == null) Segment(); currSegment.AddFrame(source); } public void AddSamples(short[] samples) { if (!workerT.IsAlive) // signal some sort of error? return; // as MainForm.cs is written now, samples is all ours (nothing else will use it for anything) // but that's a bad assumption to make and could change in the future, so copy it since we're passing to another thread threadQ.Add((short[])samples.Clone()); } void AddSamplesEx(short[] samples) { ConsiderLengthSegment(); if (currSegment == null) Segment(); currSegment.AddSamples(samples); } void ConsiderLengthSegment() { if (currSegment == null) return; long len = currSegment.GetLengthApproximation(); const long segment_length_limit = 2 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000; //2GB //const long segment_length_limit = 10 * 1000 * 1000; //for testing if (len > segment_length_limit) Segment(); } void StartRecording() { //i guess theres nothing to do here } void Segment() { if (!IsOpen) return; if (currSegment == null) StartRecording(); else currSegment.Dispose(); currSegment = new AviWriterSegment(); nameProvider.MoveNext(); currSegment.OpenFile(nameProvider.Current, parameters, currVideoCodecToken); currSegment.OpenStreams(); } /// /// Acquires a video codec configuration from the user. you may save it for future use, but you must dispose of it when youre done with it. /// returns null if the user canceled the dialog /// public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window hwnd) //, CodecToken lastToken) { var temp_params = new Parameters(); temp_params.height = 256; temp_params.width = 256; temp_params.fps = 60; temp_params.fps_scale = 1; temp_params.a_bits = 16; temp_params.a_samplerate = 44100; temp_params.a_channels = 2; var temp = new AviWriterSegment(); string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(tempfile); tempfile = Path.ChangeExtension(tempfile, "avi"); temp.OpenFile(tempfile, temp_params, null); //lastToken); CodecToken token = (CodecToken)temp.AcquireVideoCodecToken(hwnd.Handle); temp.CloseFile(); File.Delete(tempfile); return token; } class Parameters { public int width, height; public void PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER(ref Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih) { bmih.Init(); bmih.biPlanes = 1; bmih.biBitCount = 24; bmih.biHeight = height; bmih.biWidth = width; bmih.biSizeImage = (uint)(3 * width * height); } public bool has_audio; public int a_samplerate, a_channels, a_bits; public void PopulateWAVEFORMATEX(ref Win32.WAVEFORMATEX wfex) { int bytes = 0; if (a_bits == 16) bytes = 2; else if (a_bits == 8) bytes = 1; else throw new InvalidOperationException("only 8/16 bits audio are supported by AviWriter and you chose: " + a_bits); if (a_channels == 1) { } else if (a_channels == 2) { } else throw new InvalidOperationException("only 1/2 channels audio are supported by AviWriter and you chose: " + a_channels); wfex.Init(); wfex.nBlockAlign = (ushort)(bytes * a_channels); wfex.nChannels = (ushort)a_channels; wfex.wBitsPerSample = (ushort)a_bits; wfex.wFormatTag = Win32.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfex.nSamplesPerSec = (uint)a_samplerate; wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec = (uint)(wfex.nBlockAlign * a_samplerate); } public int fps, fps_scale; } Parameters parameters = new Parameters(); /// /// set basic movie timing parameters for the avi file. must be set before the file is opened. /// public void SetMovieParameters(int fps, int fps_scale) { bool change = false; change |= fps != parameters.fps; parameters.fps = fps; change |= parameters.fps_scale != fps_scale; parameters.fps_scale = fps_scale; if (change) Segment(); } /// /// set basic video parameters for the avi file. must be set before the file is opened. /// public void SetVideoParameters(int width, int height) { bool change = false; change |= parameters.width != width; parameters.width = width; change |= parameters.height != height; parameters.height = height; if (change) Segment(); } /// /// set basic audio parameters for the avi file. must be set before the file isopened. /// public void SetAudioParameters(int sampleRate, int channels, int bits) { bool change = false; change |= parameters.a_samplerate != sampleRate; parameters.a_samplerate = sampleRate; change |= parameters.a_channels != channels; parameters.a_channels = channels; change |= parameters.a_bits != bits; parameters.a_bits = bits; change |= parameters.has_audio != true; parameters.has_audio = true; if (change) Segment(); } public class CodecToken : IDisposable { ~CodecToken() { Dispose(); } public static CodecToken TakePossession(Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions) { CodecToken ret = new CodecToken(); ret.allocated = true; ret.comprOptions = comprOptions; ret.codec = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler); return ret; } private CodecToken() { } public Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions; public string codec; /// /// true if data was