//public domain assumed from cyotek.com
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
namespace Cyotek.Drawing.BitmapFont
// Parsing class for bitmap fonts generated by AngelCode BMFont
// http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/
public static class BitmapFontLoader
#region Public Class Methods
///// Loads a bitmap font from a file, attempting to auto detect the file type
///// Name of the file to load.
//public static BitmapFont LoadFontFromFile(string fileName)
// BitmapFont result;
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
// throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName", "File name not specified");
// else if (!File.Exists(fileName))
// throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find file '{0}'", fileName), fileName);
// using (FileStream file = File.OpenRead(fileName))
// {
// using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
// {
// string line;
// line = reader.ReadLine();
// if (line.StartsWith("info "))
// result = BitmapFontLoader.LoadFontFromTextFile(fileName);
// else if (line.StartsWith("
/// Loads a bitmap font from a text file.
/// Name of the file to load.
public static BitmapFont LoadFontFromTextFile(string fileName)
BitmapFont font;
IDictionary pageData;
IDictionary kerningDictionary;
IDictionary charDictionary;
string resourcePath;
string[] lines;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileName), "File name not specified");
else if (!File.Exists(fileName))
throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find file '{0}'", fileName), fileName);
pageData = new SortedDictionary();
kerningDictionary = new Dictionary();
charDictionary = new Dictionary();
font = new BitmapFont();
resourcePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
foreach (string line in lines)
string[] parts;
parts = BitmapFontLoader.Split(line, ' ');
if (parts.Length != 0)
switch (parts[0])
case "info":
font.FamilyName = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedString(parts, "face");
font.FontSize = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "size");
font.Bold = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedBool(parts, "bold");
font.Italic = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedBool(parts, "italic");
font.Charset = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedString(parts, "charset");
font.Unicode = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedBool(parts, "unicode");
font.StretchedHeight = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "stretchH");
font.Smoothed = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedBool(parts, "smooth");
font.SuperSampling = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "aa");
font.Padding = BitmapFontLoader.ParsePadding(BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedString(parts, "padding"));
font.Spacing = BitmapFontLoader.ParsePoint(BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedString(parts, "spacing"));
font.OutlineSize = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "outline");
case "common":
font.LineHeight = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "lineHeight");
font.BaseHeight = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "base");
font.TextureSize = new Size
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "scaleW"),
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "scaleH")
font.Packed = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedBool(parts, "packed");
font.AlphaChannel = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "alphaChnl");
font.RedChannel = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "redChnl");
font.GreenChannel = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "greenChnl");
font.BlueChannel = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "blueChnl");
case "page":
int id;
string name;
string textureId;
id = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "id");
name = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedString(parts, "file");
textureId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name);
pageData.Add(id, new Page(id, Path.Combine(resourcePath, name)));
case "char":
Character charData;
charData = new Character
Char = (char)BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "id"),
Bounds = new Rectangle
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "x"),
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "y"),
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "width"),
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "height")
Offset = new Point
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "xoffset"),
BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "yoffset")
XAdvance = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "xadvance"),
TexturePage = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "page"),
Channel = BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "chnl")
charDictionary.Add(charData.Char, charData);
case "kerning":
Kerning key;
key = new Kerning((char)BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "first"), (char)BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, "second"), GetNamedInt(parts, "amount"));
if (!kerningDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
kerningDictionary.Add(key, key.Amount);
font.Pages = BitmapFontLoader.ToArray(pageData.Values);
font.Characters = charDictionary;
font.Kernings = kerningDictionary;
return font;
/// Loads a bitmap font from an XML file.
/// Name of the file to load.
