using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; /// /// Parses a RIFF file into a live data structure. /// References to large blobs remain mostly on disk in the file which RiffMaster keeps a reference too. Dispose it to close the file. /// You can modify blobs however you want and write the file back out to a new path, if youre careful (that was the original point of this) /// Please be sure to test round-tripping when you make any changes. This architecture is a bit tricky to use, but it works if youre careful. /// class RiffMaster : IDisposable { public RiffMaster() { } public void WriteFile(string fname) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) WriteStream(fs); } public Stream BaseStream; public void LoadFile(string fname) { var fs = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); LoadStream(fs); } public void Dispose() { if (BaseStream != null) BaseStream.Dispose(); BaseStream = null; } private static string ReadTag(BinaryReader br) { return "" + br.ReadChar() + br.ReadChar() + br.ReadChar() + br.ReadChar(); } protected static void WriteTag(BinaryWriter bw, string tag) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) bw.Write(tag[i]); bw.Flush(); } public abstract class RiffChunk { public string tag; /// /// writes this chunk to the stream, including padding /// public abstract void WriteStream(Stream s); /// /// distinct from a size or a length, the `volume` is the volume of bytes occupied by the chunk on disk (accounting for padding). /// /// public abstract long GetVolume(); /// /// transforms into a derived class depending on tag /// public abstract RiffChunk Morph(); } static class Util { public static void CopyStream(Stream src, Stream dest, long len) { const int size = 0x2000; byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; while (len > 0) { long todo = len; if (len > size) todo = size; int n = src.Read(buffer, 0, (int)todo); dest.Write(buffer, 0, n); len -= n; } } } public class RiffSubchunk : RiffChunk { public long Position; public uint Length; public Stream Source; public override void WriteStream(Stream s) { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(s); WriteTag(bw, tag); bw.Write(Length); bw.Flush(); Source.Position = Position; Util.CopyStream(Source, s, Length); //all chunks are supposed to be 16bit padded if (Length % 2 != 0) s.WriteByte(0); } public override long GetVolume() { long ret = Length; if (ret % 2 != 0) ret++; return ret; } public byte[] ReadAll() { int msSize = (int)Math.Min((long)int.MaxValue, Length); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(msSize); Source.Position = Position; Util.CopyStream(Source, ms, Length); return ms.ToArray(); } public override RiffChunk Morph() { switch (tag) { case "fmt ": return new RiffSubchunk_fmt(this); } return this; } } public class RiffSubchunk_fmt : RiffSubchunk { public enum FORMAT_TAG : ushort { WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = (0x0000), WAVE_FORMAT_PCM = (0x0001), WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM = (0x0002), WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW = (0x0006), WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW = (0x0007), WAVE_FORMAT_OKI_ADPCM = (0x0010), WAVE_FORMAT_DIGISTD = (0x0015), WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIFIX = (0x0016), IBM_FORMAT_MULAW = (0x0101), IBM_FORMAT_ALAW = (0x0102), IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM = (0x0103), } public FORMAT_TAG format_tag; public ushort channels; public uint samplesPerSec; public uint avgBytesPerSec; public ushort blockAlign; public ushort bitsPerSample; public RiffSubchunk_fmt(RiffSubchunk origin) { tag = "fmt "; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(origin.ReadAll())); format_tag = (FORMAT_TAG)br.ReadUInt16(); channels = br.ReadUInt16(); samplesPerSec = br.ReadUInt32(); avgBytesPerSec = br.ReadUInt32(); blockAlign = br.ReadUInt16(); bitsPerSample = br.ReadUInt16(); } public override void WriteStream(Stream s) { Flush(); base.WriteStream(s); } void Flush() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); bw.Write((ushort)format_tag); bw.Write(channels); bw.Write(samplesPerSec); bw.Write(avgBytesPerSec); bw.Write(blockAlign); bw.Write(bitsPerSample); bw.Flush(); Source = ms; Position = 0; Length = (uint)ms.Length; } public override long GetVolume() { Flush(); return base.GetVolume(); } } public class RiffContainer : RiffChunk { public RiffChunk GetSubchunk(string tag, string type) { foreach (RiffChunk rc in subchunks) if (rc.tag == tag) { if (type == null) return rc; RiffContainer cont = rc as RiffContainer; if (cont != null && cont.type == type) return rc; } return null; } public RiffContainer() { tag = "LIST"; } public string type; public List subchunks = new List(); public override void WriteStream(Stream s) { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(s); WriteTag(bw, tag); long size = GetVolume(); if (size > uint.MaxValue) throw new FormatException("File too big to write out"); bw.Write((uint)size); WriteTag(bw, type); bw.Flush(); foreach (RiffChunk rc in subchunks) rc.WriteStream(s); if (size % 2 != 0) s.WriteByte(0); } public override long GetVolume() { long len = 4; foreach (RiffChunk rc in subchunks) len += rc.GetVolume() + 8; return len; } public override RiffChunk Morph() { switch (type) { case "INFO": return new RiffContainer_INFO(this); } return this; } } public class RiffContainer_INFO : RiffContainer { public Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); public RiffContainer_INFO() { type = "INFO"; } public RiffContainer_INFO(RiffContainer rc) { subchunks = rc.subchunks; type = "INFO"; foreach (RiffChunk chunk in subchunks) { RiffSubchunk rsc = chunk as RiffSubchunk; if (chunk == null) throw new FormatException("Invalid subchunk of INFO list"); dictionary[rsc.tag] = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rsc.ReadAll()); } } private void Flush() { subchunks.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dictionary) { RiffSubchunk rs = new RiffSubchunk(); rs.tag = kvp.Key; rs.Source = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(kvp.Value)); rs.Position = 0; rs.Length = (uint)rs.Source.Length; subchunks.Add(rs); } } public override long GetVolume() { Flush(); return base.GetVolume(); } public override void WriteStream(Stream s) { Flush(); base.WriteStream(s); } } public RiffContainer riff; private long readCounter; private RiffChunk ReadChunk(BinaryReader br) { RiffChunk ret; string tag = ReadTag(br); readCounter += 4; uint size = br.ReadUInt32(); readCounter += 4; if (size > int.MaxValue) throw new FormatException("chunk too big"); if (tag == "RIFF" || tag == "LIST") { RiffContainer rc = new RiffContainer(); rc.tag = tag; rc.type = ReadTag(br); readCounter += 4; long readEnd = readCounter - 4 + size; while (readEnd > readCounter) rc.subchunks.Add(ReadChunk(br)); ret = rc.Morph(); } else { RiffSubchunk rsc = new RiffSubchunk(); rsc.tag = tag; rsc.Source = br.BaseStream; rsc.Position = br.BaseStream.Position; rsc.Length = size; readCounter += size; ret = rsc.Morph(); } if (size % 2 != 0) { br.ReadByte(); readCounter += 1; } return ret; } public void WriteStream(Stream s) { riff.WriteStream(s); } /// /// takes posession of the supplied stream /// public void LoadStream(Stream s) { Dispose(); BaseStream = s; readCounter = 0; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(s); RiffChunk chunk = ReadChunk(br); if (chunk.tag != "RIFF") throw new FormatException("can't recognize riff chunk"); riff = (RiffContainer)chunk; } }