using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Emulation.CPUs.Z80GB; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Gameboy { public partial class Gameboy : IEmulator { public interface IDebuggerAPI { void DoEvents(); } public IDebuggerAPI DebuggerAPI; public enum ECartType { ROM_ONLY = 0x00, ROM_MBC1 = 0x01, ROM_MBC1_RAM = 0x02, ROM_MBC1_RAM_BATT = 0x03, ROM_MBC2 = 0x05, ROM_MBC2_BATTERY = 0x06, ROM_RAM = 0x08, ROM_RAM_BATTERY = 0x09, ROM_MMM01 = 0x0B, ROM_MMM01_SRAM = 0x0C, ROM_MMM01_SRAM_BATT = 0x0D, ROM_MBC3_TIMER_BATT = 0x0F, ROM_MBC3_TIMER_RAM_BATT = 0x10, ROM_MBC3 = 0x11, ROM_MBC3_RAM = 0x12, ROM_MBC3_RAM_BATT = 0x13, ROM_MBC5 = 0x19, ROM_MBC5_RAM = 0x1A, ROM_MBC5_RAM_BATT = 0x1B, ROM_MBC5_RUMBLE = 0x1C, ROM_MBC5_RUMBLE_SRAM = 0x1D, ROM_MBC5_RUMBLE_SRAM_BATT = 0x1E, PocketCamera = 0x1F, Bandai_TAMA5 = 0xFD, Hudson_HuC_3 = 0xFE, Hudson_HuC_1 = 0xFF, } public enum ESystemType { GB, //original gameboy GBP, //gameboy pocket GBC, //gameboy color SGB, //super gameboy GBA, //gameboy advance (emulating old hardware) } public ECartType CartType; public ESystemType SystemType; public struct TCartFlags { public bool GBC; //cart indicates itself as GBC aware public bool SGB; //cart indicates itself as SGB aware } public TCartFlags CartFlags = new TCartFlags(); static byte SetBit8(byte variable, int bit, bool val) { int mask = 1 << bit; int temp = variable; temp &= ~mask; if (val) temp |= mask; return (byte)temp; } static byte SetBit8(byte variable, int bit, int val) { return SetBit8(variable, bit, val != 0); } static bool GetBit8(byte variable, int bit) { return (variable & (1 << bit)) != 0; } public class TRegisters { Gameboy gb; public TRegisters(Gameboy gb) { = gb; STAT = new TSTAT(gb); } public bool BiosMapped = true; public class TLCDC { byte val; public bool Enabled { get { return GetBit8(val, 7); } set { val = SetBit8(val, 7, value); } } public ETileMap WindowTileMap { get { return GetBit8(val, 6) ? ETileMap.Region_9C00_9FFF : ETileMap.Region_9800_9BFF; } set { val = SetBit8(val, 6, (int)value); } } public ushort WindowTileMapAddr { get { return GetTileMapAddrFor(WindowTileMap); } } public bool WindowDisplay { get { return GetBit8(val, 5); } set { val = SetBit8(val, 5, value); } } public ETileData TileData { get { return GetBit8(val, 4) ? ETileData.Region_8000_8FFF : ETileData.Region_8800_97FF; } set { val = SetBit8(val, 4, (int)value); } } public ushort TileDataAddr { get { return GetTileDataAddrFor(TileData); } } public ETileMap BgTileMap { get { return GetBit8(val, 3) ? ETileMap.Region_9C00_9FFF : ETileMap.Region_9800_9BFF; } set { val = SetBit8(val, 3, (int)value); } } public ushort BgTileMapAddr { get { return GetTileMapAddrFor(BgTileMap); } } public EObjSize ObjSize { get { return GetBit8(val, 2) ? EObjSize.ObjSize_8x16 : EObjSize.ObjSize_8x8; } set { val = SetBit8(val, 2, (int)value); } } public bool ObjEnabled { get { return GetBit8(val, 1); } set { val = SetBit8(val, 1, value); } } public bool BgEnabled { get { return GetBit8(val, 0); } set { val = SetBit8(val, 0, value); } } public byte Read() { return val; } public void Write(byte value) { val = value; } public void Poke(byte value) { val = value; } public enum ETileMap { Region_9800_9BFF = 0, Region_9C00_9FFF = 1, } public enum ETileData { Region_8800_97FF = 0, Region_8000_8FFF = 1, } public ushort GetTileMapAddrFor(ETileMap tm) { return (ushort)(tm == ETileMap.Region_9800_9BFF ? 0x9800 : 0x9C00); } public ushort GetTileDataAddrFor(ETileData tm) { return (ushort)(tm == ETileData.Region_8800_97FF ? 