namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600 { /* MC (Megacart) ----- This is the mapper for the "Chris Wilkson's Megacart". Only four addresses are used to bankswitch on this one. Up to 128K of ROM and 64K of RAM can be accessed. 1000-13FF is selected by address 3C 1400-17FF is selected by address 3D 1800-1BFF is selected by address 3E 1C00-1FFF is selected by address 3F The value written determines what will be selected: 00-7F written will select one of the 128 1K ROM banks 80-FF written will select one of the 128 512 byte RAM banks When a RAM bank is selected, the lower 512 bytes is the write port, while the upper 512 bytes is the read port. On accessing address FFFC or FFFD, the last 1K bank points to the last bank in ROM, to allow for system initialization. Jumping out of the last bank disables this. It's debatable how easy this system would be to implement on a real system. Detecting when to disable the last bank fixing is difficult. The documentation says: " Megacart Specification, Rev1.1 (c) 1997 Chris Wilkson Because the console's memory is randomized at powerup, there is no way to predict the data initially contained in the "hot addresses". Therefore, hardware will force slot 3 to always point to ROM block $FF immediately after any read or write to the RESET vector at $FFFC-$FFFD. Block $FF must contain code to initialize the 4 memory slots to point to the desired physical memory blocks before any other code can be executed. After program execution jumps out of the boot code, the hardware will release slot 3 and it will function just like any other slot. " Unfortunately, there's not an easy way to detect this. Just watching the address bus won't work easily: Writing anywhere outside the bank 1C00-1FFF (i.e. bank registers, RAM, TIA registers) will cause the switching to revert bank 3, crashing the system. The only way I can see it working is to disregard any access to addresses 3C-3F. Emulators have it easier: they can simply watch the program counter, vs. the address bus. An actual system doesn't have that luxury, unfortunately, so it must disregard accesses to 3C-3F instead. */ class mMC : MapperBase { } }