using System;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
public class FDSAudio //: IDisposable
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("waveram", ref waveram, false);
ser.Sync("waverampos", ref waverampos);
ser.Sync("volumespd", ref volumespd);
ser.Sync("r4080_6", ref r4080_6);
ser.Sync("r4080_7", ref r4080_7);
ser.Sync("frequency", ref frequency);
ser.Sync("r4083_6", ref r4083_6);
ser.Sync("r4083_7", ref r4083_7);
ser.Sync("sweepspd", ref sweepspd);
ser.Sync("r4084_6", ref r4084_6);
ser.Sync("r4084_7", ref r4084_7);
ser.Sync("sweepbias", ref sweepbias);
ser.Sync("modfreq", ref modfreq);
ser.Sync("r4087_7", ref r4087_7);
ser.Sync("modtable", ref modtable, false);
ser.Sync("modtablepos", ref modtablepos);
ser.Sync("mastervol_num", ref mastervol_num);
ser.Sync("mastervol_den", ref mastervol_den);
ser.Sync("waveram_writeenable", ref waveram_writeenable);
ser.Sync("envspeed", ref envspeed);
ser.Sync("volumeclock", ref volumeclock);
ser.Sync("sweepclock", ref sweepclock);
ser.Sync("modclock", ref modclock);
ser.Sync("mainclock", ref mainclock);
ser.Sync("modoutput", ref modoutput);
ser.Sync("volumegain", ref volumegain);
ser.Sync("sweepgain", ref sweepgain);
ser.Sync("waveramoutput", ref waveramoutput);
ser.Sync("latchedoutput", ref latchedoutput);
byte[] waveram = new byte[64];
/// playback position, clocked by main unit
int waverampos;
/// volume level or envelope speed, depending on r4080_7
int volumespd;
/// increase volume with envelope
bool r4080_6;
/// disable volume envelope
bool r4080_7;
/// speed to clock main unit
int frequency;
/// disable volume and sweep
bool r4083_6;
/// silence channel
bool r4083_7;
/// sweep gain or sweep speed, depending on r4084_7
int sweepspd;
/// increase sweep with envelope
bool r4084_6;
/// disable sweep unit
bool r4084_7;
/// 7 bit signed
int sweepbias;
/// speed to clock modulation unit
int modfreq;
/// disable modulation unit
bool r4087_7;
/// ring buffer, only 32 entries on hardware
byte[] modtable = new byte[64];
/// playback position
int modtablepos;
int mastervol_num;
int mastervol_den;
/// channel silenced and waveram writable
bool waveram_writeenable;
int envspeed;
int volumeclock;
int sweepclock;
int modclock;
int mainclock;
int modoutput;
// read at 4090
int volumegain;
// read at 4092
int sweepgain;
int waveramoutput;
int latchedoutput;
Action SendDiff;
public FDSAudio(Action SendDiff)
this.SendDiff = SendDiff;
void CalcMod()
// really don't quite get this...
