using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Newtonsoft.Json; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores { [CoreAttributes("Libretro", "natt&zeromus")] public unsafe partial class LibRetroEmulator : IEmulator, ISettable, ISaveRam, IStatable, IVideoProvider, IInputPollable { #region Settings Settings _Settings = new Settings(); SyncSettings _SyncSettings; public class SyncSettings { public SyncSettings Clone() { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); } public SyncSettings() { } } public class Settings { public void Validate() { } public Settings() { SettingsUtil.SetDefaultValues(this); } public Settings Clone() { return (Settings)MemberwiseClone(); } } public Settings GetSettings() { return _Settings.Clone(); } public SyncSettings GetSyncSettings() { return _SyncSettings.Clone(); } public bool PutSettings(Settings o) { _Settings.Validate(); _Settings = o; //TODO - store settings into core? or we can just keep doing it before frameadvance return false; } public bool PutSyncSettings(SyncSettings o) { bool reboot = false; //we could do it this way roughly if we need to //if(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o.FIOConfig) != JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_SyncSettings.FIOConfig) _SyncSettings = o; return reboot; } #endregion #region callbacks unsafe void retro_log_printf(LibRetro.RETRO_LOG_LEVEL level, string fmt, IntPtr a0, IntPtr a1, IntPtr a2, IntPtr a3, IntPtr a4, IntPtr a5, IntPtr a6, IntPtr a7, IntPtr a8, IntPtr a9, IntPtr a10, IntPtr a11, IntPtr a12, IntPtr a13, IntPtr a14, IntPtr a15) { //avert your eyes, these things were not meant to be seen in c# //I'm not sure this is a great idea. It would suck for silly logging to be unstable. But.. I dont think this is unstable. The sprintf might just print some garbledy stuff. var args = new IntPtr[] { a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15 }; int idx = 0; Console.Write(Sprintf.sprintf(fmt, () => args[idx++])); } unsafe bool retro_environment(LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT cmd, IntPtr data) { Console.WriteLine(cmd); switch (cmd) { case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_ROTATION: { var rotation = (LibRetro.RETRO_ROTATION)(*(int*)data.ToPointer()); if (rotation == LibRetro.RETRO_ROTATION.ROTATION_0_CCW) environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW = 0; if (rotation == LibRetro.RETRO_ROTATION.ROTATION_90_CCW) environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW = 90; if (rotation == LibRetro.RETRO_ROTATION.ROTATION_180_CCW) environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW = 180; if (rotation == LibRetro.RETRO_ROTATION.ROTATION_270_CCW) environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW = 270; return true; } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_OVERSCAN: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_CAN_DUPE: //gambatte requires this *(bool*)data.ToPointer() = true; return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_MESSAGE: { LibRetro.retro_message msg = new LibRetro.retro_message(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, msg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.msg)) Console.WriteLine("LibRetro Message: {0}", msg.msg); return true; } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SHUTDOWN: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: Console.WriteLine("Core suggested SET_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL {0}", *(uint*)data.ToPointer()); return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: //mednafen NGP neopop fails to launch with no system directory Directory.CreateDirectory(SystemDirectory); //just to be safe, it seems likely that cores will crash without a created system directory Console.WriteLine("returning system directory: " + SystemDirectory); *((IntPtr*)data.ToPointer()) = SystemDirectoryAtom; return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: { LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT fmt = 0; int[] tmp = new int[1]; Marshal.Copy(data, tmp, 0, 1); fmt = (LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT)tmp[0]; switch (fmt) { case LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565: case LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB1555: case LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB8888: pixelfmt = fmt; Console.WriteLine("New pixel format set: {0}", pixelfmt); return true; default: Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized pixel format: {0}", (int)pixelfmt); return false; } } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_KEYBOARD_CALLBACK: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_HW_RENDER: { //mupen64plus needs this, as well as 3dengine LibRetro.retro_hw_render_callback* info = (LibRetro.retro_hw_render_callback*)data.ToPointer(); Console.WriteLine("SET_HW_RENDER: {0}, version={1}.