using System; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; using BizHawk.Core; using BizHawk.DiscSystem; using BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Sega; using BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.TurboGrafx; using BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Calculator; using BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Gameboy; using BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo; using; namespace BizHawk.MultiClient { public partial class MainForm : Form { public bool INTERIM = true; public const string EMUVERSION = "BizHawk v1.0.0"; private Control renderTarget; private RetainedViewportPanel retainedPanel; public string CurrentlyOpenRom; SavestateManager StateSlots = new SavestateManager(); public bool PressFrameAdvance = false; public bool PressRewind = false; //avi/wav state AviWriter CurrAviWriter = null; //runloop control bool exit; bool runloop_frameProgress; DateTime FrameAdvanceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; public bool EmulatorPaused; int runloop_fps; int runloop_last_fps; bool runloop_frameadvance; DateTime runloop_second; bool runloop_last_ff; Throttle throttle; bool unthrottled = false; //For handling automatic pausing when entering the menu private bool wasPaused = false; private bool didMenuPause = false; //tool dialogs public RamWatch RamWatch1 = new RamWatch(); public RamSearch RamSearch1 = new RamSearch(); public HexEditor HexEditor1 = new HexEditor(); public NESNameTableViewer NESNameTableViewer1 = new NESNameTableViewer(); public NESPPU NESPPU1 = new NESPPU(); public NESDebugger NESDebug1 = new NESDebugger(); public Cheats Cheats1 = new Cheats(); public ToolBox ToolBox1 = new ToolBox(); public TI83KeyPad TI83KeyPad1 = new TI83KeyPad(); public TAStudio TAStudio1 = new TAStudio(); public MainForm(string[] args) { Global.MovieSession = new MovieSession(); Global.MovieSession.Movie = new Movie(); Icon = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.logo; InitializeComponent(); Global.Game = GameInfo.GetNullGame(); if (Global.Config.ShowLogWindow) { LogConsole.ShowConsole(); displayLogWindowToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } throttle = new Throttle(); DiscSystem.FFMpeg.FFMpegPath = PathManager.MakeProgramRelativePath(Global.Config.FFMpegPath); Global.CheatList = new CheatList(); UpdateStatusSlots(); //in order to allow late construction of this database, we hook up a delegate here to dearchive the data and provide it on demand //we could background thread this later instead if we wanted to be real clever NES.BootGodDB.GetDatabaseBytes = () => { using (HawkFile NesCartFile = new HawkFile(PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute() + "\\NesCarts.7z").BindFirst()) return Util.ReadAllBytes(NesCartFile.GetStream()); }; Global.MainForm = this; Global.CoreInputComm = new CoreInputComm(); SyncCoreInputComm(); Console.WriteLine("Scanning cores:"); foreach (var ci in Introspection.GetCoreInfo()) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} ({2})", ci.FriendlyName, ci.Version, ci.ClassName); } Database.LoadDatabase(PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute() + "\\gamedb.txt"); SyncPresentationMode(); Load += (o, e) => { AllowDrop = true; DragEnter += FormDragEnter; DragDrop += FormDragDrop; }; Closing += (o, e) => { Global.CheatList.SaveSettings(); CloseGame(); Global.MovieSession.Movie.StopMovie(); SaveConfig(); }; ResizeBegin += (o, e) => { if (Global.Sound != null) Global.Sound.StopSound(); }; ResizeEnd += (o, e) => { if (Global.RenderPanel != null) Global.RenderPanel.Resized = true; if (Global.Sound != null) Global.Sound.StartSound(); }; Input.Initialize(); InitControls(); Global.Emulator = new NullEmulator(); Global.ActiveController = Global.NullControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireNullControls; Global.Sound = new Sound(Handle, Global.DSound); Global.Sound.StartSound(); RewireInputChain(); //TODO - replace this with some kind of standard dictionary-yielding parser in a separate component string cmdRom = null; string cmdLoadState = null; string cmdMovie = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { //for some reason sometimes visual studio will pass this to us on the commandline. it makes no sense. if (args[i] == ">") { i++; string stdout = args[i]; Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(stdout)); continue; } string arg = args[i].ToLower(); if (arg.StartsWith("--load-slot=")) cmdLoadState = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); else if (arg.StartsWith("--movie=")) cmdMovie = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); else cmdRom = arg; } if (cmdRom != null) { //Commandline should always override auto-load LoadRom(cmdRom); if (Global.Game == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to load " + cmdRom + " specified on commandline"); } } else if (Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentRom && !Global.Config.RecentRoms.IsEmpty()) LoadRomFromRecent(Global.Config.RecentRoms.GetRecentFileByPosition(0)); if (cmdMovie != null) { if (Global.Game == null) OpenROM(); if (Global.Game != null) { Movie m = new Movie(cmdMovie, MOVIEMODE.PLAY); ReadOnly = true; StartNewMovie(m, false); Global.Config.RecentMovies.Add(cmdMovie); } } else if (Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentMovie && !Global.Config.RecentMovies.IsEmpty()) { if (Global.Game == null) OpenROM(); if (Global.Game != null) { Movie m = new Movie(Global.Config.RecentMovies.GetRecentFileByPosition(0), MOVIEMODE.PLAY); ReadOnly = true; StartNewMovie(m, false); } } if (cmdLoadState != null && Global.Game != null) LoadState("QuickSave" + cmdLoadState); else if (Global.Config.AutoLoadLastSaveSlot && Global.Game != null) LoadState("QuickSave" + Global.Config.SaveSlot.ToString()); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadRamWatch) LoadRamWatch(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadRamSearch) LoadRamSearch(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadHexEditor) LoadHexEditor(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadCheats) LoadCheatsWindow(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadNESPPU && Global.Emulator is NES) LoadNESPPU(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadNESNameTable && Global.Emulator is NES) LoadNESNameTable(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadNESDebugger && Global.Emulator is NES) LoadNESDebugger(); if (Global.Config.NESGGAutoload && Global.Emulator is NES) LoadGameGenieEC(); if (Global.Config.AutoloadTAStudio) LoadTAStudio(); if (Global.Config.MainWndx >= 0 && Global.Config.MainWndy >= 0 && Global.Config.SaveWindowPosition) this.Location = new Point(Global.Config.MainWndx, Global.Config.MainWndy); if (Global.Config.DisplayStatusBar == false) StatusSlot0.Visible = false; else displayStatusBarToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; if (Global.Config.StartPaused) PauseEmulator(); if (!INTERIM) { debuggerToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; luaConsoleToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } } void SyncCoreInputComm() { Global.CoreInputComm.NES_BackdropColor = Global.Config.NESBackgroundColor; Global.CoreInputComm.NES_UnlimitedSprites = Global.Config.NESAllowMoreThanEightSprites; Global.CoreInputComm.NES_ShowBG = Global.Config.NESDispBackground; Global.CoreInputComm.NES_ShowOBJ = Global.Config.NESDispSprites; } void SyncPresentationMode() { bool gdi = Global.Config.DisplayGDI; if (Global.Direct3D == null) gdi = true; if (renderTarget != null) { renderTarget.Dispose(); Controls.Remove(renderTarget); } if (retainedPanel != null) retainedPanel.Dispose(); if (Global.RenderPanel != null) Global.RenderPanel.Dispose(); if (gdi) renderTarget = retainedPanel = new RetainedViewportPanel(); else renderTarget = new ViewportPanel(); Controls.Add(renderTarget); Controls.SetChildIndex(renderTarget, 0); renderTarget.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; renderTarget.BackColor = Color.Black; if (gdi) { Global.RenderPanel = new SysdrawingRenderPanel(retainedPanel); retainedPanel.ActivateThreaded(); } else { try { var d3dPanel = new Direct3DRenderPanel(Global.Direct3D, renderTarget); d3dPanel.CreateDevice(); Global.RenderPanel = d3dPanel; } catch { Program.DisplayDirect3DError(); Global.Direct3D.Dispose(); Global.Direct3D = null; SyncPresentationMode(); } } } void SyncThrottle() { bool fastforward = Global.ClientControls["Fast Forward"]; Global.ForceNoVsync = unthrottled || fastforward; throttle.SetCoreFps(Global.Emulator.CoreOutputComm.VsyncRate); throttle.signal_unthrottle = unthrottled; if (fastforward) throttle.SetSpeedPercent(Global.Config.SpeedPercentAlternate); else throttle.SetSpeedPercent(Global.Config.SpeedPercent); } void SetSpeedPercentAlternate(int value) { Global.Config.SpeedPercentAlternate = value; SyncThrottle(); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Alternate Speed: " + value + "%"); } void SetSpeedPercent(int value) { Global.Config.SpeedPercent = value; SyncThrottle(); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Speed: " + value + "%"); } public void ProgramRunLoop() { for (; ; ) { //client input-related duties Input.Instance.Update(); //handle events and dispatch as a hotkey action, or a hotkey button, or an input button ProcessInput(); Global.ClientControls.LatchFromPhysical(Global.HotkeyCoalescer); Global.ActiveController.LatchFromPhysical(Global.ControllerInputCoalescer); Global.ActiveController.OR_FromLogical(Global.ClickyVirtualPadController); Global.AutoFireController.LatchFromPhysical(Global.ControllerInputCoalescer); Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.FrameTick(); StepRunLoop_Core(); //if(!IsNullEmulator()) StepRunLoop_Throttle(); Render(); CheckMessages(); if (exit) break; Thread.Sleep(0); } Shutdown(); } void Shutdown() { if (CurrAviWriter != null) { CurrAviWriter.CloseFile(); CurrAviWriter = null; } } void CheckMessages() { Application.DoEvents(); if (ActiveForm != null) ScreenSaver.ResetTimerPeriodically(); } private void PauseEmulator() { EmulatorPaused = true; PauseStrip.