using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.Z80; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.ColecoVision { [CoreAttributes( "ColecoHawk", "Vecna", isPorted: false, isReleased: true )] public sealed partial class ColecoVision : IEmulator { // ROM public byte[] RomData; public int RomLength; public byte[] BiosRom; // Machine public Z80A Cpu; public TMS9918A VDP; public SN76489 PSG; public byte[] Ram = new byte[1024]; public ColecoVision(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, object SyncSettings) { CoreComm = comm; this.SyncSettings = (ColecoSyncSettings)SyncSettings ?? new ColecoSyncSettings(); bool skipbios = this.SyncSettings.SkipBiosIntro; Cpu = new Z80A(); Cpu.ReadMemory = ReadMemory; Cpu.WriteMemory = WriteMemory; Cpu.ReadHardware = ReadPort; Cpu.WriteHardware = WritePort; VDP = new TMS9918A(Cpu); PSG = new SN76489(); // TODO: hack to allow bios-less operation would be nice, no idea if its feasible string biosPath = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmwarePath("Coleco", "Bios", true, "Coleco BIOS file is required."); BiosRom = File.ReadAllBytes(biosPath); // gamedb can overwrite the syncsettings; this is ok if (game["NoSkip"]) skipbios = false; LoadRom(rom, skipbios); = game; SetupMemoryDomains(); } public MemoryDomainList MemoryDomains { get { return memoryDomains; } } MemoryDomainList memoryDomains; const ushort RamSizeMask = 0x03FF; void SetupMemoryDomains() { var domains = new List(3); var MainMemoryDomain = new MemoryDomain("Main RAM", Ram.Length, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, addr => Ram[addr], (addr, value) => Ram[addr] = value); var VRamDomain = new MemoryDomain("Video RAM", VDP.VRAM.Length, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, addr => VDP.VRAM[addr], (addr, value) => VDP.VRAM[addr] = value); var SystemBusDomain = new MemoryDomain("System Bus", 0x10000, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, (addr) => { if (addr < 0 || addr >= 65536) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); return Cpu.ReadMemory((ushort)addr); }, (addr, value) => { if (addr < 0 || addr >= 65536) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); Cpu.WriteMemory((ushort)addr, value); }); domains.Add(MainMemoryDomain); domains.Add(VRamDomain); domains.Add(SystemBusDomain); memoryDomains = new MemoryDomainList(domains); } public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool renderSound) { Frame++; isLag = true; PSG.BeginFrame(Cpu.TotalExecutedCycles); VDP.ExecuteFrame(); PSG.EndFrame(Cpu.TotalExecutedCycles); if (isLag) LagCount++; } void LoadRom(byte[] rom, bool skipbios) { RomData = new byte[0x8000]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) RomData[i] = rom[i % rom.Length]; // hack to skip colecovision title screen if (skipbios) { RomData[0] = 0x55; RomData[1] = 0xAA; } } byte ReadPort(ushort port) { port &= 0xFF; if (port >= 0xA0 && port < 0xC0) { if ((port & 1) == 0) return VDP.ReadData(); return VDP.ReadVdpStatus(); } if (port >= 0xE0) { if ((port & 1) == 0) return ReadController1(); return ReadController2(); } return 0xFF; } void WritePort(ushort port, byte value) { port &= 0xFF; if (port >= 0xA0 && port <= 0xBF) { if ((port & 1) == 0) VDP.WriteVdpData(value); else VDP.WriteVdpControl(value); return; } if (port >= 0x80 && port <= 0x9F) { InputPortSelection = InputPortMode.Right; return; } if (port >= 0xC0 && port <= 0xDF) { InputPortSelection = InputPortMode.Left; return; } if (port >= 0xE0) { PSG.WritePsgData(value, Cpu.TotalExecutedCycles); return; } } public byte[] ReadSaveRam() { return null; } public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data) { } public void ClearSaveRam() { } public bool SaveRamModified { get; set; } public bool DeterministicEmulation { get { return true; } } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return false; } } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateBinaryWriter(bw)); } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateBinaryReader(br)); } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter tw) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateTextWriter(tw)); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader tr) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateTextReader(tr)); } void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection("Coleco"); Cpu.SyncState(ser); VDP.SyncState(ser); PSG.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("RAM", ref Ram, false); ser.Sync("Frame", ref frame); ser.Sync("LagCount", ref lagCount); ser.Sync("IsLag", ref isLag); ser.EndSection(); } byte[] stateBuffer; public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { if (stateBuffer == null) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); SaveStateBinary(writer); stateBuffer = stream.ToArray(); writer.Close(); return stateBuffer; } else { var stream = new MemoryStream(stateBuffer); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); SaveStateBinary(writer); writer.Close(); return stateBuffer; } } public void Dispose() { } public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; lagCount = 0; isLag = false; } public string SystemId { get { return "Coleco"; } } public GameInfo game; public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } public IVideoProvider VideoProvider { get { return VDP; } } public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return PSG; } } public string BoardName { get { return null; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return null; } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return true; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } public object GetSettings() { return null; } public object GetSyncSettings() { return SyncSettings.Clone(); } public bool PutSettings(object o) { return false; } public bool PutSyncSettings(object o) { var n = (ColecoSyncSettings)o; bool ret = n.SkipBiosIntro != SyncSettings.SkipBiosIntro; SyncSettings = n; return ret; } ColecoSyncSettings SyncSettings; public class ColecoSyncSettings { public bool SkipBiosIntro = false; public ColecoSyncSettings Clone() { return (ColecoSyncSettings)MemberwiseClone(); } } public Dictionary GetCpuFlagsAndRegisters() { return new Dictionary { { "A", Cpu.RegisterA }, { "AF", Cpu.RegisterAF }, { "B", Cpu.RegisterB }, { "BC", Cpu.RegisterBC }, { "C", Cpu.RegisterC }, { "D", Cpu.RegisterD }, { "DE", Cpu.RegisterDE }, { "E", Cpu.RegisterE }, { "F", Cpu.RegisterF }, { "H", Cpu.RegisterH }, { "HL", Cpu.RegisterHL }, { "I", Cpu.RegisterI }, { "IX", Cpu.RegisterIX }, { "IY", Cpu.RegisterIY }, { "L", Cpu.RegisterL }, { "PC", Cpu.RegisterPC }, { "R", Cpu.RegisterR }, { "Shadow AF", Cpu.RegisterShadowAF }, { "Shadow BC", Cpu.RegisterShadowBC }, { "Shadow DE", Cpu.RegisterShadowDE }, { "Shadow HL", Cpu.RegisterShadowHL }, { "SP", Cpu.RegisterSP }, { "Flag C", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(0) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag N", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(1) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag P/V", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(2) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag 3rd", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(3) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag H", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(4) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag 5th", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(5) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag Z", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(6) ? 1 : 0 }, { "Flag S", Cpu.RegisterF.Bit(7) ? 1 : 0 } }; } } }