// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #include #include "Common/LogManager.h" #include "HLE.h" #include "HLETables.h" #include "../MIPS/MIPSInt.h" #include "../MIPS/MIPSCodeUtils.h" #include "../MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "ChunkFile.h" #include "sceAudio.h" #include "sceKernel.h" #include "sceKernelMemory.h" #include "sceKernelThread.h" #include "sceKernelModule.h" #include "sceKernelInterrupt.h" enum { PSP_THREAD_ATTR_KERNEL = 0x00001000, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VFPU = 0x00004000, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_SCRATCH_SRAM = 0x00008000, // Save/restore scratch as part of context??? PSP_THREAD_ATTR_NO_FILLSTACK = 0x00100000, // TODO: No filling of 0xff (only with PSP_THREAD_ATTR_LOW_STACK?) PSP_THREAD_ATTR_CLEAR_STACK = 0x00200000, // TODO: Clear thread stack when deleted PSP_THREAD_ATTR_LOW_STACK = 0x00400000, // TODO: Allocate stack from bottom not top. PSP_THREAD_ATTR_USER = 0x80000000, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_USBWLAN = 0xa0000000, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VSH = 0xc0000000, }; struct NativeCallback { SceUInt size; char name[32]; SceUID threadId; u32 entrypoint; u32 commonArgument; int notifyCount; int notifyArg; }; class Callback : public KernelObject { public: const char *GetName() {return nc.name;} const char *GetTypeName() {return "CallBack";} void GetQuickInfo(char *ptr, int size) { sprintf(ptr, "thread=%i, argument= %08x", //hackAddress, nc.threadId, nc.commonArgument); } ~Callback() { } static u32 GetMissingErrorCode() { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CBID; } static int GetStaticIDType() { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Callback; } int GetIDType() const { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Callback; } virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(nc); p.Do(savedPC); p.Do(savedRA); p.Do(savedV0); p.Do(savedV1); p.Do(savedIdRegister); p.DoMarker("Callback"); } NativeCallback nc; u32 savedPC; u32 savedRA; u32 savedV0; u32 savedV1; u32 savedIdRegister; }; // Real PSP struct, don't change the fields struct NativeThread { u32 nativeSize; char name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; // Threading stuff u32 attr; u32 status; u32 entrypoint; u32 initialStack; u32 stackSize; u32 gpreg; int initialPriority; int currentPriority; WaitType waitType; SceUID waitID; int wakeupCount; int exitStatus; SceKernelSysClock runForClocks; int numInterruptPreempts; int numThreadPreempts; int numReleases; }; struct ThreadWaitInfo { u32 waitValue; u32 timeoutPtr; }; // Owns outstanding MIPS calls and provides a way to get them by ID. class MipsCallManager { public: MipsCallManager() : idGen_(0) {} u32 add(MipsCall *call) { u32 id = genId(); calls_.insert(std::pair(id, call)); return id; } MipsCall *get(u32 id) { auto iter = calls_.find(id); if (iter == calls_.end()) return NULL; return iter->second; } MipsCall *pop(u32 id) { MipsCall *temp = calls_[id]; calls_.erase(id); return temp; } void clear() { for (auto it = calls_.begin(), end = calls_.end(); it != end; ++it) { delete it->second; } calls_.clear(); idGen_ = 0; } int registerActionType(ActionCreator creator) { types_.push_back(creator); return (int) types_.size() - 1; } void restoreActionType(int actionType, ActionCreator creator) { if (actionType >= (int) types_.size()) types_.resize(actionType + 1, NULL); types_[actionType] = creator; } Action *createActionByType(int actionType) { if (actionType < (int) types_.size() && types_[actionType] != NULL) { Action *a = types_[actionType](); a->actionTypeID = actionType; return a; } return NULL; } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(calls_); p.Do(idGen_); p.DoMarker("MipsCallManager"); } private: u32 genId() { return ++idGen_; } std::map calls_; std::vector types_; u32 idGen_; }; class ActionAfterMipsCall : public Action { ActionAfterMipsCall() { chainedAction = NULL; } public: virtual void run(MipsCall &call); static Action *Create() { return new ActionAfterMipsCall(); } virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(threadID); p.Do(status); p.Do(waitType); p.Do(waitID); p.Do(waitInfo); p.Do(isProcessingCallbacks); p.Do(currentCallbackId); p.DoMarker("ActionAfterMipsCall"); int chainedActionType = 0; if (chainedAction != NULL) chainedActionType = chainedAction->actionTypeID; p.Do(chainedActionType); if (chainedActionType != 0) { if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) chainedAction = __KernelCreateAction(chainedActionType); chainedAction->DoState(p); } } SceUID threadID; // Saved thread state int status; WaitType waitType; int waitID; ThreadWaitInfo waitInfo; bool isProcessingCallbacks; SceUID currentCallbackId; Action *chainedAction; }; class ActionAfterCallback : public Action { public: ActionAfterCallback() {} virtual void run(MipsCall &call); static Action *Create() { return new ActionAfterCallback; } void setCallback(SceUID cbId_) { cbId = cbId_; } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(cbId); p.DoMarker("ActionAfterCallback"); } SceUID cbId; }; class Thread : public KernelObject { public: const char *GetName() {return nt.name;} const char *GetTypeName() {return "Thread";} void GetQuickInfo(char *ptr, int size) { sprintf(ptr, "pc= %08x sp= %08x %s %s %s %s %s %s (wt=%i wid=%i wv= %08x )", context.pc, context.r[MIPS_REG_SP], (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) ? "RUN" : "", (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_READY) ? "READY" : "", (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_WAIT) ? "WAIT" : "", (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND) ? "SUSPEND" : "", (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) ? "DORMANT" : "", (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_DEAD) ? "DEAD" : "", nt.waitType, nt.waitID, waitInfo.waitValue); } static u32 GetMissingErrorCode() { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_THID; } static int GetStaticIDType() { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Thread; } int GetIDType() const { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Thread; } bool AllocateStack(u32 &stackSize) { FreeStack(); if (nt.attr & PSP_THREAD_ATTR_KERNEL) { // Allocate stacks for kernel threads (idle) in kernel RAM currentStack.start = kernelMemory.Alloc(stackSize, true, (std::string("stack/") + nt.name).c_str()); } else { currentStack.start = userMemory.Alloc(stackSize, true, (std::string("stack/") + nt.name).c_str()); } if (currentStack.start == (u32)-1) { currentStack.start = 0; ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to allocate stack for thread"); return false; } nt.initialStack = currentStack.start; nt.stackSize = stackSize; return true; } bool FillStack() { // Fill the stack. Memory::Memset(currentStack.start, 0xFF, nt.stackSize); context.r[MIPS_REG_SP] = currentStack.start + nt.stackSize; currentStack.end = context.r[MIPS_REG_SP]; // The k0 section is 256 bytes at the top of the stack. context.r[MIPS_REG_SP] -= 256; context.r[MIPS_REG_K0] = context.r[MIPS_REG_SP]; u32 k0 = context.r[MIPS_REG_K0]; Memory::Memset(k0, 0, 0x100); Memory::Write_U32(GetUID(), k0 + 0xc0); Memory::Write_U32(nt.initialStack, k0 + 0xc8); Memory::Write_U32(0xffffffff, k0 + 0xf8); Memory::Write_U32(0xffffffff, k0 + 0xfc); // After k0 comes the arguments, which is done by sceKernelStartThread(). Memory::Write_U32(GetUID(), nt.initialStack); return true; } void FreeStack() { if (currentStack.start != 0) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Freeing thread stack %s", nt.name); if (nt.attr & PSP_THREAD_ATTR_KERNEL) { kernelMemory.Free(currentStack.start); } else { userMemory.Free(currentStack.start); } currentStack.start = 0; } } bool PushExtendedStack(u32 size) { u32 stack = userMemory.Alloc(size, true, (std::string("extended/") + nt.name).c_str()); if (stack == (u32)-1) return false; pushedStacks.push_back(currentStack); currentStack.start = stack; currentStack.end = stack + size; nt.initialStack = currentStack.start; nt.stackSize = currentStack.end - currentStack.start; // We still drop the threadID at the bottom and fill it, but there's no k0. Memory::Memset(currentStack.start, 0xFF, nt.stackSize); Memory::Write_U32(GetUID(), nt.initialStack); return true; } bool PopExtendedStack() { if (pushedStacks.size() == 0) return false; userMemory.Free(currentStack.start); currentStack = pushedStacks.back(); pushedStacks.pop_back(); nt.initialStack = currentStack.start; nt.stackSize = currentStack.end - currentStack.start; return true; } Thread() { currentStack.start = 0; } ~Thread() { if (pushedStacks.size() != 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "Thread ended within an extended stack"); for (size_t i = 0; i < pushedStacks.size(); ++i) userMemory.Free(pushedStacks[i].start); } FreeStack(); } ActionAfterMipsCall *getRunningCallbackAction(); void setReturnValue(u32 retval); void setReturnValue(u64 retval); void resumeFromWait(); bool isWaitingFor(WaitType type, int id); int getWaitID(WaitType type); ThreadWaitInfo getWaitInfo(); // Utils inline bool isRunning() const { return (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) != 0; } inline bool isStopped() const { return (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) != 0; } inline bool isReady() const { return (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_READY) != 0; } inline bool isWaiting() const { return (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_WAIT) != 0; } inline bool isSuspended() const { return (nt.status & THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND) != 0; } virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(nt); p.Do(waitInfo); p.Do(moduleId); p.Do(isProcessingCallbacks); p.Do(currentMipscallId); p.Do(currentCallbackId); p.Do(context); u32 numCallbacks = THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES; p.Do(numCallbacks); if (numCallbacks != THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES) { p.SetError(p.ERROR_FAILURE); ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Unable to load state: different thread callback storage."); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES; ++i) { p.Do(registeredCallbacks[i]); p.Do(readyCallbacks[i]); } p.Do(pendingMipsCalls); p.Do(pushedStacks); p.Do(currentStack); p.DoMarker("Thread"); } NativeThread nt; ThreadWaitInfo waitInfo; SceUID moduleId; bool isProcessingCallbacks; u32 currentMipscallId; SceUID currentCallbackId; ThreadContext context; std::set registeredCallbacks[THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES]; std::list readyCallbacks[THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES]; std::list pendingMipsCalls; struct StackInfo { u32 start; u32 end; }; // This is a stack of... stacks, since sceKernelExtendThreadStack() can recurse. // These are stacks that aren't "active" right now, but will pop off once the func returns. std::vector pushedStacks; StackInfo currentStack; }; struct ThreadQueueList { // Number of queues (number of priority levels starting at 0.) static const int NUM_QUEUES = 128; // Initial number of threads a single queue can handle. static const int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 32; struct Queue { // Next ever-been-used queue (worse priority.) Queue *next; // First valid item in data. int first; // One after last valid item in data. int end; // A too-large array with room on the front and end. SceUID *data; // Size of data array. int capacity; }; ThreadQueueList() { memset(queues, 0, sizeof(queues)); first = invalid(); } ~ThreadQueueList() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_QUEUES; ++i) { if (queues[i].data != NULL) free(queues[i].data); } } inline SceUID pop_first() { Queue *cur = first; while (cur != invalid()) { if (cur->end - cur->first > 0) return cur->data[cur->first++]; cur = cur->next; } _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, false, "ThreadQueueList should not be empty."); return 0; } inline SceUID pop_first_better(u32 priority) { Queue *cur = first; Queue *stop = &queues[priority]; while (cur < stop) { if (cur->end - cur->first > 0) return cur->data[cur->first++]; cur = cur->next; } return 0; } inline void push_front(u32 priority, const SceUID