using System; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.Commodore64.MOS { public sealed partial class Sid { /* Commodore SID 6581/8580 core. Many thanks to: - Michael Huth for die shots of the 6569R3 chip (to get ideas how to implement) - Kevtris for figuring out ADSR tables - Mixer for a lot of useful SID info - Documentation collected by the libsidplayfp team */ // ------------------------------------ private int _cachedCycles; private bool _disableVoice3; private int _envelopeOutput0; private int _envelopeOutput1; private int _envelopeOutput2; private readonly Envelope[] _envelopes; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly Envelope _envelope0; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly Envelope _envelope1; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly Envelope _envelope2; private readonly bool[] _filterEnable; private int _filterFrequency; private int _filterResonance; private bool _filterSelectBandPass; private bool _filterSelectLoPass; private bool _filterSelectHiPass; private int _mixer; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly short[] _outputBuffer; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private int _outputBufferIndex; private int _potCounter; private int _potX; private int _potY; private short _sample; private int _voiceOutput0; private int _voiceOutput1; private int _voiceOutput2; private readonly Voice[] _voices; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly Voice _voice0; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly Voice _voice1; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly Voice _voice2; private int _volume; public Func ReadPotX; public Func ReadPotY; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly int _cpuCyclesNum; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private int _sampleCyclesNum; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly int _sampleCyclesDen; [SaveState.DoNotSave] private readonly int _sampleRate; public Sid(int[][] newWaveformTable, int sampleRate, int cyclesNum, int cyclesDen) { _sampleRate = sampleRate; _cpuCyclesNum = cyclesNum; _sampleCyclesDen = cyclesDen*sampleRate; _envelopes = new Envelope[3]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) _envelopes[i] = new Envelope(); _envelope0 = _envelopes[0]; _envelope1 = _envelopes[1]; _envelope2 = _envelopes[2]; _voices = new Voice[3]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) _voices[i] = new Voice(newWaveformTable); _voice0 = _voices[0]; _voice1 = _voices[1]; _voice2 = _voices[2]; _filterEnable = new bool[3]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) _filterEnable[i] = false; _outputBuffer = new short[sampleRate]; } // ------------------------------------ public void HardReset() { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { _envelopes[i].HardReset(); _voices[i].HardReset(); } _potCounter = 0; _potX = 0; _potY = 0; } // ------------------------------------ public void ExecutePhase() { _cachedCycles++; // potentiometer values refresh every 512 cycles if (_potCounter == 0) { _potCounter = 512; _potX = ReadPotX(); _potY = ReadPotY(); } _potCounter--; } public void Flush() { while (_cachedCycles > 0) { _cachedCycles--; // process voices and envelopes _voice0.ExecutePhase2(); _voice1.ExecutePhase2(); _voice2.ExecutePhase2(); _envelope0.ExecutePhase2(); _envelope1.ExecutePhase2(); _envelope2.ExecutePhase2(); _voice0.Synchronize(_voice1, _voice2); _voice1.Synchronize(_voice2, _voice0); _voice2.Synchronize(_voice0, _voice1); // get output _voiceOutput0 = _voice0.Output(_voice2); _voiceOutput1 = _voice1.Output(_voice0); _voiceOutput2 = _voice2.Output(_voice1); _envelopeOutput0 = _envelope0.Level; _envelopeOutput1 = _envelope1.Level; _envelopeOutput2 = _envelope2.Level; _sampleCyclesNum += _sampleCyclesDen; if (_sampleCyclesNum >= _cpuCyclesNum) { _sampleCyclesNum -= _cpuCyclesNum; _mixer = (_voiceOutput0 * _envelopeOutput0) >> 7; _mixer += (_voiceOutput1 * _envelopeOutput1) >> 7; _mixer += (_voiceOutput2 * _envelopeOutput2) >> 7; _mixer = (_mixer * _volume) >> 4; _mixer -= _volume << 8; if (_mixer > 0x7FFF) { _mixer = 0x7FFF; } if (_mixer < -0x8000) { _mixer = -0x8000; } _sample = unchecked((short)_mixer); if (_outputBufferIndex < _sampleRate) { _outputBuffer[_outputBufferIndex++] = _sample; _outputBuffer[_outputBufferIndex++] = _sample; } } } } // ---------------------------------- public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { SaveState.SyncObject(ser, this); } } }