allocated by AviSaveOptions and should be freed by AVISaveOptionsFree /// bool allocated = false; /// /// true if data was allocated by AllocHGlobal and should be freed by FreeHGlobal /// bool marshaled = false; public void Dispose() { if (allocated) { IntPtr[] infPtrs = new IntPtr[1]; IntPtr mem; // alloc unmanaged memory mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS))); infPtrs[0] = mem; // copy from managed structure to unmanaged memory Marshal.StructureToPtr(comprOptions, mem, false); Win32.AVISaveOptionsFree(1, infPtrs); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(mem); codec = null; comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(); allocated = false; } if (marshaled) { IntPtr p; p = (IntPtr)comprOptions.lpFormat; if (p != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(p); p = (IntPtr)comprOptions.lpParms; if (p != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(p); codec = null; comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(); marshaled = false; } } byte[] SerializeToByteArray() { var m = new MemoryStream(); var b = new BinaryWriter(m); b.Write(comprOptions.fccType); b.Write(comprOptions.fccHandler); b.Write(comprOptions.dwKeyFrameEvery); b.Write(comprOptions.dwQuality); b.Write(comprOptions.dwBytesPerSecond); b.Write(comprOptions.dwFlags); //b.Write(comprOptions.lpFormat); b.Write(comprOptions.cbFormat); //b.Write(comprOptions.lpParms); b.Write(comprOptions.cbParms); b.Write(comprOptions.dwInterleaveEvery); // make opaque copies of the unmanaged structs pointed to byte[] Format = new byte[comprOptions.cbFormat]; byte[] Params = new byte[comprOptions.cbParms]; if (comprOptions.lpFormat != 0) Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(comprOptions.lpFormat), Format, 0, Format.Length); if (comprOptions.lpParms != 0) Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(comprOptions.lpParms), Params, 0, Params.Length); b.Write(Format); b.Write(Params); b.Close(); return m.ToArray(); } static CodecToken DeSerializeFromByteArray(byte[] data) { var m = new MemoryStream(data, false); var b = new BinaryReader(m); Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(); byte[] Format; byte[] Params; try { comprOptions.fccType = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.fccHandler = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.dwKeyFrameEvery = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.dwQuality = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.dwBytesPerSecond = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.dwFlags = b.ReadInt32(); //comprOptions.lpFormat = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.cbFormat = b.ReadInt32(); //comprOptions.lpParms = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.cbParms = b.ReadInt32(); comprOptions.dwInterleaveEvery = b.ReadInt32(); Format = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbFormat); Params = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbParms); } catch (IOException) { // ran off end of array most likely return null; } finally { b.Close(); } // create unmanaged copies of Format, Params if (comprOptions.cbFormat != 0) { IntPtr lpFormat = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(comprOptions.cbFormat); Marshal.Copy(Format, 0, lpFormat, comprOptions.cbFormat); comprOptions.lpFormat = (int)lpFormat; } else comprOptions.lpFormat = (int)IntPtr.Zero; if (comprOptions.cbParms != 0) { IntPtr lpParms = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(comprOptions.cbParms); Marshal.Copy(Params, 0, lpParms, comprOptions.cbParms); comprOptions.lpParms = (int)lpParms; } else comprOptions.lpParms = (int)IntPtr.Zero; CodecToken ret = new CodecToken(); ret.marshaled = true; ret.comprOptions = comprOptions; ret.codec = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler); return ret; } public string Serialize() { return System.Convert.ToBase64String(SerializeToByteArray()); } public static CodecToken DeSerialize(string s) { return DeSerializeFromByteArray(System.Convert.FromBase64String(s)); } } /// /// set metadata parameters; should be called before opening file /// NYI /// public void SetMetaData(string gameName, string authors, UInt64 lengthMS, UInt64 rerecords) { } unsafe class AviWriterSegment : IDisposable { static AviWriterSegment() { Win32.AVIFileInit(); } public AviWriterSegment() { } public void Dispose() { CloseFile(); } CodecToken currVideoCodecToken = null; bool IsOpen; IntPtr pAviFile, pAviRawVideoStream, pAviRawAudioStream, pAviCompressedVideoStream; IntPtr pGlobalBuf; int pGlobalBuf_size; /// /// there is just ony global buf. this gets it and makes sure its big enough. don't get all re-entrant on it! /// IntPtr GetStaticGlobalBuf(int amount) { if (amount > pGlobalBuf_size) { if (pGlobalBuf != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pGlobalBuf); pGlobalBuf_size = amount; pGlobalBuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(pGlobalBuf_size); } return pGlobalBuf; } class OutputStatus { public int video_frames; public int video_bytes; public int audio_bytes; public int audio_samples; public int audio_buffered_shorts; public const int AUDIO_SEGMENT_SIZE = 44100 * 2; public short[] BufferedShorts = new short[AUDIO_SEGMENT_SIZE]; } OutputStatus outStatus; public long GetLengthApproximation() { return outStatus.video_bytes + outStatus.audio_bytes; } static int AVISaveOptions(IntPtr stream, ref Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts, IntPtr owner) { IntPtr mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(opts, mem, false); IntPtr[] streams = new[] { stream }; IntPtr[] infPtrs = new[] { mem }; int ret = Win32.AVISaveOptions(owner, 0, 1, streams, infPtrs); opts = (Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mem, typeof(Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(mem); return ret; } Parameters parameters; public void OpenFile(string destPath, Parameters parameters, CodecToken videoCodecToken) { this.parameters = parameters; this.currVideoCodecToken = videoCodecToken; //TODO - try creating the file once first before we let vfw botch it up? //open the avi output file handle if (File.Exists(destPath)) File.Delete(destPath); if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileOpenW(ref pAviFile, destPath, Win32.OpenFileStyle.OF_CREATE | Win32.OpenFileStyle.OF_WRITE, 0))) throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldnt open dest path for avi file: " + destPath); //initialize the video stream Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW vidstream_header = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW(); Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = new Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER(); parameters.PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER(ref bmih); vidstream_header.fccType = Win32.mmioFOURCC("vids"); vidstream_header.dwRate = parameters.fps; vidstream_header.dwScale = parameters.fps_scale; vidstream_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (int)bmih.biSizeImage; if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileCreateStreamW(pAviFile, out pAviRawVideoStream, ref vidstream_header))) { CloseFile(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed opening raw video stream. Not sure how this could happen"); } //initialize audio stream Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW audstream_header = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW(); Win32.WAVEFORMATEX wfex = new Win32.WAVEFORMATEX(); parameters.PopulateWAVEFORMATEX(ref wfex); audstream_header.fccType = Win32.mmioFOURCC("auds"); audstream_header.dwQuality = -1; audstream_header.dwScale = wfex.nBlockAlign; audstream_header.dwRate = (int)wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec; audstream_header.dwSampleSize = wfex.nBlockAlign; audstream_header.dwInitialFrames = 1; // ??? optimal value? if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileCreateStreamW(pAviFile, out pAviRawAudioStream, ref audstream_header))) { CloseFile(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed opening raw audio stream. Not sure how this could happen"); } outStatus = new OutputStatus(); IsOpen = true; } /// /// Acquires a video codec configuration from the user /// public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(IntPtr hwnd) { if (!IsOpen) throw new InvalidOperationException("File must be opened before acquiring a codec token (or else the stream formats wouldnt be known)"); //encoder params Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(); if (currVideoCodecToken != null) { comprOptions = currVideoCodecToken.comprOptions; } if (AVISaveOptions(pAviRawVideoStream, ref comprOptions, hwnd) != 0) { CodecToken ret = CodecToken.TakePossession(comprOptions); // save to config as well Global.Config.AVICodecToken = ret.Serialize(); return ret; } else return null; } /// /// begin recording /// public void OpenStreams() { if (currVideoCodecToken == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("set a video codec token before opening the streams!"); //open compressed video stream if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIMakeCompressedStream(out pAviCompressedVideoStream, pAviRawVideoStream, ref currVideoCodecToken.comprOptions, IntPtr.Zero))) { CloseStreams(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed making compressed video stream"); } //set the compressed video stream input format Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = new Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER(); parameters.PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER(ref bmih); if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIStreamSetFormat(pAviCompressedVideoStream, 0, ref bmih, Marshal.SizeOf(bmih)))) { CloseStreams(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed setting compressed video stream input format"); } //set audio stream input format Win32.WAVEFORMATEX wfex = new Win32.WAVEFORMATEX(); parameters.PopulateWAVEFORMATEX(ref wfex); if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIStreamSetFormat(pAviRawAudioStream, 0, ref wfex, Marshal.SizeOf(wfex)))) { CloseStreams(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed setting raw audio stream input format"); } } /// /// wrap up the avi writing /// public void CloseFile() { CloseStreams(); if (pAviRawAudioStream != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.AVIStreamRelease(pAviRawAudioStream); pAviRawAudioStream = IntPtr.Zero; } if (pAviRawVideoStream != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.AVIStreamRelease(pAviRawVideoStream); pAviRawVideoStream = IntPtr.Zero; } if (pAviFile != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.AVIFileRelease(pAviFile); pAviFile = IntPtr.Zero; } if (pGlobalBuf != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pGlobalBuf); pGlobalBuf = IntPtr.Zero; pGlobalBuf_size = 0; } } /// /// end recording /// public void CloseStreams() { FlushBufferedAudio(); if (pAviCompressedVideoStream != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.AVIStreamRelease(pAviCompressedVideoStream); pAviCompressedVideoStream = IntPtr.Zero; } } //todo - why couldnt this take an ISoundProvider? it could do the timekeeping as well.. hmm public unsafe void AddSamples(short[] samples) { int todo = samples.Length; int idx = 0; while (todo > 0) { int remain = OutputStatus.AUDIO_SEGMENT_SIZE - outStatus.audio_buffered_shorts; int chunk = Math.Min(remain, todo); for (int i = 0; i < chunk; i++) outStatus.BufferedShorts[outStatus.audio_buffered_shorts++] = samples[idx++]; todo -= chunk; if (outStatus.audio_buffered_shorts == OutputStatus.AUDIO_SEGMENT_SIZE) FlushBufferedAudio(); } } unsafe void FlushBufferedAudio() { int todo = outStatus.audio_buffered_shorts; int todo_realsamples = todo / 2; IntPtr buf = GetStaticGlobalBuf(todo * 2); short* sptr = (short*)buf.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < todo; i++) { sptr[i] = outStatus.BufferedShorts[i]; } //(TODO - inefficient- build directly in a buffer) int bytes_written; Win32.AVIStreamWrite(pAviRawAudioStream, outStatus.audio_samples, todo_realsamples, buf, todo_realsamples * 4, 0, IntPtr.Zero, out bytes_written); outStatus.audio_samples += todo_realsamples; outStatus.audio_bytes += bytes_written; outStatus.audio_buffered_shorts = 0; } public unsafe void AddFrame(IVideoProvider source) { if (parameters.width != source.BufferWidth || parameters.height != source.BufferHeight) throw new InvalidOperationException("video buffer changed between start and now"); int todo = source.BufferHeight * source.BufferWidth; int w = source.BufferWidth; int h = source.BufferHeight; IntPtr buf = GetStaticGlobalBuf(todo * 3); int[] buffer = source.GetVideoBuffer(); fixed (int* buffer_ptr = &buffer[0]) { byte* bytes_ptr = (byte*)buf.ToPointer(); { byte* bp = bytes_ptr; for (int idx = w * h - w, y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, idx++) { int r = (buffer[idx] >> 0) & 0xFF; int g = (buffer[idx] >> 8) & 0xFF; int b = (buffer[idx] >> 16) & 0xFF; *bp++ = (byte)r; *bp++ = (byte)g; *bp++ = (byte)b; } idx -= w * 2; } int bytes_written; int ret = Win32.AVIStreamWrite(pAviCompressedVideoStream, outStatus.video_frames, 1, new IntPtr(bytes_ptr), todo * 3, Win32.AVIIF_KEYFRAME, IntPtr.Zero, out bytes_written); outStatus.video_bytes += bytes_written; outStatus.video_frames++; } } } } public override string ToString() { return "AVI writer"; } public string WriterDescription() { return "Uses the Microsoft AVIFIL32 system to write .avi files. Audio is uncompressed; Video can be compressed with any installed VCM codec. Splits on 2G and resolution change."; } public string DesiredExtension() { return "avi"; } public void SetDefaultVideoCodecToken() { CodecToken ct = CodecToken.DeSerialize(Global.Config.AVICodecToken); if (ct == null) throw new Exception("No default AVICodecToken in config!"); currVideoCodecToken = ct; } public string ShortName() { return "vfwavi"; } } } ////TEST AVI //AviWriter aw = new AviWriter(); //aw.SetVideoParameters(256, 256); //aw.SetMovieParameters(60, 1); //aw.OpenFile("d:\\bizhawk.avi"); //CreateHandle(); //var token = aw.AcquireVideoCodecToken(Handle); //aw.SetVideoCodecToken(token); //aw.OpenStreams(); //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) //{ // TestVideoProvider video = new TestVideoProvider(); // Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(256, 256, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); // using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) // { // g.Clear(Color.Red); // using (Font f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10)) // g.DrawString(i.ToString(), f, Brushes.Black, 0, 0); // } // //bmp.Save(string.Format("c:\\dump\\{0}.bmp", i), ImageFormat.Bmp); // for (int y = 0, idx = 0; y < 256; y++) // for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) // video.buffer[idx++] = bmp.GetPixel(x, y).ToArgb(); // aw.AddFrame(video); //} //aw.CloseStreams(); //aw.CloseFile(); ////-----