threadID) { Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; cur->data[--cur->first] = threadID; if (cur->first == 0) rebalance(priority); } inline void push_back(u32 priority, const SceUID threadID) { Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; cur->data[cur->end++] = threadID; if (cur->end == cur->capacity) rebalance(priority); } inline void remove(u32 priority, const SceUID threadID) { Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, cur->next != NULL, "ThreadQueueList::Queue should already be linked up."); for (int i = cur->first; i < cur->end; ++i) { if (cur->data[i] == threadID) { int remaining = --cur->end - i; if (remaining > 0) memmove(&cur->data[i], &cur->data[i + 1], remaining * sizeof(SceUID)); return; } } // Wasn't there. } inline void rotate(u32 priority) { Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, cur->next != NULL, "ThreadQueueList::Queue should already be linked up."); if (cur->end - cur->first > 1) { cur->data[cur->end++] = cur->data[cur->first++]; if (cur->end == cur->capacity) rebalance(priority); } } inline void clear() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_QUEUES; ++i) { if (queues[i].data != NULL) free(queues[i].data); } memset(queues, 0, sizeof(queues)); first = invalid(); } inline bool empty(u32 priority) const { const Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; return cur->first == cur->end; } inline void prepare(u32 priority) { Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; if (cur->next == NULL) link(priority, INITIAL_CAPACITY); } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { int numQueues = NUM_QUEUES; p.Do(numQueues); if (numQueues != NUM_QUEUES) { p.SetError(p.ERROR_FAILURE); ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Savestate loading error: invalid data"); return; } if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) clear(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_QUEUES; ++i) { Queue *cur = &queues[i]; int size = cur->end - cur->first; p.Do(size); int capacity = cur->capacity; p.Do(capacity); if (capacity == 0) continue; if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) { link(i, capacity); cur->first = (cur->capacity - size) / 2; cur->end = cur->first + size; } if (size != 0) p.DoArray(&cur->data[cur->first], size); } p.DoMarker("ThreadQueueList"); } private: Queue *invalid() const { return (Queue *) -1; } void link(u32 priority, int size) { _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, queues[priority].data == NULL, "ThreadQueueList::Queue should only be initialized once."); if (size <= INITIAL_CAPACITY) size = INITIAL_CAPACITY; else { int goal = size; size = INITIAL_CAPACITY; while (size < goal) size *= 2; } Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; cur->data = (SceUID *) malloc(sizeof(SceUID) * size); cur->capacity = size; cur->first = size / 2; cur->end = size / 2; for (int i = (int) priority - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (queues[i].next != NULL) { cur->next = queues[i].next; queues[i].next = cur; return; } } cur->next = first; first = cur; } void rebalance(u32 priority) { Queue *cur = &queues[priority]; int size = cur->end - cur->first; if (size >= cur->capacity - 2) { SceUID *new_data = (SceUID *)realloc(cur->data, cur->capacity * sizeof(SceUID)); if (new_data != NULL) { cur->capacity *= 2; cur->data = new_data; } } int newFirst = (cur->capacity - size) / 2; if (newFirst != cur->first) { memmove(&cur->data[newFirst], &cur->data[cur->first], size * sizeof(SceUID)); cur->first = newFirst; cur->end = newFirst + size; } } // The first queue that's ever been used. Queue *first; // The priority level queues of thread ids. Queue queues[NUM_QUEUES]; }; struct WaitTypeFuncs { WaitBeginCallbackFunc beginFunc; WaitEndCallbackFunc endFunc; }; void __KernelExecuteMipsCallOnCurrentThread(u32 callId, bool reschedAfter); Thread *__KernelCreateThread(SceUID &id, SceUID moduleID, const char *name, u32 entryPoint, u32 priority, int stacksize, u32 attr); void __KernelResetThread(Thread *t, int lowestPriority); void __KernelCancelWakeup(SceUID threadID); void __KernelCancelThreadEndTimeout(SceUID threadID); bool __KernelCheckThreadCallbacks(Thread *thread, bool force); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STATE BEGIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int g_inCbCount = 0; // Normally, the same as currentThread. In an interrupt, remembers the callback's thread id. SceUID currentCallbackThreadID = 0; int readyCallbacksCount = 0; SceUID currentThread; u32 idleThreadHackAddr; u32 threadReturnHackAddr; u32 cbReturnHackAddr; u32 intReturnHackAddr; u32 extendReturnHackAddr; u32 moduleReturnHackAddr; std::vector threadEndListeners; // Lists all thread ids that aren't deleted/etc. std::vector threadqueue; // Lists only ready thread ids. ThreadQueueList threadReadyQueue; SceUID threadIdleID[2]; int eventScheduledWakeup; int eventThreadEndTimeout; bool dispatchEnabled = true; MipsCallManager mipsCalls; int actionAfterCallback; int actionAfterMipsCall; // Doesn't need state saving. WaitTypeFuncs waitTypeFuncs[NUM_WAITTYPES]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STATE END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int __KernelRegisterActionType(ActionCreator creator) { return mipsCalls.registerActionType(creator); } void __KernelRestoreActionType(int actionType, ActionCreator creator) { mipsCalls.restoreActionType(actionType, creator); } Action *__KernelCreateAction(int actionType) { return mipsCalls.createActionByType(actionType); } void MipsCall::DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(entryPoint); p.Do(cbId); p.DoArray(args, ARRAY_SIZE(args)); p.Do(numArgs); p.Do(savedIdRegister); p.Do(savedRa); p.Do(savedPc); p.Do(savedV0); p.Do(savedV1); p.Do(tag); p.Do(savedId); p.Do(reschedAfter); p.DoMarker("MipsCall"); int actionTypeID = 0; if (doAfter != NULL) actionTypeID = doAfter->actionTypeID; p.Do(actionTypeID); if (actionTypeID != 0) { if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) doAfter = __KernelCreateAction(actionTypeID); doAfter->DoState(p); } } void MipsCall::setReturnValue(u32 value) { savedV0 = value; } void MipsCall::setReturnValue(u64 value) { savedV0 = value & 0xFFFFFFFF; savedV1 = (value >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; } Thread *__GetCurrentThread() { if (currentThread != 0) return kernelObjects.GetFast(currentThread); else return NULL; } u32 __KernelMipsCallReturnAddress() { return cbReturnHackAddr; } u32 __KernelInterruptReturnAddress() { return intReturnHackAddr; } u32 __KernelSetThreadRA(SceUID threadID, u32 nid) { u32 newRA; switch (nid) { case NID_MODULERETURN: newRA = moduleReturnHackAddr; break; default: ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "__KernelSetThreadRA(): invalid RA address"); return -1; } if (threadID == currentThread) currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA] = newRA; else { u32 error; Thread *thread = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (!thread) return error; thread->context.r[MIPS_REG_RA] = newRA; } return 0; } void hleScheduledWakeup(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void hleThreadEndTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void __KernelWriteFakeSysCall(u32 nid, u32 *ptr, u32 &pos) { *ptr = pos; pos += 8; WriteSyscall("FakeSysCalls", nid, *ptr); } void __KernelThreadingInit() { struct ThreadHack { u32 nid; u32 *addr; }; // Yeah, this is straight out of JPCSP, I should be ashamed. const static u32 idleThreadCode[] = { MIPS_MAKE_ADDIU(MIPS_REG_A0, MIPS_REG_ZERO, 0), MIPS_MAKE_LUI(MIPS_REG_RA, 0x0800), MIPS_MAKE_JR_RA(), //MIPS_MAKE_SYSCALL("ThreadManForUser", "sceKernelDelayThread"), MIPS_MAKE_SYSCALL("FakeSysCalls", "_sceKernelIdle"), MIPS_MAKE_BREAK(), }; // If you add another func here, don't forget __KernelThreadingDoState() below. static ThreadHack threadHacks[] = { {NID_THREADRETURN, &threadReturnHackAddr}, {NID_CALLBACKRETURN, &cbReturnHackAddr}, {NID_INTERRUPTRETURN, &intReturnHackAddr}, {NID_EXTENDRETURN, &extendReturnHackAddr}, {NID_MODULERETURN, &moduleReturnHackAddr}, }; u32 blockSize = sizeof(idleThreadCode) + ARRAY_SIZE(threadHacks) * 2 * 4; // The thread code above plus 8 bytes per "hack" dispatchEnabled = true; memset(waitTypeFuncs, 0, sizeof(waitTypeFuncs)); currentThread = 0; g_inCbCount = 0; currentCallbackThreadID = 0; readyCallbacksCount = 0; idleThreadHackAddr = kernelMemory.Alloc(blockSize, false, "threadrethack"); Memory::Memcpy(idleThreadHackAddr, idleThreadCode, sizeof(idleThreadCode)); u32 pos = idleThreadHackAddr + sizeof(idleThreadCode); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(threadHacks); ++i) { __KernelWriteFakeSysCall(threadHacks[i].nid, threadHacks[i].addr, pos); } eventScheduledWakeup = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("ScheduledWakeup", &hleScheduledWakeup); eventThreadEndTimeout = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("ThreadEndTimeout", &hleThreadEndTimeout); actionAfterMipsCall = __KernelRegisterActionType(ActionAfterMipsCall::Create); actionAfterCallback = __KernelRegisterActionType(ActionAfterCallback::Create); // Create the two idle threads, as well. With the absolute minimal possible priority. // 4096 stack size - don't know what the right value is. Hm, if callbacks are ever to run on these threads... __KernelResetThread(__KernelCreateThread(threadIdleID[0], 0, "idle0", idleThreadHackAddr, 0x7f, 4096, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_KERNEL), 0); __KernelResetThread(__KernelCreateThread(threadIdleID[1], 0, "idle1", idleThreadHackAddr, 0x7f, 4096, PSP_THREAD_ATTR_KERNEL), 0); // These idle threads are later started in LoadExec, which calls __KernelStartIdleThreads below. __KernelListenThreadEnd(__KernelCancelWakeup); __KernelListenThreadEnd(__KernelCancelThreadEndTimeout); } void __KernelThreadingDoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(g_inCbCount); p.Do(currentCallbackThreadID); p.Do(readyCallbacksCount); p.Do(idleThreadHackAddr); p.Do(threadReturnHackAddr); p.Do(cbReturnHackAddr); p.Do(intReturnHackAddr); p.Do(extendReturnHackAddr); p.Do(moduleReturnHackAddr); p.Do(currentThread); SceUID dv = 0; p.Do(threadqueue, dv); p.DoArray(threadIdleID, ARRAY_SIZE(threadIdleID)); p.Do(dispatchEnabled); p.Do(threadReadyQueue); p.Do(eventScheduledWakeup); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(eventScheduledWakeup, "ScheduledWakeup", &hleScheduledWakeup); p.Do(eventThreadEndTimeout); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(eventThreadEndTimeout, "ThreadEndTimeout", &hleThreadEndTimeout); p.Do(actionAfterMipsCall); __KernelRestoreActionType(actionAfterMipsCall, ActionAfterMipsCall::Create); p.Do(actionAfterCallback); __KernelRestoreActionType(actionAfterCallback, ActionAfterCallback::Create); hleCurrentThreadName = __KernelGetThreadName(currentThread); p.DoMarker("sceKernelThread"); } void __KernelThreadingDoStateLate(PointerWrap &p) { // We do this late to give modules time to register actions. mipsCalls.DoState(p); p.DoMarker("sceKernelThread Late"); } KernelObject *__KernelThreadObject() { return new Thread; } KernelObject *__KernelCallbackObject() { return new Callback; } void __KernelListenThreadEnd(ThreadCallback callback) { threadEndListeners.push_back(callback); } void __KernelFireThreadEnd(SceUID threadID) { for (auto iter = threadEndListeners.begin(), end = threadEndListeners.