//taken from: //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pelrun/Dispel/master/65816.c //65816.c //65816/6502 module for DisPel //James Churchill //Created 230900 //Last Modified 240900 //license: assumed public domain using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.W65816 { class W65816_DisassemblerService : IDisassemblable { public string Cpu { get; set; } W65816 disassemblerCpu = new W65816(); public IEnumerable AvailableCpus { get { yield return "W65816"; } } public string PCRegisterName { get { return "PC"; } } public string Disassemble(MemoryDomain m, uint addr, out int length) { byte P = 0; //TODO - user preferences somehow... return disassemblerCpu.Disassemble(addr, m.PeekByte, ref P, out length); } } class W65816 { //unsigned char *mem, unsigned long pos, unsigned char *flag, char *inst, unsigned char tsrc //TODO - what ha ppens at the end of memory? make sure peek wraps around? public string Disassemble(uint addr, Func peek, ref byte P, out int length) { byte opcode = peek(addr); string ibuf; string pbuf; int offset = -1, sval = -1; bool tsrc_2 = false; switch (opcode) { case 0x69:case 0x6D:case 0x6F:case 0x65:case 0x72:case 0x67:case 0x7D:case 0x7F:case 0x79:case 0x75:case 0x61:case 0x71:case 0x77:case 0x63:case 0x73: ibuf = "adc"; break; case 0x29:case 0x2D:case 0x2F:case 0x25:case 0x32:case 0x27:case 0x3D:case 0x3F:case 0x39:case 0x35:case 0x21:case 0x31:case 0x37:case 0x23:case 0x33: ibuf = "and"; break; case 0x0A:case 0x0E:case 0x06:case 0x1E:case 0x16: ibuf = "asl"; break; case 0x90: ibuf = "bcc"; break; case 0xB0: ibuf = "bcs"; break; case 0xF0: ibuf = "beq"; break; case 0xD0: ibuf = "bne"; break; case 0x30: ibuf = "bmi"; break; case 0x10: ibuf = "bpl"; break; case 0x50: ibuf = "bvc"; break; case 0x70: ibuf = "bvs"; break; case 0x80: ibuf = "bra"; break; case 0x82: ibuf = "brl"; break; case 0x89:case 0x2C:case 0x24:case 0x3C:case 0x34: ibuf = "bit"; break; case 0x00: ibuf = "brk"; break; case 0x18: ibuf = "clc"; break; case 0xD8: ibuf = "cld"; break; case 0x58: ibuf = "cli"; break; case 0xB8: ibuf = "clv"; break; case 0x38: ibuf = "sec"; break; case 0xF8: ibuf = "sed"; break; case 0x78: ibuf = "sei"; break; case 0xC9:case 0xCD:case 0xCF:case 0xC5:case 0xD2:case 0xC7:case 0xDD:case 0xDF:case 0xD9:case 0xD5:case 0xC1:case 0xD1:case 0xD7:case 0xC3:case 0xD3: ibuf = "cmp"; break; case 0x02: ibuf = "cop"; break; case 0xE0:case 0xEC:case 0xE4: ibuf = "cpx"; break; case 0xC0:case 0xCC:case 0xC4: ibuf = "cpy"; break; case 0x3A:case 0xCE:case 0xC6:case 0xDE:case 0xD6: ibuf = "dec"; break; case 0xCA: ibuf = "dex"; break; case 0x88: ibuf = "dey"; break; case 0x49:case 0x4D:case 0x4F:case 0x45:case 0x52:case 0x47:case 0x5D:case 0x5F:case 0x59:case 0x55:case 0x41:case 0x51:case 0x57:case 0x43:case 0x53: ibuf = "eor"; break; case 0x1A:case 0xEE:case 0xE6:case 0xFE:case 0xF6: ibuf = "inc"; break; case 0xE8: ibuf = "inx"; break; case 0xC8: ibuf = "iny"; break; case 0x4C:case 0x6C:case 0x7C:case 0x5C:case 0xDC: ibuf = "jmp"; break; case 0x22:case 0x20:case 0xFC: ibuf = "jsr"; break; case 0xA9:case 0xAD:case 0xAF:case 0xA5:case 0xB2:case 0xA7:case 0xBD:case 0xBF:case 0xB9:case 0xB5:case 0xA1:case 0xB1:case 0xB7:case 0xA3:case 0xB3: ibuf = "lda"; break; case 0xA2:case 0xAE:case 0xA6:case 0xBE:case 0xB6: ibuf = "ldx";break; case 0xA0:case 0xAC:case 0xA4:case 0xBC:case 0xB4: ibuf = "ldy"; break; case 0x4A:case 0x4E:case 0x46:case 0x5E:case 0x56: ibuf = "lsr"; break; case 0x54: ibuf = "mvn"; break; case 0x44: ibuf = "mvp"; break; case 0xEA: ibuf = "nop"; break; case 0x09:case 0x0D:case 0x0F:case 0x05:case 0x12:case 0x07:case 0x1D:case 0x1F:case 0x19:case 0x15:case 0x01:case 0x11:case 0x17:case 0x03:case 0x13: ibuf = "ora"; break; case 0xF4: ibuf = "pea"; break; case 0xD4: ibuf = "pei"; break; case 0x62: ibuf = "per"; break; case 0x48: ibuf = "pha"; break; case 0x08: ibuf = "php"; break; case 0xDA: ibuf = "phx"; break; case 0x5A: ibuf = "phy"; break; case 0x68: ibuf = "pla"; break; case 0x28: ibuf = "plp"; break; case 0xFA: ibuf = "plx"; break; case 0x7A: ibuf = "ply"; break; case 0x8B: ibuf = "phb"; break; case 0x0B: ibuf = "phd"; break; case 0x4B: ibuf = "phk"; break; case 0xAB: ibuf = "plb"; break; case 0x2B: ibuf = "pld"; break; case 0xC2: ibuf = "rep"; break; case 0x2A:case 0x2E:case 0x26:case 0x3E:case 0x36: ibuf = "rol"; break; case 0x6A:case 0x6E:case 0x66:case 0x7E:case 0x76: ibuf = "ror"; break; case 0x40: ibuf = "rti"; if (tsrc_2) ibuf += "\n"; break; case 0x6B: ibuf = "rtl"; if (tsrc_2) ibuf += "\n"; break; case 0x60: ibuf = "rts"; if (tsrc_2) ibuf += "\n"; break; case 0xE9:case 0xED:case 0xEF:case 0xE5:case 0xF2:case 0xE7:case 0xFD:case 0xFF:case 0xF9:case 0xF5:case 0xE1:case 0xF1:case 0xF7:case 0xE3:case 0xF3: ibuf = "sbc"; break; case 0xE2: ibuf = "sep"; break; case 0x8D:case 0x8F:case 0x85:case 0x92:case 0x87:case 0x9D:case 0x9F:case 0x99:case 0x95:case 0x81:case 0x91:case 0x97:case 0x83:case 0x93: ibuf = "sta"; break; case 0xDB: ibuf = "stp"; break; case 0x8E:case 0x86:case 0x96: ibuf = "stx"; break; case 0x8C:case 0x84:case 0x94: ibuf = "sty"; break; case 0x9C:case 0x64:case 0x9E:case 0x74: ibuf = "stz";break; case 0xAA: ibuf = "tax"; break; case 0xA8: ibuf = "tay"; break; case 0x8A: ibuf = "txa"; break; case 0x98: ibuf = "tya"; break; case 0xBA: ibuf = "tsx"; break; case 0x9A: ibuf = "txs"; break; case 0x9B: ibuf = "txy"; break; case 0xBB: ibuf = "tyx"; break; case 0x5B: ibuf = "tcd"; break; case 0x7B: ibuf = "tdc"; break; case 0x1B: ibuf = "tcs"; break; case 0x3B: ibuf = "tsc"; break; case 0x1C:case 0x14: ibuf = "trb"; break; case 0x0C:case 0x04: ibuf = "tsb"; break; case 0xCB: ibuf = "wai";break; case 0x42: ibuf = "wdm";break; case 0xEB: ibuf = "xba";break; case 0xFB: ibuf = "xce";break; default: length = 1; return "???"; }; // Parse out parameter list switch (opcode) { // Absolute case 0x0C:case 0x0D:case 0x0E:case 0x1C:case 0x20:case 0x2C:case 0x2D:case 0x2E:case 0x4C:case 0x4D:case 0x4E:case 0x6D:case 0x6E:case 0x8C:case 0x8D:case 0x8E:case 0x9C:case 0xAC:case 0xAD:case 0xAE:case 0xCC:case 0xCD:case 0xCE:case 0xEC:case 0xED:case 0xEE: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X4}", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%04X", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Absolute Indexed Indirect case 0x7C:case 0xFC: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X4},X", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%04X,X)", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Absolute Indexed, X case 0x1D:case 0x1E:case 0x3C:case 0x3D:case 0x3E:case 0x5D:case 0x5E:case 0x7D:case 0x7E:case 0x9D:case 0x9E:case 0xBC:case 0xBD:case 0xDD:case 0xDE:case 0xFD:case 0xFE: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X4},X", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%04X,X", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Absolute Indexed, Y case 0x19:case 0x39:case 0x59:case 0x79:case 0x99:case 0xB9:case 0xBE:case 0xD9:case 0xF9: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X4},Y", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%04X,Y", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Absolute Indirect case 0x6C: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X4})", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%04X)", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Absolute Indirect Long case 0xDC: pbuf = string.Format("[${0:X4}]", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "[$%04X]", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Absolute Long case 0x0F:case 0x22:case 0x2F:case 0x4F:case 0x5C:case 0x6F:case 0x8F:case 0xAF:case 