using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using LuaInterface; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { [Description("A library for manipulating the EmuHawk client UI")] public sealed class EmuHawkLuaLibrary : LuaLibraryBase { [RequiredService] public IEmulator Emulator { get; set; } private readonly Dictionary _filterMappings = new Dictionary { { 0, "None" }, { 1, "x2SAI" }, { 2, "SuperX2SAI" }, { 3, "SuperEagle" }, { 4, "Scanlines" }, }; public EmuHawkLuaLibrary(Lua lua) : base(lua) { } public EmuHawkLuaLibrary(Lua lua, Action logOutputCallback) : base(lua, logOutputCallback) { } public override string Name { get { return "client"; } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "borderheight", "Gets the current height in pixels of the border around the emulator's drawing area" )] public static int BorderHeight() { var point = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); return GlobalWin.DisplayManager.TransformPoint(point).Y; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "borderwidth", "Gets the current width in pixels of the border around the emulator's drawing area" )] public static int BorderWidth() { var point = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); return GlobalWin.DisplayManager.TransformPoint(point).X; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "bufferheight", "Gets the current height in pixels of the emulator's drawing area" )] public int BufferHeight() { var height = Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferHeight; var point = new System.Drawing.Point(0, height); return GlobalWin.DisplayManager.TransformPoint(point).Y - BorderHeight(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "bufferwidth", "Gets the current width in pixels of the emulator's drawing area" )] public int BufferWidth() { var width = Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferWidth; var point = new System.Drawing.Point(width, 0); return GlobalWin.DisplayManager.TransformPoint(point).X - BorderWidth(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "clearautohold", "Clears all autohold keys" )] public void ClearAutohold() { GlobalWin.MainForm.ClearHolds(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "closerom", "Closes the loaded Rom" )] public static void CloseRom() { GlobalWin.MainForm.CloseRom(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "enablerewind", "Sets whether or not the rewind feature is enabled" )] public void EnableRewind(bool enabled) { GlobalWin.MainForm.EnableRewind(enabled); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "frameskip", "Sets the frame skip value of the client UI" )] public void FrameSkip(int numFrames) { if (numFrames > 0) { Global.Config.FrameSkip = numFrames; GlobalWin.MainForm.FrameSkipMessage(); } else { ConsoleLuaLibrary.Log("Invalid frame skip value"); } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "gettargetscanlineintensity", "Gets the current scanline intensity setting, used for the scanline display filter" )] public static int GetTargetScanlineIntensity() { return Global.Config.TargetScanlineFilterIntensity; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "getwindowsize", "Gets the main window's size Possible values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10" )] public static int GetWindowSize() { return Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "ispaused", "Returns true if emulator is paused, otherwise, false" )] public static bool IsPaused() { return GlobalWin.MainForm.EmulatorPaused; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "opencheats", "opens the Cheats dialog" )] public static void OpenCheats() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "openhexeditor", "opens the Hex Editor dialog" )] public static void OpenHexEditor() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "openramwatch", "opens the Ram Watch dialog" )] public static void OpenRamWatch() { GlobalWin.Tools.LoadRamWatch(loadDialog: true); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "openramsearch", "opens the Ram Search dialog" )] public static void OpenRamSearch() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "openrom", "opens the Open ROM dialog" )] public static void OpenRom(string path) { GlobalWin.MainForm.LoadRom(path); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "opentasstudio", "opens the TAStudio dialog" )] public static void OpenTasStudio() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "opentoolbox", "opens the Toolbox Dialog" )] public static void OpenToolBox() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "opentracelogger", "opens the tracelogger if it is available for the given core" )] public static void OpenTraceLogger() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "paint", "Causes the client UI to repaint the screen" )] public static void Paint() { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "pause", "Pauses the emulator" )] public static void Pause() { GlobalWin.MainForm.PauseEmulator(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "pause_av", "If currently capturing Audio/Video, this will suspend the record. Frames will not be captured into the AV until client.unpause_av() is called" )] public static void PauseAv() { GlobalWin.MainForm.PauseAVI = true; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "reboot_core", "Reboots the currently loaded core" )] public static void RebootCore() { GlobalWin.MainForm.RebootCore(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "screenheight", "Gets the current width in pixels of the emulator's drawing area" )] public static int ScreenHeight() { return GlobalWin.PresentationPanel.NativeSize.Height; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "screenshot", "if a parameter is passed it will function as the Screenshot As menu item of EmuHawk, else it will function as the Screenshot menu item" )] public static void Screenshot(string path = null) { if (path == null) { GlobalWin.MainForm.TakeScreenshot(); } else { GlobalWin.MainForm.TakeScreenshot(path); } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "screenshottoclipboard", "Performs the same function as EmuHawk's Screenshot To Clipboard menu item" )] public static void ScreenshotToClipboard() { GlobalWin.MainForm.TakeScreenshotToClipboard(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "settargetscanlineintensity", "Sets the current scanline intensity setting, used for the scanline display filter" )] public static void SetTargetScanlineIntensity(int val) { Global.Config.TargetScanlineFilterIntensity = val; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "setscreenshotosd", "Sets the screenshot Capture OSD property of the client" )] public static void SetScreenshotOSD(bool value) { Global.Config.Screenshot_CaptureOSD = value; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "screenwidth", "Gets the current height in pixels of the emulator's drawing area" )] public static int ScreenWidth() { return GlobalWin.PresentationPanel.NativeSize.Width; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "setwindowsize", "Sets the main window's size to the give value. Accepted values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10" )] public void SetWindowSize(int size) { if (size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 3 || size == 4 || size == 5 || size == 10) { Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = size; GlobalWin.MainForm.FrameBufferResized(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Window size set to " + size + "x"); } else { Log("Invalid window size"); } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "speedmode", "Sets the speed of the emulator (in terms of percent)" )] public void SpeedMode(int percent) { if (percent > 0 && percent < 6400) { GlobalWin.MainForm.ClickSpeedItem(percent); } else { Log("Invalid speed value"); } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "togglepause", "Toggles the current pause state" )] public static void TogglePause() { GlobalWin.MainForm.TogglePause(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "transformPointX", "Transforms an x-coordinate in emulator space to an x-coordinate in client space" )] public static int TransformPointX(int x) { var point = new System.Drawing.Point(x, 0); return GlobalWin.DisplayManager.TransformPoint(point).X; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "transformPointY", "Transforms an y-coordinate in emulator space to an y-coordinate in client space" )] public static int TransformPointY(int y) { var point = new System.Drawing.Point(0, y); return GlobalWin.DisplayManager.TransformPoint(point).Y; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "unpause", "Unpauses the emulator" )] public static void Unpause() { GlobalWin.MainForm.UnpauseEmulator(); } [LuaMethodAttributes( "unpause_av", "If currently capturing Audio/Video this resumes capturing" )] public static void UnpauseAv() { GlobalWin.MainForm.PauseAVI = false; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "xpos", "Returns the x value of the screen position where the client currently sits" )] public static int Xpos() { return GlobalWin.MainForm.DesktopLocation.X; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "ypos", "Returns the y value of the screen position where the client currently sits" )] public static int Ypos() { return GlobalWin.MainForm.DesktopLocation.Y; } } }