using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBA { public class GBA : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISyncSoundProvider { public List> GetCpuFlagsAndRegisters() { var ret = new List>(); int[] data = new int[LibMeteor.regnames.Length]; LibMeteor.libmeteor_getregs(data); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) ret.Add(new KeyValuePair(LibMeteor.regnames[i], data[i])); return ret; } public static readonly ControllerDefinition GBAController = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "GBA Controller", BoolButtons = { "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Start", "Select", "B", "A", "L", "R", "Power" } }; public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition { get { return GBAController; } } public IController Controller { get; set; } public GBA(CoreComm comm) { CoreComm = comm; comm.VsyncNum = 262144; comm.VsyncDen = 4389; comm.CpuTraceAvailable = true; comm.TraceHeader = " -Addr--- -Opcode- -Instruction------------------- -R0----- -R1----- -R2----- -R3----- -R4----- -R5----- -R6----- -R7----- -R8----- -R9----- -R10---- -R11---- -R12---- -R13(SP) -R14(LR) -R15(PC) -CPSR--- -SPSR---"; comm.NominalWidth = 240; comm.NominalHeight = 160; } public void Load(byte[] rom) { byte[] bios = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GBA", "Bios", true, "GBA bios file is mandatory."); if (bios.Length != 16384) throw new InvalidDataException("GBA bios must be exactly 16384 bytes!"); if (rom.Length > 32 * 1024 * 1024) throw new InvalidDataException("Rom file is too big! No GBA game is larger than 32MB"); Init(); LibMeteor.libmeteor_hardreset(); LibMeteor.libmeteor_loadbios(bios, (uint)bios.Length); LibMeteor.libmeteor_loadrom(rom, (uint)rom.Length); SetUpMemoryDomains(); } public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool rendersound = true) { Frame++; IsLagFrame = true; if (Controller["Power"]) LibMeteor.libmeteor_hardreset(); // due to the design of the tracing api, we have to poll whether it's active each frame LibMeteor.libmeteor_settracecallback(CoreComm.Tracer.Enabled ? tracecallback : null); if (!coredead) LibMeteor.libmeteor_frameadvance(); if (IsLagFrame) LagCount++; if (EndOfFrameCallback != null) EndOfFrameCallback(); } public int Frame { get; private set; } public int LagCount { get; set; } public bool IsLagFrame { get; private set; } public string SystemId { get { return "GBA"; } } public bool DeterministicEmulation { get { return true; } } // todo: information about the saveram type would be useful here. public string BoardName { get { return null; } } public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; LagCount = 0; IsLagFrame = false; } #region saveram public byte[] ReadSaveRam() { if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().ToString()); if (!LibMeteor.libmeteor_hassaveram()) return null; IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero; uint size = 0; if (!LibMeteor.libmeteor_savesaveram(ref data, ref size)) throw new Exception("libmeteor_savesaveram() returned false!"); byte[] ret = new byte[size]; Marshal.Copy(data, ret, 0, (int)size); LibMeteor.libmeteor_savesaveram_destroy(data); return ret; } public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data) { if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().ToString()); if (!LibMeteor.libmeteor_loadsaveram(data, (uint)data.Length)) throw new Exception("libmeteor_loadsaveram() returned false!"); } public void ClearSaveRam() { if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().ToString()); LibMeteor.libmeteor_clearsaveram(); } public bool SaveRamModified { get { if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().ToString()); return LibMeteor.libmeteor_hassaveram(); } set { } } #endregion #region savestates byte[] SaveCoreBinary() { IntPtr ndata = IntPtr.Zero; uint nsize = 0; if (!LibMeteor.libmeteor_savestate(ref ndata, ref nsize)) throw new Exception("libmeteor_savestate() failed!"); if (ndata == IntPtr.Zero || nsize == 0) throw new