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Pause; } private void UnpauseEmulator() { EmulatorPaused = false; PauseStrip.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Blank; } public void TogglePause() { EmulatorPaused ^= true; if (EmulatorPaused) PauseStrip.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Pause; else PauseStrip.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Blank; } private void LoadRomFromRecent(string rom) { bool r = LoadRom(rom); if (!r) { Global.Sound.StopSound(); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Could not open " + rom + "\nRemove from list?", "File not found", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) Global.Config.RecentRoms.Remove(rom); Global.Sound.StartSound(); } } private void LoadMoviesFromRecent(string movie) { Movie m = new Movie(movie, MOVIEMODE.PLAY); if (!m.Loaded) { Global.Sound.StopSound(); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Could not open " + movie + "\nRemove from list?", "File not found", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) Global.Config.RecentMovies.Remove(movie); Global.Sound.StartSound(); } else { ReadOnly = true; StartNewMovie(m, false); } } public static ControllerDefinition ClientControlsDef = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "Emulator Frontend Controls", BoolButtons = { "Fast Forward", "Rewind", "Hard Reset", "Mode Flip", "Quick Save State", "Quick Load State", "Save Named State", "Load Named State", "Emulator Pause", "Frame Advance", "Unthrottle", "Screenshot", "Toggle Fullscreen", "SelectSlot0", "SelectSlot1", "SelectSlot2", "SelectSlot3", "SelectSlot4", "SelectSlot5", "SelectSlot6", "SelectSlot7", "SelectSlot8", "SelectSlot9", "SaveSlot0", "SaveSlot1", "SaveSlot2", "SaveSlot3", "SaveSlot4", "SaveSlot5","SaveSlot6","SaveSlot7","SaveSlot8","SaveSlot9","LoadSlot0","LoadSlot1","LoadSlot2","LoadSlot3","LoadSlot4","LoadSlot5","LoadSlot6", "LoadSlot7","LoadSlot8","LoadSlot9", "ToolBox", "Previous Slot", "Next Slot", "Ram Watch", "Ram Search", "Ram Poke", "Hex Editor", "Lua Console", "Cheats", "Open ROM", "Close ROM", "Display FPS", "Display FrameCounter", "Display LagCounter", "Display Input", "Toggle Read Only", "Play Movie", "Record Movie", "Stop Movie", "Play Beginning", "Volume Up", "Volume Down", "Toggle MultiTrack", "Record All", "Record None", "Increment Player", "Soft Reset", "Decrement Player", "Record AVI", "Stop AVI"} }; private void InitControls() { var controls = new Controller(ClientControlsDef); controls.BindMulti("Fast Forward", Global.Config.FastForwardBinding); controls.BindMulti("Rewind", Global.Config.RewindBinding); controls.BindMulti("Hard Reset", Global.Config.HardResetBinding); controls.BindMulti("Emulator Pause", Global.Config.EmulatorPauseBinding); controls.BindMulti("Frame Advance", Global.Config.FrameAdvanceBinding); controls.BindMulti("Unthrottle", Global.Config.TurboBinding); controls.BindMulti("Screenshot", Global.Config.ScreenshotBinding); controls.BindMulti("Toggle Fullscreen", Global.Config.ToggleFullscreenBinding); controls.BindMulti("Quick Save State", Global.Config.QuickSave); controls.BindMulti("Quick Load State", Global.Config.QuickLoad); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot0", Global.Config.SelectSlot0); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot1", Global.Config.SelectSlot1); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot2", Global.Config.SelectSlot2); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot3", Global.Config.SelectSlot3); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot4", Global.Config.SelectSlot4); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot5", Global.Config.SelectSlot5); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot6", Global.Config.SelectSlot6); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot7", Global.Config.SelectSlot7); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot8", Global.Config.SelectSlot8); controls.BindMulti("SelectSlot9", Global.Config.SelectSlot9); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot0", Global.Config.SaveSlot0); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot1", Global.Config.SaveSlot1); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot2", Global.Config.SaveSlot2); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot3", Global.Config.SaveSlot3); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot4", Global.Config.SaveSlot4); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot5", Global.Config.SaveSlot5); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot6", Global.Config.SaveSlot6); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot7", Global.Config.SaveSlot7); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot8", Global.Config.SaveSlot8); controls.BindMulti("SaveSlot9", Global.Config.SaveSlot9); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot0", Global.Config.LoadSlot0); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot1", Global.Config.LoadSlot1); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot2", Global.Config.LoadSlot2); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot3", Global.Config.LoadSlot3); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot4", Global.Config.LoadSlot4); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot5", Global.Config.LoadSlot5); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot6", Global.Config.LoadSlot6); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot7", Global.Config.LoadSlot7); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot8", Global.Config.LoadSlot8); controls.BindMulti("LoadSlot9", Global.Config.LoadSlot9); controls.BindMulti("ToolBox", Global.Config.ToolBox); controls.BindMulti("Save Named State", Global.Config.SaveNamedState); controls.BindMulti("Load Named State", Global.Config.LoadNamedState); controls.BindMulti("Previous Slot", Global.Config.PreviousSlot); controls.BindMulti("Next Slot", Global.Config.NextSlot); controls.BindMulti("Ram Watch", Global.Config.RamWatch); controls.BindMulti("Ram Search", Global.Config.RamSearch); controls.BindMulti("Ram Poke", Global.Config.RamPoke); controls.BindMulti("Hex Editor", Global.Config.HexEditor); controls.BindMulti("Lua Console", Global.Config.LuaConsole); controls.BindMulti("Cheats", Global.Config.Cheats); controls.BindMulti("Open ROM", Global.Config.OpenROM); controls.BindMulti("Close ROM", Global.Config.CloseROM); controls.BindMulti("Display FPS", Global.Config.FPSBinding); controls.BindMulti("Display FrameCounter", Global.Config.FrameCounterBinding); controls.BindMulti("Display LagCounter", Global.Config.LagCounterBinding); controls.BindMulti("Display Input", Global.Config.InputDisplayBinding); controls.BindMulti("Toggle Read Only", Global.Config.ReadOnlyToggleBinding); controls.BindMulti("Play Movie", Global.Config.PlayMovieBinding); controls.BindMulti("Record Movie", Global.Config.RecordMovieBinding); controls.BindMulti("Stop Movie", Global.Config.StopMovieBinding); controls.BindMulti("Play Beginning", Global.Config.PlayBeginningBinding); controls.BindMulti("Volume Up", Global.Config.VolUpBinding); controls.BindMulti("Volume Down", Global.Config.VolDownBinding); controls.BindMulti("Toggle MultiTrack", Global.Config.ToggleMultiTrack); controls.BindMulti("Record All", Global.Config.MTRecordAll); controls.BindMulti("Record None", Global.Config.MTRecordNone); controls.BindMulti("Increment Player", Global.Config.MTIncrementPlayer); controls.BindMulti("Decrement Player", Global.Config.MTDecrementPlayer); controls.BindMulti("Soft Reset", Global.Config.SoftResetBinding); controls.BindMulti("Record AVI", Global.Config.AVIRecordBinding); controls.BindMulti("Stop AVI", Global.Config.AVIStopBinding); Global.ClientControls = controls; Global.NullControls = new Controller(NullEmulator.NullController); Global.AutofireNullControls = new AutofireController(NullEmulator.NullController); var smsControls = new Controller(SMS.SmsController); smsControls.BindMulti("Reset", Global.Config.SmsReset); smsControls.BindMulti("Pause", Global.Config.SmsPause); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { smsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Up", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSController[i].Up); smsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Left", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSController[i].Left); smsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Right", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSController[i].Right); smsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Down", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSController[i].Down); smsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} B1", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSController[i].B1); smsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} B2", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSController[i].B2); } Global.SMSControls = smsControls; var asmsControls = new AutofireController(SMS.SmsController); asmsControls.Autofire = true; asmsControls.BindMulti("Reset", Global.Config.SmsReset); asmsControls.BindMulti("Pause", Global.Config.SmsPause); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { asmsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Up", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSAutoController[i].Up); asmsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Left", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSAutoController[i].Left); asmsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Right", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSAutoController[i].Right); asmsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} Down", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSAutoController[i].Down); asmsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} B1", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSAutoController[i].B1); asmsControls.BindMulti(string.Format("P{0} B2", i + 1), Global.Config.SMSAutoController[i].B2); } Global.AutofireSMSControls = asmsControls; var pceControls = new Controller(PCEngine.PCEngineController); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Up", Global.Config.PCEController[i].Up); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Down", Global.Config.PCEController[i].Down); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Left", Global.Config.PCEController[i].Left); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Right", Global.Config.PCEController[i].Right); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " B2", Global.Config.PCEController[i].II); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " B1", Global.Config.PCEController[i].I); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Select", Global.Config.PCEController[i].Select); pceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Run", Global.Config.PCEController[i].Run); } Global.PCEControls = pceControls; var apceControls = new AutofireController(PCEngine.PCEngineController); apceControls.Autofire = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Up", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].Up); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Down", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].Down); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Left", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].Left); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Right", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].Right); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " B2", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].II); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " B1", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].I); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Select", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].Select); apceControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Run", Global.Config.PCEAutoController[i].Run); } Global.AutofirePCEControls = apceControls; var nesControls = new Controller(NES.NESController); for (int i = 0; i < 2 /*TODO*/; i++) { nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Up", Global.Config.NESController[i].Up); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Down", Global.Config.NESController[i].Down); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Left", Global.Config.NESController[i].Left); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Right", Global.Config.NESController[i].Right); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " A", Global.Config.NESController[i].A); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " B", Global.Config.NESController[i].B); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Select", Global.Config.NESController[i].Select); nesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Start", Global.Config.NESController[i].Start); } Global.NESControls = nesControls; var anesControls = new AutofireController(NES.NESController); anesControls.Autofire = true; for (int i = 0; i < 2 /*TODO*/; i++) { anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Up", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].Up); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Down", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].Down); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Left", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].Left); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Right", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].Right); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " A", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].A); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " B", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].B); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Select", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].Select); anesControls.BindMulti("P" + (i + 1) + " Start", Global.Config.NESAutoController[i].Start); } Global.AutofireNESControls = anesControls; var gbControls = new Controller(Gameboy.GbController); gbControls.BindMulti("Up", Global.Config.GBController.Up); gbControls.BindMulti("Down", Global.Config.GBController.Down); gbControls.BindMulti("Left", Global.Config.GBController.Left); gbControls.BindMulti("Right", Global.Config.GBController.Right); gbControls.BindMulti("A", Global.Config.GBController.A); gbControls.BindMulti("B", Global.Config.GBController.B); gbControls.BindMulti("Select", Global.Config.GBController.Select); gbControls.BindMulti("Start", Global.Config.GBController.Start); Global.GBControls = gbControls; var agbControls = new AutofireController(Gameboy.GbController); agbControls.Autofire = true; agbControls.BindMulti("Up", Global.Config.GBAutoController.Up); agbControls.BindMulti("Down", Global.Config.GBAutoController.Down); agbControls.BindMulti("Left", Global.Config.GBAutoController.Left); agbControls.BindMulti("Right", Global.Config.GBAutoController.Right); agbControls.BindMulti("A", Global.Config.GBAutoController.A); agbControls.BindMulti("B", Global.Config.GBAutoController.B); agbControls.BindMulti("Select", Global.Config.GBAutoController.Select); agbControls.BindMulti("Start", Global.Config.GBAutoController.Start); Global.AutofireGBControls = agbControls; var genControls = new Controller(Genesis.GenesisController); genControls.BindMulti("P1 Up", Global.Config.GenP1Up); genControls.BindMulti("P1 Left", Global.Config.GenP1Left); genControls.BindMulti("P1 Right", Global.Config.GenP1Right); genControls.BindMulti("P1 Down", Global.Config.GenP1Down); genControls.BindMulti("P1 A", Global.Config.GenP1A); genControls.BindMulti("P1 B", Global.Config.GenP1B); genControls.BindMulti("P1 C", Global.Config.GenP1C); genControls.BindMulti("P1 Start", Global.Config.GenP1Start); Global.GenControls = genControls; var TI83Controls = new Controller(TI83.TI83Controller); TI83Controls.BindMulti("0", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._0); TI83Controls.BindMulti("1", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._1); TI83Controls.BindMulti("2", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._2); TI83Controls.BindMulti("3", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._3); TI83Controls.BindMulti("4", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._4); TI83Controls.BindMulti("5", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._5); TI83Controls.BindMulti("6", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._6); TI83Controls.BindMulti("7", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._7); TI83Controls.BindMulti("8", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._8); TI83Controls.BindMulti("9", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0]._9); TI83Controls.BindMulti("ON", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].ON); TI83Controls.BindMulti("ENTER", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].ENTER); TI83Controls.BindMulti("DOWN", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].DOWN); TI83Controls.BindMulti("LEFT", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].LEFT); TI83Controls.BindMulti("RIGHT", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].RIGHT); TI83Controls.BindMulti("UP", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].UP); TI83Controls.BindMulti("PLUS", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].PLUS); TI83Controls.BindMulti("MINUS", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].MINUS); TI83Controls.BindMulti("MULTIPLY", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].MULTIPLY); TI83Controls.BindMulti("DIVIDE", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].DIVIDE); TI83Controls.BindMulti("CLEAR", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].CLEAR); TI83Controls.BindMulti("DOT", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].DOT); TI83Controls.BindMulti("EXP", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].EXP); TI83Controls.BindMulti("DASH", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].DASH); TI83Controls.BindMulti("PARACLOSE", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].DASH); TI83Controls.BindMulti("TAN", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].TAN); TI83Controls.BindMulti("VARS", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].VARS); TI83Controls.BindMulti("PARAOPEN", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].PARAOPEN); TI83Controls.BindMulti("COS", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].COS); TI83Controls.BindMulti("PRGM", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].PRGM); TI83Controls.BindMulti("STAT", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].STAT); TI83Controls.BindMulti("COMMA", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].COMMA); TI83Controls.BindMulti("SIN", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].SIN); TI83Controls.BindMulti("MATRIX", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].MATRIX); TI83Controls.BindMulti("X", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].X); TI83Controls.BindMulti("STO", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].STO); TI83Controls.BindMulti("LN", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].LN); TI83Controls.BindMulti("LOG", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].LOG); TI83Controls.BindMulti("SQUARED", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].SQUARED); TI83Controls.BindMulti("NEG1", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].NEG1); TI83Controls.BindMulti("MATH", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].MATH); TI83Controls.BindMulti("ALPHA", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].ALPHA); TI83Controls.BindMulti("GRAPH", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].GRAPH); TI83Controls.BindMulti("TRACE", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].TRACE); TI83Controls.BindMulti("ZOOM", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].ZOOM); TI83Controls.BindMulti("WINDOW", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].WINDOW); TI83Controls.BindMulti("Y", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].Y); TI83Controls.BindMulti("2ND", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].SECOND); TI83Controls.BindMulti("MODE", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].MODE); TI83Controls.BindMulti("DEL", Global.Config.TI83Controller[0].DEL); Global.TI83Controls = TI83Controls; } private static void FormDragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { e.Effect = e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) ? DragDropEffects.Copy : DragDropEffects.None; } private bool IsValidMovieExtension(string ext) { switch (ext.ToUpper()) { case ".TAS": //Bizhawk case ".FM2": //FCUEX case ".MC2": //PCEjin return true; default: return false; } } private void FormDragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] filePaths = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); if (IsValidMovieExtension(Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]))) { Movie m = new Movie(filePaths[0], MOVIEMODE.PLAY); StartNewMovie(m, false); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".STATE") LoadStateFile(filePaths[0], Path.GetFileName(filePaths[0])); else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".CHT") { LoadCheatsWindow(); Cheats1.LoadCheatFile(filePaths[0], false); Cheats1.DisplayCheatsList(); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".WCH") { LoadRamWatch(); RamWatch1.LoadWatchFile(filePaths[0], false); RamWatch1.DisplayWatchList(); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".FCM") { LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); string error = ""; Movie m = MovieConvert.ConvertFCM(filePaths[0], out error); if (error.Length > 0) MessageBox.Show(error, "Conversion error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); else StartNewMovie(m, false); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".SMV") { LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); string error = ""; Movie m = MovieConvert.ConvertSMV(filePaths[0], out error); if (error.Length > 0) MessageBox.Show(error, "Conversion error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); else StartNewMovie(m, false); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".MMV") { LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); string error = ""; Movie m = MovieConvert.ConvertMMV(filePaths[0], out error); if (error.Length > 0) MessageBox.Show(error, "Conversion error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); else StartNewMovie(m, false); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]).ToUpper() == ".VBM") { LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); string error = ""; Movie m = MovieConvert.ConvertVBM(filePaths[0], out error); if (error.Length > 0) MessageBox.Show(error, "Conversion error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); else StartNewMovie(m, false); } else LoadRom(filePaths[0]); } public bool IsNullEmulator() { if (Global.Emulator is NullEmulator) return true; else return false; } private string DisplayNameForSystem(string system) { string str = ""; switch (system) { case "SG": str += "SG-1000"; break; case "SMS": str += "Sega Master System"; break; case "GG": str += "Game Gear"; break; case "PCECD": str += "TurboGrafx-16 (CD)"; break; case "PCE": str += "TurboGrafx-16"; break; case "SGX": str += "SuperGrafx"; break; case "GEN": str += "Genesis"; break; case "TI83": str += "TI-83"; break; case "NES": str += "NES"; break; case "GB": str += "Game Boy"; break; } if (INTERIM) str += " (interim)"; return str; } private void HandlePlatformMenus() { string system = ""; if (Global.Game != null) system = Global.Game.System; switch (system) { case "TI83": tI83ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; NESToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; gBToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; break; case "NES": NESToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; tI83ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; gBToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; break; case "GB": NESToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; tI83ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; gBToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; break; default: tI83ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; NESToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; gBToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; break; } } void SyncControls() { if (Global.Game == null) return; switch (Global.Game.System) { case "SG": case "SMS": Global.ActiveController = Global.SMSControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireSMSControls; break; case "GG": Global.ActiveController = Global.SMSControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireSMSControls; break; case "PCE": case "PCECD": Global.ActiveController = Global.PCEControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofirePCEControls; break; case "SGX": Global.ActiveController = Global.PCEControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofirePCEControls; break; case "GEN": Global.ActiveController = Global.GenControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireGenControls; break; case "TI83": Global.ActiveController = Global.TI83Controls; break; case "NES": Global.ActiveController = Global.NESControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireNESControls; break; case "GB": break; default: Global.ActiveController = Global.NullControls; break; } RewireInputChain(); } void RewireInputChain() { Global.ControllerInputCoalescer = new InputCoalescer(); Global.ControllerInputCoalescer.Type = Global.ActiveController.Type; Global.OrControllerAdapter.Source = Global.ActiveController; Global.OrControllerAdapter.SourceOr = Global.AutoFireController; Global.UD_LR_ControllerAdapter.Source = Global.OrControllerAdapter; Global.StickyXORAdapter.Source = Global.UD_LR_ControllerAdapter; Global.MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter.Source = Global.StickyXORAdapter; Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter.Source = Global.MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter; Global.ControllerOutput.Source = Global.MovieOutputHardpoint; Global.Emulator.Controller = Global.ControllerOutput; Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Type = Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter.Type; //connect the movie session before MovieOutputHardpoint if it is doing anything //otherwise connect the MovieInputSourceAdapter to it, effectively bypassing the movie session if (Global.MovieSession.Movie != null) Global.MovieOutputHardpoint.Source = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter; else Global.MovieOutputHardpoint.Source = Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter; } public bool LoadRom(string path) { if (path == null) return false; using (var file = new HawkFile()) { string[] romExtensions = new string[] { "SMS", "PCE", "SGX", "GG", "SG", "BIN", "SMD", "GB", "NES", "ROM" }; //lets not use this unless we need to //file.NonArchiveExtensions = romExtensions; file.Open(path); //if the provided file doesnt even exist, give up! if (!file.Exists) return false; //try binding normal rom extensions first if (!file.IsBound) file.BindSoleItemOf(romExtensions); //if we have an archive and need to bind something, then pop the dialog if (file.IsArchive && !file.IsBound) { var ac = new ArchiveChooser(file); if (ac.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { file.BindArchiveMember(ac.SelectedMemberIndex); } else return false; } IEmulator nextEmulator = null; RomGame rom = null; GameInfo game = null; try { if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".iso") { if (Global.PsxCoreLibrary.IsOpen) { // sorry zero ;'( I leave de-RomGameifying this to you //PsxCore psx = new PsxCore(Global.PsxCoreLibrary); //nextEmulator = psx; //game = new RomGame(); //var disc = Disc.FromIsoPath(path); //Global.DiscHopper.Clear(); //Global.DiscHopper.Enqueue(disc); //Global.DiscHopper.Insert(); //psx.SetDiscHopper(Global.DiscHopper); } } else if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".cue") { Disc disc = Disc.FromCuePath(path); var hash = disc.GetHash(); game = Database.CheckDatabase(hash); if (game == null) { // Game was not found in DB. For now we're going to send it to the PCE-CD core. // In the future we need to do something smarter, possibly including simply asking the user // what system the game is for. game = new GameInfo(); game.System = "PCECD"; game.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name); game.Hash = hash; } switch (game.System) { case "PCE": case "PCECD": if (File.Exists(Global.Config.PathPCEBios) == false) { MessageBox.Show("PCE-CD System Card not found. Please check the BIOS path in Config->Paths->PC Engine."); return false; } rom = new RomGame(new HawkFile(Global.Config.PathPCEBios)); if (rom.GameInfo.Status == RomStatus.BadDump) MessageBox.Show("The PCE-CD System Card you have selected is known to be a bad dump. This may cause problems playing PCE-CD games.\n\n" + "It is recommended that you find a good dump of the system card. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!"); else if (rom.GameInfo.NotInDatabase) MessageBox.Show("The PCE-CD System Card you have selected is not recognized in our database. That might mean it's a bad dump, or isn't the correct rom."); else if (rom.GameInfo["BIOS"] == false) MessageBox.Show("The PCE-CD System Card you have selected is not a BIOS image. You may have selected the wrong rom."); if (rom.GameInfo["SuperSysCard"]) game.AddOption("SuperSysCard"); if ((game["NeedSuperSysCard"]) && game["SuperSysCard"] == false) MessageBox.Show("This game requires a version 3.0 System card and won't run with the system card you've selected. Try selecting a 3.0 System Card in Config->Paths->PC Engine."); if (Global.Config.PceSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("ForceSpriteLimit"); if (Global.Config.PceEqualizeVolume) game.AddOption("EqualizeVolumes"); if (Global.Config.PceArcadeCardRewindHack) game.AddOption("ArcadeRewindHack"); nextEmulator = new PCEngine(game, disc, rom.RomData); break; } } else { rom = new RomGame(file); game = rom.GameInfo; switch (game.System) { case "SMS": case "SG": if (Global.Config.SmsEnableFM) game.AddOption("UseFM"); if (Global.Config.SmsAllowOverlock) game.AddOption("AllowOverclock"); if (Global.Config.SmsForceStereoSeparation) game.AddOption("ForceStereo"); if (Global.Config.SmsSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("SpriteLimit"); nextEmulator = new SMS(game, rom.RomData); break; case "GG": if (Global.Config.SmsAllowOverlock) game.AddOption("AllowOverclock"); if (Global.Config.SmsSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("SpriteLimit"); nextEmulator = new SMS(game, rom.RomData); break; case "PCE": case "PCECD": case "SGX": if (Global.Config.PceSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("ForceSpriteLimit"); nextEmulator = new PCEngine(game, rom.RomData); break; case "GEN": nextEmulator = new Genesis(true); //TODO break; case "TI83": nextEmulator = new TI83(game, rom.RomData); if (Global.Config.TI83autoloadKeyPad) LoadTI83KeyPad(); break; case "NES": { NES nes = new NES(game, rom.FileData); nes.FirstDrawLine = Global.Config.NESTopLine; nes.LastDrawLine = Global.Config.NESBottomLine; nes.SetClipLeftAndRight(Global.Config.NESClipLeftAndRight); nextEmulator = nes; if (Global.Config.NESAutoLoadPalette && Global.Config.NESPaletteFile.Length > 0 && HawkFile.ExistsAt(Global.Config.NESPaletteFile)) { nes.SetPalette( NES.Palettes.Load_FCEUX_Palette(HawkFile.ReadAllBytes(Global.Config.NESPaletteFile))); } } break; case "GB": nextEmulator = new Gameboy(); break; } } if (nextEmulator == null) throw new Exception(); nextEmulator.CoreInputComm = Global.CoreInputComm; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Exception during loadgame:\n\n" + ex.ToString()); return false; } if (nextEmulator == null) throw new Exception(); CloseGame(); Global.Emulator.Dispose(); Global.Emulator = nextEmulator; Global.Game = game; SyncControls(); if (game.System == "NES") { NES nes = Global.Emulator as NES; Global.Game.Name = nes.GameName; Global.Game.Status = nes.RomStatus; } Text = DisplayNameForSystem(game.System) + " - " + game.Name; ResetRewindBuffer(); Global.Config.RecentRoms.Add(file.CanonicalFullPath); if (File.Exists(PathManager.SaveRamPath(game))) LoadSaveRam(); ////setup the throttle based on platform's specifications ////(one day later for some systems we will need to modify it at runtime as the display mode changes) //{ // throttle.SetCoreFps(Global.Emulator.CoreOutputComm.VsyncRate); // SyncThrottle(); //} RamSearch1.Restart(); RamWatch1.Restart(); HexEditor1.Restart(); NESPPU1.Restart(); NESNameTableViewer1.Restart(); NESDebug1.Restart(); TI83KeyPad1.Restart(); TAStudio1.Restart(); Cheats1.Restart(); if (Global.Config.LoadCheatFileByGame) { if (Global.CheatList.AttemptLoadCheatFile()) Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Cheats file loaded"); } CurrentlyOpenRom = file.CanonicalFullPath; HandlePlatformMenus(); StateSlots.Clear(); UpdateStatusSlots(); UpdateDumpIcon(); return true; } } private void UpdateDumpIcon() { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Blank; DumpStatus.ToolTipText = ""; if (Global.Emulator == null) return; if (Global.Game == null) return; var status = Global.Game.Status; string annotation = ""; if (status == RomStatus.BadDump) { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.ExclamationRed; annotation = "Warning: Bad ROM Dump"; } else if (status == RomStatus.Overdump) { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.ExclamationRed; annotation = "Warning: Overdump"; } else if (status == RomStatus.NotInDatabase) { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.RetroQuestion; annotation = "Warning: Unknown ROM"; } else if (status == RomStatus.TranslatedRom) { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Translation; annotation = "Translated ROM"; } else if (status == RomStatus.Homebrew) { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.HomeBrew; annotation = "Homebrew ROM"; } else if (Global.Game.Status == RomStatus.Hack) { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Hack; annotation = "Hacked ROM"; } else { DumpStatus.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.GreenCheck; annotation = "Verified good dump"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.Emulator.CoreOutputComm.RomStatusAnnotation)) annotation = Global.Emulator.CoreOutputComm.RomStatusAnnotation; DumpStatus.ToolTipText = annotation; } private void LoadSaveRam() { try { using (var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(PathManager.SaveRamPath(Global.Game), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))) reader.Read(Global.Emulator.SaveRam, 0, Global.Emulator.SaveRam.Length); } catch { } } private void CloseGame() { if (Global.Emulator.SaveRamModified) SaveRam(); Global.Emulator.Dispose(); Global.Emulator = new NullEmulator(); Global.ActiveController = Global.NullControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireNullControls; Global.MovieSession.Movie.StopMovie(); } private static void SaveRam() { string path = PathManager.SaveRamPath(Global.Game); var f = new FileInfo(path); if (f.Directory.Exists == false) f.Directory.Create(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); int len = Util.SaveRamBytesUsed(Global.Emulator.SaveRam); writer.Write(Global.Emulator.SaveRam, 0, len); writer.Close(); } void OnSelectSlot(int num) { Global.Config.SaveSlot = num; SaveSlotSelectedMessage(); UpdateStatusSlots(); } /// /// Controls whether the app generates input events. should be turned off for most modal dialogs /// public bool AllowInput { get { //the main form gets input if (Form.ActiveForm == this) return true; //modals that need to capture input for binding purposes get input, of course if (Form.ActiveForm is InputConfig) return true; if (Form.ActiveForm is tools.HotkeyWindow) return true; //if no form is active on this process, then the background input setting applies if (Form.ActiveForm == null && Global.Config.AcceptBackgroundInput) return true; return false; } } public void ProcessInput() { for (; ; ) { //loop through all available events var ie = Input.Instance.DequeueEvent(); if (ie == null) break; //useful debugging: //Console.WriteLine(ie); //TODO - wonder what happens if we pop up something interactive as a response to one of these hotkeys? may need to purge further processing //look for client control bindings for this key var triggers = Global.ClientControls.SearchBindings(ie.LogicalButton.ToString()); if (triggers.Count == 0) { bool sys_hotkey = false; //maybe it is a system alt-key which hasnt been overridden if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press) { if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && ie.LogicalButton.Button.Length == 1) { char c = ie.LogicalButton.Button.ToLower()[0]; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c == ' ') { SendAltKeyChar(c); sys_hotkey = true; } } if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && ie.LogicalButton.Button == "Space") { SendPlainAltKey(32); sys_hotkey = true; } } //ordinarily, an alt release with nothing else would move focus to the menubar. but that is sort of useless, and hard to implement exactly right. //no hotkeys or system keys bound this, so mutate it to an unmodified key and assign it for use as a game controller input //(we have a rule that says: modified events may be used for game controller inputs but not hotkeys) if (!sys_hotkey) { var mutated_ie = new Input.InputEvent(); mutated_ie.EventType = ie.EventType; mutated_ie.LogicalButton = ie.LogicalButton; mutated_ie.LogicalButton.Modifiers = Input.ModifierKey.None; Global.ControllerInputCoalescer.Receive(mutated_ie); } } bool handled = false; if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press) { foreach (var trigger in triggers) { handled |= CheckHotkey(trigger); } } //hotkeys which arent handled as actions get coalesced as pollable buttons if (!handled) { Global.HotkeyCoalescer.Receive(ie); } } //foreach event } bool CheckHotkey(string trigger) { //todo - could have these in a table somehow ? switch (trigger) { default: return false; case "Record AVI": RecordAVI(); break; case "Stop AVI": StopAVI(); break; case "ToolBox": LoadToolBox(); break; case "Quick Save State": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave" + Global.Config.SaveSlot.ToString()); break; case "Quick Load State": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave" + Global.Config.SaveSlot.ToString()); break; case "Unthrottle": unthrottled ^= true; Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Unthrottled: " + unthrottled); break; case "Hard Reset": LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); break; case "Screenshot": TakeScreenshot(); break; case "SaveSlot0": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave0"); break; case "SaveSlot1": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave1"); break; case "SaveSlot2": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave2"); break; case "SaveSlot3": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave3"); break; case "SaveSlot4": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave4"); break; case "SaveSlot5": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave5"); break; case "SaveSlot6": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave6"); break; case "SaveSlot7": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave7"); break; case "SaveSlot8": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave8"); break; case "SaveSlot9": if (!IsNullEmulator()) SaveState("QuickSave9"); break; case "LoadSlot0": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave0"); break; case "LoadSlot1": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave1"); break; case "LoadSlot2": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave2"); break; case "LoadSlot3": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave3"); break; case "LoadSlot4": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave4"); break; case "LoadSlot5": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave5"); break; case "LoadSlot6": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave6"); break; case "LoadSlot7": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave7"); break; case "LoadSlot8": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave8"); break; case "LoadSlot9": if (!IsNullEmulator()) LoadState("QuickSave9"); break; case "SelectSlot0": OnSelectSlot(0); break; case "SelectSlot1": OnSelectSlot(1); break; case "SelectSlot2": OnSelectSlot(2); break; case "SelectSlot3": OnSelectSlot(3); break; case "SelectSlot4": OnSelectSlot(4); break; case "SelectSlot5": OnSelectSlot(5); break; case "SelectSlot6": OnSelectSlot(6); break; case "SelectSlot7": OnSelectSlot(7); break; case "SelectSlot8": OnSelectSlot(8); break; case "SelectSlot9": OnSelectSlot(9); break; case "Toggle Fullscreen": ToggleFullscreen(); break; case "Save Named State": SaveStateAs(); break; case "Load Named State": LoadStateAs(); break; case "Previous Slot": PreviousSlot(); break; case "Next Slot": NextSlot(); break; case "Ram Watch": LoadRamWatch(); break; case "Ram Search": LoadRamSearch(); break; case "Ram Poke": { RamPoke r = new RamPoke(); r.Show(); break; } case "Hex Editor": LoadHexEditor(); break; case "Lua Console": { var window = new; window.Show(); break; } case "Cheats": LoadCheatsWindow(); break; case "Open ROM": { OpenROM(); break; } case "Close ROM": CloseROM(); break; case "Display FPS": ToggleFPS(); break; case "Display FrameCounter": ToggleFrameCounter(); break; case "Display LagCounter": ToggleLagCounter(); break; case "Display Input": ToggleInputDisplay(); break; case "Toggle Read Only": ToggleReadOnly(); break; case "Play Movie": { PlayMovie(); break; } case "Record Movie": { RecordMovie(); break; } case "Stop Movie": StopMovie(); break; case "Play Beginning": PlayMovieFromBeginning(); break; case "Volume Up": VolumeUp(); break; case "Volume Down": VolumeDown(); break; case "Soft Reset": SoftReset(); break; case "Toggle MultiTrack": { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode > MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE) { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive = !Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive; if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive) { Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("MultiTrack Enabled"); Global.RenderPanel.MT = "Recording None"; } else Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("MultiTrack Disabled"); Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 0; } else { Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("MultiTrack cannot be enabled while not recording."); } break; } case "Increment Player": { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer++; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer > 5) //TODO: Replace with console's maximum or current maximum players??! { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 1; } Global.RenderPanel.MT = "Recording Player " + Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer.ToString(); break; } case "Decrement Player": { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer--; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer < 1) { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 5;//TODO: Replace with console's maximum or current maximum players??! } Global.RenderPanel.MT = "Recording Player " + Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer.ToString(); break; } case "Record All": { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 0; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = true; Global.RenderPanel.MT = "Recording All"; break; } case "Record None": { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 0; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; Global.RenderPanel.MT = "Recording None"; break; } case "Emulator Pause": //used to be here: (the pause hotkey is ignored when we are frame advancing) TogglePause(); break; } //switch(trigger) return true; } void StepRunLoop_Throttle() { SyncThrottle(); throttle.signal_frameAdvance = runloop_frameadvance; throttle.signal_continuousframeAdvancing = runloop_frameProgress; throttle.Step(true, -1); } void StepRunLoop_Core() { bool runFrame = false; runloop_frameadvance = false; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; bool suppressCaptureRewind = false; double frameAdvanceTimestampDelta = (now - FrameAdvanceTimestamp).TotalMilliseconds; bool frameProgressTimeElapsed = Global.Config.FrameProgressDelayMs < frameAdvanceTimestampDelta; if (Global.ClientControls["Frame Advance"] || PressFrameAdvance) { //handle the initial trigger of a frame advance if (FrameAdvanceTimestamp == DateTime.MinValue) { PauseEmulator(); runFrame = true; runloop_frameadvance = true; FrameAdvanceTimestamp = now; } else { //handle the timed transition from countdown to FrameProgress if (frameProgressTimeElapsed) { runFrame = true; runloop_frameProgress = true; UnpauseEmulator(); } } } else { //handle release of frame advance: do we need to deactivate FrameProgress? if (runloop_frameProgress) { runloop_frameProgress = false; PauseEmulator(); } FrameAdvanceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; } if (!EmulatorPaused) { runFrame = true; } if (Global.Config.RewindEnabled && Global.ClientControls["Rewind"] || PressRewind) { Rewind(1); suppressCaptureRewind = true; runFrame = true; PressRewind = false; } bool genSound = false; if (runFrame) { runloop_fps++; bool ff = Global.ClientControls["Fast Forward"]; bool updateFpsString = (runloop_last_ff != ff); runloop_last_ff = ff; if ((DateTime.Now - runloop_second).TotalSeconds > 1) { runloop_last_fps = runloop_fps; runloop_second = DateTime.Now; runloop_fps = 0; updateFpsString = true; } if (updateFpsString) { string fps_string = runloop_last_fps + " fps"; if (ff) fps_string += " >>"; Global.RenderPanel.FPS = fps_string; } if (!suppressCaptureRewind && Global.Config.RewindEnabled) CaptureRewindState(); if (!runloop_frameadvance) genSound = true; else if (!Global.Config.MuteFrameAdvance) genSound = true; MovieSession session = Global.MovieSession; if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.RECORD || Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.PLAY) { session.LatchInputFromLog(); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.RECORD) { if (session.MultiTrack.IsActive) { session.LatchMultitrackPlayerInput(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter, Global.MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter); } else { session.LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); } //the movie session makes sure that the correct input has been read and merged to its MovieControllerAdapter; //this has been wired to Global.MovieOutputHardpoint in RewireInputChain session.Movie.CommitFrame(Global.Emulator.Frame, Global.MovieOutputHardpoint); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE || Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.FINISHED) { session.LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.PLAY) { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Length() == Global.Emulator.Frame) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.SetMovieFinished(); } } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.FINISHED) { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Length() > Global.Emulator.Frame) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.StartPlayback(); //Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.SetControllersAsMnemonic(Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputFrame(Global.Emulator.Frame)); //Global.MovieMode = true; //adelikat: is Global.MovieMode doing anything anymore? if not we shoudl remove this variable session.LatchInputFromLog(); } } //TODO: adelikat: don't know what this should do so leaving it commented out //if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.RECORD && Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive) //{ // Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.SetControllersAsMnemonic(Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputFrame(Global.Emulator.Frame-1)); //} //======================================= MemoryPulse.Pulse(); Global.Emulator.FrameAdvance(!throttle.skipnextframe); MemoryPulse.Pulse(); //======================================= if (CurrAviWriter != null) { //TODO - this will stray over time! have AviWriter keep an accumulation! int samples = (int)(44100 / Global.Emulator.CoreOutputComm.VsyncRate); short[] temp = new short[samples * 2]; Global.Emulator.SoundProvider.GetSamples(temp); genSound = false; CurrAviWriter.AddFrame(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider); CurrAviWriter.AddSamples(temp); } UpdateTools(); if (Global.Emulator.IsLagFrame && Global.Config.AutofireLagFrames) { Global.AutoFireController.IncrementStarts(); } } if (genSound) Global.Sound.UpdateSound(Global.Emulator.SoundProvider); else Global.Sound.UpdateSound(NullSound.SilenceProvider); } /// /// Update all tools that are frame dependent like Ram Search /// public void UpdateTools() { RamWatch1.UpdateValues(); RamSearch1.UpdateValues(); HexEditor1.UpdateValues(); NESNameTableViewer1.UpdateValues(); NESPPU1.UpdateValues(); TAStudio1.UpdateValues(); } private void MakeScreenshot(string path) { var video = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; var image = new Bitmap(video.BufferWidth, video.BufferHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var framebuf = video.GetVideoBuffer(); for (int y = 0; y < video.BufferHeight; y++) for (int x = 0; x < video.BufferWidth; x++) { int col = framebuf[(y * video.BufferWidth) + x]; if (Global.Emulator is TI83) { if (col == 0) col = Color.Black.ToArgb(); else col = Color.White.ToArgb(); } image.