int tmp = sweepbias * sweepgain;
if ((tmp & 0xf) != 0)
tmp /= 16;
if (sweepbias < 0)
tmp -= 1;
tmp += 2;
tmp /= 16;
if (tmp > 193)
tmp -= 258;
else if (tmp < -64)
tmp += 256;
modoutput = frequency * tmp / 64;
void CalcOut()
int tmp = volumegain < 32 ? volumegain : 32;
tmp *= waveramoutput;
tmp *= mastervol_num;
tmp /= mastervol_den;
if (latchedoutput != tmp)
SendDiff((tmp - latchedoutput) * 6);
latchedoutput = tmp;
/// ~1.7mhz
public void Clock()
// volume envelope unit
if (!r4080_7 && envspeed > 0 && !r4083_6)
if (volumeclock >= 8 * envspeed * (volumespd + 1))
volumeclock = 0;
if (r4080_6 && volumegain < 32)
else if (!r4080_6 && volumegain > 0)
// sweep unit
if (!r4084_7 && envspeed > 0 && !r4083_6)
if (sweepclock >= 8 * envspeed * (sweepspd + 1))
sweepclock = 0;
if (r4084_6 && sweepgain < 32)
else if (!r4084_6 && sweepgain > 0)
// modulation unit
if (!r4087_7 && modfreq > 0)
modclock += modfreq;
if (modclock >= 0x10000)
modclock -= 0x10000;
// our modtable is really twice as big (64 entries)
switch (modtable[modtablepos++])
case 0: sweepbias += 0; break;
case 1: sweepbias += 1; break;
case 2: sweepbias += 2; break;
case 3: sweepbias += 4; break;
case 4: sweepbias = 0; break;
case 5: sweepbias -= 4; break;
case 6: sweepbias -= 2; break;
case 7: sweepbias -= 1; break;
sweepbias &= 0x7f;
// sign extend
sweepbias <<= 25;
sweepbias >>= 25;
modtablepos &= 63;
// main unit
if (!r4083_7 && frequency > 0 && frequency + modoutput > 0 && !waveram_writeenable)
mainclock += frequency + modoutput;
if (mainclock >= 0x10000)
mainclock -= 0x10000;
waveramoutput = waveram[waverampos++];
waverampos &= 63;
public void WriteReg(int addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x4080)
if (waveram_writeenable)
// can waverampos ever be reset?
waveram[addr - 0x4040] = (byte)(value & 63);
switch (addr)
case 0x4080:
r4080_6 = (value & 0x40) != 0;
r4080_7 = (value & 0x80) != 0;
if (r4080_7) // envelope is off, so written value gets sent to gain directly
volumegain = value & 63;
else // envelope is on; written value is speed of change
volumespd = value & 63;
case 0x4082:
frequency &= 0xf00;
frequency |= value;
case 0x4083:
frequency &= 0x0ff;
frequency |= value << 8 & 0xf00;
r4083_6 = (value & 0x40) != 0;
r4083_7 = (value & 0x80) != 0;
case 0x4084:
sweepspd = value & 63;
r4084_6 = (value & 0x40) != 0;
r4084_7 = (value & 0x80) != 0;
case 0x4085:
modtablepos = 0; // reset
sweepbias = value & 0x7f;
// sign extend
sweepbias <<= 25;
sweepbias >>= 25;
case 0x4086:
modfreq &= 0xf00;
modfreq |= value;
if (r4087_7 || modfreq == 0) // when mod unit is disabled, mod output is fixed to 0, not hanging
modoutput = 0;
case 0x4087:
modfreq &= 0x0ff;
modfreq |= value << 8 & 0xf00;
r4087_7 = (value & 0x80) != 0;
if (r4087_7 || modfreq == 0) // when mod unit is disabled, mod output is fixed to 0, not hanging
modoutput = 0;
case 0x4088:
// write twice into virtual 64 unit buffer
Buffer.BlockCopy(modtable, 2, modtable, 0, 62);
modtable[62] = (byte)(value & 7);
modtable[63] = (byte)(value & 7);
case 0x4089:
switch (value & 3)
case 0: mastervol_num = 1; mastervol_den = 1; break;
case 1: mastervol_num = 2; mastervol_den = 3; break;
case 2: mastervol_num = 2; mastervol_den = 4; break;
case 3: mastervol_num = 2; mastervol_den = 5; break;
waveram_writeenable = (value & 0x80) != 0;
case 0x408a:
envspeed = value;
public byte ReadReg(int addr, byte openbus)
byte ret = openbus;
if (addr < 0x4080)
ret &= 0xc0;
ret |= waveram[addr - 0x4040];
else if (addr == 0x4090)
ret &= 0xc0;
ret |= (byte)volumegain;
else if (addr == 0x4092)
ret &= 0xc0;
ret |= (byte)sweepgain;
return ret;