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { ThreadCallback cb = *iter; cb(threadID); } } // TODO: Use __KernelChangeThreadState instead? It has other affects... void __KernelChangeReadyState(Thread *thread, SceUID threadID, bool ready) { int prio = thread->nt.currentPriority; if (thread->isReady()) { if (!ready) threadReadyQueue.remove(prio, threadID); } else if (ready) { if (thread->isRunning()) threadReadyQueue.push_front(prio, threadID); else threadReadyQueue.push_back(prio, threadID); thread->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_READY; } } void __KernelChangeReadyState(SceUID threadID, bool ready) { u32 error; Thread *thread = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (thread) __KernelChangeReadyState(thread, threadID, ready); else WARN_LOG(HLE, "Trying to change the ready state of an unknown thread?"); } void __KernelStartIdleThreads(SceUID moduleId) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadIdleID[i], error); t->nt.gpreg = __KernelGetModuleGP(moduleId); t->context.r[MIPS_REG_GP] = t->nt.gpreg; //t->context.pc += 4; // ADJUSTPC threadReadyQueue.prepare(t->nt.currentPriority); __KernelChangeReadyState(t, threadIdleID[i], true); } } bool __KernelSwitchOffThread(const char *reason) { if (!reason) reason = "switch off thread"; SceUID threadID = currentThread; if (threadID != threadIdleID[0] && threadID != threadIdleID[1]) { Thread *current = __GetCurrentThread(); if (current && current->isRunning()) __KernelChangeReadyState(current, threadID, true); // Idle 0 chosen entirely arbitrarily. Thread *t = kernelObjects.GetFast(threadIdleID[0]); if (t) { __KernelSwitchContext(t, reason); return true; } else ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Unable to switch to idle thread."); } return false; } bool __KernelSwitchToThread(SceUID threadID, const char *reason) { if (!reason) reason = "switch to thread"; if (currentThread != threadIdleID[0] && currentThread != threadIdleID[1]) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "__KernelSwitchToThread used when already on a thread."); return false; } if (currentThread == threadID) return false; u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (!t) ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelSwitchToThread: %x doesn't exist", threadID) else { Thread *current = __GetCurrentThread(); if (current && current->isRunning()) __KernelChangeReadyState(current, threadID, true); __KernelSwitchContext(t, reason); return true; } return false; } void __KernelIdle() { CoreTiming::Idle(); // Advance must happen between Idle and Reschedule, so that threads that were waiting for something // that was triggered at the end of the Idle period must get a chance to be scheduled. CoreTiming::AdvanceQuick(); // We must've exited a callback? if (__KernelInCallback()) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(currentCallbackThreadID, error); if (t) { __KernelChangeReadyState(t, currentCallbackThreadID, false); t->nt.status = (t->nt.status | THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) & ~THREADSTATUS_READY; __KernelSwitchContext(t, "idle"); } else { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "UNTESTED - Callback thread deleted during interrupt?"); g_inCbCount = 0; currentCallbackThreadID = 0; } } // In Advance, we might trigger an interrupt such as vblank. // If we end up in an interrupt, we don't want to reschedule. // However, we have to reschedule... damn. __KernelReSchedule("idle"); } void __KernelThreadingShutdown() { kernelMemory.Free(threadReturnHackAddr); threadqueue.clear(); threadReadyQueue.clear(); threadEndListeners.clear(); mipsCalls.clear(); threadReturnHackAddr = 0; cbReturnHackAddr = 0; currentThread = 0; intReturnHackAddr = 0; hleCurrentThreadName = NULL; } const char *__KernelGetThreadName(SceUID threadID) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) return t->nt.name; return "ERROR"; } u32 __KernelGetWaitValue(SceUID threadID, u32 &error) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { return t->getWaitInfo().waitValue; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelGetWaitValue ERROR: thread %i", threadID); return 0; } } u32 __KernelGetWaitTimeoutPtr(SceUID threadID, u32 &error) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { return t->getWaitInfo().timeoutPtr; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelGetWaitTimeoutPtr ERROR: thread %i", threadID); return 0; } } SceUID __KernelGetWaitID(SceUID threadID, WaitType type, u32 &error) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { return t->getWaitID(type); } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelGetWaitID ERROR: thread %i", threadID); return 0; } } SceUID __KernelGetCurrentCallbackID(SceUID threadID, u32 &error) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) return t->currentCallbackId; else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelGetCurrentCallbackID ERROR: thread %i", threadID); return 0; } } u32 sceKernelReferThreadStatus(u32 threadID, u32 statusPtr) { static const u32 THREADINFO_SIZE = 104; static const u32 THREADINFO_SIZE_AFTER_260 = 108; if (threadID == 0) threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (!t) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelReferThreadStatus(%i, %08x): bad thread", error, threadID, statusPtr); return error; } u32 wantedSize = Memory::Read_U32(statusPtr); if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() > 0x2060010) { if (wantedSize > THREADINFO_SIZE_AFTER_260) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelReferThreadStatus(%i, %08x): bad size %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SIZE, threadID, statusPtr, wantedSize); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SIZE; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelReferThreadStatus(%i, %08x)", threadID, statusPtr); t->nt.nativeSize = THREADINFO_SIZE_AFTER_260; if (wantedSize != 0) Memory::Memcpy(statusPtr, &t->nt, wantedSize); // TODO: What is this value? Basic tests show 0... if (wantedSize > sizeof(t->nt)) Memory::Memset(statusPtr + sizeof(t->nt), 0, wantedSize - sizeof(t->nt)); } else { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelReferThreadStatus(%i, %08x)", threadID, statusPtr); t->nt.nativeSize = THREADINFO_SIZE; u32 sz = std::min(THREADINFO_SIZE, wantedSize); if (sz != 0) Memory::Memcpy(statusPtr, &t->nt, sz); } hleEatCycles(1220); return 0; } // Thanks JPCSP u32 sceKernelReferThreadRunStatus(u32 threadID, u32 statusPtr) { if (threadID == 0) threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (!t) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelReferThreadRunStatus Error %08x", error); return error; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelReferThreadRunStatus(%i, %08x)", threadID, statusPtr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(statusPtr)) return -1; Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.status, statusPtr); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.currentPriority, statusPtr + 4); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.waitType, statusPtr + 8); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.waitID, statusPtr + 12); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.wakeupCount, statusPtr + 16); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.runForClocks.lo, statusPtr + 20); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.runForClocks.hi, statusPtr + 24); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.numInterruptPreempts, statusPtr + 28); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.numThreadPreempts, statusPtr + 32); Memory::Write_U32(t->nt.numReleases, statusPtr + 36); return 0; } int sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus(SceUID threadID) { if (threadID == 0) threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (t->nt.status == THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) // TODO: can be dormant before starting, too, need to avoid that { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus(%i)", threadID); return t->nt.exitStatus; } else { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_DORMANT; } } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus Error %08x", error); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_THID; } } u32 sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType(u32 uid) { int type; if (kernelObjects.GetIDType(uid, &type)) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "%i=sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType(%i)", type, uid); return type; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType(%i) - FAILED", uid); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } } u32 sceKernelGetThreadmanIdList(u32 type, u32 readBufPtr, u32 readBufSize, u32 idCountPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdList(%i, %08x, %i, %08x)", type, readBufPtr, readBufSize, idCountPtr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(readBufPtr)) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; if (type != SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Thread) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelGetThreadmanIdList only implemented for threads"); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)readBufSize, threadqueue.size()); i++) { Memory::Write_U32(threadqueue[i], readBufPtr + (u32)i * 4); } Memory::Write_U32((u32)threadqueue.size(), idCountPtr); return 0; } // Saves the current CPU context void __KernelSaveContext(ThreadContext *ctx, bool vfpuEnabled) { memcpy(ctx->r, currentMIPS->r, sizeof(ctx->r)); memcpy(ctx->f, currentMIPS->f, sizeof(ctx->f)); if (vfpuEnabled) { memcpy(ctx->v, currentMIPS->v, sizeof(ctx->v)); memcpy(ctx->vfpuCtrl, currentMIPS->vfpuCtrl, sizeof(ctx->vfpuCtrl)); } ctx->pc = currentMIPS->pc; ctx->hi = currentMIPS->hi; ctx->lo = currentMIPS->lo; ctx->fcr0 = currentMIPS->fcr0; ctx->fcr31 = currentMIPS->fcr31; ctx->fpcond = currentMIPS->fpcond; } // Loads a CPU context void __KernelLoadContext(ThreadContext *ctx, bool vfpuEnabled) { memcpy(currentMIPS->r, ctx->r, sizeof(ctx->r)); memcpy(currentMIPS->f, ctx->f, sizeof(ctx->f)); if (vfpuEnabled) { memcpy(currentMIPS->v, ctx->v, sizeof(ctx->v)); memcpy(currentMIPS->vfpuCtrl, ctx->vfpuCtrl, sizeof(ctx->vfpuCtrl)); } currentMIPS->pc = ctx->pc; currentMIPS->hi = ctx->hi; currentMIPS->lo = ctx->lo; currentMIPS->fcr0 = ctx->fcr0; currentMIPS->fcr31 = ctx->fcr31; currentMIPS->fpcond = ctx->fpcond; // Reset the llBit, the other thread may have touched memory. currentMIPS->llBit = 0; } u32 __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(SceUID threadID) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { t->resumeFromWait(); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(%d): bad thread: %08x", threadID, error); return error; } } u32 __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(SceUID threadID, u32 retval) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { t->resumeFromWait(); t->setReturnValue(retval); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(%d): bad thread: %08x", threadID, error); return error; } } u32 __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(SceUID threadID, u64 retval) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { t->resumeFromWait(); t->setReturnValue(retval); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(%d): bad thread: %08x", threadID, error); return error; } } // Only run when you can safely accept a context switch // Triggers a waitable event, that is, it wakes up all threads that waits for it // If any changes were made, it will context switch after the syscall bool __KernelTriggerWait(WaitType type, int id, bool useRetVal, int retVal, const char *reason, bool dontSwitch) { bool doneAnything = false; u32 error; for (std::vector::iterator iter = threadqueue.begin(); iter != threadqueue.end(); iter++) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(*iter, error); if (t && t->isWaitingFor(type, id)) { // This thread was waiting for the triggered object. t->resumeFromWait(); if (useRetVal) t->setReturnValue((u32)retVal); doneAnything = true; if (type == WAITTYPE_THREADEND) __KernelCancelThreadEndTimeout(*iter); } } // if (doneAnything) // lumines? { if (!dontSwitch) { // TODO: time waster hleReSchedule(reason); } } return doneAnything; } bool __KernelTriggerWait(WaitType type, int id, const char *reason, bool dontSwitch) { return __KernelTriggerWait(type, id, false, 0, reason, dontSwitch); } bool __KernelTriggerWait(WaitType type, int id, int retVal, const char *reason, bool dontSwitch) { return __KernelTriggerWait(type, id, true, retVal, reason, dontSwitch); } // makes the current thread wait for an event void __KernelWaitCurThread(WaitType type, SceUID waitID, u32 waitValue, u32 timeoutPtr, bool processCallbacks, const char *reason) { if (!dispatchEnabled) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "Ignoring wait, dispatching disabled... right thing to do?"); return; } // TODO: Need to defer if in callback? if (g_inCbCount > 0) WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "UNTESTED - waiting within a callback, probably bad mojo."); Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); thread->nt.waitID = waitID; thread->nt.waitType = type; __KernelChangeThreadState(thread, ThreadStatus(THREADSTATUS_WAIT | (thread->nt.status & THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND))); thread->nt.numReleases++; thread->waitInfo.waitValue = waitValue; thread->waitInfo.timeoutPtr = timeoutPtr; // TODO: Remove this once all callers are cleaned up. RETURN(0); //pretend all went OK // TODO: time waster if (!reason) reason = "started wait"; hleReSchedule(processCallbacks, reason); // TODO: Remove thread from Ready queue? } void __KernelWaitCallbacksCurThread(WaitType type, SceUID waitID, u32 waitValue, u32 timeoutPtr) { if (!dispatchEnabled) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "Ignoring wait, dispatching disabled... right thing to do?"); return; } Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); thread->nt.waitID = waitID; thread->nt.waitType = type; __KernelChangeThreadState(thread, ThreadStatus(THREADSTATUS_WAIT | (thread->nt.status & THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND))); // TODO: Probably not...? thread->nt.numReleases++; thread->waitInfo.waitValue = waitValue; thread->waitInfo.timeoutPtr = timeoutPtr; __KernelForceCallbacks(); } void hleScheduledWakeup(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { SceUID threadID = (SceUID)userdata; u32 error; if (__KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_DELAY, error) == threadID) __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID); } void __KernelScheduleWakeup(SceUID threadID, s64 usFromNow) { s64 cycles = usToCycles(usFromNow); CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(cycles, eventScheduledWakeup, threadID); } void __KernelCancelWakeup(SceUID threadID) { CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(eventScheduledWakeup, threadID); } void hleThreadEndTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { SceUID threadID = (SceUID) userdata; u32 error; // Just in case it was woken on its own. if (__KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_THREADEND, error) != 0) { u32 timeoutPtr = __KernelGetWaitTimeoutPtr(threadID, error); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(timeoutPtr)) Memory::Write_U32(0, timeoutPtr); __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT); } } void __KernelScheduleThreadEndTimeout(SceUID threadID, SceUID waitForID, s64 usFromNow) { s64 cycles = usToCycles(usFromNow); CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(cycles, eventThreadEndTimeout, threadID); } void __KernelCancelThreadEndTimeout(SceUID threadID) { CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(eventThreadEndTimeout, threadID); } void __KernelRemoveFromThreadQueue(SceUID threadID) { int prio = __KernelGetThreadPrio(threadID); if (prio != 0) threadReadyQueue.remove(prio, threadID); threadqueue.erase(std::remove(threadqueue.begin(), threadqueue.end(), threadID), threadqueue.end()); } u32 __KernelDeleteThread(SceUID threadID, int exitStatus, const char *reason, bool dontSwitch) { __KernelFireThreadEnd(threadID); __KernelRemoveFromThreadQueue(threadID); __KernelTriggerWait(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, threadID, exitStatus, reason, dontSwitch); if (currentThread == threadID) { currentThread = 0; hleCurrentThreadName = NULL; } if (currentCallbackThreadID == threadID) { currentCallbackThreadID = 0; g_inCbCount = 0; } u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { // TODO: Unless they should be run before deletion? for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES; i++) readyCallbacksCount -= (int)t->readyCallbacks[i].size(); } return kernelObjects.Destroy(threadID); } // Returns NULL if the current thread is fine. Thread *__KernelNextThread() { SceUID bestThread; // If the current thread is running, it's a valid candidate. Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); if (cur && cur->isRunning()) { bestThread = threadReadyQueue.pop_first_better(cur->nt.currentPriority); if (bestThread != 0) __KernelChangeReadyState(cur, currentThread, true); } else bestThread = threadReadyQueue.pop_first(); // Assume threadReadyQueue has not become corrupt. if (bestThread != 0) return kernelObjects.GetFast(bestThread); else return 0; } void __KernelReSchedule(const char *reason) { // cancel rescheduling when in interrupt or callback, otherwise everything will be fucked up if (__IsInInterrupt() || __KernelInCallback() || !__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { reason = "In Interrupt Or Callback"; return; } // This may get us running a callback, don't reschedule out of it. if (__KernelCheckCallbacks()) { reason = "Began interrupt or callback."; return; } // Execute any pending events while we're doing scheduling. CoreTiming::AdvanceQuick(); if (__IsInInterrupt() || __KernelInCallback() || !__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { reason = "In Interrupt Or Callback"; return; } Thread *nextThread = __KernelNextThread(); if (nextThread) __KernelSwitchContext(nextThread, reason); // Otherwise, no need to switch. } void __KernelReSchedule(bool doCallbacks, const char *reason) { Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); if (doCallbacks) { if (thread) thread->isProcessingCallbacks = doCallbacks; } __KernelReSchedule(reason); if (doCallbacks && thread != NULL && thread->GetUID() == currentThread) { if (thread->isRunning()) { thread->isProcessingCallbacks = false; } } } int sceKernelCheckThreadStack() { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(__KernelGetCurThread(), error); if (t) { u32 diff = labs((long)((s64)currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_SP] - (s64)t->currentStack.start)); WARN_LOG(HLE, "%i=sceKernelCheckThreadStack()", diff); return diff; } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelCheckThreadStack() - not on thread"); return -1; } } void ThreadContext::reset() { for (int i = 0; i<32; i++) { r[i] = 0; f[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i<128; i++) { v[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i<15; i++) { vfpuCtrl[i] = 0x00000000; } vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_SPREFIX] = 0xe4; // neutral vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_TPREFIX] = 0xe4; // neutral vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_DPREFIX] = 0x0; // neutral vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_CC] = 0x3f; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_INF4] = 0; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX0] = 0x3f800001; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX1] = 0x3f800002; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX2] = 0x3f800004; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX3] = 0x3f800008; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX4] = 0x3f800000; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX5] = 0x3f800000; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX6] = 0x3f800000; vfpuCtrl[VFPU_CTRL_RCX7] = 0x3f800000; fpcond = 0; fcr0 = 0; fcr31 = 0; hi = 0; lo = 0; } void __KernelResetThread(Thread *t, int lowestPriority) { t->context.reset(); t->context.hi = 0; t->context.lo = 0; t->context.pc = t->nt.entrypoint; // If the thread would be better than lowestPriority, reset to its initial. Yes, kinda odd... if (t->nt.currentPriority < lowestPriority) t->nt.currentPriority = t->nt.initialPriority; t->nt.waitType = WAITTYPE_NONE; t->nt.waitID = 0; memset(&t->waitInfo, 0, sizeof(t->waitInfo)); t->nt.exitStatus = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_DORMANT; t->isProcessingCallbacks = false; t->currentCallbackId = 0; t->currentMipscallId = 0; t->pendingMipsCalls.clear(); t->context.r[MIPS_REG_RA] = threadReturnHackAddr; //hack! TODO fix // TODO: Not sure if it's reset here, but this makes sense. t->context.r[MIPS_REG_GP] = t->nt.gpreg; t->FillStack(); } Thread *__KernelCreateThread(SceUID &id, SceUID moduleId, const char *name, u32 entryPoint, u32 priority, int stacksize, u32 attr) { Thread *t = new Thread; id = kernelObjects.Create(t); threadqueue.push_back(id); threadReadyQueue.prepare(priority); memset(&t->nt, 0xCD, sizeof(t->nt)); t->nt.entrypoint = entryPoint; t->nt.nativeSize = sizeof(t->nt); t->nt.attr = attr; t->nt.initialPriority = t->nt.currentPriority = priority; t->nt.stackSize = stacksize; t->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT; t->nt.numInterruptPreempts = 0; t->nt.numReleases = 0; t->nt.numThreadPreempts = 0; t->nt.runForClocks.lo = 0; t->nt.runForClocks.hi = 0; t->nt.wakeupCount = 0; t->nt.initialStack = 0; t->nt.waitID = 0; t->nt.exitStatus = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_DORMANT; t->nt.waitType = WAITTYPE_NONE; if (moduleId) t->nt.gpreg = __KernelGetModuleGP(moduleId); else t->nt.gpreg = 0; // sceKernelStartThread will take care of this. t->moduleId = moduleId; strncpy(t->nt.name, name, KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); t->nt.name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; t->AllocateStack(t->nt.stackSize); // can change the stacksize! return t; } SceUID __KernelSetupRootThread(SceUID moduleID, int args, const char *argp, int prio, int stacksize, int attr) { //grab mips regs SceUID id; Thread *thread = __KernelCreateThread(id, moduleID, "root", currentMIPS->pc, prio, stacksize, attr); if (thread->currentStack.start == 0) ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "Unable to allocate stack for root thread."); __KernelResetThread(thread, 0); Thread *prevThread = __GetCurrentThread(); if (prevThread && prevThread->isRunning()) __KernelChangeReadyState(currentThread, true); currentThread = id; hleCurrentThreadName = "root"; thread->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING; // do not schedule strcpy(thread->nt.name, "root"); __KernelLoadContext(&thread->context, (attr & PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VFPU) != 0); mipsr4k.r[MIPS_REG_A0] = args; mipsr4k.r[MIPS_REG_SP] -= 256; u32 location = mipsr4k.r[MIPS_REG_SP]; mipsr4k.r[MIPS_REG_A1] = location; for (int i = 0; i < args; i++) Memory::Write_U8(argp[i], location + i); return id; } int __KernelCreateThread(const char *threadName, SceUID moduleID, u32 entry, u32 prio, int stacksize, u32 attr, u32 optionAddr) { if (threadName == NULL) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERROR=sceKernelCreateThread(): NULL name"); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERROR; } // TODO: PSP actually fails for many of these cases, but trying for compat. if (stacksize < 0x200 || stacksize >= 0x20000000) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelCreateThread(name=%s): bogus stack size %08x, using 0x4000", threadName, stacksize); stacksize = 0x4000; } if (prio < 0x08 || prio > 0x77) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelCreateThread(name=%s): bogus priority %08x", threadName, prio); prio = prio < 0x08 ? 