using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Emulation.CPUs.M6502; using BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Atari; namespace BizHawk { partial class Atari2600 { public byte[] rom; public MOS6502 cpu; public M6532 m6532; public TIA tia; // The Atari 2600 memory mapper looks something like this...usually // N/A Page # // 000 0000000 000000 // 0x0000-0x003F - TIA Registers // 0x0040-0x007F - TIA Registers (mirror) // 0x0080-0x00FF - 6532 RAM // 0x0100-0x01FF - Mirror of 0x00FF // 0x0200-0x023F - TIA Registers (mirror) // 0x0240-0x027F - TIA Registers (mirror) // 0x0280-0x029F - 6532 Registers // 0x02A0-0x02BF - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x02C0-0x02DF - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x02E0-0x02FF - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x0300-0x033F - TIA Registers (mirror) // 0x0340-0x037F - TIA Registers (mirror) // 0x0380-0x039F - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x03A0-0x03BF - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x03C0-0x03DF - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x03E0-0x03FF - 6532 Registers (mirror) // 0x0400-0x07FF - Mirror of 0x0000-0x03FF // 0x0800-0x0BFF - Mirror of 0x0000-0x03FF // 0x0C00-0x0FFF - Mirror of 0x0000-0x03FF // 0x1000-0x1FFF - ROM // If page# % 4 == 0 or 1, TIA // If page# % 4 == 2 or 3, 6532 // if (addr & 0x0200 == 0x0000 && addr & 0x1080 == 0x0080) // RAM // else // registers // else // ROM public byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { ushort maskedAddr = (ushort)(addr & 0x1FFF); ushort pageNum = (ushort)(maskedAddr >> 6); if (pageNum < 0x40) { // if Page 0x02, or a mirror if (pageNum % 4 > 1) { return m6532.ReadMemory(maskedAddr); } // if Page 0x01 or 0x02, or a mirror else { return tia.ReadMemory(maskedAddr); } } // ROM data else { Console.WriteLine("ROM read"); return rom[maskedAddr & 0x0FFF]; } } public void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { ushort maskedAddr = (ushort)(addr & 0x1FFF); ushort pageNum = (ushort)(maskedAddr >> 6); if (pageNum < 0x40) { if (pageNum % 4 > 1) { m6532.WriteMemory(maskedAddr, value); } else { tia.WriteMemory(maskedAddr, value); } } // ROM data else { Console.WriteLine("ROM write(?): " + addr.ToString("x")); } } public void HardReset() { cpu = new Emulation.CPUs.M6502.MOS6502(); cpu.debug = true; cpu.ReadMemory = ReadMemory; cpu.WriteMemory = WriteMemory; // Setup TIA tia = new TIA(cpu); // Setup 6532 m6532 = new M6532(cpu, ram); //setup the system state here. for instance.. // Read from the reset vector for where to start cpu.PC = (ushort)(ReadMemory(0xFFFC) + (ReadMemory(0xFFFD) << 8)); //set the initial PC //cpu.PC = 0x0000; //set the initial PC } public void FrameAdvance(bool render) { Frame++; //cpu.Execute(228); cpu.Execute(1); //clear the framebuffer (hack code) if (render == false) return; for (int i = 0; i < 256 * 192; i++) { if (i < 64*256) frameBuffer[i] = i % 256; //black if (i >= 64*256 && i < 128*256) frameBuffer[i] = (i % 256) << 8; //black if (i >= 128*256) frameBuffer[i] = (i % 256) << 16; //black } //run one frame's worth of cpu cyclees (i.e. do the emulation!) //this should generate the framebuffer as it goes. } } }