using System; using System.Linq; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class MemoryLuaLibrary : LuaLibraryBase { private int _currentMemoryDomain; // Main memory by default public override string Name { get { return "memory"; } } #region Memory Library Helpers private static int U2S(uint u, int size) { var s = (int)u; s <<= 8 * (4 - size); s >>= 8 * (4 - size); return s; } private int ReadSignedLittleCore(int addr, int size) { return U2S(ReadUnsignedLittle(addr, size), size); } private uint ReadUnsignedLittle(int addr, int size) { uint v = 0; for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { v |= ReadUnsignedByte(addr + i) << (8 * i); } return v; } private int ReadSignedBig(int addr, int size) { return U2S(ReadUnsignedBig(addr, size), size); } private uint ReadUnsignedBig(int addr, int size) { uint v = 0; for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { v |= ReadUnsignedByte(addr + i) << (8 * (size - 1 - i)); } return v; } private void WriteSignedLittle(int addr, int v, int size) { WriteUnsignedLittle(addr, (uint)v, size); } private void WriteUnsignedLittle(int addr, uint v, int size) { for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { WriteUnsignedByte(addr + i, (v >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF); } } private void WriteSignedBig(int addr, int v, int size) { WriteUnsignedBig(addr, (uint)v, size); } private void WriteUnsignedBig(int addr, uint v, int size) { for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { WriteUnsignedByte(addr + i, (v >> (8 * (size - 1 - i))) & 0xFF); } } private uint ReadUnsignedByte(int addr) { return Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[_currentMemoryDomain].PeekByte(addr); } private void WriteUnsignedByte(int addr, uint v) { Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[_currentMemoryDomain].PokeByte(addr, (byte)v); } #endregion [LuaMethodAttributes( "getmemorydomainlist", "Returns a string of the memory domains for the loaded platform core. List will be a single string delimited by line feeds" )] public string GetMemoryDomainList() { return Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, t) => current + (t.Name + '\n')); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "getcurrentmemorydomain", "Returns a string name of the current memory domain selected by Lua. The default is Main memory" )] public string GetCurrentMemoryDomain() { return Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[_currentMemoryDomain].Name; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "getcurrentmemorydomainsize", "Returns the number of bytes of the current memory domain selected by Lua. The default is Main memory" )] public int GetCurrentMemoryDomainSize() { return Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[_currentMemoryDomain].Size; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "readbyte", "gets the value from the given address as an unsigned byte" )] public uint ReadByte(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedByte(addr); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "readfloat", "Reads the given address as a 32-bit float value from the main memory domain with th e given endian" )] public float ReadFloat(int addr, bool bigendian) { var val = Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[_currentMemoryDomain].PeekDWord(addr, bigendian); var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val); return BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "writebyte", "Writes the given value to the given address as an unsigned byte" )] public void WriteByte(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedByte(addr, value); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "writefloat", "Writes the given 32-bit float value to the given address and endian" )] public void WriteFloat(int addr, double value, bool bigendian) { var dv = (float)value; var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(dv); var v = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0); Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[_currentMemoryDomain].PokeDWord(addr, v, bigendian); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "usememorydomain", "Attempts to set the current memory domain to the given domain. If the name does not match a valid memory domain, the function returns false, else it returns true" )] public bool UseMemoryDomain(string domain) { for (var i = 0; i < Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains.Count; i++) { if (Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[i].Name == domain) { _currentMemoryDomain = i; return true; } } return false; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s8", "read signed byte" )] public int ReadS8(int addr) { return (sbyte)ReadUnsignedByte(addr); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_u8", "read unsigned byte" )] public uint ReadU8(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedByte(addr); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s16_le", "read signed 2 byte value, little endian" )] public int ReadS16Little(int addr) { return ReadSignedLittleCore(addr, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s24_le", "read signed 24 bit value, little endian" )] public int ReadS24Little(int addr) { return ReadSignedLittleCore(addr, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s32_le", "read signed 4 byte value, little endian" )] public int ReadS32Little(int addr) { return ReadSignedLittleCore(addr, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_u16_le", "read unsigned 2 byte value, little endian" )] public uint ReadU16Little(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedLittle(addr, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_u24_le", "read unsigned 24 bit value, little endian" )] public uint ReadU24Little(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedLittle(addr, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_u32_le", "read unsigned 4 byte value, little endian" )] public uint ReadU32Little(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedLittle(addr, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s16_be", "read signed 2 byte value, big endian" )] public int ReadS16Big(int addr) { return ReadSignedBig(addr, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s24_be", "read signed 24 bit value, big endian" )] public int ReadS24Big(int addr) { return ReadSignedBig(addr, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_s32_be", "read signed 4 byte value, big endian" )] public int ReadS32Big(int addr) { return ReadSignedBig(addr, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_u16_be", "read unsigned 2 byte value, big endian" )] public uint ReadU16Big(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedBig(addr, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "read_u24_be", "read unsigned 24 bit value, big endian" )] public uint ReadU24Big(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedBig(addr, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "u32_be", "read unsigned 4 byte value, big endian" )] public uint ReadU32Big(int addr) { return ReadUnsignedBig(addr, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s8", "write signed byte" )] public void WriteS8(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedByte(addr, value); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s8", "write unsigned byte" )] public void WriteU8(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedByte(addr, value); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s16_le", "write signed 2 byte value, little endian" )] public void WriteS16Little(int addr, int value) { WriteSignedLittle(addr, value, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s24_le", "write signed 24 bit value, little endian" )] public void WriteS24Little(int addr, int value) { WriteSignedLittle(addr, value, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s32_le", "write signed 4 byte value, little endian" )] public void WriteS32Little(int addr, int value) { WriteSignedLittle(addr, value, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_u16_le", "write unsigned 2 byte value, little endian" )] public void WriteU16Little(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedLittle(addr, value, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_u24_le", "write unsigned 24 bit value, little endian" )] public void WriteU24Little(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedLittle(addr, value, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_u32_le", "write unsigned 4 byte value, little endian" )] public void WriteU32Little(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedLittle(addr, value, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s16_be", "write signed 2 byte value, big endian" )] public void WriteS16Big(int addr, int value) { WriteSignedBig(addr, value, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s24_be", "write signed 24 bit value, big endian" )] public void WriteS24Big(int addr, int value) { WriteSignedBig(addr, value, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_s32_be", "write signed 4 byte value, big endian" )] public void WriteS32Big(int addr, int value) { WriteSignedBig(addr, value, 4); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_u16_be", "write unsigned 2 byte value, big endian" )] public void WriteU16Big(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedBig(addr, value, 2); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_u24_be", "write unsigned 24 bit value, big endian" )] public void WriteU24Big(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedBig(addr, value, 3); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "write_u32_be", "write unsigned 4 byte value, big endian" )] public void WriteU32Big(int addr, uint value) { WriteUnsignedBig(addr, value, 4); } } }