{2}, dbg/cache={3}/{4}, depth/stencil = {5}/{6}{7}", info->context_type, info->version_minor, info->version_major, info->debug_context, info->cache_context, info->depth, info->stencil, info->bottom_left_origin ? " (bottomleft)" : ""); return true; } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_VARIABLE: { void** variables = (void**)data.ToPointer(); IntPtr pKey = new IntPtr(*variables++); string key = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pKey); Console.WriteLine("Requesting variable: {0}", key); //always return default //TODO: cache settings atoms if(!Description.Variables.ContainsKey(key)) return false; //HACK: return pointer for desmume mouse, i want to implement that first if (key == "desmume_pointer_type") { *variables = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi("touch").ToPointer(); return true; } *variables = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(Description.Variables[key].DefaultOption).ToPointer(); return true; } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_VARIABLES: { void** variables = (void**)data.ToPointer(); for (; ; ) { IntPtr pKey = new IntPtr(*variables++); IntPtr pValue = new IntPtr(*variables++); if(pKey == IntPtr.Zero) break; string key = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pKey); string value = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pValue); var vd = new VariableDescription() { Name = key}; var parts = value.Split(';'); vd.Description = parts[0]; vd.Options = parts[1].TrimStart(' ').Split('|'); Description.Variables[vd.Name] = vd; } } return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME: environmentInfo.SupportNoGame = true; return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_LIBRETRO_PATH: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_AUDIO_CALLBACK: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_FRAME_TIME_CALLBACK: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_RUMBLE_INTERFACE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_INPUT_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_LOG_INTERFACE: *(IntPtr*)data = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(retro_log_printf_cb); return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_PERF_INTERFACE: //some builds of fmsx core crash without this set Marshal.StructureToPtr(retro_perf_callback, data, false); return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_CORE_ASSETS_DIRECTORY: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY: //supposedly optional like everything else here, but without it ?? crashes (please write which case) //this will suffice for now. if we find evidence later it's needed we can stash a string with //unmanagedResources and CoreFileProvider //mednafen NGP neopop, desmume, and others, request this, and falls back on the system directory if it isn't provided //desmume crashes if the directory doesn't exist Directory.CreateDirectory(SaveDirectory); Console.WriteLine("returning save directory: " + SaveDirectory); *((IntPtr*)data.ToPointer()) = SaveDirectoryAtom; return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_CONTROLLER_INFO: return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_MEMORY_MAPS: return false; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknkown retro_environment command {0}", (int)cmd); return false; } } void retro_input_poll() { IsLagFrame = false; } private bool GetButton(uint pnum, string type, string button) { string key = string.Format("P{0} {1} {2}", pnum, type, button); bool b = Controller[key]; if (b == true) { return true; //debugging placeholder } else return false; } LibRetro.retro_environment_t retro_environment_cb; LibRetro.retro_video_refresh_t retro_video_refresh_cb; LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_t retro_audio_sample_cb; LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_batch_t retro_audio_sample_batch_cb; LibRetro.retro_input_poll_t retro_input_poll_cb; LibRetro.retro_input_state_t retro_input_state_cb; LibRetro.retro_log_printf_t retro_log_printf_cb; LibRetro.retro_perf_callback retro_perf_callback = new LibRetro.retro_perf_callback(); #endregion class RetroEnvironmentInfo { public bool SupportNoGame; public int Rotation_CCW; } //disposable resources private LibRetro retro; private UnmanagedResourceHeap unmanagedResources = new UnmanagedResourceHeap(); /// /// Cached information sent to the frontend by environment calls /// RetroEnvironmentInfo environmentInfo = new RetroEnvironmentInfo(); public class RetroDescription { /// /// String containing a friendly display name for the core, but we probably shouldn't use