using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES { public sealed class MLT_ACTION52 : NES.NESBoardBase { /* Here are Disch's original notes: ======================== = Mapper 228 = ======================== Example Games: -------------------------- Action 52 Cheetah Men II Notes: --------------------------- Cheetah Men II is infamous for how freaking terrible it is. Action 52 is none better. These games are SO bad, it's hilarious. Action 52's PRG size is weird (not a power of 2 value). This is because there are 3 seperate 512k PRG chips. PRG Setup section will cover details. Powerup and Reset: --------------------------- Apparently the games expect $00 to be written to $8000 on powerup/reset. Registers: --------------------------- $4020-4023: [.... RRRR] RAM (readable/writable) (16 bits of RAM -- 4 bits in each of the 4 regs) $4024-5FFF: mirrors $4020-4023 $8000-FFFF: [.... ..CC] Low 2 bits of CHR A~[..MH HPPP PPO. CCCC] M = Mirroring (0=Vert, 1=Horz) H = PRG Chip Select P = PRG Page Select O = PRG Mode C = High 4 bits of CHR CHR Setup: --------------------------- $0000 $0400 $0800 $0C00 $1000 $1400 $1800 $1C00 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | $8000 | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ PRG Setup: --------------------------- 'H' bits select the PRG chip. Each chip is 512k in size. Chip 2 does not exist, and when selected, will result in open bus. The Action 52 .nes ROM file contains chips 0, 1, and 3: chip 0: offset 0x000010 chip 1: offset 0x080010 chip 2: -- non existant -- chip 3: offset 0x100010 'P' selects the PRG page on the currently selected chip. $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 +-------------------------------+ PRG Mode 0: | <$8000> | +-------------------------------+ PRG Mode 1: | $8000 | $8000 | +---------------+---------------+ */ public bool prg_mode; public int prg_reg; public int chr_reg; public int chip_offset; public bool cheetahmen = false; ByteBuffer eRAM = new ByteBuffer(4); int chr_bank_mask_8k, prg_bank_mask_16k, prg_bank_mask_32k; public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { switch (Cart.board_type) { case "MAPPER228": case "MLT-ACTION52": break; default: return false; } chr_bank_mask_8k = Cart.chr_size / 8 - 1; prg_bank_mask_16k = Cart.prg_size / 16 - 1; prg_bank_mask_32k = Cart.prg_size / 32 - 1; if (Cart.prg_size == 256) { cheetahmen = true; } prg_mode = bool.Parse(InitialRegisterValues["prg_mode"] ?? "false"); prg_reg = int.Parse(InitialRegisterValues["prg_reg"] ?? "0"); return true; } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("prg_reg", ref prg_reg); ser.Sync("chr_reg", ref chr_reg); ser.Sync("prg_mode", ref prg_mode); ser.Sync("chip", ref chip_offset); ser.Sync("eRAM", ref eRAM); base.SyncState(ser); } public override void Dispose() { eRAM.Dispose(); base.Dispose(); } public override void WriteEXP(int addr, byte value) { if (addr >= 0x1800) { eRAM[(addr & 0x07)] = (byte)(value & 0x0F); } } public override byte ReadEXP(int addr) { if (addr >= 0x1800) { return eRAM[(addr & 0x07)]; } else { return base.ReadEXP(addr); } } public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value) { //$8000-FFFF: [.... ..CC] Low 2 bits of CHR //A~[..MH HPPP PPO. CCCC] if (addr.Bit(13)) { SetMirrorType(EMirrorType.Horizontal); } else { SetMirrorType(EMirrorType.Vertical); } prg_mode = addr.Bit(5); prg_reg = (addr >> 6) & 0x1F; chr_reg = ((addr & 0x0F) << 2) | (value & 0x03); if (!cheetahmen) { int chip = ((addr >> 11) & 0x03); switch (chip) { case 0: chip_offset = 0; break; case 1: chip_offset = 0x80000; break; case 2: break; //TODO: this chip doesn't exist and should access open bus case 3: chip_offset = 0x100000; break; } } } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { return VROM[((chr_reg & chr_bank_mask_8k) * 0x2000) + addr]; } return base.ReadPPU(addr); } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { if (prg_mode == false) { int bank = (prg_reg >> 1) & prg_bank_mask_32k; return ROM[(bank * 0x8000) + addr + chip_offset]; } else { return ROM[((prg_reg & prg_bank_mask_16k) * 0x4000) + (addr & 0x3FFF) + chip_offset]; } } } }