using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions; using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public partial class TAStudio { // Input Painting private string _startBoolDrawColumn = ""; private string _startFloatDrawColumn = ""; private bool _boolPaintState; private float _floatPaintState; private float _floatBackupState; private bool _patternPaint = false; private bool _startCursorDrag; private bool _startSelectionDrag; private bool _selectionDragState; private bool _supressContextMenu; // Editing analog input private string _floatEditColumn = ""; private int _floatEditRow = -1; private string _floatTypedValue; private int _floatEditYPos = -1; private int floatEditRow { set { _floatEditRow = value; TasView.suspendHotkeys = FloatEditingMode; } } public bool FloatEditingMode { get { return _floatEditRow != -1; } } private List _extraFloatRows = new List(); // Right-click dragging private string[] _rightClickInput = null; private string[] _rightClickOverInput = null; private int _rightClickFrame = -1; private int _rightClickLastFrame = -1; private bool _rightClickShift, _rightClickControl, _rightClickAlt; private bool _leftButtonHeld = false; private bool mouseButtonHeld { get { return _rightClickFrame != -1 || _leftButtonHeld; } } private bool _triggerAutoRestore; // If true, autorestore will be called on mouse up private bool? _autoRestorePaused = null; private int? _seekStartFrame = null; private bool _shouldUnpauseFromRewind = false; private Emulation.Common.ControllerDefinition controllerType { get { return Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition; } } public bool WasRecording = false; public AutoPatternBool[] BoolPatterns; public AutoPatternFloat[] FloatPatterns; private void JumpToGreenzone() { if (Emulator.Frame > CurrentTasMovie.LastValidFrame) { GoToLastEmulatedFrameIfNecessary(CurrentTasMovie.LastValidFrame); } else { _triggerAutoRestore = false; } } private void StartSeeking(int? frame) { if (!frame.HasValue) return; if (Mainform.PauseOnFrame != null) StopSeeking(true); // don't restore rec mode just yet, as with heavy editing checkbox updating causes lag _seekStartFrame = Emulator.Frame; Mainform.PauseOnFrame = frame.Value; int? diff = Mainform.PauseOnFrame - _seekStartFrame; WasRecording = CurrentTasMovie.IsRecording || WasRecording; TastudioPlayMode(); // suspend rec mode until seek ends, to allow mouse editing Mainform.UnpauseEmulator(); if (!_seekBackgroundWorker.IsBusy && diff.Value > TasView.VisibleRows) _seekBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } public void StopSeeking(bool skipRecModeCheck = false) { _seekBackgroundWorker.CancelAsync(); if (WasRecording && !skipRecModeCheck) { TastudioRecordMode(); WasRecording = false; } Mainform.PauseOnFrame = null; if (_shouldUnpauseFromRewind) { Mainform.UnpauseEmulator(); _shouldUnpauseFromRewind = false; } if (CurrentTasMovie != null) RefreshDialog(); } #region Query callbacks // public static Color CurrentFrame_FrameCol = Color.FromArgb(0xCFEDFC); Why? public static Color CurrentFrame_InputLog = Color.FromArgb(0x00B5E7F7); public static Color SeekFrame_InputLog = Color.FromArgb(0x70B5E7F7); public static Color GreenZone_FrameCol = Color.FromArgb(0xDDFFDD); public static Color GreenZone_InputLog = Color.FromArgb(0xD2F9D3); public static Color GreenZone_InputLog_Stated = Color.FromArgb(0xC4F7C8); public static Color GreenZone_InputLog_Invalidated = Color.FromArgb(0xE0FBE0); public static Color LagZone_FrameCol = Color.FromArgb(0xFFDCDD); public static Color LagZone_InputLog = Color.FromArgb(0xF4DADA); public static Color LagZone_InputLog_Stated = Color.FromArgb(0xF0D0D2); public static Color LagZone_InputLog_Invalidated = Color.FromArgb(0xF7E5E5); public static Color Marker_FrameCol = Color.FromArgb(0xF7FFC9); public static Color AnalogEdit_Col = Color.FromArgb(0x909070); // SuuperW: When editing an analog value, it will be a gray color. private Bitmap ts_v_arrow_green_blue = Properties.Resources.ts_v_arrow_green_blue; private Bitmap ts_h_arrow_green_blue = Properties.Resources.ts_h_arrow_green_blue; private Bitmap ts_v_arrow_blue = Properties.Resources.ts_v_arrow_blue; private Bitmap ts_h_arrow_blue = Properties.Resources.ts_h_arrow_blue; private Bitmap ts_v_arrow_green = Properties.Resources.ts_v_arrow_green; private