this. I decided it's better to get the user used to using filenames as core 'codenames' instead. /// public string LibraryName; /// /// String containing a friendly version number for the core library /// public string LibraryVersion; /// /// List of extensions as "sfc|smc|fig" which this core accepts. /// public string ValidExtensions; /// /// Whether the core needs roms to be specified as paths (can't take rom data buffersS) /// public bool NeedsRomAsPath; /// /// Whether the core needs roms stored as archives (e.g. arcade roms). We probably shouldn't employ the dearchiver prompts when opening roms for these cores. /// public bool NeedsArchives; /// /// Whether the core can be run without a game provided (e.g. stand-alone games, like 2048) /// public bool SupportsNoGame; /// /// Variables defined by the core /// public Dictionary Variables = new Dictionary(); } public class VariableDescription { public string Name; public string Description; public string[] Options; public string DefaultOption { get { return Options[0]; } } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0} ({1}) = ({2})", Name, Description, string.Join("|", Options)); } } public readonly RetroDescription Description = new RetroDescription(); //path configuration string SystemDirectory, SaveDirectory; IntPtr SystemDirectoryAtom, SaveDirectoryAtom; public LibRetroEmulator(CoreComm nextComm, string modulename) { ServiceProvider = new BasicServiceProvider(this); _SyncSettings = new SyncSettings(); retro_environment_cb = new LibRetro.retro_environment_t(retro_environment); retro_video_refresh_cb = new LibRetro.retro_video_refresh_t(retro_video_refresh); retro_audio_sample_cb = new LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_t(retro_audio_sample); retro_audio_sample_batch_cb = new LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_batch_t(retro_audio_sample_batch); retro_input_poll_cb = new LibRetro.retro_input_poll_t(retro_input_poll); retro_input_state_cb = new LibRetro.retro_input_state_t(retro_input_state); retro_log_printf_cb = new LibRetro.retro_log_printf_t(retro_log_printf); //no way (need new mechanism) to check for SSSE3, MMXEXT, SSE4, SSE42 retro_perf_callback.get_cpu_features = new LibRetro.retro_get_cpu_features_t(() => (ulong)( (Win32PInvokes.IsProcessorFeaturePresent(Win32PInvokes.ProcessorFeature.InstructionsXMMIAvailable) ? LibRetro.RETRO_SIMD.SSE : 0) | (Win32PInvokes.IsProcessorFeaturePresent(Win32PInvokes.ProcessorFeature.InstructionsXMMI64Available) ? LibRetro.RETRO_SIMD.SSE2 : 0) | (Win32PInvokes.IsProcessorFeaturePresent(Win32PInvokes.ProcessorFeature.InstructionsSSE3Available) ? LibRetro.RETRO_SIMD.SSE3 : 0) | (Win32PInvokes.IsProcessorFeaturePresent(Win32PInvokes.ProcessorFeature.InstructionsMMXAvailable) ? LibRetro.RETRO_SIMD.MMX : 0) ) ); retro_perf_callback.get_perf_counter = new LibRetro.retro_perf_get_counter_t(() => System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()); retro_perf_callback.get_time_usec = new LibRetro.retro_perf_get_time_usec_t(() => DateTime.Now.Ticks / 10); retro_perf_callback.perf_log = new LibRetro.retro_perf_log_t( () => {} ); retro_perf_callback.perf_register = new LibRetro.retro_perf_register_t((ref LibRetro.retro_perf_counter counter) => { }); retro_perf_callback.perf_start = new LibRetro.retro_perf_start_t((ref LibRetro.retro_perf_counter counter) => { }); retro_perf_callback.perf_stop = new LibRetro.retro_perf_stop_t((ref LibRetro.retro_perf_counter counter) => { }); retro = new LibRetro(modulename); try { CoreComm = nextComm; //this series of steps may be mystical. LibRetro.retro_system_info system_info = new LibRetro.retro_system_info(); retro.retro_get_system_info(ref system_info); //the dosbox core calls GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY and GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY from retro_set_environment. //so, lets set some temporary values (which we'll replace) SystemDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(modulename); SystemDirectoryAtom = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(SystemDirectory); SaveDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(modulename); SaveDirectoryAtom = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(SaveDirectory); retro.retro_set_environment(retro_environment_cb); retro.retro_set_video_refresh(retro_video_refresh_cb); retro.retro_set_audio_sample(retro_audio_sample_cb); retro.