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(col)); } var f = new FileInfo(path); if (f.Directory.Exists == false) f.Directory.Create(); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage(f.Name + " saved."); image.Save(f.FullName, ImageFormat.Png); } private void TakeScreenshot() { MakeScreenshot(String.Format(PathManager.ScreenshotPrefix(Global.Game) + ".{0:yyyy-MM-dd}.png", DateTime.Now)); } private void SaveState(string name) { string path = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + name + ".State"; var file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Directory.Exists == false) file.Directory.Create(); //Make backup first if (Global.Config.BackupSavestates && file.Exists == true) { string backup = path + ".bak"; var backupFile = new FileInfo(backup); if (backupFile.Exists == true) backupFile.Delete(); file.CopyTo(backup); } var writer = new StreamWriter(path); SaveStateFile(writer, name); } private void SaveStateFile(StreamWriter writer, string name) { Global.Emulator.SaveStateText(writer); HandleMovieSaveState(writer); if (Global.Config.SaveScreenshotWithStates) { if (!(Global.Emulator is NES)) //NES saves the video buffer on its own so it does not need to do this { writer.Write("Framebuffer "); Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.GetVideoBuffer().SaveAsHex(writer); } } writer.Close(); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Saved state: " + name); UpdateStatusSlots(); } private void SaveStateAs() { var sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); string path = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game); sfd.InitialDirectory = path; sfd.FileName = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + "QuickSave0.State"; var file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Directory.Exists == false) file.Directory.Create(); var result = sfd.ShowDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) return; var writer = new StreamWriter(sfd.FileName); SaveStateFile(writer, sfd.FileName); } private void LoadStateFile(string path, string name) { if (HandleMovieLoadState(path)) { var reader = new StreamReader(path); Global.Emulator.LoadStateText(reader); while (true) { string str = reader.ReadLine(); if (str == null) break; if (str.Trim() == "") continue; string[] args = str.Split(' '); if (args[0] == "Framebuffer") Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.GetVideoBuffer().ReadFromHex(args[1]); } reader.Close(); UpdateTools(); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Loaded state: " + name); } else Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Loadstate error!"); } private void LoadState(string name) { string path = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + name + ".State"; if (File.Exists(path) == false) return; LoadStateFile(path, name); } private void LoadStateAs() { var ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.InitialDirectory = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game); ofd.Filter = "Save States (*.State)|*.State|All Files|*.*"; ofd.RestoreDirectory = true; Global.Sound.StopSound(); var result = ofd.ShowDialog(); Global.Sound.StartSound(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) return; if (File.Exists(ofd.FileName) == false) return; LoadStateFile(ofd.FileName, Path.GetFileName(ofd.FileName)); } private void SaveSlotSelectedMessage() { Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Slot " + Global.Config.SaveSlot + " selected."); } private void UpdateAutoLoadRecentRom() { if (Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentRom == true) { autoloadMostRecentToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false; Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentRom = false; } else { autoloadMostRecentToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentRom = true; } } private void UpdateAutoLoadRecentMovie() { if (Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentMovie == true) { autoloadMostRecentToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = false; Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentMovie = false; } else { autoloadMostRecentToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = true; Global.Config.AutoLoadMostRecentMovie = true; } } public void LoadRamSearch() { if (!RamSearch1.IsHandleCreated || RamSearch1.IsDisposed) { RamSearch1 = new RamSearch(); RamSearch1.Show(); } else RamSearch1.Focus(); } public void LoadGameGenieEC() { NESGameGenie gg = new NESGameGenie(); gg.Show(); } public void LoadHexEditor() { if (!HexEditor1.IsHandleCreated || HexEditor1.IsDisposed) { HexEditor1 = new HexEditor(); HexEditor1.Show(); } else HexEditor1.Focus(); } public void LoadToolBox() { if (!ToolBox1.IsHandleCreated || ToolBox1.IsDisposed) { ToolBox1 = new ToolBox(); ToolBox1.Show(); } else ToolBox1.Close(); } public void LoadNESPPU() { if (!NESPPU1.IsHandleCreated || NESPPU1.IsDisposed) { NESPPU1 = new NESPPU(); NESPPU1.Show(); } else NESPPU1.Focus(); } public void LoadNESNameTable() { if (!NESNameTableViewer1.IsHandleCreated || NESNameTableViewer1.IsDisposed) { NESNameTableViewer1 = new NESNameTableViewer(); NESNameTableViewer1.Show(); } else NESNameTableViewer1.Focus(); } public void LoadNESDebugger() { if (!NESDebug1.IsHandleCreated || NESDebug1.IsDisposed) { NESDebug1 = new NESDebugger(); NESDebug1.Show(); } else NESDebug1.Focus(); } public void LoadTI83KeyPad() { if (!TI83KeyPad1.IsHandleCreated || TI83KeyPad1.IsDisposed) { TI83KeyPad1 = new TI83KeyPad(); TI83KeyPad1.Show(); } else TI83KeyPad1.Focus(); } public void LoadCheatsWindow() { if (!Cheats1.IsHandleCreated || Cheats1.IsDisposed) { Cheats1 = new Cheats(); Cheats1.Show(); } else Cheats1.Focus(); } private int lastWidth = -1; private int lastHeight = -1; private void Render() { var video = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; if (video.BufferHeight != lastHeight || video.BufferWidth != lastWidth) { lastWidth = video.BufferWidth; lastHeight = video.BufferHeight; FrameBufferResized(); } Global.RenderPanel.Render(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider); } private void FrameBufferResized() { var video = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; int zoom = Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor; var area = Screen.FromControl(this).WorkingArea; int borderWidth = Size.Width - renderTarget.Size.Width; int borderHeight = Size.Height - renderTarget.Size.Height; // start at target zoom and work way down until we find acceptable zoom for (; zoom >= 1; zoom--) { if ((((video.BufferWidth * zoom) + borderWidth) < area.Width) && (((video.BufferHeight * zoom) + borderHeight) < area.Height)) break; } // Change size Size = new Size((video.BufferWidth * zoom) + borderWidth, (video.BufferHeight * zoom + borderHeight)); PerformLayout(); Global.RenderPanel.Resized = true; // Is window off the screen at this size? if (area.Contains(Bounds) == false) { if (Bounds.Right > area.Right) // Window is off the right edge Location = new Point(area.Right - Size.Width, Location.Y); if (Bounds.Bottom > area.Bottom) // Window is off the bottom edge Location = new Point(Location.X, area.Bottom - Size.Height); } } private bool InFullscreen = false; private Point WindowedLocation; public void ToggleFullscreen() { if (InFullscreen == false) { WindowedLocation = Location; FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; if (Global.Config.ShowMenuInFullscreen) MainMenuStrip.Visible = true; else MainMenuStrip.Visible = false; StatusSlot0.Visible = false; PerformLayout(); Global.RenderPanel.Resized = true; InFullscreen = true; } else { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; MainMenuStrip.Visible = true; StatusSlot0.Visible = Global.Config.DisplayStatusBar; Location = WindowedLocation; PerformLayout(); FrameBufferResized(); InFullscreen = false; } } //--alt key hacks protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { //this is necessary to trap plain alt keypresses so that only our hotkey system gets them if (m.Msg == 0x0112) //WM_SYSCOMMAND if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == 0xF100) //SC_KEYMENU return; base.WndProc(ref m); } protected override bool ProcessDialogChar(char charCode) { //this is necessary to trap alt+char combinations so that only our hotkey system gets them if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Alt) != 0) return true; else return base.ProcessDialogChar(charCode); } //sends a simulation of a plain alt key keystroke void SendPlainAltKey(int lparam) { Message m = new Message(); m.WParam = new IntPtr(0xF100); //SC_KEYMENU m.LParam = new IntPtr(lparam); m.Msg = 0x0112; //WM_SYSCOMMAND m.HWnd = Handle; base.WndProc(ref m); } //sends an alt+mnemonic combination void SendAltKeyChar(char c) { typeof(ToolStrip).InvokeMember("ProcessMnemonicInternal", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, menuStrip1, new object[] { c }); } string FormatFilter(params string[] args) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (args.Length % 2 != 0) throw new ArgumentException(); int num = args.Length / 2; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} ({1})|{1}", args[i * 2], args[i * 2 + 1]); if (i != num - 1) sb.Append('|'); } string str = sb.ToString().Replace("%ARCH%", "*.zip;*.rar;*.7z"); str = str.Replace(";", "; "); return str; } private void OpenROM() { var ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.InitialDirectory = PathManager.GetRomsPath(Global.Emulator.SystemId); //"Rom Files|*.NES;*.SMS;*.GG;*.SG;*.PCE;*.SGX;*.GB;*.BIN;*.SMD;*.ROM;*.ZIP;*.7z|NES (*.NES)|*.NES|Master System|*.SMS;*.GG;*.SG;*.ZIP;*.7z|PC Engine|*.PCE;*.SGX;*.ZIP;*.7z|Gameboy|*.GB;*.ZIP;*.7z|TI-83|*.rom|Archive Files|*.zip;*.7z|Savestate|*.state|All Files|*.