0x8800 : 0x8000); } public enum EObjSize { ObjSize_8x8 = 0, ObjSize_8x16 = 1, } } public TLCDC LCDC = new TLCDC(); public byte SCY, SCX; public class TSTAT { readonly Gameboy gb; public TSTAT(Gameboy gb) { = gb; } public byte Read() { //TODO (not done yet) int mode; if (gb.Registers.Timing.line >= 160) mode = 1; else if ( < 80) mode = 2; else if ( < 172 + 80) mode = 3; else mode = 0; return (byte)mode; } } public TSTAT STAT; public class TTiming { public int frame; public int line; public int dot; } public TTiming Timing = new TTiming(); public class TInput { public bool up, down, left, right, a, b, select, start; int val; public void Write(byte value) { val = value & 0x30; } public byte Read() { if ((val & 0x10) == 0) { int ret = SetBit8(0, 0, right) | SetBit8(0, 1, left) | SetBit8(0, 2, up) | SetBit8(0, 3, down); return (byte) (~ret); } else if((val & 0x10) == 0) { int ret = SetBit8(0, 0, a) | SetBit8(0, 1, b) | SetBit8(0, 2, select) | SetBit8(0, 3, start); return (byte)(~ret); } else return 0xFF; //TODO return system type??? } } public TInput Input = new TInput(); public byte Read_LY() { return (byte)Timing.line; } }; public TRegisters Registers; public void SingleStepInto() { Cpu.TotalExecutedCycles = 0; Cpu.SingleStepInto(); int elapsed = Cpu.TotalExecutedCycles; Timekeeping(elapsed); } public bool DebugBreak; public void RunForever() { int sanity = 0; for (; ; ) { SingleStepInto(); sanity++; if (sanity == 100000) { if(DebuggerAPI != null) DebuggerAPI.DoEvents(); if (DebugBreak) break; sanity = 0; } } DebugBreak = false; } public void Timekeeping(int elapsed) { += elapsed; if ( >= 456) { Registers.Timing.line++; -= 456; } if (Registers.Timing.line > 153) { Registers.Timing.frame++; Registers.Timing.line = 0; } } public void DetachBios() { Registers.BiosMapped = false; Cpu.ReadMemory = ReadMemory; } public class TSound { public byte[] WavePatternRam = new byte[16]; } public TSound Sound; public byte[] Rom; public byte[] WRam; public byte[] SRam; public byte[] VRam; public byte[] HRam; public byte[] OAM; public Z80 Cpu; public MemoryMapper Mapper; public Gameboy() { } public void LoadGame(IGame game) { Rom = game.GetRomData(); //inspect mapper and GBC flags CartType = (ECartType)Rom[0x0147]; Mapper = new MemoryMapper(this); CartFlags.GBC = Rom[0x0143] == 0x80; CartFlags.SGB = Rom[0x0146] == 0x03; HardReset(); } public bool BootFromBios = true; public void HardReset() { Cpu = new CPUs.Z80GB.Z80(); Cpu.ReadMemory = ReadMemoryBios; Cpu.WriteMemory = WriteMemory; Cpu.Reset(); //setup initial cpu registers. based on no evidence: //registers which may be used to identify system type are judged to be important; and //the initial contents of the stack are judged to be unimportant. switch (SystemType) { case ESystemType.GB: case ESystemType.SGB: Cpu.RegisterAF = 0x01; break; case ESystemType.GBP: Cpu.RegisterAF = 0xFF; break; case ESystemType.GBC: Cpu.RegisterAF = 0x11; break; case ESystemType.GBA: throw new NotImplementedException(); //decide what to do } Cpu.RegisterF = 0xB0; if (SystemType == ESystemType.GBA) Cpu.RegisterB = 0x01; else Cpu.RegisterB = 0x00; Cpu.RegisterC = 0x13; Cpu.RegisterDE = 0x00D8; Cpu.RegisterHL = 0x014D; Cpu.RegisterSP = 0xFFFE; if (BootFromBios) Cpu.RegisterPC = 0x0000; else Cpu.RegisterPC = 0x0100; WRam = new byte[32 * 1024]; //GB has 4KB of WRam; GBC has 32KB of WRam SRam = new byte[8 * 1024]; //different carts may have different amounts of this VRam = new byte[0x2000]; HRam = new byte[128]; OAM = new byte[0xA0]; Sound = new TSound(); Registers = new TRegisters(this); Registers.LCDC.Poke(0x91); } public byte ReadMemoryBios(ushort addr) { //we speculate that the bios unmaps itself after the first read of 0x100 if (addr < 0x100) return Bios[addr]; else if(addr == 0x100) DetachBios(); return ReadMemory(addr); } public string DescribeParagraph(ushort addr) { //todo - later on, this must say "RO1F" for bank 0x1F and etc. //and so it must call through to the mapper if (addr < 0x4000) return "ROM0"; else if (addr < 0x8000) return "ROM1"; else if (addr < 0xA000) return "VRA0"; else if (addr < 0xC000) return "SRA0"; else if (addr < 0xD000) return "WRA0"; else if (addr < 0xE000) return "WRA1"; else if (addr < 0xFE00) return "ECH0"; else if (addr < 0xFEA0) return "OAM "; else if (addr < 0xFF00) return "----"; else if (addr < 0xFF80) return "I/O "; else return "HRAM"; } public byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { if (addr < 0x8000) return Rom[addr]; else if (addr < 0xA000) return VRam[addr - 0x8000]; else if (addr < 0xC000) return SRam[addr - 0xA000]; else if (addr < 0xD000) return WRam[addr - 0xC000]; //bank 0 of WRam else if (addr < 0xE000) return WRam[addr - 0xC000]; //bank 1 of WRam (needs to be switchable) else if (addr < 0xFE00) return ReadMemory((ushort)(addr - 0xE000)); //echo of WRam; unusable; reserved ???? else if (addr < 0xFEA0) return OAM[addr - 0xFE00]; else if (addr < 0xFF00) return 0xFF; //"unusable memory" else if (addr < 0xFF80) return ReadRegister(addr); else if (addr < 0xFFFF) return HRam[addr - 0xFF80]; else return ReadRegister(addr); } public byte ReadRegister(ushort addr) { switch (addr) { case 0xFF00: //REG_P1 - Register for reading joy pad info and determining system type. (R/W) return Registers.Input.Read(); case 0xFF01: //REG_SB - Serial transfer data (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF02: //REG_SC - SIO control (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF04: //REG_DIV - Divider Register (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF05: //REG_TIMA - Timer counter (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF06: //REG_TMA - Timer Modulo (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF07: //REG_TAC - Timer Control (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF0F: //REG_IF - Interrupt Flag (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF10: //REG_NR10 - Sound Mode 1 register, Sweep register (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF11: //REG_NR11 - Sound Mode 1 register, Sound length/Wave pattern duty (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF12: //REG_NR12 - Sound Mode 1 register, Envelope (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF13: //REG_NR13 - Sound Mode 1 register, Frequency lo (W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF14: //REG_NR14 - Sound Mode 1 register, Frequency hi (R/W) return 0xFF; //0xFF15 ??????????????? case 0xFF16: //REG_NR21 - Sound Mode 2 register, Sound Length; Wave Pattern Duty (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF17: //REG_NR22 - Sound Mode 2 register, envelope (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF18: //REG_NR23 - Sound Mode 2 register, frequency lo data (W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF19: //REG_NR24 - Sound Mode 2 register, frequency hi data (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF1A: //REG_NR30 - Sound Mode 3 register, Sound on/off (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF1B: //REG_NR31 - Sound Mode 3 register, sound length (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF1C: //REG_NR32 - Sound Mode 3 register, Select output level (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF1D: //REG_NR33 - Sound Mode 3 register, frequency's lower data (W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF1E: //REG_NR34 - Sound Mode 3 register, frequency's higher data (R/W) return 0xFF; //0xFF1F ??????????????? case 0xFF20: //REG_NR41 - Sound Mode 4 register, sound length (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF21: //REG_NR42 - Sound Mode 4 register, envelope (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF22: //REG_NR43 - Sound Mode 4 register, polynomial counter (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF23: //REG_NR44 - Sound Mode 4 register, counter/consecutive; inital (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF24: //REG_NR50 - Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF25: //REG_NR51 - Selection of Sound