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(retro_audio_sample_batch_cb); retro.retro_set_input_poll(retro_input_poll_cb); retro.retro_set_input_state(retro_input_state_cb); //compile descriptive information Description.NeedsArchives = system_info.block_extract; Description.NeedsRomAsPath = system_info.need_fullpath; Description.LibraryName = system_info.library_name; Description.LibraryVersion = system_info.library_version; Description.ValidExtensions = system_info.valid_extensions; Description.SupportsNoGame = environmentInfo.SupportNoGame; } catch { retro.Dispose(); retro = null; throw; } } public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; private set; } public bool LoadData(byte[] data) { LibRetro.retro_game_info gi = new LibRetro.retro_game_info(); fixed (byte* p = &data[0]) { = (IntPtr)p; gi.meta = ""; gi.path = ""; gi.size = (uint)data.Length; return LoadWork(ref gi); } } public bool LoadPath(string path) { LibRetro.retro_game_info gi = new LibRetro.retro_game_info(); gi.path = path; //is this the right encoding? seems to be ok return LoadWork(ref gi); } public bool LoadNoGame() { LibRetro.retro_game_info gi = new LibRetro.retro_game_info(); return LoadWork(ref gi); } bool LoadWork(ref LibRetro.retro_game_info gi) { //defer this until loading because during the LibRetroEmulator constructor, we dont have access to the game name and so paths can't be selected //this cannot be done until set_environment is complete if (CoreComm.CoreFileProvider == null) { SaveDirectory = SystemDirectory = ""; } else { SystemDirectory = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetRetroSystemPath(); SaveDirectory = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetRetroSaveRAMDirectory(); SystemDirectoryAtom = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(SystemDirectory); SaveDirectoryAtom = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(SaveDirectory); } //defer this until loading because it triggers the core to read save and system paths //if any cores did that from set_environment then i'm assured we can call set_environment again here before retro_init and it should work //--alcaro says any cores that can't handle that should be considered a bug //UPDATE: dosbox does that, so lets try it retro.retro_set_environment(retro_environment_cb); retro.retro_init(); if (!retro.retro_load_game(ref gi)) { Console.WriteLine("retro_load_game() failed"); return false; } //TODO - libretro cores can return a varying serialize size over time. I tried to get them to write it in the docs... savebuff = new byte[retro.retro_serialize_size()]; savebuff2 = new byte[savebuff.Length + 13]; LibRetro.retro_system_av_info av = new LibRetro.retro_system_av_info(); retro.retro_get_system_av_info(ref av); BufferWidth = (int)av.geometry.base_width; BufferHeight = (int)av.geometry.base_height; vidbuff = new int[av.geometry.max_width * av.geometry.max_height]; dar = av.geometry.aspect_ratio; // TODO: more precise CoreComm.VsyncNum = (int)(10000000 * av.timing.fps); CoreComm.VsyncDen = 10000000; SetupResampler(av.timing.fps, av.timing.sample_rate); ControllerDefinition = CreateControllerDefinition(_SyncSettings); return true; } public static ControllerDefinition CreateControllerDefinition(SyncSettings syncSettings) { ControllerDefinition definition = new ControllerDefinition(); definition.Name = "LibRetro Controls"; // <-- for compatibility foreach(var item in new[] { "P1 {0} Up", "P1 {0} Down", "P1 {0} Left", "P1 {0} Right", "P1 {0} Select", "P1 {0} Start", "P1 {0} Y", "P1 {0} B", "P1 {0} X", "P1 {0} A", "P1 {0} L", "P1 {0} R", "P2 {0} Up", "P2 {0} Down", "P2 {0} Left", "P2 {0} Right", "P2 {0} Select", "P2 {0} Start", "P2 {0} Y", "P2 {0} B", "P2 {0} X", "P2 {0} A", "P2 {0} L", "P2 {0} R", }) definition.BoolButtons.Add(string.Format(item,"RetroPad")); definition.BoolButtons.Add("Pointer Pressed"); //TODO: this isnt showing up in the binding panel. I dont want to find out why. definition.FloatControls.Add("Pointer X"); definition.FloatControls.Add("Pointer Y"); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new ControllerDefinition.FloatRange(-32767, 0, 32767)); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new ControllerDefinition.FloatRange(-32767, 0, 32767)); foreach (var key in new[]{ "Key Backspace", "Key Tab", "Key Clear", "Key Return", "Key Pause", "Key Escape", "Key Space", "Key Exclaim", "Key QuoteDbl", "Key Hash", "Key Dollar", "Key Ampersand", "Key Quote", "Key LeftParen", "Key RightParen", "Key Asterisk", "Key Plus", "Key Comma", "Key Minus", "Key Period", "Key Slash", "Key 0", "Key 1", "Key 2", "Key 3", "Key 4", "Key 5", "Key 6", "Key 7", "Key 8", "Key 9", "Key Colon", "Key Semicolon", "Key Less", "Key Equals", "Key Greater", "Key Question", "Key At", "Key LeftBracket", "Key Backslash", "Key RightBracket", "Key Caret", "Key Underscore", "Key Backquote", "Key A", "Key B", "Key C", "Key D", "Key E", "Key F", "Key G", "Key H", "Key I", "Key J", "Key K", "Key L", "Key M", "Key N", "Key O", "Key P", "Key Q", "Key R", "Key S", "Key T", "Key U", "Key V", "Key W", "Key X", "Key Y", "Key Z", "Key