*"; ofd.Filter = FormatFilter( "Rom Files", "*.nes;*.sms;*.gg;*.sg;*.pce;*.sgx;*.gb;*.bin;*.smd;*.rom;*.cue;%ARCH%", "Disc Images", "*.cue", "NES", "*.nes;%ARCH%", "Master System", "*.sms;*.gg;*.sg;%ARCH%", "PC Engine", "*.pce;*.sgx;%ARCH%", "Gameboy", "*.gb;%ARCH%", "TI-83", "*.rom;%ARCH%", "Archive Files", "%ARCH%", "Savestate", "*.state", "All Files", "*.*"); ofd.RestoreDirectory = false; Global.Sound.StopSound(); var result = ofd.ShowDialog(); Global.Sound.StartSound(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) return; var file = new FileInfo(ofd.FileName); Global.Config.LastRomPath = file.DirectoryName; LoadRom(file.FullName); } private void CloseROM() { CloseGame(); Global.Emulator = new NullEmulator(); Global.Game = GameInfo.GetNullGame(); MemoryPulse.Clear(); RamSearch1.Restart(); RamWatch1.Restart(); HexEditor1.Restart(); NESPPU1.Restart(); NESNameTableViewer1.Restart(); NESDebug1.Restart(); TI83KeyPad1.Restart(); Cheats1.Restart(); Text = "BizHawk" + (INTERIM ? " (interim) " : ""); HandlePlatformMenus(); StateSlots.Clear(); UpdateDumpIcon(); } private void SaveConfig() { if (Global.Config.SaveWindowPosition) { Global.Config.MainWndx = this.Location.X; Global.Config.MainWndy = this.Location.Y; } else { Global.Config.MainWndx = -1; Global.Config.MainWndy = -1; } if (!RamWatch1.IsDisposed) RamWatch1.SaveConfigSettings(); if (!RamSearch1.IsDisposed) RamSearch1.SaveConfigSettings(); if (!HexEditor1.IsDisposed) HexEditor1.SaveConfigSettings(); ConfigService.Save(PathManager.DefaultIniPath, Global.Config); } private void PreviousSlot() { if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 0) Global.Config.SaveSlot = 9; //Wrap to end of slot list else if (Global.Config.SaveSlot > 9) Global.Config.SaveSlot = 9; //Meh, just in case else Global.Config.SaveSlot--; SaveSlotSelectedMessage(); UpdateStatusSlots(); } private void NextSlot() { if (Global.Config.SaveSlot >= 9) Global.Config.SaveSlot = 0; //Wrap to beginning of slot list else if (Global.Config.SaveSlot < 0) Global.Config.SaveSlot = 0; //Meh, just in case else Global.Config.SaveSlot++; SaveSlotSelectedMessage(); UpdateStatusSlots(); } private void ToggleFPS() { Global.Config.DisplayFPS ^= true; } private void ToggleFrameCounter() { Global.Config.DisplayFrameCounter ^= true; } private void ToggleLagCounter() { Global.Config.DisplayLagCounter ^= true; } private void ToggleInputDisplay() { Global.Config.DisplayInput ^= true; } public void ToggleReadOnly() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode > MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE) { ReadOnly ^= true; if (ReadOnly) Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Movie read-only mode"); else Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Movie read+write mode"); } else { Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("No movie active"); } } public void SetReadOnly(bool read_only) { ReadOnly = read_only; if (ReadOnly) Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Movie read-only mode"); else Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Movie read+write mode"); } public void LoadRamWatch() { if (!RamWatch1.IsHandleCreated || RamWatch1.IsDisposed) { RamWatch1 = new RamWatch(); if (Global.Config.AutoLoadRamWatch && Global.Config.RecentWatches.Length() > 0) RamWatch1.LoadWatchFromRecent(Global.Config.RecentWatches.GetRecentFileByPosition(0)); RamWatch1.Show(); } else RamWatch1.Focus(); } public void LoadTAStudio() { if (!TAStudio1.IsHandleCreated || TAStudio1.IsDisposed) { TAStudio1 = new TAStudio(); TAStudio1.Show(); } else TAStudio1.Focus(); } private void VolumeUp() { Global.Config.SoundVolume += 10; if (Global.Config.SoundVolume > 100) Global.Config.SoundVolume = 100; Global.Sound.ChangeVolume(Global.Config.SoundVolume); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Volume " + Global.Config.SoundVolume.ToString()); } private void VolumeDown() { Global.Config.SoundVolume -= 10; if (Global.Config.SoundVolume < 0) Global.Config.SoundVolume = 0; Global.Sound.ChangeVolume(Global.Config.SoundVolume); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Volume " + Global.Config.SoundVolume.ToString()); } private void SoftReset() { //is it enough to run this for one frame? maybe.. if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains("Reset")) { Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.Click("Reset"); if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE) Global.Emulator.ResetFrameCounter(); } } public void UpdateStatusSlots() { StateSlots.Update(); StatusSlot1.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(1); StatusSlot2.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(2); StatusSlot3.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(3); StatusSlot4.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(4); StatusSlot5.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(5); StatusSlot6.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(6); StatusSlot7.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(7); StatusSlot8.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(8); StatusSlot9.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(9); StatusSlot10.Enabled = StateSlots.HasSlot(0); StatusSlot1.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot2.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot3.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot4.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot5.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot6.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot7.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot8.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot9.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; StatusSlot10.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 0) StatusSlot10.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 1) StatusSlot1.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 2) StatusSlot2.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 3) StatusSlot3.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 4) StatusSlot4.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 5) StatusSlot5.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 6) StatusSlot6.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 7) StatusSlot7.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 8) StatusSlot8.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 9) StatusSlot9.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; } public void RecordAVI() { if (CurrAviWriter != null) return; var sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); if (!(Global.Emulator is NullEmulator)) { sfd.FileName = PathManager.FilesystemSafeName(Global.Game); sfd.InitialDirectory = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.AVIPath, ""); } else { sfd.FileName = "NULL"; sfd.InitialDirectory = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.AVIPath, ""); } sfd.Filter = "AVI (*.avi)|*.avi|All Files|*.*"; Global.Sound.StopSound(); var result = sfd.ShowDialog(); Global.Sound.StartSound(); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) return; //TODO - cores should be able to specify exact values for these instead of relying on this to calculate them int fps = (int)(Global.Emulator.CoreOutputComm.VsyncRate * 0x01000000); AviWriter aw = new AviWriter(); try { aw.SetMovieParameters(fps, 0x01000000); aw.SetVideoParameters(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferWidth, Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferHeight); aw.SetAudioParameters(44100, 2, 16); var token = AviWriter.AcquireVideoCodecToken(Global.MainForm.Handle, null); aw.SetVideoCodecToken(token); aw.OpenFile(sfd.FileName); //commit the avi writing last, in case there were any errors earlier CurrAviWriter = aw; Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("AVI capture started"); AVIStatusLabel.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.AVI; AVIStatusLabel.ToolTipText = "AVI capture in progress"; } catch { Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("AVI capture failed!"); aw.Dispose(); throw; } } public void StopAVI() { if (CurrAviWriter == null) return; CurrAviWriter.CloseFile(); CurrAviWriter = null; Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("AVI capture stopped"); AVIStatusLabel.Image = BizHawk.MultiClient.Properties.Resources.Blank; AVIStatusLabel.ToolTipText = ""; } private void SwapBackupSavestate(string path) { //Takes the .state and .bak files and swaps them var state = new FileInfo(path); var backup = new FileInfo(path + ".bak"); var temp = new FileInfo(path + ".bak.tmp"); if (state.Exists == false) return; if (backup.Exists == false) return; if (temp.Exists == true) temp.Delete(); backup.CopyTo(path + ".bak.tmp"); backup.Delete(); state.CopyTo(path + ".bak"); state.Delete(); temp.CopyTo(path); temp.Delete(); StateSlots.ToggleRedo(Global.Config.SaveSlot); } private void ShowHideMenu() { MainMenuStrip.Visible ^= true; } } }