using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M68000 { public sealed partial class MC68000 { // Machine State public Register[] D = new Register[8]; public Register[] A = new Register[8]; public int PC; public int TotalExecutedCycles; public int PendingCycles; // Status Registers int InterruptMaskLevel; bool s, m; int usp, ssp; /// Machine/Interrupt mode public bool M { get { return m; } set { m = value; } } // TODO probably have some switch logic maybe /// Supervisor/User mode public bool S { get { return s; } set { if (value == s) return; if (value == true) // entering supervisor mode { Console.WriteLine("&^&^&^&^& ENTER SUPERVISOR MODE"); usp = A[7].s32; A[7].s32 = ssp; s = true; } else { // exiting supervisor mode Console.WriteLine("&^&^&^&^& LEAVE SUPERVISOR MODE"); ssp = A[7].s32; A[7].s32 = usp; s = false; } } } /// Extend Flag public bool X; /// Negative Flag public bool N; /// Zero Flag public bool Z; /// Overflow Flag public bool V; /// Carry Flag public bool C; /// Status Register public short SR { get { short value = 0; if (C) value |= 0x0001; if (V) value |= 0x0002; if (Z) value |= 0x0004; if (N) value |= 0x0008; if (X) value |= 0x0010; if (M) value |= 0x1000; if (S) value |= 0x2000; value |= (short)((InterruptMaskLevel & 7) << 8); return value; } set { C = (value & 0x0001) != 0; V = (value & 0x0002) != 0; Z = (value & 0x0004) != 0; N = (value & 0x0008) != 0; X = (value & 0x0010) != 0; M = (value & 0x1000) != 0; S = (value & 0x2000) != 0; InterruptMaskLevel = (value >> 8) & 7; } } public int Interrupt { get; set; } // Memory Access public Func ReadByte; public Func ReadWord; public Func ReadLong; public Action WriteByte; public Action WriteWord; public Action WriteLong; public Action IrqCallback; // Initialization public MC68000() { BuildOpcodeTable(); } public void Reset() { S = true; InterruptMaskLevel = 7; A[7].s32 = ReadLong(0); PC = ReadLong(4); } public Action[] Opcodes = new Action[0x10000]; public ushort op; public void Step() { Console.WriteLine(Disassemble(PC)); op = (ushort)ReadWord(PC); PC += 2; Opcodes[op](); } public void ExecuteCycles(int cycles) { PendingCycles += cycles; while (PendingCycles > 0) { if (Interrupt > 0 && (Interrupt > InterruptMaskLevel || Interrupt > 7)) { // TODO: Entering interrupt is not free. how many cycles does it take? //Log.Error("CPU","****** ENTER INTERRUPT {0} *******", Interrupt); short sr = (short)SR; // capture current SR. S = true; // switch to supervisor mode, if not already in it. A[7].s32 -= 4; // Push PC on stack WriteLong(A[7].s32, PC); A[7].s32 -= 2; // Push SR on stack WriteWord(A[7].s32, sr); PC = ReadLong((24 + Interrupt) * 4); // Jump to interrupt vector InterruptMaskLevel = Interrupt; // Set interrupt mask to level currently being entered Interrupt = 0; // "ack" interrupt. Note: this is wrong. IrqCallback(InterruptMaskLevel); // Invoke the "Interrupt accepted" callback handler } int prevCycles = PendingCycles; //Log.Note("CPU", State()); op = (ushort)ReadWord(PC); if (Opcodes[op] == null) throw new Exception($"unhandled opcode at pc={PC:X6}"); PC += 2; Opcodes[op](); int delta = prevCycles - PendingCycles; TotalExecutedCycles += delta; } } public string State() { string a = Disassemble(PC).ToString().PadRight(64); //string a = $"{PC:X6}: {ReadWord(PC):X4}".PadRight(64); var dRegStrings = D.Select((r, i) => $"D{i}:{r.u32:X8}"); var aRegStrings = A.Select((r, i) => $"A{i}:{r.u32:X8}"); return a + string.Join(" ", dRegStrings .Concat(aRegStrings) .Concat(new[] { $"SR:{SR:X4}", $"Pending {PendingCycles}" })); } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer, string id) { writer.WriteLine("[{0}]", id); writer.WriteLine("D0 {0:X8}", D[0].s32); writer.WriteLine("D1 {0:X8}", D[1].s32); writer.WriteLine("D2 {0:X8}", D[2].s32); writer.WriteLine("D3 {0:X8}", D[3].s32); writer.WriteLine("D4 {0:X8}", D[4].s32); writer.WriteLine("D5 {0:X8}", D[5].s32); writer.WriteLine("D6 {0:X8}", D[6].s32); writer.WriteLine("D7 {0:X8}", D[7].s32); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("A0 {0:X8}", A[0].s32); writer.WriteLine("A1 {0:X8}", A[1].s32); writer.WriteLine("A2 {0:X8}", A[2].s32); writer.WriteLine("A3 {0:X8}", A[3].s32); writer.WriteLine("A4 {0:X8}", A[4].s32); writer.WriteLine("A5 {0:X8}", A[5].s32); writer.WriteLine("A6 {0:X8}", A[6].s32); writer.WriteLine("A7 {0:X8}", A[7].s32); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("PC {0:X6}", PC); writer.WriteLine($"{nameof(InterruptMaskLevel)} {InterruptMaskLevel}"); writer.WriteLine("USP {0:X8}", usp); writer.WriteLine("SSP {0:X8}", ssp); writer.WriteLine("S {0}", s); writer.WriteLine("M {0}", m); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine($"{nameof(TotalExecutedCycles)} {TotalExecutedCycles}"); writer.WriteLine($"{nameof(PendingCycles)} {PendingCycles}"); writer.WriteLine("[/{0}]", id); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader, string id) { while (true) { string[] args = reader.ReadLine().Split(' '); if (args[0].Trim() == "") continue; if (args[0] == "[/" + id + "]") break; else if (args[0] == "D0") D[0].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D1") D[1].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D2") D[2].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D3") D[3].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D4") D[4].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D5") D[5].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D6") D[6].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "D7") D[7].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A0") A[0].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A1") A[1].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A2") A[2].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A3") A[3].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A4") A[4].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A5") A[5].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A6") A[6].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "A7") A[7].s32 = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "PC") PC = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == nameof(InterruptMaskLevel)) InterruptMaskLevel = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "USP") usp = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "SSP") ssp = int.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "S") s = bool.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "M") m = bool.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == nameof(TotalExecutedCycles)) TotalExecutedCycles = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == nameof(PendingCycles)) PendingCycles = int.Parse(args[1]); else Console.WriteLine("Skipping unrecognized identifier " + args[0]); } } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct Register { [FieldOffset(0)] public uint u32; [FieldOffset(0)] public int s32; [FieldOffset(0)] public ushort u16; [FieldOffset(0)] public short s16; [FieldOffset(0)] public byte u8; [FieldOffset(0)] public sbyte s8; public override string ToString() => $"{u32:X8}"; } }