0xCF:case 0xEF: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X6}", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256 + peek(addr + 3) * 65536); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%06X", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256 + mem[3] * 65536); offset = 4; break; // Absolute Long Indexed, X case 0x1F:case 0x3F:case 0x5F:case 0x7F:case 0x9F:case 0xBF:case 0xDF:case 0xFF: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X6},X", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256 + peek(addr + 3) * 65536); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%06X,X", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256 + mem[3] * 65536); offset = 4; break; // Accumulator case 0x0A:case 0x1A:case 0x2A:case 0x3A:case 0x4A:case 0x6A: pbuf = "A"; offset = 1; break; // Block Move case 0x44: case 0x54: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X2},${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1), peek(addr + 2)); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%02X,$%02X", mem[1], mem[2]); offset = 3; break; // Direct Page case 0x04:case 0x05:case 0x06:case 0x14:case 0x24:case 0x25:case 0x26:case 0x45:case 0x46:case 0x64:case 0x65:case 0x66:case 0x84:case 0x85:case 0x86:case 0xA4:case 0xA5:case 0xA6:case 0xC4:case 0xC5:case 0xC6:case 0xE4:case 0xE5:case 0xE6: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%02X", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indexed, X case 0x15:case 0x16:case 0x34:case 0x35:case 0x36:case 0x55:case 0x56:case 0x74:case 0x75:case 0x76:case 0x94:case 0x95:case 0xB4:case 0xB5:case 0xD5:case 0xD6:case 0xF5:case 0xF6: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X2},X", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%02X,X", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indexed, Y case 0x96:case 0xB6: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X2},Y", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%02X,Y", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indirect case 0x12:case 0x32:case 0x52:case 0x72:case 0x92:case 0xB2:case 0xD2:case 0xF2: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X2})", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%02X)", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indirect Long case 0x07:case 0x27:case 0x47:case 0x67:case 0x87:case 0xA7:case 0xC7:case 0xE7: pbuf = string.Format("[${0:X2}]", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "[$%02X]", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indexed Indirect, X case 0x01:case 0x21:case 0x41:case 0x61:case 0x81:case 0xA1:case 0xC1:case 0xE1: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X2},X)", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%02X,X)", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indirect Indexed, Y case 0x11:case 0x31:case 0x51:case 0x71:case 0x91:case 0xB1:case 0xD1:case 0xF1: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X2},Y)", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%02X),Y", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Direct Page Indirect Long Indexed, Y case 0x17:case 0x37:case 0x57:case 0x77:case 0x97:case 0xB7:case 0xD7:case 0xF7: pbuf = string.Format("[${0:X2}],Y", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "[$%02X],Y", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Stack (Pull) case 0x28:case 0x2B:case 0x68:case 0x7A:case 0xAB:case 0xFA: // Stack (Push) case 0x08:case 0x0B:case 0x48:case 0x4B:case 0x5A:case 0x8B:case 0xDA: // Stack (RTL) case 0x6B: // Stack (RTS) case 0x60: // Stack/RTI case 0x40: // Implied case 0x18:case 0x1B:case 0x38:case 0x3B:case 0x58:case 0x5B:case 0x78:case 0x7B:case 0x88:case 0x8A:case 0x98:case 0x9A:case 0x9B:case 0xA8:case 0xAA:case 0xB8:case 0xBA:case 0xBB:case 0xC8:case 0xCA:case 