0x08 : 0x77; } if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(entry)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelCreateThread(name=%s): invalid entry %08x", threadName, entry); // The PSP firmware seems to allow NULL...? if (entry != 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; } // We're assuming all threads created are user threads. if ((attr & PSP_THREAD_ATTR_KERNEL) == 0) attr |= PSP_THREAD_ATTR_USER; SceUID id; Thread *newThread = __KernelCreateThread(id, moduleID, threadName, entry, prio, stacksize, attr); if (newThread->currentStack.start == 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelCreateThread(name=%s): out of memory, %08x stack requested", threadName, stacksize); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "%i=sceKernelCreateThread(name=%s, entry=%08x, prio=%x, stacksize=%i)", id, threadName, entry, prio, stacksize); if (optionAddr != 0) WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelCreateThread(name=%s): unsupported options parameter %08x", threadName, optionAddr); return id; } int sceKernelCreateThread(const char *threadName, u32 entry, u32 prio, int stacksize, u32 attr, u32 optionAddr) { return __KernelCreateThread(threadName, __KernelGetCurThreadModuleId(), entry, prio, stacksize, attr, optionAddr); } // int sceKernelStartThread(SceUID threadToStartID, SceSize argSize, void *argBlock) int sceKernelStartThread(SceUID threadToStartID, int argSize, u32 argBlockPtr) { u32 error = 0; if (threadToStartID == 0) { error = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelStartThread(thread=%i, argSize=%i, argPtr=%08x): NULL thread", error, threadToStartID, argSize, argBlockPtr); return error; } if (argSize < 0 || argBlockPtr & 0x80000000) { error = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelStartThread(thread=%i, argSize=%i, argPtr=%08x): bad argument pointer/length", error, threadToStartID, argSize, argBlockPtr); return error; } Thread *startThread = kernelObjects.Get(threadToStartID, error); if (startThread == 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelStartThread(thread=%i, argSize=%i, argPtr=%08x): thread does not exist!", error, threadToStartID, argSize, argBlockPtr); return error; } if (startThread->nt.status != THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) { error = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_DORMANT; WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelStartThread(thread=%i, argSize=%i, argPtr=%08x): thread already running", error, threadToStartID, argSize, argBlockPtr); return error; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelStartThread(thread=%i, argSize=%i, argPtr=%08x)", threadToStartID, argSize, argBlockPtr); Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); __KernelResetThread(startThread, cur ? cur->nt.currentPriority : 0); u32 &sp = startThread->context.r[MIPS_REG_SP]; if (argBlockPtr && argSize > 0) { // Make room for the arguments, always 0x10 aligned. sp -= (argSize + 0xf) & ~0xf; startThread->context.r[MIPS_REG_A0] = argSize; startThread->context.r[MIPS_REG_A1] = sp; } else { if (argSize > 0) WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelStartThread(thread=%i, argSize=%i, argPtr=%08x): NULL argument with size (should crash?)", error, threadToStartID, argSize, argBlockPtr); startThread->context.r[MIPS_REG_A0] = 0; startThread->context.r[MIPS_REG_A1] = 0; } // Now copy argument to stack. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(argBlockPtr)) Memory::Memcpy(sp, Memory::GetPointer(argBlockPtr), argSize); // On the PSP, there's an extra 64 bytes of stack eaten after the args. // This could be stack overflow safety, or just stack eaten by the kernel entry func. sp -= 64; // Smaller is better for priority. Only switch if the new thread is better. if (cur && cur->nt.currentPriority > startThread->nt.currentPriority) { // Starting a thread automatically resumes the dispatch thread. // TODO: Maybe this happens even for worse-priority started threads? dispatchEnabled = true; __KernelChangeReadyState(cur, currentThread, true); hleReSchedule("thread started"); } else if (!dispatchEnabled) WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "UNTESTED Dispatch disabled while starting worse-priority thread"); __KernelChangeReadyState(startThread, threadToStartID, true); return 0; } void sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize() { SceUID threadID = PARAM(0); Thread *thread; INFO_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize(%i)", threadID); if (threadID == 0) thread = __GetCurrentThread(); else { u32 error; thread = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (thread == 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize: invalid thread id %i", threadID); RETURN(error); return; } } // Scan the stack for 0xFF int sz = 0; for (u32 addr = thread->currentStack.start; addr < thread->currentStack.start + thread->nt.stackSize; addr++) { if (Memory::Read_U8(addr) != 0xFF) break; sz++; } RETURN(sz & ~3); } void __KernelReturnFromThread() { int exitStatus = currentMIPS->r[2]; Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, thread != NULL, "Returned from a NULL thread."); INFO_LOG(HLE,"__KernelReturnFromThread: %d", exitStatus); thread->nt.exitStatus = exitStatus; __KernelChangeReadyState(thread, currentThread, false); thread->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT; __KernelFireThreadEnd(currentThread); __KernelTriggerWait(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, __KernelGetCurThread(), thread->nt.exitStatus, "thread returned", true); hleReSchedule("thread returned"); // The stack will be deallocated when the thread is deleted. } void sceKernelExitThread(int exitStatus) { Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, thread != NULL, "Exited from a NULL thread."); INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelExitThread(%d)", exitStatus); __KernelChangeReadyState(thread, currentThread, false); thread->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT; thread->nt.exitStatus = exitStatus; __KernelFireThreadEnd(currentThread); __KernelTriggerWait(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, __KernelGetCurThread(), thread->nt.exitStatus, "thread exited", true); hleReSchedule("thread exited"); // The stack will be deallocated when the thread is deleted. } void _sceKernelExitThread(int exitStatus) { Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, thread != NULL, "_Exited from a NULL thread."); ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "_sceKernelExitThread(%d): should not be called directly", exitStatus); thread->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT; thread->nt.exitStatus = exitStatus; __KernelFireThreadEnd(currentThread); __KernelTriggerWait(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, __KernelGetCurThread(), thread->nt.exitStatus, "thread _exited", true); hleReSchedule("thread _exited"); // The stack will be deallocated when the thread is deleted. } void sceKernelExitDeleteThread(int exitStatus) { Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); if (thread) { INFO_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelExitDeleteThread(%d)", exitStatus); __KernelChangeReadyState(thread, currentThread, false); thread->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT; thread->nt.exitStatus = exitStatus; __KernelDeleteThread(currentThread, exitStatus, "thread exited with delete", true); hleReSchedule("thread exited with delete"); } else ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelExitDeleteThread(%d) ERROR - could not find myself!", exitStatus); } u32 sceKernelSuspendDispatchThread() { if (!__InterruptsEnabled()) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CPUDI; u32 oldDispatchEnabled = dispatchEnabled; dispatchEnabled = false; DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "%i=sceKernelSuspendDispatchThread()", oldDispatchEnabled); return oldDispatchEnabled; } u32 sceKernelResumeDispatchThread(u32 enabled) { if (!__InterruptsEnabled()) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CPUDI; u32 oldDispatchEnabled = dispatchEnabled; dispatchEnabled = enabled != 0; DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelResumeDispatchThread(%i) - from %i", enabled, oldDispatchEnabled); hleReSchedule("dispatch resumed"); return 0; } bool __KernelIsDispatchEnabled() { // Dispatch can never be enabled when interrupts are disabled. return dispatchEnabled && __InterruptsEnabled(); } int sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue(int priority) { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue(%x)", priority); Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); // 0 is special, it means "my current priority." if (priority == 0) priority = cur->nt.currentPriority; if (priority <= 0x07 || priority > 0x77) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY; if (!threadReadyQueue.empty(priority)) { // In other words, yield to everyone else. if (cur->nt.currentPriority == priority) { threadReadyQueue.push_back(priority, currentThread); cur->nt.status = (cur->nt.status & ~THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) | THREADSTATUS_READY; } // Yield the next thread of this priority to all other threads of same priority. else threadReadyQueue.rotate(priority); hleReSchedule("rotatethreadreadyqueue"); } hleEatCycles(250); return 0; } int sceKernelDeleteThread(int threadID) { if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDeleteThread(%i): cannot delete current thread", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_DORMANT; } u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (!t->isStopped()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDeleteThread(%i): thread not dormant", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_DORMANT; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDeleteThread(%i)", threadID); return __KernelDeleteThread(threadID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "thread deleted", true); } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDeleteThread(%i): thread doesn't exist", threadID); return error; } } int sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(int threadID) { if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(%i): cannot terminate current thread", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; } u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(%i)", threadID); error = __KernelDeleteThread(threadID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED, "thread terminated with delete", true); return error; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(%i): thread doesn't exist", threadID); return error; } } int sceKernelTerminateThread(SceUID threadID) { if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateThread(%i): cannot terminate current thread", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; } u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (t->isStopped()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateThread(%i): already stopped", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_DORMANT; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateThread(%i)", threadID); t->nt.exitStatus = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_THREAD_TERMINATED; __KernelChangeReadyState(t, threadID, false); t->nt.status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT; __KernelFireThreadEnd(threadID); // TODO: Should this really reschedule? __KernelTriggerWait(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, threadID, t->nt.exitStatus, "thread terminated", true); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelTerminateThread(%i): thread doesn't exist", threadID); return error; } } SceUID __KernelGetCurThread() { return currentThread; } SceUID __KernelGetCurThreadModuleId() { Thread *t = __GetCurrentThread(); if (t) return t->moduleId; return 0; } u32 __KernelGetCurThreadStack() { Thread *t = __GetCurrentThread(); if (t) return t->currentStack.end; return 0; } SceUID sceKernelGetThreadId() { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE, "%i = sceKernelGetThreadId()", currentThread); return currentThread; } void sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority() { u32 retVal = __GetCurrentThread()->nt.currentPriority; DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"%i = sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority()", retVal); RETURN(retVal); } int sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr(u32 clearAttr, u32 setAttr) { // Seems like this is the only allowed attribute? if ((clearAttr & ~PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VFPU) != 0 || (setAttr & ~PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VFPU) != 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "0 = sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr(clear = %08x, set = %08x): invalid attr", clearAttr, setAttr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "0 = sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr(clear = %08x, set = %08x)", clearAttr, setAttr); Thread *t = __GetCurrentThread(); if (t) t->nt.attr = (t->nt.attr & ~clearAttr) | setAttr; else ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "%s(): No current thread?", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } int sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(SceUID threadID, int priority) { if (threadID == 0) threadID = currentThread; // 0 means the current (running) thread's priority, not target's. if (priority == 0) { Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); if (!cur) ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(%i, %i): no current thread?", threadID, priority) else priority = cur->nt.currentPriority; } u32 error; Thread *thread = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (thread) { if (thread->isStopped()) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(%i, %i): thread is dormant", threadID, priority); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_DORMANT; } if (priority < 0x08 || priority > 0x77) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(%i, %i): bogus priority", threadID, priority); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(%i, %i)", threadID, priority); int old = thread->nt.currentPriority; threadReadyQueue.remove(old, threadID); thread->nt.currentPriority = priority; threadReadyQueue.prepare(thread->nt.currentPriority); if (thread->isRunning()) thread->nt.status = (thread->nt.status & ~THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) | THREADSTATUS_READY; if (thread->isReady()) threadReadyQueue.push_back(thread->nt.currentPriority, threadID); hleReSchedule("change thread priority"); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%08x=sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(%i, %i) failed - no such thread", error, threadID, priority); return error; } } s64 __KernelDelayThreadUs(u64 usec) { // Seems to very based on clockrate / other things, but 0 delays less than 200us for sure. if (usec == 0) return 100; else if (usec < 200) return 200; return usec; } int sceKernelDelayThreadCB(u32 usec) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelDelayThreadCB(%i usec)",usec); SceUID curThread = __KernelGetCurThread(); __KernelScheduleWakeup(curThread, __KernelDelayThreadUs(usec)); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_DELAY, curThread, 0, 0, true, "thread delayed"); return 0; } int sceKernelDelayThread(u32 usec) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelDelayThread(%i usec)",usec); SceUID curThread = __KernelGetCurThread(); __KernelScheduleWakeup(curThread, __KernelDelayThreadUs(usec)); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_DELAY, curThread, 0, 0, false, "thread delayed"); return 0; } void sceKernelDelaySysClockThreadCB() { u32 sysclockAddr = PARAM(0); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(sysclockAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDelaySysClockThread(%08x) - bad pointer", sysclockAddr); RETURN(-1); return; } SceKernelSysClock sysclock; Memory::ReadStruct(sysclockAddr, &sysclock); // TODO: Which unit? u64 usec = sysclock.lo | ((u64)sysclock.hi << 32); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDelaySysClockThread(%08x (%llu))", sysclockAddr, usec); SceUID curThread = __KernelGetCurThread(); __KernelScheduleWakeup(curThread, __KernelDelayThreadUs(usec)); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_DELAY, curThread, 0, 0, true, "thread delayed"); } void sceKernelDelaySysClockThread() { u32 sysclockAddr = PARAM(0); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(sysclockAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDelaySysClockThread(%08x) - bad pointer", sysclockAddr); RETURN(-1); return; } SceKernelSysClock sysclock; Memory::ReadStruct(sysclockAddr, &sysclock); // TODO: Which unit? u64 usec = sysclock.lo | ((u64)sysclock.hi << 32); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDelaySysClockThread(%08x (%llu))", sysclockAddr, usec); SceUID curThread = __KernelGetCurThread(); __KernelScheduleWakeup(curThread, __KernelDelayThreadUs(usec)); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_DELAY, curThread, 0, 0, false, "thread delayed"); } u32 __KernelGetThreadPrio(SceUID id) { u32 error; Thread *thread = kernelObjects.Get(id, error); if (thread) return thread->nt.currentPriority; return 0; } bool __KernelThreadSortPriority(SceUID thread1, SceUID thread2) { return __KernelGetThreadPrio(thread1) < __KernelGetThreadPrio(thread2); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WAIT/SLEEP ETC ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int sceKernelWakeupThread(SceUID uid) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (t) { if (!t->isWaitingFor(WAITTYPE_SLEEP, 1)) { t->nt.wakeupCount++; DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelWakeupThread(%i) - wakeupCount incremented to %i", uid, t->nt.wakeupCount); } else { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelWakeupThread(%i) - woke thread at %i", uid, t->nt.wakeupCount); __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(uid); hleReSchedule("thread woken up"); } return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelWakeupThread(%i) - bad thread id", uid); return error; } } int sceKernelCancelWakeupThread(SceUID uid) { u32 error; if (uid == 0) uid = __KernelGetCurThread(); Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (t) { int wCount = t->nt.wakeupCount; t->nt.wakeupCount = 0; DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelCancelWakeupThread(%i) - wakeupCount reset from %i", uid, wCount); return wCount; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelCancelWakeupThread(%i) - bad thread id", uid); return error; } } static int __KernelSleepThread(bool doCallbacks) { Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); if (!thread) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSleepThread*(): bad current thread"); return -1; } if (thread->nt.wakeupCount > 0) { thread->nt.wakeupCount--; DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSleepThread() - wakeupCount decremented to %i", thread->nt.wakeupCount); } else { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSleepThread()"); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_SLEEP, 1, 0, 0, doCallbacks, "thread slept"); } return 0; } int sceKernelSleepThread() { return __KernelSleepThread(false); } //the homebrew PollCallbacks int sceKernelSleepThreadCB() { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSleepThreadCB()"); hleCheckCurrentCallbacks(); return __KernelSleepThread(true); } int sceKernelWaitThreadEnd(SceUID threadID, u32 timeoutPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelWaitThreadEnd(%i, %08x)", threadID, timeoutPtr); if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (t->nt.status != THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(timeoutPtr)) __KernelScheduleThreadEndTimeout(currentThread, threadID, Memory::Read_U32(timeoutPtr)); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, threadID, 0, timeoutPtr, false, "thread wait end"); } return t->nt.exitStatus; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread %i", threadID); return error; } } int sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB(SceUID threadID, u32 timeoutPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB(%i, 0x%X)", threadID, timeoutPtr); if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { hleCheckCurrentCallbacks(); if (t->nt.status != THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(timeoutPtr)) __KernelScheduleThreadEndTimeout(currentThread, threadID, Memory::Read_U32(timeoutPtr)); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, threadID, 0, timeoutPtr, true, "thread wait end"); } return t->nt.exitStatus; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB - bad thread %i", threadID); return error; } } int sceKernelReleaseWaitThread(SceUID threadID) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelReleaseWaitThread(%i)", threadID); if (__KernelInCallback()) WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "UNTESTED sceKernelReleaseWaitThread() might not do the right thing in a callback"); if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (!t->isWaiting()) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_WAIT; if (t->nt.waitType == WAITTYPE_HLEDELAY) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelReleaseWaitThread(): Refusing to wake HLE-delayed thread, right thing to do?"); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_WAIT; } __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_RELEASE_WAIT); hleReSchedule("thread released from wait"); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelReleaseWaitThread - bad thread %i", threadID); return error; } } int sceKernelSuspendThread(SceUID threadID) { // TODO: What about interrupts/callbacks? if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d): cannot suspend current thread", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; } u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (t->isStopped()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d): thread not running", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_DORMANT; } if (t->isSuspended()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d): thread already suspended", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_SUSPEND; } WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d)", threadID); if (t->isReady()) __KernelChangeReadyState(t, threadID, false); t->nt.status = (t->nt.status & ~THREADSTATUS_READY) | THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND; return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d): bad thread", threadID); return error; } } int sceKernelResumeThread(SceUID threadID) { // TODO: What about interrupts/callbacks? if (threadID == 0 || threadID == currentThread) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d): cannot suspend current thread", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_THID; } u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (t) { if (!t->isSuspended()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelSuspendThread(%d): thread not suspended", threadID); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOT_SUSPEND; } WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelResumeThread(%d)", threadID); t->nt.status &= ~THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND; // If it was dormant, waiting, etc. before we don't flip it's ready state. if (t->nt.status == 0) __KernelChangeReadyState(t, threadID, true); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelResumeThread(%d): bad thread", threadID); return error; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CALLBACKS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal API u32 __KernelCreateCallback(const char *name, u32 entrypoint, u32 commonArg) { Callback *cb = new Callback; SceUID id = kernelObjects.Create(cb); cb->nc.size = sizeof(NativeCallback); strncpy(cb->nc.name, name, 32); cb->nc.entrypoint = entrypoint; cb->nc.threadId = __KernelGetCurThread(); cb->nc.commonArgument = commonArg; cb->nc.notifyCount = 0; cb->nc.notifyArg = 0; return id; } SceUID sceKernelCreateCallback(const char *name, u32 entrypoint, u32 signalArg) { SceUID id = __KernelCreateCallback(name, entrypoint, signalArg); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "%i=sceKernelCreateCallback(name=%s, entry=%08x, callbackArg=%08x)", id, name, entrypoint, signalArg); return id; } int sceKernelDeleteCallback(SceUID cbId) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelDeleteCallback(%i)", cbId); // TODO: Make sure it's gone from all threads first! return kernelObjects.Destroy(cbId); } // Generally very rarely used, but Numblast uses it like candy. int sceKernelNotifyCallback(SceUID cbId, int notifyArg) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelNotifyCallback(%i, %i)", cbId, notifyArg); u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (cb) { // TODO: Should this notify other existing callbacks too? __KernelNotifyCallback(THREAD_CALLBACK_USER_DEFINED, cbId, notifyArg); return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelCancelCallback(%i) - bad cbId", cbId); return error; } } int sceKernelCancelCallback(SceUID cbId) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelCancelCallback(%i)", cbId); u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (cb) { // This just resets the notify count. cb->nc.notifyArg = 0; return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelCancelCallback(%i) - bad cbId", cbId); return error; } } int sceKernelGetCallbackCount(SceUID cbId) { u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (cb) { return cb->nc.notifyCount; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelGetCallbackCount(%i) - bad cbId", cbId); return error; } } int sceKernelReferCallbackStatus(SceUID cbId, u32 statusAddr) { u32 error; Callback *c = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (c) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelReferCallbackStatus(%i, %08x)", cbId, statusAddr); // TODO: Maybe check size parameter? if (Memory::IsValidAddress(statusAddr)) { Memory::WriteStruct(statusAddr, &c->nc); } // else TODO return 0; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelReferCallbackStatus(%i, %08x) - bad cbId", cbId, statusAddr); return error; } } u32 sceKernelExtendThreadStack(u32 size, u32 entryAddr, u32 entryParameter) { if (size < 512) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelExtendThreadStack(%08x, %08x, %08x) - stack size too small", size, entryAddr, entryParameter); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_STACK_SIZE; } Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); if (!thread) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelExtendThreadStack(%08x, %08x, %08x) - not on a thread?", size, entryAddr, entryParameter); return -1; } if (!thread->PushExtendedStack(size)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceKernelExtendThreadStack(%08x, %08x, %08x) - could not allocate new stack", size, entryAddr, entryParameter); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } // The stack has been changed now, so it's do or die time. DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelExtendThreadStack(%08x, %08x, %08x)", size, entryAddr, entryParameter); // Push the old SP, RA, and PC onto the stack (so we can restore them later.) Memory::Write_U32(currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA], thread->currentStack.end - 4); Memory::Write_U32(currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_SP], thread->currentStack.end - 8); Memory::Write_U32(currentMIPS->pc, thread->currentStack.end - 12); currentMIPS->pc = entryAddr; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_A0] = entryParameter; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA] = extendReturnHackAddr; // Stack should stay aligned even though we saved only 3 regs. currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_SP] = thread->currentStack.end - 0x10; return 0; } void __KernelReturnFromExtendStack() { Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); if (!thread) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "__KernelReturnFromExtendStack() - not on a thread?"); return; } // Grab the saved regs at the top of the stack. u32 restoreRA = Memory::Read_U32(thread->currentStack.end - 4); u32 restoreSP = Memory::Read_U32(thread->currentStack.end - 8); u32 restorePC = Memory::Read_U32(thread->currentStack.end - 12); if (!thread->PopExtendedStack()) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "__KernelReturnFromExtendStack() - no stack to restore?"); return; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "__KernelReturnFromExtendStack()"); currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA] = restoreRA; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_SP] = restoreSP; currentMIPS->pc = restorePC; // We retain whatever is in v0/v1, it gets passed on to the caller of sceKernelExtendThreadStack(). } void ActionAfterMipsCall::run(MipsCall &call) { u32 error; Thread *thread = kernelObjects.Get(threadID, error); if (thread) { __KernelChangeReadyState(thread, threadID, (status & THREADSTATUS_READY) != 0); thread->nt.status = status; thread->nt.waitType = waitType; thread->nt.waitID = waitID; thread->waitInfo = waitInfo; thread->isProcessingCallbacks = isProcessingCallbacks; thread->currentCallbackId = currentCallbackId; } if (chainedAction) { chainedAction->run(call); delete chainedAction; } } ActionAfterMipsCall *Thread::getRunningCallbackAction() { if (this->GetUID() == currentThread && g_inCbCount > 0) { MipsCall *call = mipsCalls.get(this->currentMipscallId); ActionAfterMipsCall *action = 0; if (call) action = static_cast(call->doAfter); // We don't have rtti, so check manually. if (!call || !action || action->actionTypeID != actionAfterMipsCall) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to access deferred info for thread: %s", this->nt.name); return NULL; } return action; } return NULL; } void Thread::setReturnValue(u32 retval) { if (this->GetUID() == currentThread) { if (g_inCbCount) { u32 callId = this->currentMipscallId; MipsCall *call = mipsCalls.get(callId); if (call) { call->setReturnValue(retval); } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to inject return value %08x in thread", retval); } } else { currentMIPS->r[2] = retval; } } else { context.r[2] = retval; } } void Thread::setReturnValue(u64 retval) { if (this->GetUID() == currentThread) { if (g_inCbCount) { u32 callId = this->currentMipscallId; MipsCall *call = mipsCalls.get(callId); if (call) { call->setReturnValue(retval); } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to inject return value %08llx in thread", retval); } } else { currentMIPS->r[2] = retval & 0xFFFFFFFF; currentMIPS->r[3] = (retval >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; } } else { context.r[2] = retval & 0xFFFFFFFF; context.r[3] = (retval >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; } } void Thread::resumeFromWait() { // Do we need to "inject" it? ActionAfterMipsCall *action = getRunningCallbackAction(); if (action) { action->status &= ~THREADSTATUS_WAIT; // TODO: What if DORMANT or DEAD? if (!(action->status & THREADSTATUS_WAITSUSPEND)) action->status = THREADSTATUS_READY; // Non-waiting threads do not process callbacks. action->isProcessingCallbacks = false; } else { this->nt.status &= ~THREADSTATUS_WAIT; // TODO: What if DORMANT or DEAD? if (!(this->nt.status & THREADSTATUS_WAITSUSPEND)) __KernelChangeReadyState(this, this->GetUID(), true); // Non-waiting threads do not process callbacks. this->isProcessingCallbacks = false; } } bool Thread::isWaitingFor(WaitType type, int id) { // Thread might be in a callback right now. ActionAfterMipsCall *action = getRunningCallbackAction(); if (action) { if (action->status & THREADSTATUS_WAIT) return action->waitType == type && action->waitID == id; return false; } if (this->nt.status & THREADSTATUS_WAIT) return this->nt.waitType == type && this->nt.waitID == id; return false; } int Thread::getWaitID(WaitType type) { // Thread might be in a callback right now. ActionAfterMipsCall *action = getRunningCallbackAction(); if (action) { if (action->waitType == type) return action->waitID; return 0; } if (this->nt.waitType == type) return this->nt.waitID; return 0; } ThreadWaitInfo Thread::getWaitInfo() { // Thread might be in a callback right now. ActionAfterMipsCall *action = getRunningCallbackAction(); if (action) return action->waitInfo; return this->waitInfo; } void __KernelSwitchContext(Thread *target, const char *reason) { u32 oldPC = 0; SceUID oldUID = 0; const char *oldName = "(none)"; Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); if (cur) // It might just have been deleted. { __KernelSaveContext(&cur->context, (cur->nt.attr & PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VFPU) != 0); oldPC = currentMIPS->pc; oldUID = cur->GetUID(); // Profile on Windows shows this takes time, skip it. if (DEBUG_LEVEL <= MAX_LOGLEVEL) oldName = cur->GetName(); // Normally this is taken care of in __KernelNextThread(). if (cur->isRunning()) __KernelChangeReadyState(cur, oldUID, true); } if (target) { currentThread = target->GetUID(); hleCurrentThreadName = target->nt.name; __KernelChangeReadyState(target, currentThread, false); target->nt.status = (target->nt.status | THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) & ~THREADSTATUS_READY; __KernelLoadContext(&target->context, (target->nt.attr & PSP_THREAD_ATTR_VFPU) != 0); } else { currentThread = 0; hleCurrentThreadName = NULL; } bool fromIdle = oldUID == threadIdleID[0] || oldUID == threadIdleID[1]; bool toIdle = currentThread == threadIdleID[0] || currentThread == threadIdleID[1]; if (!(fromIdle && toIdle)) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"Context switched: %s -> %s (%s) (%i - pc: %08x -> %i - pc: %08x)", oldName, hleCurrentThreadName, reason, oldUID, oldPC, currentThread, currentMIPS->pc); } if (target) { // No longer waiting. target->nt.waitType = WAITTYPE_NONE; target->nt.waitID = 0; __KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls(target, true); } } void __KernelChangeThreadState(Thread *thread, ThreadStatus newStatus) { if (!thread || thread->nt.status == newStatus) return; if (!dispatchEnabled && thread == __GetCurrentThread() && newStatus != THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Dispatching suspended, not changing thread state"); return; } // TODO: JPSCP has many conditions here, like removing wait timeout actions etc. // if (thread->nt.status == THREADSTATUS_WAIT && newStatus != THREADSTATUS_WAITSUSPEND) { __KernelChangeReadyState(thread, thread->GetUID(), (newStatus & THREADSTATUS_READY) != 0); thread->nt.status = newStatus; if (newStatus == THREADSTATUS_WAIT) { if (thread->nt.waitType == WAITTYPE_NONE) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Waittype none not allowed here"); } // Schedule deletion of stopped threads here. if (thread->isStopped()) } } bool __CanExecuteCallbackNow(Thread *thread) { return g_inCbCount == 0; } void __KernelCallAddress(Thread *thread, u32 entryPoint, Action *afterAction, const u32 args[], int numargs, bool reschedAfter, SceUID cbId) { _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, numargs <= 6, "MipsCalls can only take 6 args."); if (thread) { ActionAfterMipsCall *after = (ActionAfterMipsCall *) __KernelCreateAction(actionAfterMipsCall); after->chainedAction = afterAction; after->threadID = thread->GetUID(); after->status = thread->nt.status; after->waitType = thread->nt.waitType; after->waitID = thread->nt.waitID; after->waitInfo = thread->waitInfo; after->isProcessingCallbacks = thread->isProcessingCallbacks; after->currentCallbackId = thread->currentCallbackId; afterAction = after; if (thread->nt.waitType != WAITTYPE_NONE) { // If it's a callback, tell the wait to stop. if (waitTypeFuncs[thread->nt.waitType].beginFunc != NULL && cbId > 0) { waitTypeFuncs[thread->nt.waitType].beginFunc(after->threadID, thread->currentCallbackId); } // Release thread from waiting thread->nt.waitType = WAITTYPE_NONE; } __KernelChangeThreadState(thread, THREADSTATUS_READY); } MipsCall *call = new MipsCall(); call->entryPoint = entryPoint; for (int i = 0; i < numargs; i++) { call->args[i] = args[i]; } call->numArgs = (int) numargs; call->doAfter = afterAction; call->tag = "callAddress"; call->cbId = cbId; u32 callId = mipsCalls.add(call); bool called = false; if (!thread || thread == __GetCurrentThread()) { if (__CanExecuteCallbackNow(thread)) { thread = __GetCurrentThread(); __KernelChangeThreadState(thread, THREADSTATUS_RUNNING); __KernelExecuteMipsCallOnCurrentThread(callId, reschedAfter); called = true; } } if (!called) { if (thread) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Making mipscall pending on thread"); thread->pendingMipsCalls.push_back(callId); } else { WARN_LOG(HLE, "Ignoring mispcall on NULL/deleted thread"); } } } void __KernelDirectMipsCall(u32 entryPoint, Action *afterAction, u32 args[], int numargs, bool reschedAfter) { __KernelCallAddress(__GetCurrentThread(), entryPoint, afterAction, args, numargs, reschedAfter, 0); } void __KernelExecuteMipsCallOnCurrentThread(u32 callId, bool reschedAfter) { Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); if (cur == NULL) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelExecuteMipsCallOnCurrentThread(): Bad current thread"); return; } if (g_inCbCount > 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "__KernelExecuteMipsCallOnCurrentThread(): Already in a callback!"); } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Executing mipscall %i", callId); MipsCall *call = mipsCalls.get(callId); // Save the few regs that need saving call->savedPc = currentMIPS->pc; call->savedRa = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA]; call->savedV0 = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0]; call->savedV1 = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V1]; call->savedIdRegister = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_CALL_ID]; call->savedId = cur->currentMipscallId; call->reschedAfter = reschedAfter; // Set up the new state currentMIPS->pc = call->entryPoint; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA] = __KernelMipsCallReturnAddress(); // We