using System.Text;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
using System.Linq;
/// Includes helper functions to validate user input
public static class InputValidate
/// Validates all chars are 0-9
public static bool IsUnsigned(string str)
return str.All(IsUnsigned);
/// Validates the char is 0-9
public static bool IsUnsigned(char c)
return char.IsDigit(c);
/// Validates all chars are 0-9, or a dash as the first value
public static bool IsSigned(string str)
return IsSigned(str[0]) && str.Substring(1).All(IsUnsigned);
/// Validates the char is 0-9 or a dash
public static bool IsSigned(char c)
return char.IsDigit(c) || c == '-';
/// Validates all chars are 0-9, A-F or a-f
public static bool IsHex(string str)
return str.All(IsHex);
/// Validates the char is 0-9, A-F or a-f
public static bool IsHex(char c)
if (char.IsDigit(c))
return true;
return char.ToUpper(c) >= 'A' && char.ToUpper(c) <= 'F';
/// Takes any string and removes any value that is not a valid hex value (0-9, a-f, A-F), returns the remaining characters in uppercase
public static string DoHexString(string raw)
var output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var chr in raw)
if (IsHex(chr))
return output.ToString();
/// Validates all chars are 0 or 1
public static bool IsBinary(string str)
return str.All(IsBinary);
/// Validates the char is 0 or 1
public static bool IsBinary(char c)
return c == '0' || c == '1';
/// Validates all chars are 0-9, a decimal point, and that there is no more than 1 decimal point, can not be signed
public static bool IsFixedPoint(string str)
return StringHelpers.HowMany(str, '.') <= 1
&& str.All(IsFixedPoint);
/// Validates the char is 0-9, a dash, or a decimal
public static bool IsFixedPoint(char c)
return IsUnsigned(c) || c == '.';
/// Validates all chars are 0-9 or decimal, and that there is no more than 1 decimal point, a dash can be the first character
public static bool IsFloat(string str)
return StringHelpers.HowMany(str, '.') <= 1
&& IsFloat(str[0])
&& str.Substring(1).All(IsFixedPoint);
/// Validates that the char is 0-9, a dash, or a decimal point
public static bool IsFloat(char c)
return IsFixedPoint(c) || c == '-';