Exception("libmeteor_savestate() returned bad!"); byte[] ret = new byte[nsize]; Marshal.Copy(ndata, ret, 0, (int)nsize); LibMeteor.libmeteor_savestate_destroy(ndata); return ret; } void LoadCoreBinary(byte[] data) { if (!LibMeteor.libmeteor_loadstate(data, (uint)data.Length)) throw new Exception("libmeteor_loadstate() failed!"); } public void SaveStateText(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { var temp = SaveStateBinary(); temp.SaveAsHex(writer); // write extra copy of stuff we don't use writer.WriteLine("Frame {0}", Frame); } public void LoadStateText(System.IO.TextReader reader) { string hex = reader.ReadLine(); byte[] state = new byte[hex.Length / 2]; state.ReadFromHex(hex); LoadStateBinary(new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(state))); } public void SaveStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) { byte[] data = SaveCoreBinary(); writer.Write(data.Length); writer.Write(data); // other variables writer.Write(IsLagFrame); writer.Write(LagCount); writer.Write(Frame); } public void LoadStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { int length = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(length); LoadCoreBinary(data); // other variables IsLagFrame = reader.ReadBoolean(); LagCount = reader.ReadInt32(); Frame = reader.ReadInt32(); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); SaveStateBinary(bw); bw.Flush(); return ms.ToArray(); } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return true; } } #endregion public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } #region memorydomains List _MemoryDomains = new List(); public MemoryDomainList MemoryDomains { get; private set; } void AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea which, int size, string name) { IntPtr data = LibMeteor.libmeteor_getmemoryarea(which); if (data == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("libmeteor_getmemoryarea() returned NULL??"); MemoryDomain md = new MemoryDomain(name, size, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, delegate(int addr) { unsafe { byte* d = (byte*)data; if (addr < 0 || addr >= size) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); return d[addr]; } }, delegate(int addr, byte val) { unsafe { byte* d = (byte*)data; if (addr < 0 || addr >= size) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); d[addr] = val; } }); _MemoryDomains.Add(md); } void SetUpMemoryDomains() { _MemoryDomains.Clear(); // this must be first to coincide with "main memory" // note that ewram could also be considered main memory depending on which hairs you split AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.iwram, 32 * 1024, "IWRAM"); AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.ewram, 256 * 1024, "EWRAM"); AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.bios, 16 * 1024, "BIOS"); AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.palram, 1024, "PALRAM"); AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.vram, 96 * 1024, "VRAM"); AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.oam, 1024, "OAM"); // even if the rom is less than 32MB, the whole is still valid in meteor AddMemoryDomain(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.rom, 32 * 1024 * 1024, "ROM"); // special domain for system bus { MemoryDomain sb = new MemoryDomain("BUS", 1 << 28, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, delegate(int addr) { return LibMeteor.libmeteor_peekbus((uint)addr); }, delegate(int addr, byte val) { LibMeteor.libmeteor_writebus((uint)addr, val); }); _MemoryDomains.Add(sb); } // special combined ram memory domain { var ew = _MemoryDomains[1]; var iw = _MemoryDomains[0]; MemoryDomain cr = new MemoryDomain("Combined WRAM", (256 + 32) * 1024, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, delegate(int addr) { if (addr >= 256 * 1024) return iw.PeekByte(addr & 32767); else return ew.PeekByte(addr); }, delegate(int addr, byte val) { if (addr >= 256 * 1024) iw.PokeByte(addr & 32767, val); else ew.PokeByte(addr, val); }); _MemoryDomains.Add(cr); } MemoryDomains = new MemoryDomainList(_MemoryDomains); } public void GetGPUMemoryAreas(out IntPtr vram, out IntPtr palram, out IntPtr oam, out IntPtr mmio) { IntPtr _vram = LibMeteor.libmeteor_getmemoryarea(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.vram); IntPtr _palram = LibMeteor.libmeteor_getmemoryarea(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.palram); IntPtr _oam = LibMeteor.libmeteor_getmemoryarea(LibMeteor.MemoryArea.oam); IntPtr _mmio = LibMeteor.libmeteor_getmemoryarea(; if (_vram == IntPtr.Zero || _palram == IntPtr.Zero || _oam == IntPtr.Zero || _mmio == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("libmeteor_getmemoryarea() failed!"); vram = _vram; palram = _palram; oam = _oam; mmio = _mmio; } #endregion /// like libsnes, the library is single-instance static GBA attachedcore; /// hold pointer to message callback so it won't get GCed LibMeteor.MessageCallback messagecallback; /// hold pointer to input callback so it won't get GCed LibMeteor.InputCallback inputcallback; /// true if libmeteor aborted bool coredead = false; /// hold pointer to trace callback so it won't get GCed LibMeteor.TraceCallback tracecallback; LibMeteor.Buttons GetInput() { CoreComm.InputCallback.Call(); // libmeteor bitflips everything itself, so 0 == off, 1 == on IsLagFrame = false; LibMeteor.Buttons ret = 0; if (Controller["Up"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_UP; if (Controller["Down"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_DOWN; if (Controller["Left"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_LEFT; if (Controller["Right"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_RIGHT; if (Controller["Select"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_SELECT; if (Controller["Start"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_START; if (Controller["B"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_B; if (Controller["A"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_A; if (Controller["L"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_L; if (Controller["R"]) ret |= LibMeteor.Buttons.BTN_R; return ret; } #region messagecallbacks void PrintMessage(string msg, bool abort) { Console.Write(msg.Replace("\n", "\r\n")); if (abort) StopCore(msg); } void StopCore(string msg) { coredead = true; Console.WriteLine("Core stopped."); for (int i = 0; i < soundbuffer.Length; i++) soundbuffer[i] = 0; var gz = new System.IO.Compression.GZipStream( new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(dispfont), false), System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress); byte[] font = new byte[2048]; gz.Read(font, 0, 2048); gz.Dispose(); // cores aren't supposed to have bad dependencies like System.Drawing, right? int scx = 0; int scy = 0; foreach (char c in msg) { if (scx == 240 || c == '\n') { scy += 8; scx = 0; } if (scy == 160) break; if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') continue; if (c < 256 && c != ' ') { int fpos = c * 8; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((font[fpos] >> i & 1) != 0) videobuffer[(scy + j) * 240 + scx + i] = unchecked((int)0xffff0000); else videobuffer[(scy + j) * 240 + scx + i] = unchecked((int)0xff000000); } fpos++; } } scx += 8; } } const string dispfont = "H4sICAInrFACAGZvby5yYXcARVU9q9RAFL2gjK8IT+0GDGoh1oGFGHDYQvwL2hoQroXhsdUqGGbxZ/gD" + "bKys7BRhIZVYLgurIghvG3ksCPKKJfGcm1nfSTJn750792smWUmIr9++/vjmdYzDZlhuh1guFotpfiRH" + "+dQ4n+aLxfOj/MgUR7mID8GLDMN2CftBgj54oEGG5ZuPH98sh93P3afJZHIzqGrw0e+/7LPs+OqVvuu7" + "7vTZJb8J223Y+MtZHvLsstwuqlAVt+E1eh+DV0JU+s3mx3q9luCChjoIsVgI7Wg2kAHBQ1mkqPu6EBhk" + "feYFcM5F0B0d9A74WtX2QvRtdU0SrBp6kaZpKIJ7XI341oV66sVp4TOtJS/L/IN+k8pnQkCbZb4QPEVB" + "nYYhKB16JHZwbsZRDuBEDWsnEnQeTzSIz60CyHWV6cg19LOXjfb1TqKb1pSrzE0VHBUOvIed8ia3dZGb" + "c96JM0ZhfgzPBPCbkWEPEs/4j+fO1kd2HM55Q0bf4PdmCW15E/HdFI1M7Dg/Z1xN64InguxqpGn6kkvF" + "GaJ0Z32/6jrRkxjntFciMB79mTwPM5NLm0ffWac3iCb7kbx0XbfqzzqhEGBPLe2i9TVKmxGtiGPFIm1N" + "tNj+ppMLDDl7Ywh1q62gPEUKlJX1Yw3k1uTo2P9sCseQW3Y80B4QLznrNwaOnbMGUDK9SNOvVgxt9vQH" + "gj51IPn7SdlRFDt4MoarIGvKwyoFd6tV34CtAWTLRySiAZF5Oq5DcHvyAvuO8/FtLgZrRNcf9tlp8l/4" + "sc64HPuhMnLmR/Z3jA/9cbAzexVj2CU59SPYD+rJyU6VfsiIh5NtL+j+/b7cyzmOu+op1wXrjzHXG2Ow" + "Qikba6pbgwL0P7J4y89XDRsY7ZxEXLcmkydP/zz9NVv74P2N4yLVVaT8wIxDNv9NaRtG1pM5kinLVqKY" + "ERndzXhOgOicGNe1yPLp5NUXnezAm99//3ymoX0xodQvsMKoE5GH18fr3aPx+v5ivPwFbt1KIx9VffYM" + "g30GyUkPbV1zJgGzJpt+sWAxGEWSHwH4izg/hwAeBjEMw0GPweTDfNLyUWzSqdroXN+L9L1z1Gy3tsKe" + "7Zbzpj/oOE+9P8iq5j/Nj/HUQK+S4omkuMJIaqD3g5+xQ2KwvIcEKshXE3YJNkfgjbg7/8YNLbV0Lqo6" + "AFEaQqJmPlM7n+l9VeDHJTm57wGJPtjRwhg53+LD1DRnMvNFO9q3q9WqFfncnq6+tm7mszbzM4QziERe" + "h7+LyO+zz8AYfQGerdf+P27cOBYaeUubt1RNU138q4wg74qiuFeGKjQA5BwOgxABACX8A6+GHm0ACAAA"; #endregion void Trace(string msg) { CoreComm.Tracer.Put(msg); } Action EndOfFrameCallback = null; LibMeteor.ScanlineCallback scanlinecb = null; /// /// /// /// null to cancel /// 0-227, null = end of frame public void SetScanlineCallback(Action callback, int? scanline) { if (callback == null) { LibMeteor.libmeteor_setscanlinecallback(null, 400); EndOfFrameCallback = null; scanlinecb = null; } else if (scanline == null) { LibMeteor.libmeteor_setscanlinecallback(null, 400); EndOfFrameCallback = callback; scanlinecb = null; } else if (scanline >= 0 && scanline <= 227) { scanlinecb = new LibMeteor.ScanlineCallback(callback); LibMeteor.libmeteor_setscanlinecallback(scanlinecb, (int)scanline); EndOfFrameCallback = null; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Scanline must be in [0, 227]!"); } } void Init() { if (attachedcore != null) attachedcore.Dispose(); messagecallback = PrintMessage; inputcallback = GetInput; tracecallback = Trace; // don't set this callback now, only set if enabled LibMeteor.libmeteor_setmessagecallback(messagecallback); LibMeteor.libmeteor_setkeycallback(inputcallback); LibMeteor.libmeteor_init(); videobuffer = new int[240 * 160]; videohandle = GCHandle.Alloc(videobuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); soundbuffer = new short[2048]; // nominal length of one frame is something like 1480 shorts? soundhandle = GCHandle.Alloc(soundbuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); if (!LibMeteor.libmeteor_setbuffers (videohandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (uint)(sizeof(int) * videobuffer.Length), soundhandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (uint)(sizeof(short) * soundbuffer.Length))) throw new Exception("libmeteor_setbuffers() returned false??"); attachedcore = this; } bool disposed = false; public void Dispose() { if (!disposed) { disposed = true; videohandle.Free(); soundhandle.Free(); // guarantee crash if it gets accessed LibMeteor.libmeteor_setbuffers(IntPtr.Zero, 240 * 160 * 4, IntPtr.Zero, 4); messagecallback = null; inputcallback = null; tracecallback = null; LibMeteor.libmeteor_setmessagecallback(messagecallback); LibMeteor.libmeteor_setkeycallback(inputcallback); LibMeteor.libmeteor_settracecallback(tracecallback); _MemoryDomains.Clear(); } } #region IVideoProvider public IVideoProvider VideoProvider { get { return this; } } int[] videobuffer; GCHandle videohandle; public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return videobuffer; } public int VirtualWidth { get { return 240; } } public int BufferWidth { get { return 240; } } public int BufferHeight { get { return 160; } } public int BackgroundColor { get { return unchecked((int)0xff000000); } } #endregion #region ISoundProvider short[] soundbuffer; GCHandle soundhandle; public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return null; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return this; } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return false; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } public void GetSamples(out short[] samples, out int nsamp) { uint nbytes = LibMeteor.libmeteor_emptysound(); samples = soundbuffer; if (!coredead) nsamp = (int)(nbytes / 4); else nsamp = 738; } public void DiscardSamples() { LibMeteor.libmeteor_emptysound(); } #endregion } }