// IniFile // Taken from Dolphin but relicensed by me, Henrik Rydgard, under the MIT // license as I wrote the whole thing originally and it has barely changed. #include #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/stringutil.h" #include "file/ini_file.h" #include "file/vfs.h" #ifdef _WIN32 // Function Cross-Compatibility #define strcasecmp _stricmp #endif // Ugh, this is ugly. static bool ParseLine(const std::string& line, std::string* keyOut, std::string* valueOut, std::string* commentOut) { int FirstEquals = (int)line.find("=", 0); int FirstCommentChar = -1; // Comments if (FirstCommentChar < 0) FirstCommentChar = (int)line.find("#", FirstEquals > 0 ? FirstEquals : 0); if (FirstCommentChar < 0 && line[0] == ';') FirstCommentChar = 0; // Allow preservation of spacing before comment if (FirstCommentChar > 0) { while (line[FirstCommentChar - 1] == ' ' || line[FirstCommentChar - 1] == 9) // 9 == tab { FirstCommentChar--; } } if ((FirstEquals >= 0) && ((FirstCommentChar < 0) || (FirstEquals < FirstCommentChar))) { // Yes, a valid key/value line! *keyOut = StripSpaces(line.substr(0, FirstEquals)); if (commentOut) *commentOut = FirstCommentChar > 0 ? line.substr(FirstCommentChar) : std::string(""); if (valueOut) *valueOut = StripQuotes(StripSpaces(line.substr(FirstEquals + 1, FirstCommentChar - FirstEquals - 1))); return true; } return false; } std::string* IniFile::Section::GetLine(const char* key, std::string* valueOut, std::string* commentOut) { for (std::vector::iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { std::string& line = *iter; std::string lineKey; ParseLine(line, &lineKey, valueOut, commentOut); if (!strcasecmp(lineKey.c_str(), key)) return &line; } return 0; } void IniFile::Section::Set(const char* key, const char* newValue) { std::string value, commented; std::string* line = GetLine(key, &value, &commented); if (line) { // Change the value - keep the key and comment *line = StripSpaces(key) + " = " + newValue + commented; } else { // The key did not already exist in this section - let's add it. lines.push_back(std::string(key) + " = " + newValue); } } void IniFile::Section::Set(const char* key, const std::string& newValue, const std::string& defaultValue) { if (newValue != defaultValue) Set(key, newValue); else Delete(key); } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, std::string* value, const char* defaultValue) { std::string* line = GetLine(key, value, 0); if (!line) { if (defaultValue) { *value = defaultValue; } return false; } return true; } void IniFile::Section::Set(const char* key, const float newValue, const float defaultValue) { if (newValue != defaultValue) Set(key, newValue); else Delete(key); } void IniFile::Section::Set(const char* key, int newValue, int defaultValue) { if (newValue != defaultValue) Set(key, newValue); else Delete(key); } void IniFile::Section::Set(const char* key, bool newValue, bool defaultValue) { if (newValue != defaultValue) Set(key, newValue); else Delete(key); } void IniFile::Section::Set(const char* key, const std::vector& newValues) { std::string temp; // Join the strings with , std::vector::const_iterator it; for (it = newValues.begin(); it != newValues.end(); ++it) { temp += (*it) + ","; } // remove last , if (temp.length()) temp.resize(temp.length() - 1); Set(key, temp.c_str()); } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, std::vector& values) { std::string temp; bool retval = Get(key, &temp, 0); if (!retval || temp.empty()) { return false; } // ignore starting , if any size_t subStart = temp.find_first_not_of(","); size_t subEnd; // split by , while (subStart != std::string::npos) { // Find next , subEnd = temp.find_first_of(",", subStart); if (subStart != subEnd) // take from first char until next , values.push_back(StripSpaces(temp.substr(subStart, subEnd - subStart))); // Find the next non , char subStart = temp.find_first_not_of(",", subEnd); } return true; } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, int* value, int defaultValue) { std::string temp; bool retval = Get(key, &temp, 0); if (retval && TryParse(temp.c_str(), value)) return true; *value = defaultValue; return false; } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, uint32_t* value, uint32_t defaultValue) { std::string temp; bool retval = Get(key, &temp, 0); if (retval && TryParse(temp, value)) return