public static BitmapFont LoadFontFromXmlFile(Stream stream)
XmlDocument document;
BitmapFont font;
IDictionary pageData;
IDictionary kerningDictionary;
IDictionary charDictionary;
XmlNode root;
XmlNode properties;
document = new XmlDocument();
pageData = new SortedDictionary();
kerningDictionary = new Dictionary();
charDictionary = new Dictionary();
font = new BitmapFont();
root = document.DocumentElement;
// load the basic attributes
properties = root.SelectSingleNode("info");
font.FamilyName = properties.Attributes["face"].Value;
font.FontSize = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["size"].Value);
font.Bold = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["bold"].Value) != 0;
font.Italic = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["italic"].Value) != 0;
font.Unicode = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["unicode"].Value) != 0;
font.StretchedHeight = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["stretchH"].Value);
font.Charset = properties.Attributes["charset"].Value;
font.Smoothed = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["smooth"].Value) != 0;
font.SuperSampling = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["aa"].Value);
font.Padding = BitmapFontLoader.ParsePadding(properties.Attributes["padding"].Value);
font.Spacing = BitmapFontLoader.ParsePoint(properties.Attributes["spacing"].Value);
font.OutlineSize = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["outline"].Value);
// common attributes
properties = root.SelectSingleNode("common");
font.BaseHeight = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["lineHeight"].Value);
font.LineHeight = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["base"].Value);
font.TextureSize = new Size
font.Packed = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["packed"].Value) != 0;
font.AlphaChannel = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["alphaChnl"].Value);
font.RedChannel = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["redChnl"].Value);
font.GreenChannel = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["greenChnl"].Value);
font.BlueChannel = Convert.ToInt32(properties.Attributes["blueChnl"].Value);
// load texture information
foreach (XmlNode node in root.SelectNodes("pages/page"))
Page page;
page = new Page();
page.Id = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["id"].Value);
page.FileName = node.Attributes["file"].Value;
pageData.Add(page.Id, page);
font.Pages = BitmapFontLoader.ToArray(pageData.Values);
// load character information
foreach (XmlNode node in root.SelectNodes("chars/char"))
Character character;
character = new Character();
character.Char = (char)Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["id"].Value);
character.Bounds = new Rectangle
character.Offset = new Point
character.XAdvance = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["xadvance"].Value);
character.TexturePage = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["page"].Value);
character.Channel = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["chnl"].Value);
charDictionary.Add(character.Char, character);
font.Characters = charDictionary;
// loading kerning information
foreach (XmlNode node in root.SelectNodes("kernings/kerning"))
Kerning key;
key = new Kerning((char)Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["first"].Value), (char)Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["second"].Value), Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["amount"].Value));
if (!kerningDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
kerningDictionary.Add(key, key.Amount);
font.Kernings = kerningDictionary;
return font;
#endregion Public Class Methods
#region Private Class Methods
/// Returns a boolean from an array of name/value pairs.
/// The array of parts.
/// The name of the value to return.
private static bool GetNamedBool(string[] parts, string name)
return BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedInt(parts, name) != 0;
/// Returns an integer from an array of name/value pairs.
/// The array of parts.
/// The name of the value to return.
private static int GetNamedInt(string[] parts, string name)
return Convert.ToInt32(BitmapFontLoader.GetNamedString(parts, name));
/// Returns a string from an array of name/value pairs.
/// The array of parts.
/// The name of the value to return.
private static string GetNamedString(string[] parts, string name)
string result;
result = "";
name = name.ToLowerInvariant();
foreach (string part in parts)
int nameEndIndex;
nameEndIndex = part.IndexOf("=");
if (nameEndIndex != -1)
string namePart;
string valuePart;
namePart = part.Substring(0, nameEndIndex).ToLowerInvariant();
valuePart = part.Substring(nameEndIndex + 1);
if (namePart == name)
if (valuePart.StartsWith("\"") && valuePart.EndsWith("\""))
valuePart = valuePart.Substring(1, valuePart.Length - 2);
result = valuePart;
return result;
/// Creates a Padding object from a string representation
/// The string.
private static Padding ParsePadding(string s)
string[] parts;
parts = s.Split(',');
return new Padding()
Left = Convert.ToInt32(parts[3].Trim()),
Top = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0].Trim()),
Right = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1].Trim()),
Bottom = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Trim())
/// Creates a Point object from a string representation
/// The string.
private static Point ParsePoint(string s)
string[] parts;
parts = s.Split(',');
return new Point()
X = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0].Trim()),
Y = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1].Trim())
/// Splits the specified string using a given delimiter, ignoring any instances of the delimiter as part of a quoted string.
/// The string to split.
/// The delimiter.
private static string[] Split(string s, char delimiter)
string[] results;
if (s.Contains("\""))
List parts;
int partStart;
partStart = -1;
parts = new List();
int partEnd;
int quoteStart;
int quoteEnd;
bool hasQuotes;
quoteStart = s.IndexOf("\"", partStart + 1);
quoteEnd = s.IndexOf("\"", quoteStart + 1);
partEnd = s.IndexOf(delimiter, partStart + 1);
if (partEnd == -1)
partEnd = s.Length;
hasQuotes = quoteStart != -1 && partEnd > quoteStart && partEnd < quoteEnd;
if (hasQuotes)
partEnd = s.IndexOf(delimiter, quoteEnd + 1);
parts.Add(s.Substring(partStart + 1, partEnd - partStart - 1));
if (hasQuotes)
partStart = partEnd - 1;
partStart = s.IndexOf(delimiter, partStart + 1);
} while (partStart != -1);
results = parts.ToArray();
results = s.Split(new char[] { delimiter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return results;
/// Converts the given collection into an array
/// Type of the items in the array
/// The values.
private static T[] ToArray(ICollection values)
T[] result;
// avoid a forced .NET 3 dependency just for one call to Linq
result = new T[values.Count];
values.CopyTo(result, 0);
return result;
#endregion Private Class Methods