#include #include #include #ifdef ANDROID #include #endif #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "file/zip_read.h" #ifdef ANDROID uint8_t *ReadFromZip(zip *archive, const char* filename, size_t *size) { // Figure out the file size first. struct zip_stat zstat; zip_stat(archive, filename, ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &zstat); uint8_t *contents = new uint8_t[zstat.size + 1]; zip_file *file = zip_fopen(archive, filename, 0); if (!file) { ELOG("Error opening %s from ZIP", filename); delete [] contents; return 0; } zip_fread(file, contents, zstat.size); zip_fclose(file); contents[zstat.size] = 0; *size = zstat.size; return contents; } #endif // The return is non-const because - why not? uint8_t *ReadLocalFile(const char *filename, size_t *size) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!file) { return 0; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size_t f_size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); uint8_t *contents = new uint8_t[f_size+1]; fread(contents, 1, f_size, file); fclose(file); contents[f_size] = 0; *size = f_size; return contents; } #ifdef ANDROID ZipAssetReader::ZipAssetReader(const char *zip_file, const char *in_zip_path) { zip_file_ = zip_open(zip_file, 0, NULL); strcpy(in_zip_path_, in_zip_path); if (!zip_file_) { ELOG("Failed to open %s as a zip file", zip_file); } std::vector info; GetFileListing("assets", &info, 0); for (int i = 0; i < info.size(); i++) { if (info[i].isDirectory) { ILOG("Directory: %s", info[i].name.c_str()); } else { ILOG("File: %s", info[i].name.c_str()); } } } ZipAssetReader::~ZipAssetReader() { zip_close(zip_file_); } uint8_t *ZipAssetReader::ReadAsset(const char *path, size_t *size) { char temp_path[1024]; strcpy(temp_path, in_zip_path_); strcat(temp_path, path); return ReadFromZip(zip_file_, temp_path, size); } bool ZipAssetReader::GetFileListing(const char *path, std::vector *listing, const char *filter = 0) { ILOG("Zip path: %s", path); // We just loop through the whole ZIP file and deduce what files are in this directory, and what subdirectories there are. std::set files; std::set directories; int numFiles = zip_get_num_files(zip_file_); size_t pathlen = strlen(path); if (path[pathlen-1] == '/') pathlen--; for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { const char* name = zip_get_name(zip_file_, i, 0); if (!name) continue; // ILOG("Comparing %s %s %i", name, path, pathlen); if (!memcmp(name, path, pathlen)) { // The prefix is right. Let's see if this is a file or path. char *slashPos = strchr(name + pathlen + 1, '/'); if (slashPos != 0) { // A directory. std::string dirName = std::string(name + pathlen + 1, slashPos - (name + pathlen + 1)); directories.insert(dirName); } else { files.insert(std::string(name + pathlen + 1)); } } } for (auto diter = directories.begin(); diter != directories.end(); ++diter) { FileInfo info; info.name = *diter; info.fullName = std::string(path); if (info.fullName[info.fullName.size()-1] == '/') info.fullName = info.fullName.substr(0, info.fullName.size() - 1); info.fullName += "/" + *diter; info.exists = true; info.isWritable = false; info.isDirectory = true; listing->push_back(info); } for (auto fiter = files.begin(); fiter != files.end(); ++fiter) { FileInfo info; info.name = *fiter; info.fullName = std::string(path); if (info.fullName[info.fullName.size()-1] == '/') info.fullName = info.fullName.substr(0, info.fullName.size() - 1); info.fullName += "/" + *fiter; info.exists = true; info.isWritable = false; info.isDirectory = false; listing->push_back(info); } std::sort(listing->begin(), listing->end()); return true; } bool ZipAssetReader::GetFileInfo(const char *path, FileInfo *info) { struct zip_stat zstat; char temp_path[1024]; strcpy(temp_path, in_zip_path_); strcat(temp_path, path); if (0 != zip_stat(zip_file_, temp_path, ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &zstat)) { // ZIP files do not have real directories, so we'll end up here if we // try to stat one. For now that's fine. info->exists = false; info->size = 0; return false; } info->fullName = path; info->exists = true; // TODO info->isWritable = false; info->isDirectory = false; // TODO info->size = zstat.size; return true; } #endif uint8_t *DirectoryAssetReader::ReadAsset(const char *path, size_t *size) { char new_path[1024] = {0}; // Check if it already contains the path if (strlen(path) > strlen(path_) && 0 == memcmp(path, path_, strlen(path_))) { } else { strcpy(new_path, path_); } strcat(new_path, path); return ReadLocalFile(new_path, size); } bool DirectoryAssetReader::GetFileListing(const char *path, std::vector *listing, const char *filter = 0) { char new_path[1024] = {0}; // Check if it already contains the path if (strlen(path) > strlen(path_) && 0 == memcmp(path, path_, strlen(path_))) { } else { strcpy(new_path, path_); } strcat(new_path, path); FileInfo info; if (!getFileInfo(new_path, &info)) return false; if (info.isDirectory) { getFilesInDir(new_path, listing, filter); return true; } else { return false; } } bool DirectoryAssetReader::GetFileInfo(const char *path, FileInfo *info) { char new_path[1024] = {0}; // Check if it already contains the path if (strlen(path) > strlen(path_) && 0 == memcmp(path, path_, strlen(path_))) { } else { strcpy(new_path, path_); } strcat(new_path, path); return getFileInfo(new_path, info); } struct VFSEntry { const char *prefix; AssetReader *reader; }; static VFSEntry entries[16]; static int num_entries = 0; void VFSRegister(const char *prefix, AssetReader *reader) { entries[num_entries].prefix = prefix; entries[num_entries].reader = reader; ILOG("Registered VFS for prefix %s: %s", prefix, reader->toString().c_str()); num_entries++; } void VFSShutdown() { for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { delete entries[i].reader; } num_entries = 0; } uint8_t *VFSReadFile(const char *filename, size_t *size) { int fn_len = (int)strlen(filename); for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { int prefix_len = (int)strlen(entries[i].prefix); if (prefix_len >= fn_len) continue; if (0 == memcmp(filename, entries[i].prefix, prefix_len)) { ILOG("Prefix match: %s (%s) -> %s", entries[i].prefix, filename, filename + prefix_len); uint8_t *data = entries[i].reader->ReadAsset(filename + prefix_len, size); if (data) return data; else continue; // Else try the other registered file systems. } } ELOG("Missing filesystem for %s", filename); return 0; } bool VFSGetFileListing(const char *path, std::vector *listing, const char *filter) { int fn_len = (int)strlen(path); for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { int prefix_len = (int)strlen(entries[i].prefix); if (prefix_len >= fn_len) continue; if (0 == memcmp(path, entries[i].prefix, prefix_len)) { if (entries[i].reader->GetFileListing(path + prefix_len, listing, filter)) { return true; } } } ELOG("Missing filesystem for %s", path); return false; } bool VFSGetFileInfo(const char *path, FileInfo *info) { int fn_len = (int)strlen(path); for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { int prefix_len = (int)strlen(entries[i].prefix); if (prefix_len >= fn_len) continue; if (0 == memcmp(path, entries[i].prefix, prefix_len)) { return entries[i].reader->GetFileInfo(path + prefix_len, info); } } ELOG("Missing filesystem for %s", path); return false; }