put this two places in case the game overwrites it. // We may want it later to "inject" return values. currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_CALL_ID] = callId; cur->currentMipscallId = callId; for (int i = 0; i < call->numArgs; i++) { currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_A0 + i] = call->args[i]; } if (call->cbId != 0) g_inCbCount++; currentCallbackThreadID = currentThread; } void __KernelReturnFromMipsCall() { Thread *cur = __GetCurrentThread(); if (cur == NULL) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelReturnFromMipsCall(): Bad current thread"); return; } u32 callId = cur->currentMipscallId; if (currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_CALL_ID] != callId) WARN_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "__KernelReturnFromMipsCall(): s0 is %08x != %08x", currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_CALL_ID], callId); MipsCall *call = mipsCalls.pop(callId); // Value returned by the callback function u32 retVal = currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0]; DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"__KernelReturnFromMipsCall(), returned %08x", retVal); // Should also save/restore wait state here. if (call->doAfter) { call->doAfter->run(*call); delete call->doAfter; } currentMIPS->pc = call->savedPc; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_RA] = call->savedRa; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0] = call->savedV0; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V1] = call->savedV1; currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_CALL_ID] = call->savedIdRegister; cur->currentMipscallId = call->savedId; if (call->cbId != 0) g_inCbCount--; currentCallbackThreadID = 0; if (cur->nt.waitType != WAITTYPE_NONE) { if (waitTypeFuncs[cur->nt.waitType].endFunc != NULL && call->cbId > 0) waitTypeFuncs[cur->nt.waitType].endFunc(cur->GetUID(), cur->currentCallbackId, currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0]); } // yeah! back in the real world, let's keep going. Should we process more callbacks? if (!__KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls(cur, call->reschedAfter)) { // Sometimes, we want to stay on the thread. int threadReady = cur->nt.status & (THREADSTATUS_READY | THREADSTATUS_RUNNING); if (call->reschedAfter || threadReady == 0) __KernelReSchedule("return from callback"); } delete call; } // First arg must be current thread, passed to avoid perf cost of a lookup. bool __KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls(Thread *thread, bool reschedAfter) { _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, thread->GetUID() == __KernelGetCurThread(), "__KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls() should be called only with the current thread."); if (thread->pendingMipsCalls.empty()) { // Nothing to do return false; } if (__CanExecuteCallbackNow(thread)) { // Pop off the first pending mips call u32 callId = thread->pendingMipsCalls.front(); thread->pendingMipsCalls.pop_front(); __KernelExecuteMipsCallOnCurrentThread(callId, reschedAfter); return true; } return false; } // Executes the callback, when it next is context switched to. void __KernelRunCallbackOnThread(SceUID cbId, Thread *thread, bool reschedAfter) { u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (!cb) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelRunCallbackOnThread: Bad cbId %i", cbId); return; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "__KernelRunCallbackOnThread: Turning callback %i into pending mipscall", cbId); // Alright, we're on the right thread // Should save/restore wait state? const u32 args[] = {(u32) cb->nc.notifyCount, (u32) cb->nc.notifyArg, cb->nc.commonArgument}; // Clear the notify count / arg cb->nc.notifyCount = 0; cb->nc.notifyArg = 0; ActionAfterCallback *action = (ActionAfterCallback *) __KernelCreateAction(actionAfterCallback); if (action != NULL) action->setCallback(cbId); else ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Something went wrong creating a restore action for a callback."); __KernelCallAddress(thread, cb->nc.entrypoint, action, args, 3, reschedAfter, cbId); } void ActionAfterCallback::run(MipsCall &call) { if (cbId != -1) { u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (cb) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(cb->nc.threadId, error); if (t) { // Check for other callbacks to run (including ones this callback scheduled.) __KernelCheckThreadCallbacks(t, true); } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Left callback %i - %s", cbId, cb->nc.name); // Callbacks that don't return 0 are deleted. But should this be done here? if (currentMIPS->r[MIPS_REG_V0] != 0) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "ActionAfterCallback::run(): Callback returned non-zero, gets deleted!"); kernelObjects.Destroy(cbId); } } } } bool __KernelCurHasReadyCallbacks() { if (readyCallbacksCount == 0) return false; Thread *thread = __GetCurrentThread(); for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES; i++) { if (thread->readyCallbacks[i].size()) { return true; } } return false; } // Check callbacks on the current thread only. // Returns true if any callbacks were processed on the current thread. bool __KernelCheckThreadCallbacks(Thread *thread, bool force) { if (!thread || (!thread->isProcessingCallbacks && !force)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES; i++) { if (thread->readyCallbacks[i].size()) { SceUID readyCallback = thread->readyCallbacks[i].front(); thread->readyCallbacks[i].pop_front(); readyCallbacksCount--; // If the callback was deleted, we're good. Just skip it. if (kernelObjects.IsValid(readyCallback)) { __KernelRunCallbackOnThread(readyCallback, thread, !force); // makes pending return true; } else { WARN_LOG(HLE, "Ignoring deleted callback %08x", readyCallback); } } } return false; } // Checks for callbacks on all threads bool __KernelCheckCallbacks() { // Let's not check every thread all the time, callbacks are fairly uncommon. if (readyCallbacksCount == 0) { return false; } if (readyCallbacksCount < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "readyCallbacksCount became negative: %i", readyCallbacksCount); } // SceUID currentThread = __KernelGetCurThread(); // __GetCurrentThread()->isProcessingCallbacks = true; // do { bool processed = false; u32 error; for (std::vector::iterator iter = threadqueue.begin(); iter != threadqueue.end(); iter++) { Thread *thread = kernelObjects.Get(*iter, error); if (thread && __KernelCheckThreadCallbacks(thread, false)) { processed = true; } } // } while (processed && currentThread == __KernelGetCurThread()); if (processed) return __KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls(__GetCurrentThread(), true); return processed; } bool __KernelForceCallbacks() { // Let's not check every thread all the time, callbacks are fairly uncommon. if (readyCallbacksCount == 0) { return false; } if (readyCallbacksCount < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "readyCallbacksCount became negative: %i", readyCallbacksCount); } Thread *curThread = __GetCurrentThread(); bool callbacksProcessed = __KernelCheckThreadCallbacks(curThread, true); if (callbacksProcessed) __KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls(curThread, false); return callbacksProcessed; } // Not wrapped because it has special return logic. void sceKernelCheckCallback() { // Start with yes. RETURN(1); bool callbacksProcessed = __KernelForceCallbacks(); if (callbacksProcessed) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceKernelCheckCallback() - processed a callback."); } else { RETURN(0); } } bool __KernelInCallback() { return (g_inCbCount != 0); } u32 __KernelRegisterCallback(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId) { Thread *t = __GetCurrentThread(); if (cbId > 0 && t->registeredCallbacks[type].find(cbId) == t->registeredCallbacks[type].end()) { t->registeredCallbacks[type].insert(cbId); return 0; } else { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVAL; } } u32 __KernelUnregisterCallback(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId) { Thread *t = __GetCurrentThread(); if (t->registeredCallbacks[type].find(cbId) != t->registeredCallbacks[type].end()) { t->registeredCallbacks[type].erase(cbId); return 0; } else { return 0x80010016; } } void __KernelNotifyCallback(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId, int notifyArg) { u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(cbId, error); if (!cb) { // Yeah, we're screwed, this shouldn't happen. ERROR_LOG(HLE, "__KernelNotifyCallback - invalid callback %08x", cbId); return; } cb->nc.notifyCount++; cb->nc.notifyArg = notifyArg; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(cb->nc.threadId, error); std::list &readyCallbacks = t->readyCallbacks[type]; auto iter = std::find(readyCallbacks.begin(), readyCallbacks.end(), cbId); if (iter == readyCallbacks.end()) { t->readyCallbacks[type].push_back(cbId); readyCallbacksCount++; } } // TODO: If cbId == -1, notify the callback ID on all threads that have it. u32 __KernelNotifyCallbackType(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId, int notifyArg) { u32 error; for (std::vector::iterator iter = threadqueue.begin(); iter != threadqueue.end(); iter++) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(*iter, error); if (!t) continue; for (std::set::iterator citer = t->registeredCallbacks[type].begin(); citer != t->registeredCallbacks[type].end(); citer++) { if (cbId == -1 || cbId == *citer) { __KernelNotifyCallback(type, *citer, notifyArg); } } } // checkCallbacks on other threads? return 0; } void __KernelRegisterWaitTypeFuncs(WaitType type, WaitBeginCallbackFunc beginFunc, WaitEndCallbackFunc endFunc) { waitTypeFuncs[type].beginFunc = beginFunc; waitTypeFuncs[type].endFunc = endFunc; } std::vector GetThreadsInfo() { std::vector threadList; u32 error; for (std::vector::iterator iter = threadqueue.begin(); iter != threadqueue.end(); iter++) { Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(*iter, error); if (!t) continue; DebugThreadInfo info; info.id = *iter; strncpy(info.name,t->GetName(),KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); info.name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; info.status = t->nt.status; info.entrypoint = t->nt.entrypoint; if(*iter == currentThread) info.curPC = currentMIPS->pc; else info.curPC = t->context.pc; info.isCurrent = (*iter == currentThread); threadList.push_back(info); } return threadList; } void __KernelChangeThreadState(SceUID threadId, ThreadStatus newStatus) { u32 error; Thread *t = kernelObjects.Get(threadId, error); if (!t) return; __KernelChangeThreadState(t, newStatus); } int hleLoadExecForUser_362A956B() { u32 error; Callback *cb = kernelObjects.Get(registeredExitCbId, error); if (!cb) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "LoadExecForUser_362A956B() : registeredExitCbId not found 0x%x", registeredExitCbId); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CBID; } int cbArg = cb->nc.commonArgument; if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(cbArg)) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "LoadExecForUser_362A956B() : invalid address for cbArg (0x%08X)", cbArg); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; } int unknown1 = Memory::Read_U32(cbArg - 8); if (unknown1 < 0 || unknown1 >= 4) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "LoadExecForUser_362A956B() : invalid value unknown1 (0x%08X)", unknown1); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } int parameterArea = Memory::Read_U32(cbArg - 4); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(parameterArea)) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "LoadExecForUser_362A956B() : invalid address for parameterArea on userMemory (0x%08X)", parameterArea); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; } int size = Memory::Read_U32(parameterArea); if (size < 12) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "LoadExecForUser_362A956B() : invalid parameterArea size %d", size); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SIZE; } Memory::Write_U32(0, parameterArea + 4); Memory::Write_U32(-1, parameterArea + 8); return 0; }