output terminal (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF26: //REG_NR52 - Sound on/off (R/W) (Value at reset: $F1-GB, $F0-SGB) return 0xFF; case 0xFF30: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x00]; case 0xFF31: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x01]; case 0xFF32: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x02]; case 0xFF33: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x03]; case 0xFF34: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x04]; case 0xFF35: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x05]; case 0xFF36: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x06]; case 0xFF37: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x07]; case 0xFF38: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x08]; case 0xFF39: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x09]; case 0xFF3A: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0A]; case 0xFF3B: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0B]; case 0xFF3C: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0C]; case 0xFF3D: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0D]; case 0xFF3E: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0E]; case 0xFF3F: return Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0F]; case 0xFF40: //REG_LCDC - LCD Control (R/W) (value $91 at reset) return Registers.LCDC.Read(); case 0xFF41: //REG_STAT - LCDC Status (R/W) return Registers.STAT.Read(); case 0xFF42: //REG_SCY - Scroll Y (R/W) return Registers.SCY; case 0xFF43: //REG_SCX - Scroll X (R/W) return Registers.SCX; case 0xFF44: //REG_LY - LCDC Y-Coordinate (R) return Registers.Read_LY(); case 0xFF45: //REG_LYC - LY Compare (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF46: //REG_DMA - DMA Transfer and Start Address (W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF47: //REG_BGP - BG & Window Palette Data (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF48: //REG_OBP0 - Object Palette 0 Data (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF49: //REG_OBP1 - Object Palette 1 Data (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF4A: //REG_WY - Window Y Position (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFF4B: //REG_WX - Window X Position (R/W) return 0xFF; case 0xFFFF: //REG_IE return 0xFF; default: return 0xFF; } } public void WriteRegister(ushort addr, byte value) { switch (addr) { case 0xFF00: //REG_P1 - Register for reading joy pad info and determining system type. (R/W) Registers.Input.Write(value); break; case 0xFF01: //REG_SB - Serial transfer data (R/W) return; case 0xFF02: //REG_SC - SIO control (R/W) return; case 0xFF04: //REG_DIV - Divider Register (R/W) return; case 0xFF05: //REG_TIMA - Timer counter (R/W) return; case 0xFF06: //REG_TMA - Timer Modulo (R/W) return; case 0xFF07: //REG_TAC - Timer Control (R/W) return; case 0xFF0F: //REG_IF - Interrupt Flag (R/W) return; case 0xFF10: //REG_NR10 - Sound Mode 1 register, Sweep register (R/W) return; case 0xFF11: //REG_NR11 - Sound Mode 1 register, Sound length/Wave pattern duty (R/W) return; case 0xFF12: //REG_NR12 - Sound Mode 1 register, Envelope (R/W) return; case 0xFF13: //REG_NR13 - Sound Mode 1 register, Frequency lo (W) return; case 0xFF14: //REG_NR14 - Sound Mode 1 register, Frequency hi (R/W) return; //0xFF15 ??????????????? case 0xFF16: //REG_NR21 - Sound Mode 2 register, Sound Length; Wave Pattern Duty (R/W) return; case 0xFF17: //REG_NR22 - Sound Mode 2 register, envelope (R/W) return; case 0xFF18: //REG_NR23 - Sound Mode 2 register, frequency lo data (W) return; case 0xFF19: //REG_NR24 - Sound Mode 2 register, frequency hi data (R/W) return; case 0xFF1A: //REG_NR30 - Sound Mode 3 register, Sound on/off (R/W) return; case 0xFF1B: //REG_NR31 - Sound Mode 3 register, sound length (R/W) return; case 0xFF1C: //REG_NR32 - Sound Mode 3 