using System; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBA { [Core("mGBA", "endrift", true, true, "0.6.0 (24ab81f8db7745586cef246be8957ad272aded9b)", "", false)] [ServiceNotApplicable(typeof(IDriveLight), typeof(IRegionable))] public partial class MGBAHawk : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISoundProvider, IGBAGPUViewable, ISaveRam, IStatable, IInputPollable, ISettable, IDebuggable { [CoreConstructor("GBA")] public MGBAHawk(byte[] file, CoreComm comm, SyncSettings syncSettings, Settings settings, bool deterministic, GameInfo game) { _syncSettings = syncSettings ?? new SyncSettings(); _settings = settings ?? new Settings(); DeterministicEmulation = deterministic; byte[] bios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GBA", "Bios", false); DeterministicEmulation &= bios != null; if (DeterministicEmulation != deterministic) { throw new InvalidOperationException("A BIOS is required for deterministic recordings!"); } if (!DeterministicEmulation && bios != null && !_syncSettings.RTCUseRealTime && !_syncSettings.SkipBios) { // in these situations, this core is deterministic even though it wasn't asked to be DeterministicEmulation = true; } if (bios != null && bios.Length != 16384) { throw new InvalidOperationException("BIOS must be exactly 16384 bytes!"); } var skipBios = !DeterministicEmulation && _syncSettings.SkipBios; _core = LibmGBA.BizCreate(bios, file, file.Length, GetOverrideInfo(game), skipBios); if (_core == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("BizCreate() returned NULL! Bad BIOS? and/or ROM?"); } try { CreateMemoryDomains(file.Length); var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this); ser.Register(new ArmV4Disassembler()); ser.Register(_memoryDomains); ServiceProvider = ser; CoreComm = comm; CoreComm.NominalWidth = 240; CoreComm.NominalHeight = 160; PutSettings(_settings); } catch { LibmGBA.BizDestroy(_core); throw; } } public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; } public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition => GBA.GBAController; public void FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound = true) { Frame++; if (controller.IsPressed("Power")) { LibmGBA.BizReset(_core); // BizReset caused memorydomain pointers to change. WireMemoryDomainPointers(); } IsLagFrame = LibmGBA.BizAdvance( _core, VBANext.GetButtons(controller), _videobuff, ref _nsamp, _soundbuff, RTCTime(), (short)controller.GetFloat("Tilt X"), (short)controller.GetFloat("Tilt Y"), (short)controller.GetFloat("Tilt Z"), (byte)(255 - controller.GetFloat("Light Sensor"))); if (IsLagFrame) { LagCount++; } // this should be called in hblank on the appropriate line, but until we implement that, just do it here _scanlinecb?.Invoke(); } public int Frame { get; private set; } public string SystemId => "GBA"; public bool DeterministicEmulation { get; } public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; LagCount = 0; IsLagFrame = false; } public CoreComm CoreComm { get; } public void Dispose() { if (_core != IntPtr.Zero) { LibmGBA.BizDestroy(_core); _core = IntPtr.Zero; } } public GBAGPUMemoryAreas GetMemoryAreas() { return _gpumem; } [FeatureNotImplemented] public void SetScanlineCallback(Action callback, int scanline) { _scanlinecb = callback; } private readonly byte[] _saveScratch = new byte[262144]; private IntPtr _core; private static LibmGBA.OverrideInfo GetOverrideInfo(GameInfo game) { if (!game.OptionPresent("mgbaNeedsOverrides")) { // the gba game db predates the mgba core in bizhawk, but was never used by the mgba core, // which had its own handling for overrides // to avoid possible regressions, we don't want to be overriding things that we already // know work in mgba, so unless this parameter is set, we do nothing return null; } var ret = new LibmGBA.OverrideInfo(); if (game.OptionPresent("flashSize")) { switch (game.GetIntValue("flashSize")) { case 65536: ret.Savetype = LibmGBA.SaveType.Flash512; break; case 131072: ret.Savetype = LibmGBA.SaveType.Flash1m; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown flashSize"); } } else if (game.OptionPresent("saveType")) { switch (game.GetIntValue("saveType")) { // 3 specifies either flash 512 or 1024, but in vba-over.ini, the latter will have a flashSize as well case 3: ret.Savetype = LibmGBA.SaveType.Flash512; break; case 4: ret.Savetype = LibmGBA.SaveType.Eeprom; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown saveType"); } } if (game.GetInt("rtcEnabled", 0) == 1) { ret.Hardware |= LibmGBA.Hardware.Rtc; } if (game.GetInt("mirroringEnabled", 0) == 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't know what to do with mirroringEnabled!"); } if (game.OptionPresent("idleLoop")) { ret.IdleLoop = (uint)game.GetHexValue("idleLoop"); } return ret; } private Action _scanlinecb; private GBAGPUMemoryAreas _gpumem; private long RTCTime() { if (!DeterministicEmulation && _syncSettings.RTCUseRealTime) { return (long)DateTime.Now.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; } long basetime = (long)_syncSettings.RTCInitialTime.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; long increment = Frame * 4389L >> 18; return basetime + increment; } } }