Bitmap ts_h_arrow_green = Properties.Resources.ts_h_arrow_green; private Bitmap icon_marker = Properties.Resources.icon_marker; private Bitmap icon_anchor_lag = Properties.Resources.icon_anchor_lag; private Bitmap icon_anchor = Properties.Resources.icon_anchor; private void TasView_QueryItemIcon(int index, InputRoll.RollColumn column, ref Bitmap bitmap, ref int offsetX, ref int offsetY) { var overrideIcon = GetIconOverride(index, column); if (overrideIcon != null) { bitmap = overrideIcon; return; } var columnName = column.Name; if (columnName == CursorColumnName) { if (index == Emulator.Frame && index == Mainform.PauseOnFrame) { bitmap = TasView.HorizontalOrientation ? ts_v_arrow_green_blue : ts_h_arrow_green_blue; } else if (index == Emulator.Frame) { bitmap = TasView.HorizontalOrientation ? ts_v_arrow_blue : ts_h_arrow_blue; } else if (index == LastPositionFrame) { bitmap = TasView.HorizontalOrientation ? ts_v_arrow_green : ts_h_arrow_green; } } else if (columnName == FrameColumnName) { TasMovieRecord record = CurrentTasMovie[index]; offsetX = -3; offsetY = 1; if (CurrentTasMovie.Markers.IsMarker(index) && Settings.DenoteMarkersWithIcons) bitmap = icon_marker; else if (record.HasState && Settings.DenoteStatesWithIcons) { if (record.Lagged.HasValue && record.Lagged.Value) bitmap = icon_anchor_lag; else bitmap = icon_anchor; } } } private void TasView_QueryItemBkColor(int index, InputRoll.RollColumn column, ref Color color) { Color? overrideColor = GetColorOverride(index, column); if (overrideColor.HasValue) { color = overrideColor.Value; return; } string columnName = column.Name; if (columnName == CursorColumnName) color = Color.FromArgb(0xFEFFFF); if (columnName == FrameColumnName) { if (Emulator.Frame != index && CurrentTasMovie.Markers.IsMarker(index) && Settings.DenoteMarkersWithBGColor) color = Marker_FrameCol; else color = Color.FromArgb(0x60FFFFFF); } else if (FloatEditingMode && (index == _floatEditRow || _extraFloatRows.Contains(index)) && columnName == _floatEditColumn) { // SuuperW: Analog editing is indicated by a color change. color = AnalogEdit_Col; } int player = Emulator.ControllerDefinition.PlayerNumber(columnName); if (player != 0 && player % 2 == 0) color = Color.FromArgb(0x0D000000); } private void TasView_QueryRowBkColor(int index, ref Color color) { TasMovieRecord record = CurrentTasMovie[index]; if (Mainform.IsSeeking && Mainform.PauseOnFrame == index) { color = CurrentFrame_InputLog; } else if (!Mainform.IsSeeking && Emulator.Frame == index) { color = CurrentFrame_InputLog; } else if (record.Lagged.HasValue) { if (!record.HasState && Settings.DenoteStatesWithBGColor) color = record.Lagged.Value ? LagZone_InputLog : GreenZone_InputLog; else color = record.Lagged.Value ? LagZone_InputLog_Stated : GreenZone_InputLog_Stated; } else if (record.WasLagged.HasValue) { color = record.WasLagged.Value ? LagZone_InputLog_Invalidated : GreenZone_InputLog_Invalidated; } else { color = Color.FromArgb(0xFFFEEE); } } private void TasView_QueryItemText(int index, InputRoll.RollColumn column, out string text, ref int offsetX, ref int offsetY) { var overrideText = GetTextOverride(index, column); if (overrideText != null) { text = overrideText; return; } try { text = ""; var columnName = column.Name; if (columnName == CursorColumnName) { int branchIndex = CurrentTasMovie.BranchIndexByFrame(index); if (branchIndex != -1) { text = branchIndex.ToString(); } } else if (columnName == FrameColumnName) { offsetX = 7; text = (index).ToString().PadLeft(CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength.ToString().Length, '0'); } else { // Display typed float value (string "-" can't be parsed, so CurrentTasMovie.DisplayValue can't return it) if (index == _floatEditRow && columnName == _floatEditColumn) text = _floatTypedValue; else if (index < CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength) { text = CurrentTasMovie.DisplayValue(index, columnName); if (column.Type == InputRoll.RollColumn.InputType.Float) { // feos: this could be cashed, but I don't notice any slowdown this way either Emulation.Common.ControllerDefinition.FloatRange range = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatRanges [Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatControls.IndexOf(columnName)]; if (text == range.Mid.ToString()) text = ""; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { text = ""; MessageBox.Show("oops\n" + ex); } } // SuuperW: Used in InputRoll.cs to hide lag frames. private bool TasView_QueryFrameLag(int index, bool hideWasLag) { TasMovieRecord lag = CurrentTasMovie[index]; return (lag.Lagged.HasValue && lag.Lagged.Value) || (hideWasLag && lag.WasLagged.HasValue && lag.WasLagged.Value); } #endregion #region Events private void TasView_ColumnClick(object sender, InputRoll.ColumnClickEventArgs e) { if (TasView.AnyRowsSelected) { var columnName = e.Column.Name; if (columnName == FrameColumnName) { CurrentTasMovie.Markers.Add(TasView.LastSelectedIndex.Value, ""); RefreshDialog(); } else if (columnName != CursorColumnName) // TODO: what about float? { int frame = TasView.SelectedRows.FirstOrDefault(); string buttonName = TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Name; if (Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.BoolButtons.Contains(buttonName)) { bool state = !CurrentTasMovie.BoolIsPressed(frame, buttonName); foreach (var index in TasView.SelectedRows) { CurrentTasMovie.SetBoolState(index, buttonName, state); } } else { float state = CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(frame, buttonName); Emulation.Common.ControllerDefinition.FloatRange range = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatRanges [Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatControls.IndexOf(columnName)]; if (state != range.Mid) state = range.Mid; foreach (var index in TasView.SelectedRows) { CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(index, buttonName, state); } } _triggerAutoRestore = true; JumpToGreenzone(); RefreshDialog(); } } } private void TasView_ColumnRightClick(object sender, InputRoll.ColumnClickEventArgs e) { e.Column.Emphasis ^= true; UpdateAutoFire(e.Column.Name, e.Column.Emphasis); RefreshTasView(); } private void UpdateAutoFire() { for (int i = 2; i < TasView.AllColumns.Count; i++) UpdateAutoFire(TasView.AllColumns[i].Name, TasView.AllColumns[i].Emphasis); } public void UpdateAutoFire(string button, bool? isOn) { if (!isOn.HasValue) // No value means don't change whether it's on or off. isOn = TasView.AllColumns.Find(c => c.Name == button).Emphasis; int index = 0; if (autoHoldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) index = 1; if (autoFireToolStripMenuItem.Checked) index = 2; if (controllerType.BoolButtons.Contains(button)) { if (index == 0) index = controllerType.BoolButtons.IndexOf(button); else index += controllerType.BoolButtons.Count - 1; AutoPatternBool p = BoolPatterns[index]; Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.SetSticky(button, isOn.Value, p); } else { if (index == 0) index = controllerType.FloatControls.IndexOf(button); else index += controllerType.FloatControls.Count - 1; float? value = null; if (isOn.Value) value = 0f; AutoPatternFloat p = FloatPatterns[index]; Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.SetFloat(button, value, p); } } private void TasView_ColumnReordered(object sender, InputRoll.ColumnReorderedEventArgs e) { CurrentTasMovie.FlagChanges(); } private void TasView_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ContainsFocus) TasView.Focus(); } private void TasView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { // Clicking with left while right is held or vice versa does weird stuff if (mouseButtonHeld) return; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { if (Mainform.EmulatorPaused) { TasMovieRecord record = CurrentTasMovie[LastPositionFrame]; if (!record.Lagged.HasValue && LastPositionFrame > Emulator.Frame) StartSeeking(LastPositionFrame); else Mainform.UnpauseEmulator(); } else { Mainform.PauseEmulator(); } return; } // SuuperW: Moved these. if (TasView.CurrentCell == null || !TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.HasValue || TasView.CurrentCell.Column == null) return; int frame = TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value; string buttonName = TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Name; WasRecording = CurrentTasMovie.IsRecording || WasRecording; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { bool wasHeld = _leftButtonHeld; _leftButtonHeld = true; // SuuperW: Exit float editing mode, or re-enter mouse editing if (FloatEditingMode) { if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { _extraFloatRows.Clear(); _extraFloatRows.AddRange(TasView.SelectedRows); _startSelectionDrag = true; _selectionDragState = TasView.SelectedRows.Contains(frame); return; } else if (_floatEditColumn != buttonName || !