register, Select output level (R/W) return; case 0xFF1D: //REG_NR33 - Sound Mode 3 register, frequency's lower data (W) return; case 0xFF1E: //REG_NR34 - Sound Mode 3 register, frequency's higher data (R/W) return; //0xFF1F ??????????????? case 0xFF20: //REG_NR41 - Sound Mode 4 register, sound length (R/W) return; case 0xFF21: //REG_NR42 - Sound Mode 4 register, envelope (R/W) return; case 0xFF22: //REG_NR43 - Sound Mode 4 register, polynomial counter (R/W) return; case 0xFF23: //REG_NR44 - Sound Mode 4 register, counter/consecutive; inital (R/W) return; case 0xFF24: //REG_NR50 - Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W) return; case 0xFF25: //REG_NR51 - Selection of Sound output terminal (R/W) return; case 0xFF26: //REG_NR52 - Sound on/off (R/W) (Value at reset: $F1-GB, $F0-SGB) return; case 0xFF30: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x00] = value; break; case 0xFF31: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x01] = value; break; case 0xFF32: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x02] = value; break; case 0xFF33: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x03] = value; break; case 0xFF34: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x04] = value; break; case 0xFF35: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x05] = value; break; case 0xFF36: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x06] = value; break; case 0xFF37: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x07] = value; break; case 0xFF38: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x08] = value; break; case 0xFF39: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x09] = value; break; case 0xFF3A: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0A] = value; break; case 0xFF3B: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0B] = value; break; case 0xFF3C: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0C] = value; break; case 0xFF3D: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0D] = value; break; case 0xFF3E: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0E] = value; break; case 0xFF3F: Sound.WavePatternRam[0x0F] = value; break; case 0xFF40: //REG_LCDC - LCD Control (R/W) (value $91 at reset) Registers.LCDC.Write(value); break; case 0xFF41: //REG_STAT - LCDC Status (R/W) return; case 0xFF42: //REG_SCY - Scroll Y (R/W) Registers.SCY = value; break; case 0xFF43: //REG_SCX - Scroll X (R/W) Registers.SCX = value; break; case 0xFF44: //REG_LY - LCDC Y-Coordinate (R) return; case 0xFF45: //REG_LYC - LY Compare (R/W) return; case 0xFF46: //REG_DMA - DMA Transfer and Start Address (W) return; case 0xFF47: //REG_BGP - BG & Window Palette Data (R/W) return; case 0xFF48: //REG_OBP0 - Object Palette 0 Data (R/W) return; case 0xFF49: //REG_OBP1 - Object Palette 1 Data (R/W) return; case 0xFF4A: //REG_WY - Window Y Position (R/W) return; case 0xFF4B: //REG_WX - Window X Position (R/W) return; case 0xFFFF: //REG_IE return; default: return; } } public void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { if (addr < 0x8000) return; else if (addr < 0xA000) VRam[addr - 0x8000] = value; else if (addr < 0xC000) SRam[addr - 0xA000] = value; else if (addr < 0xD000) WRam[addr - 0xC000] = value; else if (addr < 0xE000) WRam[addr - 0xC000] = value; else if (addr < 0xFE00) WriteMemory((ushort)(addr - 0xE000), value); else if (addr < 0xFEA0) OAM[addr - 0xFE00] = value; else if (addr < 0xFF00) return; else if (addr < 0xFF80) WriteRegister(addr,value); else if (addr < 0xFFFF) HRam[addr - 0xFF80] = value; else WriteRegister(addr, value); } public void FrameAdvance(bool render) { //Cpu.ExecuteCycles(4096); } public IVideoProvider VideoProvider { get { return new NullEmulator(); } } public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return new NullEmulator(); } } public int Frame { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public