Delete", "Key KP0", "Key KP1", "Key KP2", "Key KP3", "Key KP4", "Key KP5", "Key KP6", "Key KP7", "Key KP8", "Key KP9", "Key KP_Period", "Key KP_Divide", "Key KP_Multiply", "Key KP_Minus", "Key KP_Plus", "Key KP_Enter", "Key KP_Equals", "Key Up", "Key Down", "Key Right", "Key Left", "Key Insert", "Key Home", "Key End", "Key PageUp", "Key PageDown", "Key F1", "Key F2", "Key F3", "Key F4", "Key F5", "Key F6", "Key F7", "Key F8", "Key F9", "Key F10", "Key F11", "Key F12", "Key F13", "Key F14", "Key F15", "Key NumLock", "Key CapsLock", "Key ScrollLock", "Key RShift", "Key LShift", "Key RCtrl", "Key LCtrl", "Key RAlt", "Key LAlt", "Key RMeta", "Key LMeta", "Key LSuper", "Key RSuper", "Key Mode", "Key Compose", "Key Help", "Key Print", "Key SysReq", "Key Break", "Key Menu", "Key Power", "Key Euro", "Key Undo" }) { definition.BoolButtons.Add(key); definition.CategoryLabels[key] = "RetroKeyboard"; } return definition; } public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition { get; private set; } public IController Controller { get; set; } public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool rendersound = true) { //TODO - consider changing directory and using Libretro subdir of bizhawk as a kind of sandbox, for the duration of the run? IsLagFrame = true; Frame++; nsamprecv = 0; retro.retro_run(); //Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", nsamprecv); } public int Frame { get; private set; } public string SystemId { get { return "Libretro"; } } public bool DeterministicEmulation { // who knows get { return true; } } public string BoardName { get { return null; } } #region ISaveRam //TODO - terrible things will happen if this changes at runtime byte[] saverambuff = new byte[0]; public byte[] CloneSaveRam() { int size = (int)retro.retro_get_memory_size(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (saverambuff.Length != size) saverambuff = new byte[size]; IntPtr src = retro.retro_get_memory_data(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (src == IntPtr.Zero) return null; Marshal.Copy(src, saverambuff, 0, size); return (byte[])saverambuff.Clone(); } public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data) { int size = (int)retro.retro_get_memory_size(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (size == 0) return; IntPtr dst = retro.retro_get_memory_data(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (dst == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("retro_get_memory_data(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM) returned NULL"); Marshal.Copy(data, 0, dst, size); } public bool SaveRamModified { [FeatureNotImplemented] get { //if we dont have saveram, it isnt modified. otherwise, assume it is int size = (int)retro.retro_get_memory_size(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (size == 0) return false; return true; } [FeatureNotImplemented] set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } #endregion public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; LagCount = 0; IsLagFrame = false; } #region savestates private byte[] savebuff; private byte[] savebuff2; public void SaveStateText(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { var temp = SaveStateBinary(); temp.SaveAsHex(writer); } public void LoadStateText(System.IO.TextReader reader) { string hex = reader.ReadLine(); byte[] state = new byte[hex.Length / 2]; state.ReadFromHex(hex); LoadStateBinary(new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(state))); } public void SaveStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) { //is this the only way we know of to detect unavailable savestates? if (savebuff.Length > 0) { fixed (byte* ptr = &savebuff[0]) { if (!retro.retro_serialize((IntPtr)ptr, (uint)savebuff.Length)) throw new Exception("retro_serialize() failed"); } } writer.Write(savebuff.Length); writer.Write(savebuff); // other variables writer.Write(Frame); writer.Write(LagCount); writer.Write(IsLagFrame); } public void LoadStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { int newlen = reader.ReadInt32(); if (newlen > savebuff.Length) throw new Exception("Unexpected buffer size"); reader.Read(savebuff, 0, newlen); if (savebuff.Length > 0) { fixed (byte* ptr = &savebuff[0]) { if (!retro.retro_unserialize((IntPtr)ptr, (uint)newlen)) throw new Exception("retro_unserialize() failed"); } } // other variables Frame = reader.ReadInt32(); LagCount = reader.ReadInt32(); IsLagFrame = reader.ReadBoolean(); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(savebuff2, true); var bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(ms); SaveStateBinary(bw); bw.Flush(); ms.Close(); return savebuff2; } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return true; } } #endregion