(_floatEditRow == frame || _extraFloatRows.Contains(frame))) { _extraFloatRows.Clear(); floatEditRow = -1; RefreshTasView(); } else { if (_extraFloatRows.Contains(frame)) { _extraFloatRows.Clear(); floatEditRow = frame; RefreshTasView(); } _floatEditYPos = e.Y; _floatPaintState = CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(frame, buttonName); _triggerAutoRestore = true; JumpToGreenzone(); return; } } if (TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Name == CursorColumnName) { _startCursorDrag = true; GoToFrame(TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value); } else if (TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Name == FrameColumnName) { if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && CurrentTasMovie.Markers.IsMarker(frame)) { // TODO TasView.DragCurrentCell(); } else { _startSelectionDrag = true; _selectionDragState = TasView.SelectedRows.Contains(frame); } } else // User changed input { bool wasPaused = Mainform.EmulatorPaused; if (Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.BoolButtons.Contains(buttonName)) { CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.BeginNewBatch("Paint Bool " + buttonName + " from frame " + frame); CurrentTasMovie.ToggleBoolState(TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value, buttonName); _triggerAutoRestore = true; JumpToGreenzone(); RefreshDialog(); _startBoolDrawColumn = buttonName; _boolPaintState = CurrentTasMovie.BoolIsPressed(frame, buttonName); if (applyPatternToPaintedInputToolStripMenuItem.Checked && (!onlyOnAutoFireColumnsToolStripMenuItem.Checked || TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Emphasis)) { BoolPatterns[controllerType.BoolButtons.IndexOf(buttonName)].Reset(); BoolPatterns[controllerType.BoolButtons.IndexOf(buttonName)].GetNextValue(); _patternPaint = true; } else _patternPaint = false; if (!Settings.AutoRestoreOnMouseUpOnly) DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); } else { if (frame >= CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength) { CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(frame, buttonName, 0); RefreshDialog(); } JumpToGreenzone(); _floatPaintState = CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(frame, buttonName); if (applyPatternToPaintedInputToolStripMenuItem.Checked && (!onlyOnAutoFireColumnsToolStripMenuItem.Checked || TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Emphasis)) { FloatPatterns[controllerType.FloatControls.IndexOf(buttonName)].Reset(); CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(frame, buttonName, FloatPatterns[controllerType.FloatControls.IndexOf(buttonName)].GetNextValue()); _patternPaint = true; } else _patternPaint = false; if (e.Clicks != 2 && !Settings.SingleClickFloatEdit) { CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.BeginNewBatch("Paint Float " + buttonName + " from frame " + frame); _startFloatDrawColumn = buttonName; } else // Double-click enters float editing mode { if (_floatEditColumn == buttonName && _floatEditRow == frame) floatEditRow = -1; else { CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.BeginNewBatch("Float Edit: " + frame); _floatEditColumn = buttonName; floatEditRow = frame; _floatTypedValue = ""; _floatEditYPos = e.Y; _floatBackupState = CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn); } RefreshDialog(); } } // taseditor behavior if (!wasPaused) Mainform.UnpauseEmulator(); } } else if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { if (TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Name == FrameColumnName && frame < CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength) { _rightClickControl = (Control.ModifierKeys | Keys.Control) == Control.ModifierKeys; _rightClickShift = (Control.ModifierKeys | Keys.Shift) == Control.ModifierKeys; _rightClickAlt = (Control.ModifierKeys | Keys.Alt) == Control.ModifierKeys; if (TasView.SelectedRows.Contains(frame)) { _rightClickInput = new string[TasView.SelectedRows.Count()]; _rightClickFrame = TasView.FirstSelectedIndex.Value; try { CurrentTasMovie.GetLogEntries().CopyTo(_rightClickFrame, _rightClickInput, 0, TasView.SelectedRows.Count()); } catch { } if (_rightClickControl && _rightClickShift) _rightClickFrame += _rightClickInput.Length; } else { _rightClickInput = new string[1]; _rightClickInput[0] = CurrentTasMovie.GetLogEntries()[frame]; _rightClickFrame = frame; } _rightClickLastFrame = -1; if (_rightClickAlt || _rightClickControl || _rightClickShift) { JumpToGreenzone(); // TODO: Turn off ChangeLog.IsRecording and handle the GeneralUndo here. string undoStepName = "Right-Click Edit:"; if (_rightClickShift) { undoStepName += " Extend Input"; if (_rightClickControl) undoStepName += ", Insert"; } else { if (_rightClickControl) undoStepName += " Copy"; else // _rightClickAlt undoStepName += " Move"; } CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.BeginNewBatch(undoStepName); } } } } private void ClearLeftMouseStates() { _startCursorDrag = false; _startSelectionDrag = false; _startBoolDrawColumn = ""; _startFloatDrawColumn = ""; TasView.ReleaseCurrentCell(); // Exit float editing if value was changed with cursor if (FloatEditingMode && _floatPaintState != CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn)) { floatEditRow = -1; _triggerAutoRestore = true; JumpToGreenzone(); DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); RefreshDialog(); } _floatPaintState = 0; _floatEditYPos = -1; _leftButtonHeld = false; if (!FloatEditingMode && CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog != null) { CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); } } private void TasView_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && !TasView.IsPointingAtColumnHeader && !_supressContextMenu && TasView.SelectedRows.Any()) { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.FrameCount < TasView.SelectedRows.Max()) { // trying to be smart here // if a loaded branch log is shorter than selection, keep selection until you attempt to call context menu // you might need it when you load again the branch where this frame exists TasView.DeselectAll(); RefreshTasView(); } else { RightClickMenu.Show(TasView, e.X, e.Y); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (FloatEditingMode && (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)) { _leftButtonHeld = false; _startSelectionDrag = false; } else ClearLeftMouseStates(); } if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { if (_rightClickFrame != -1) { _rightClickInput = null; _rightClickOverInput = null; _rightClickFrame = -1; CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); } } _supressContextMenu = false; DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); } private void TasView_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (TasView.RightButtonHeld && TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.HasValue) { _supressContextMenu = true; int notch = e.Delta / 120; if (notch > 1) notch *= 2; // warning: tastudio rewind hotkey/button logic is copypasted from here! if (Mainform.IsSeeking && !Mainform.EmulatorPaused) { Mainform.PauseOnFrame -= notch; // that's a weird condition here, but for whatever reason it works best if (notch > 0 && Emulator.Frame >= Mainform.PauseOnFrame) { Mainform.PauseEmulator(); Mainform.PauseOnFrame = null; StopSeeking(); GoToFrame(Emulator.Frame - notch); } RefreshDialog(); } else { GoToFrame(Emulator.Frame - notch); } } } private void TasView_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (TasView.CurrentCell.Column == null) return; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.HasValue && TasView.CurrentCell.Column.Name == FrameColumnName && !FloatEditingMode) { var existingMarker = CurrentTasMovie.Markers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Frame == TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value); if (existingMarker != null) { MarkerControl.EditMarkerPopUp(existingMarker, true); } else { if (Settings.EmptyMarkers) { CurrentTasMovie.Markers.Add(TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value, ""); RefreshDialog(); } else { ClearLeftMouseStates(); MarkerControl.AddMarker(false, TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value); } } } } } private void TasView_PointedCellChanged(object sender, InputRoll.CellEventArgs e) { // TODO: think about nullability // For now return if a null