true; *value = defaultValue; return false; } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, bool* value, bool defaultValue) { std::string temp; bool retval = Get(key, &temp, 0); if (retval && TryParse(temp.c_str(), value)) return true; *value = defaultValue; return false; } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, float* value, float defaultValue) { std::string temp; bool retval = Get(key, &temp, 0); if (retval && TryParse(temp.c_str(), value)) return true; *value = defaultValue; return false; } bool IniFile::Section::Get(const char* key, double* value, double defaultValue) { std::string temp; bool retval = Get(key, &temp, 0); if (retval && TryParse(temp.c_str(), value)) return true; *value = defaultValue; return false; } bool IniFile::Section::Exists(const char *key) const { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { std::string lineKey; ParseLine(*iter, &lineKey, NULL, NULL); if (!strcasecmp(lineKey.c_str(), key)) return true; } return false; } std::map IniFile::Section::ToMap() const { std::map outMap; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { std::string lineKey, lineValue; if (ParseLine(*iter, &lineKey, &lineValue, NULL)) { outMap[lineKey] = lineValue; } } return outMap; } bool IniFile::Section::Delete(const char *key) { std::string* line = GetLine(key, 0, 0); for (std::vector::iterator liter = lines.begin(); liter != lines.end(); ++liter) { if (line == &*liter) { lines.erase(liter); return true; } } return false; } // IniFile const IniFile::Section* IniFile::GetSection(const char* sectionName) const { for (std::vector
::const_iterator iter = sections.begin(); iter != sections.end(); ++iter) if (!strcasecmp(iter->name().c_str(), sectionName)) return (&(*iter)); return 0; } IniFile::Section* IniFile::GetSection(const char* sectionName) { for (std::vector
::iterator iter = sections.begin(); iter != sections.end(); ++iter) if (!strcasecmp(iter->name().c_str(), sectionName)) return (&(*iter)); return 0; } IniFile::Section* IniFile::GetOrCreateSection(const char* sectionName) { Section* section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) { sections.push_back(Section(sectionName)); section = §ions[sections.size() - 1]; } return section; } bool IniFile::DeleteSection(const char* sectionName) { Section* s = GetSection(sectionName); if (!s) return false; for (std::vector
::iterator iter = sections.begin(); iter != sections.end(); ++iter) { if (&(*iter) == s) { sections.erase(iter); return true; } } return false; } bool IniFile::Exists(const char* sectionName, const char* key) const { const Section* section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) return false; return section->Exists(key); } void IniFile::SetLines(const char* sectionName, const std::vector &lines) { Section* section = GetOrCreateSection(sectionName); section->lines.clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { section->lines.push_back(*iter); } } bool IniFile::DeleteKey(const char* sectionName, const char* key) { Section* section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) return false; std::string* line = section->GetLine(key, 0, 0); for (std::vector::iterator liter = section->lines.begin(); liter != section->lines.end(); ++liter) { if (line == &(*liter)) { section->lines.erase(liter); return true; } } return false; //shouldn't happen } // Return a list of all keys in a section bool IniFile::GetKeys(const char* sectionName, std::vector& keys) const { const Section* section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) return false; keys.clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator liter = section->lines.begin(); liter != section->lines.end(); ++liter) { std::string key; ParseLine(*liter, &key, 0, 0); keys.push_back(key); } return true; } // Return a list of all lines in a section bool IniFile::GetLines(const char* sectionName, std::vector& lines, const bool remove_comments) const { const Section* section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) return false; lines.clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = section->lines.begin(); iter != section->lines.end(); ++iter) { std::string line = StripSpaces(*iter); if (remove_comments) { int commentPos = (int)line.find('#'); if (commentPos == 0) { continue; } if (commentPos != (int)std::string::npos) { line = StripSpaces(line.substr(0, commentPos)); } } lines.push_back(line); } return true; } void IniFile::SortSections() { std::sort(sections.begin(), sections.end()); } bool IniFile::Load(const char* filename) { sections.clear(); sections.push_back(Section("")); // first section consists of the comments before the first real section // Open file std::ifstream in; in.open(filename, std::ios::in); if (in.fail()) return false; bool success = Load(in); in.close(); return success; } bool IniFile::LoadFromVFS(const std::string &filename) { size_t size; uint8_t *data = VFSReadFile(filename.c_str(), &size); if (!data) return false; std::string str((const char*)data, size); delete [] data; std::stringstream sstream(str); return Load(sstream); } bool IniFile::Load(std::istream &in) { // Maximum number of letters in a line static const int MAX_BYTES = 1024*32; while (!in.eof()) { char templine[MAX_BYTES]; in.getline(templine, MAX_BYTES); std::string line = templine; // Remove UTF-8 byte order marks. if (line.substr(0, 3) == "\xEF\xBB\xBF") line = line.substr(3); #ifndef _WIN32 // Check for CRLF eol and convert it to LF if (!line.empty() && line.at(line.size()-1) == '\r') { line.erase(line.size()-1); } #endif if (in.eof()) break; if (line.size() > 0) { if (line[0] == '[') { size_t endpos = line.find("]"); if (endpos != std::string::npos) { // New section! std::string sub = line.substr(1, endpos - 1); sections.push_back(Section(sub)); if (endpos + 1 < line.size()) { sections[sections.size() - 1].comment = line.substr(endpos + 1); } } } else { if (sections.size() > 0) sections[sections.size() - 1].lines.push_back(line); } } } return true; } bool IniFile::Save(const char* filename) { std::ofstream out; out.open(filename, std::ios::out); if (out.fail()) { return false; } // UTF-8 byte order mark. To make sure notepad doesn't go nuts. out << "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; // Currently testing if dolphin community can handle the requirements of C++11 compilation // If you get a compiler error on this line, your compiler is probably old. // Update to g++ 4.4 or a recent version of clang (XCode 4.2 on OS X). // If you don't want to update, complain in a google code issue, the dolphin forums or #dolphin-emu. for (std::vector
::iterator iter = sections.begin(); iter != sections.end(); ++iter) { const Section& section = *iter; if (section.name() != "") { out << "[" << section.name() << "]" << section.comment << std::endl; } for (std::vector::const_iterator liter = section.lines.begin(); liter != section.lines.end(); ++liter) { std::string s = *liter; out << s << std::endl; } } out.close(); return true; } bool IniFile::Get(const char* sectionName, const char* key, std::string* value, const char* defaultValue) { Section* section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) { if (defaultValue) { *value = defaultValue; } return false; } return section->Get(key, value, defaultValue); } bool IniFile::Get(const char *sectionName, const char* key, std::vector& values) { Section *section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) return false; return section->Get(key, values); } bool IniFile::Get(const char* sectionName, const char* key, int* value, int defaultValue) { Section *section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) { *value = defaultValue; return false; } else { return section->Get(key, value, defaultValue); } } bool IniFile::Get(const char* sectionName, const char* key, uint32_t* value, uint32_t defaultValue) { Section *section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) { *value = defaultValue; return false; } else { return section->Get(key, value, defaultValue); } } bool IniFile::Get(const char* sectionName, const char* key, bool* value, bool defaultValue) { Section *section = GetSection(sectionName); if (!section) { *value = defaultValue; return false; } else { return section->Get(key, value, defaultValue); } } // Unit test. TODO: Move to the real unit test framework. /* int main() { IniFile ini; ini.Load("my.ini"); ini.Set("Hej", "A", "amaskdfl"); ini.Set("Mossa", "A", "amaskdfl"); ini.Set("Aissa", "A", "amaskdfl"); //ini.Read("my.ini"); std::string x; ini.Get("Hej", "B", &x, "boo"); ini.DeleteKey("Mossa", "A"); ini.DeleteSection("Mossa"); ini.SortSections(); ini.Save("my.ini"); //UpdateVars(ini); return 0; } */