0xCB:case 0xD8:case 0xDB:case 0xE8:case 0xEA:case 0xEB:case 0xF8:case 0xFB: pbuf = ""; offset = 1; break; // Program Counter Relative case 0x10:case 0x30:case 0x50:case 0x70:case 0x80:case 0x90:case 0xB0:case 0xD0:case 0xF0: // Calculate the signed value of the param { byte mem1 = peek(addr+1); sval = (mem1 > 127) ? (mem1 - 256) : mem1; pbuf = string.Format("${0:X4}", (addr + sval + 2) & 0xFFFF); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%04lX", (pos + sval + 2) & 0xFFFF); offset = 2; break; } // Stack (Program Counter Relative Long) case 0x62: // Program Counter Relative Long case 0x82: // Calculate the signed value of the param sval = peek(addr+1) + peek(addr+2) * 256; sval = (sval > 32767) ? (sval - 65536) : sval; pbuf = string.Format("${0:X4}", (addr + sval + 3) & 0xFFFF); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%04lX", (pos + sval + 3) & 0xFFFF); offset = 3; break; // Stack Relative Indirect Indexed, Y case 0x13:case 0x33:case 0x53:case 0x73:case 0x93:case 0xB3:case 0xD3:case 0xF3: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X4},S),Y", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%02X,S),Y", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Stack (Absolute) case 0xF4: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X4}", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%04X", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; break; // Stack (Direct Page Indirect) case 0xD4: pbuf = string.Format("(${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "($%02X)", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; offset = 3; break; // Stack Relative case 0x03:case 0x23:case 0x43:case 0x63:case 0x83:case 0xA3:case 0xC3:case 0xE3: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X2},S", peek(addr = 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%02X,S", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // WDM mode case 0x42: // Stack/Interrupt case 0x00: case 0x02: pbuf = string.Format("${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "$%02X", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; // Immediate (Invariant) case 0xC2: // REP following { byte mem1 = peek(addr + 1); P = (byte)(P & ~mem1); pbuf = string.Format("#${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "#$%02X", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; } case 0xE2: // SEP following { byte mem1 = peek(addr + 1); P = (byte)(P | mem1); pbuf = string.Format("#${0:X2}", mem1); //sprintf(pbuf, "#$%02X", mem[1]); offset = 2; break; } // Immediate (A size dependent) case 0x09:case 0x29:case 0x49:case 0x69:case 0x89:case 0xA9:case 0xC9:case 0xE9: if ((P & 0x20)!=0) { pbuf = string.Format("#${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "#$%02X", mem[1]); offset = 2; } else { pbuf = string.Format("#${0:X4}", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr+2)*256); offset = 3; } break; // Immediate (X/Y size dependent) case 0xA0:case 0xA2:case 0xC0:case 0xE0: if ((P & 0x10)!=0) { pbuf = string.Format("#${0:X2}", peek(addr + 1)); //sprintf(pbuf, "#$%02X", mem[1]); offset = 2; } else { pbuf = string.Format("#${0:X4}", peek(addr + 1) + peek(addr + 2) * 256); //sprintf(pbuf, "#$%04X", mem[1] + mem[2] * 256); offset = 3; } break; default: length = 1; return "???"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool print_addr = false; bool print_hex = false; if (print_addr) { sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}/{1:X4}: ", (addr >> 16) & 0xFF, addr & 0xFFFF); } if (print_hex) { for (uint i = 0; i < offset; i++) { sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", peek(addr + i)); } for (int i = offset; i < 3; i++) sb.AppendFormat(" "); } sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", ibuf, pbuf); length = offset; return sb.ToString(); } } }