because this happens OnEnter which doesn't have any of the below behaviors yet? // Most of these are stupid but I got annoyed at null crashes if (e.OldCell == null || e.OldCell.Column == null || e.OldCell.RowIndex == null || e.NewCell == null || e.NewCell.RowIndex == null || e.NewCell.Column == null) { return; } // skip rerecord counting on drawing entirely, mouse down is enough // avoid introducing another global bool wasCountingRerecords = Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsCountingRerecords; WasRecording = CurrentTasMovie.IsRecording || WasRecording; int startVal, endVal; int frame = e.NewCell.RowIndex.Value; if (e.OldCell.RowIndex.Value < e.NewCell.RowIndex.Value) { startVal = e.OldCell.RowIndex.Value; endVal = e.NewCell.RowIndex.Value; } else { startVal = e.NewCell.RowIndex.Value; endVal = e.OldCell.RowIndex.Value; } if (_startCursorDrag && !Mainform.IsSeeking) { if (e.NewCell.RowIndex.HasValue) { GoToFrame(e.NewCell.RowIndex.Value); } } else if (_startSelectionDrag) { if (e.OldCell.RowIndex.HasValue && e.NewCell.RowIndex.HasValue) { for (var i = startVal; i <= endVal; i++) { TasView.SelectRow(i, _selectionDragState); if (FloatEditingMode && (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)) { if (_selectionDragState) _extraFloatRows.Add(i); else _extraFloatRows.Remove(i); } } SetSplicer(); } } else if (_rightClickFrame != -1) { if (frame > CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength - _rightClickInput.Length) frame = CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength - _rightClickInput.Length; if (_rightClickShift) { if (_rightClickControl) // Insert { // If going backwards, delete! bool shouldInsert = true; if (startVal < _rightClickFrame) { // Cloning to a previous frame makes no sense. startVal = _rightClickFrame - 1; } if (startVal < _rightClickLastFrame) shouldInsert = false; if (shouldInsert) { for (int i = startVal + 1; i <= endVal; i++) CurrentTasMovie.InsertInput(i, _rightClickInput[(i - _rightClickFrame).Mod(_rightClickInput.Length)]); } else { CurrentTasMovie.RemoveFrames(startVal + 1, endVal + 1); } _rightClickLastFrame = frame; } else // Overwrite { for (int i = startVal; i <= endVal; i++) CurrentTasMovie.SetFrame(i, _rightClickInput[(i - _rightClickFrame).Mod(_rightClickInput.Length)]); } } else { if (_rightClickControl) { for (int i = 0; i < _rightClickInput.Length; i++) // Re-set initial range, just to verify it's still there. CurrentTasMovie.SetFrame(_rightClickFrame + i, _rightClickInput[i]); if (_rightClickOverInput != null) // Restore overwritten input from previous movement { for (int i = 0; i < _rightClickOverInput.Length; i++) CurrentTasMovie.SetFrame(_rightClickLastFrame + i, _rightClickOverInput[i]); } else _rightClickOverInput = new string[_rightClickInput.Length]; _rightClickLastFrame = frame; // Set new restore log CurrentTasMovie.GetLogEntries().CopyTo(frame, _rightClickOverInput, 0, _rightClickOverInput.Length); for (int i = 0; i < _rightClickInput.Length; i++) // Place copied input CurrentTasMovie.SetFrame(frame + i, _rightClickInput[i]); } else if (_rightClickAlt) { int shiftBy = _rightClickFrame - frame; string[] shiftInput = new string[Math.Abs(shiftBy)]; int shiftFrom = frame; if (shiftBy < 0) shiftFrom = _rightClickFrame + _rightClickInput.Length; CurrentTasMovie.GetLogEntries().CopyTo(shiftFrom, shiftInput, 0, shiftInput.Length); int shiftTo = shiftFrom + (_rightClickInput.Length * Math.Sign(shiftBy)); for (int i = 0; i < shiftInput.Length; i++) CurrentTasMovie.SetFrame(shiftTo + i, shiftInput[i]); for (int i = 0; i < _rightClickInput.Length; i++) CurrentTasMovie.SetFrame(frame + i, _rightClickInput[i]); _rightClickFrame = frame; } } if (_rightClickAlt || _rightClickControl || _rightClickShift) { JumpToGreenzone(); _triggerAutoRestore = true; _supressContextMenu = true; } } // Left-click else if (TasView.IsPaintDown && e.NewCell.RowIndex.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_startBoolDrawColumn)) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsCountingRerecords = false; if (e.OldCell.RowIndex.HasValue && e.NewCell.RowIndex.HasValue) { for (int i = startVal; i <= endVal; i++) // Inclusive on both ends (drawing up or down) { bool setVal = _boolPaintState; if (_patternPaint && _boolPaintState) { if (CurrentTasMovie[frame].Lagged.HasValue && CurrentTasMovie[frame].Lagged.Value) setVal = CurrentTasMovie.BoolIsPressed(i - 1, _startBoolDrawColumn); else setVal = BoolPatterns[controllerType.BoolButtons.IndexOf(_startBoolDrawColumn)].GetNextValue(); } CurrentTasMovie.SetBoolState(i, _startBoolDrawColumn, setVal); // Notice it uses new row, old column, you can only paint across a single column JumpToGreenzone(); } if (!Settings.AutoRestoreOnMouseUpOnly) { _triggerAutoRestore = true; DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); } } } else if (TasView.IsPaintDown && e.NewCell.RowIndex.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_startFloatDrawColumn)) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsCountingRerecords = false; if (e.OldCell.RowIndex.HasValue && e.NewCell.RowIndex.HasValue) { for (int i = startVal; i <= endVal; i++) // Inclusive on both ends (drawing up or down) { float setVal = _floatPaintState; if (_patternPaint) { if (CurrentTasMovie[frame].Lagged.HasValue && CurrentTasMovie[frame].Lagged.Value) setVal = CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(i - 1, _startFloatDrawColumn); else setVal = FloatPatterns[controllerType.FloatControls.IndexOf(_startFloatDrawColumn)].GetNextValue(); } CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(i, _startFloatDrawColumn, setVal); // Notice it uses new row, old column, you can only paint across a single column JumpToGreenzone(); } if (!Settings.AutoRestoreOnMouseUpOnly) { _triggerAutoRestore = true; DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); } } } Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsCountingRerecords = wasCountingRerecords; if (mouseButtonHeld) { TasView.MakeIndexVisible(TasView.CurrentCell.RowIndex.Value); // todo: limit scrolling speed } RefreshTasView(); } private void TasView_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { // For float editing int increment = (_floatEditYPos - e.Y) / 4; if (_floatEditYPos == -1) return; float value = _floatPaintState + increment; Emulation.Common.ControllerDefinition.FloatRange range = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatRanges [Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatControls.IndexOf(_floatEditColumn)]; // Range for N64 Y axis has max -128 and min 127. That should probably be fixed in ControllerDefinition.cs. // SuuperW: I really don't think changing it would break anything, but adelikat isn't so sure. float rMax = range.Max; float rMin = range.Min; if (rMax < rMin) { rMax = range.Min; rMin = range.Max; } if (value > rMax) value = rMax; else if (value < rMin) value = rMin; CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn, value); _floatTypedValue = value.ToString(); _triggerAutoRestore = true; JumpToGreenzone(); DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); RefreshDialog(); } private void TasView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetSplicer(); } public void AnalogIncrementByOne() { if (FloatEditingMode) EditAnalogProgrammatically(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Up)); } public void AnalogDecrementByOne() { if (FloatEditingMode) EditAnalogProgrammatically(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Down)); } public void AnalogIncrementByTen() { if (FloatEditingMode) EditAnalogProgrammatically(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Up | Keys.Shift)); } public void AnalogDecrementByTen() { if (FloatEditingMode) EditAnalogProgrammatically(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Down | Keys.Shift)); } public void AnalogMax() { if (FloatEditingMode) EditAnalogProgrammatically(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Right)); } public void AnalogMin() { if (FloatEditingMode) EditAnalogProgrammatically(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Left)); } public void EditAnalogProgrammatically(KeyEventArgs e) { if (!FloatEditingMode) return; float value = CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn); float prev = value; string prevTyped = _floatTypedValue; Emulation.Common.ControllerDefinition.FloatRange range = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatRanges [Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition.FloatControls.IndexOf(_floatEditColumn)]; float rMax = range.Max; float rMin = range.Min; // Range for N64 Y axis has max -128 and min 127. That should probably be fixed ControllerDefinition.cs, but I'll put a quick fix here anyway. if (rMax < rMin) { rMax = range.Min; rMin = range.Max; } // feos: typing past max digits overwrites existing value, not touching the sign // but doesn't handle situations where the range is like -50 through 100, where minimum is negative and has less digits // it just uses 3 as maxDigits there too, leaving room for typing impossible values (that are still ignored by the game and then clamped) int maxDigits = range.MaxDigits(); int curDigits = _floatTypedValue.Length; string curMinus; if (_floatTypedValue.StartsWith("-")) { curDigits -= 1; curMinus = "-"; } else { curMinus = ""; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) { value = rMax; _floatTypedValue = value.ToString(); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) { value = rMin; _floatTypedValue = value.ToString(); } else if (e.KeyCode >= Keys.D0 && e.KeyCode <= Keys.D9) { if (curDigits >= maxDigits) _floatTypedValue = curMinus; _floatTypedValue += e.KeyCode - Keys.D0; } else if (e.KeyCode >= Keys.NumPad0 && e.KeyCode <= Keys.NumPad9) { if (curDigits >= maxDigits) _floatTypedValue = curMinus; _floatTypedValue += e.KeyCode - Keys.NumPad0; } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.OemMinus || e.KeyCode == Keys.Subtract) { if (_floatTypedValue.StartsWith("-")) _floatTypedValue = _floatTypedValue.Substring(1); else _floatTypedValue = "-" + _floatTypedValue; } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Back) { if (_floatTypedValue == "") // Very first key press is backspace? _floatTypedValue = value.ToString(); _floatTypedValue = _floatTypedValue.Substring(0, _floatTypedValue.Length - 1); if (_floatTypedValue == "" || _floatTypedValue == "-") value = 0f; else value = Convert.ToSingle(_floatTypedValue); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (_floatEditYPos != -1) { _floatEditYPos = -1; } floatEditRow = -1; } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { if (_floatEditYPos != -1) { _floatEditYPos = -1; } if (_floatBackupState != _floatPaintState) { CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn, _floatBackupState); _triggerAutoRestore = Emulator.Frame > _floatEditRow; JumpToGreenzone(); DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); } floatEditRow = -1; } else { float changeBy = 0; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up) changeBy = 1; // We're assuming for now that ALL float controls should contain integers. else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) changeBy = -1; if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) changeBy *= 10; value += changeBy; if (changeBy != 0) _floatTypedValue = value.ToString(); } if (!FloatEditingMode) CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); else { if (_floatTypedValue == "") { if (prevTyped != "") { value = 0f; CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn, value); } } else { if (float.TryParse(_floatTypedValue, out value)) // String "-" can't be parsed. { if (value > rMax) value = rMax; else if (value < rMin) value = rMin; _floatTypedValue = value.ToString(); CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn, value); } } if (_extraFloatRows.Any()) { foreach (int row in _extraFloatRows) { CurrentTasMovie.SetFloatState(row, _floatEditColumn, value); } } if (value != prev) // Auto-restore { _triggerAutoRestore = Emulator.Frame > _floatEditRow; JumpToGreenzone(); DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); } } RefreshDialog(); } private void TasView_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && !e.Shift && !e.Alt && e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) // Ctrl + Left { GoToPreviousMarker(); } else if (e.Control && !e.Shift && !e.Alt && e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) // Ctrl + Right { GoToNextMarker(); } if (FloatEditingMode && e.KeyCode != Keys.Right && e.KeyCode != Keys.Left && e.KeyCode != Keys.Up && e.KeyCode != Keys.Down) EditAnalogProgrammatically(e); RefreshDialog(); } /// /// This allows arrow keys to be detected by KeyDown. /// private void TasView_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left || e.KeyCode == Keys.Right || e.KeyCode == Keys.Up || e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) e.IsInputKey = true; } #endregion } }