byte[] SaveRam { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public bool SaveRamModified { get { return false; } set { } } public void SaveStateText(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void LoadStateText(System.IO.TextReader reader) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SaveStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) { } public void LoadStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { return new byte[0]; } public void RenderOBJLine(int line, byte[] output, bool limit) { int height = Registers.LCDC.ObjSize == TRegisters.TLCDC.EObjSize.ObjSize_8x16 ? 16 : 8; List sprites = new List(); //1st pass: select sprites to draw for (int s = 0; s < 40; s++) { int y = OAM[s * 4 + 0]; y -= 16; if (line < y) continue; if (line < y + height) continue; sprites.Add(s); if (sprites.Count == 10 && limit) break; //sprite limit } //now render from low priority to high for (int i = sprites.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int s = sprites[i]; int y = OAM[s*4 + 0]; int x = OAM[s*4 + 1]; int pat = OAM[s*4 + 2]; byte flags = OAM[s*4 + 3]; bool priority = GetBit8(flags, 7); bool yflip = GetBit8(flags, 6); bool xflip = GetBit8(flags, 5); bool pal = GetBit8(flags, 4); y -= 16; x -= 8; int sprline = line - y; if(yflip) sprline = height - sprline - 1; if (height == 16) pat = ~1; ushort patternAddr = (ushort)(0x8000 + (pat << 4)); patternAddr += (ushort)(sprline << 1); int _lobits = ReadMemory(patternAddr); patternAddr += 1; int _hibits = ReadMemory(patternAddr); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int px = x + j; if (px < 0) continue; if (px >= 160) continue; int lobits; int hibits; if (xflip) { lobits = _lobits >> (j); hibits = _hibits >> (j); } else { lobits = _lobits >> (7 - j); hibits = _hibits >> (7 - j); } lobits &= 1; hibits &= 1; int pixel = lobits | (hibits << 1); output[x] = (byte) pixel; } } } public void RenderTileLine(int line, byte[] output, ushort tiledata) { int py = line; int ty = py >> 3; int tyr = py & 7; int tileRowOffset = ty << 5; for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++) { int px = x; px &= 0xFF; int tx = px >> 3; int txr = px & 7; int tileOffset = tileRowOffset + tx; int tileAddr = tileOffset; int tileNum = ty * 16 + tx; tileNum = (tileNum) & 0xFF; ushort patternAddr = (ushort)(tiledata + (tileNum << 4)); patternAddr += (ushort)(tyr << 1); int lobits = ReadMemory(patternAddr); patternAddr += 1; int hibits = ReadMemory(patternAddr); lobits >>= (7 - txr); hibits >>= (7 - txr); lobits &= 1; hibits &= 1; int pixel = lobits | (hibits << 1); output[x] = (byte)pixel; } } public void RenderBGLine(int line, byte[] output, bool scroll) { ushort tilemap = Registers.LCDC.BgTileMapAddr; ushort tiledata = Registers.LCDC.TileDataAddr; int tileAdjust = (Registers.LCDC.TileData == TRegisters.TLCDC.ETileData.Region_8800_97FF ? 128 : 0); int py = line; if(scroll) line += Registers.SCY; py &= 0xFF; int ty = py >> 3; int tyr = py & 7; int tileRowOffset = ty << 5; for (int x = 0; x < 160; x++) { int px = x; if(scroll) px += Registers.SCX; px &= 0xFF; int tx = px >> 3; int txr = px & 7; int tileOffset = tileRowOffset + tx; int tileAddr = tilemap + tileOffset; int tileNum = ReadMemory((ushort)tileAddr); tileNum = (tileNum + tileAdjust) & 0xFF; ushort patternAddr = (ushort)(tiledata + (tileNum << 4)); patternAddr += (ushort)(tyr<<1); int lobits = ReadMemory(patternAddr); patternAddr += 1; int hibits = ReadMemory(patternAddr); lobits >>= (7 - txr); hibits >>= (7 - txr); lobits &= 1; hibits &= 1; int pixel = lobits | (hibits << 1); output[x] = (byte)pixel; } } public bool DeterministicEmulation { get; set; } public IList MemoryDomains { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public MemoryDomain MainMemory { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } }