using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using Jellyfish.Virtu; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.AppleII { [CoreAttributes( "Virtu", "fool", isPorted: true, isReleased: true )] [ServiceNotApplicable(typeof(ISaveRam), typeof(IRegionable))] public partial class AppleII : IEmulator, IDriveLight { public AppleII(CoreComm comm, IEnumerable gameInfoSet, IEnumerable romSet, Settings settings) : this(comm, gameInfoSet.First(), romSet.First(), settings) { GameInfoSet = gameInfoSet.ToList(); RomSet = romSet.ToList(); } [CoreConstructor("AppleII")] public AppleII(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, Settings settings) { GameInfoSet = new List(); var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this); ServiceProvider = ser; CoreComm = comm; Tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = "6502: PC, opcode, register (A, X, Y, P, SP, Cy) flags (NVTBDIZC)" }; MemoryCallbacks = new MemoryCallbackSystem(); InputCallbacks = new InputCallbackSystem(); _disk1 = rom; RomSet.Add(rom); _appleIIRom = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware( SystemId, "AppleIIe", true, "The Apple IIe BIOS firmware is required"); _diskIIRom = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware( SystemId, "DiskII", true, "The DiskII firmware is required"); _machine = new Machine(_appleIIRom, _diskIIRom); _machine.BizInitialize(); //make a writeable memory stream cloned from the rom. //for junk.dsk the .dsk is important because it determines the format from that InitDisk(); ser.Register(Tracer); setCallbacks(); InitSaveStates(); SetupMemoryDomains(); PutSettings(settings ?? new Settings()); } public List GameInfoSet { get; private set; } private readonly List RomSet = new List(); public int CurrentDisk { get; private set; } public int DiskCount { get { return RomSet.Count; } } private ITraceable Tracer { get; set; } public void SetDisk(int discNum) { CurrentDisk = discNum; InitDisk(); } private void IncrementDisk() { CurrentDisk++; if (CurrentDisk >= RomSet.Count) { CurrentDisk = 0; } InitDisk(); } private void DecrementDisk() { CurrentDisk--; if (CurrentDisk < 0) { CurrentDisk = RomSet.Count - 1; } InitDisk(); } private void InitDisk() { _disk1 = RomSet[CurrentDisk]; //make a writeable memory stream cloned from the rom. //for junk.dsk the .dsk is important because it determines the format from that _machine.BootDiskII.Drives[0].InsertDisk("junk.dsk", (byte[])_disk1.Clone(), false); } private Machine _machine; private byte[] _disk1; private readonly byte[] _appleIIRom; private readonly byte[] _diskIIRom; private static readonly ControllerDefinition AppleIIController; private static readonly List RealButtons = new List(Keyboard.GetKeyNames() .Where(k => k != "White Apple") // Hack because these buttons aren't wired up yet .Where(k => k != "Black Apple") .Where(k => k != "Reset")); private static readonly List ExtraButtons = new List { "Previous Disk", "Next Disk", }; static AppleII() { AppleIIController = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "Apple IIe Keyboard" }; AppleIIController.BoolButtons.AddRange(RealButtons); AppleIIController.BoolButtons.AddRange(ExtraButtons); } public bool DriveLightEnabled { get { return true; } } public bool DriveLightOn { get { return _machine.DriveLight; } } private bool _nextPressed = false; private bool _prevPressed = false; private void TracerWrapper(string[] content) { Tracer.Put(new TraceInfo { Disassembly = content[0], RegisterInfo = content[1] }); } private void FrameAdv(bool render, bool rendersound) { if (Tracer.Enabled) { _machine.Cpu.TraceCallback = (s) => TracerWrapper(s); } else { _machine.Cpu.TraceCallback = null; } if (Controller["Next Disk"] && !_nextPressed) { _nextPressed = true; IncrementDisk(); } else if (Controller["Previous Disk"] && !_prevPressed) { _prevPressed = true; DecrementDisk(); } if (!Controller["Next Disk"]) { _nextPressed = false; } if (!Controller["Previous Disk"]) { _prevPressed = false; } _machine.BizFrameAdvance(RealButtons.Where(b => Controller[b])); if (IsLagFrame) { LagCount++; } Frame++; } private void setCallbacks() { _machine.Memory.ReadCallback = MemoryCallbacks.CallReads; _machine.Memory.WriteCallback = MemoryCallbacks.CallWrites; _machine.Memory.ExecuteCallback = MemoryCallbacks.CallExecutes; _machine.Memory.InputCallback = InputCallbacks.Call; } } }