public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } #region memory access void SetupDebuggingStuff() { } public MemoryDomainList MemoryDomains { get; private set; } #endregion public void Dispose() { if (resampler != null) { resampler.Dispose(); resampler = null; } if (retro != null) { retro.Dispose(); retro = null; } unmanagedResources.Dispose(); unmanagedResources = null; } #region ISoundProvider public IAsyncSoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return null; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return resampler; } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return false; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } SpeexResampler resampler; short[] sampbuff = new short[0]; // debug int nsamprecv = 0; void SetupResampler(double fps, double sps) { Console.WriteLine("FPS {0} SPS {1}", fps, sps); // todo: more precise? uint spsnum = (uint)sps * 1000; uint spsden = (uint)1000; resampler = new SpeexResampler(5, 44100 * spsden, spsnum, (uint)sps, 44100, null, null); } void retro_audio_sample(short left, short right) { resampler.EnqueueSample(left, right); nsamprecv++; } uint retro_audio_sample_batch(IntPtr data, uint frames) { if (sampbuff.Length < frames * 2) sampbuff = new short[frames * 2]; Marshal.Copy(data, sampbuff, 0, (int)(frames * 2)); resampler.EnqueueSamples(sampbuff, (int)frames); nsamprecv += (int)frames; // what is the return from this used for? return frames; } #endregion #region IVideoProvider float dar; int[] vidbuff, rawvidbuff; LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelfmt = LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB1555; void Blit555(short* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int pitch) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { short* row = src; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { short ci = *row; int r = ci & 0x001f; int g = ci & 0x03e0; int b = ci & 0x7c00; r = (r << 3) | (r >> 2); g = (g >> 2) | (g >> 7); b = (b >> 7) | (b >> 12); int co = r | g | b | unchecked((int)0xff000000); *dst = co; dst++; row++; } src += pitch; } } void Blit565(short* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int pitch) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { short* row = src; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { short ci = *row; int r = ci & 0x001f; int g = (ci & 0x07e0)>>5; int b = (ci & 0xf800)>>11; r = (r << 3) | (r >> 2); g = (g << 2) | (g >> 4); b = (b << 3) | (b >> 2); int co = (b<<16) | (g<<8) | r; *dst = co; dst++; row++; } src += pitch; } } void Blit888(int* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int pitch) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int* row = src; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { int ci = *row; int co = ci | unchecked((int)0xff000000); *dst = co; dst++; row++; } src += pitch; } } void retro_video_refresh(IntPtr data, uint width, uint height, uint pitch) { if (data == IntPtr.Zero) // dup frame return; //if (BufferWidth != width) BufferWidth = (int)width; //if (BufferHeight != height) BufferHeight = (int)height; //if (BufferWidth * BufferHeight != rawvidbuff.Length) // rawvidbuff = new int[BufferWidth * BufferHeight]; //if we have rotation, we might have a geometry mismatch and in any event we need a temp buffer to do the rotation from //but that's a general problem, isnt it? if (rawvidbuff == null || rawvidbuff.Length != width * height) { rawvidbuff = new int[width * height]; } int[] target = vidbuff; if (environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW != 0) target = rawvidbuff; fixed (int* dst = &target[0]) { if (pixelfmt == LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB8888) Blit888((int*)data, dst, (int)width, (int)height, (int)pitch / 4); else if (pixelfmt == LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565) Blit565((short*)data, dst, (int)width, (int)height, (int)pitch / 2); else Blit555((short*)data, dst, (int)width, (int)height, (int)pitch / 2); } int dw = BufferWidth, dh = BufferHeight; if (environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW == 0) { } else if (environmentInfo.Rotation_CCW == 270) { for(int y=0;y 1.0f) return (int)(BufferHeight * dar); else return BufferWidth; } } public int VirtualHeight { get { if(dar<=0) return BufferHeight; if (dar < 1.0f) return (int)(BufferWidth / dar); else return BufferHeight; } } public int BufferWidth { get; private set; } public int BufferHeight { get; private set; } public int BackgroundColor { get { return unchecked((int)0xff000000); } } #endregion #region IInputPollable public int LagCount { get; set; } public bool IsLagFrame { get; set; } public IInputCallbackSystem InputCallbacks { [FeatureNotImplemented] get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } #endregion } }