using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo { //iNES Mapper 72 //Example Games: //-------------------------- //Pinball Quest (J) //Moero!! Pro Tennis //Moero!! Juudou Warriors //based on the chips on the pcb (3x 4bit registers and some OR gates) i'm gonna speculate something a little different about how this works. //there isnt enough memory for 2 bank registers, a latched bank, and a latched command. so i think the bank isnt latched--the command is latched. //when the top 2 bits are 0, then the low 4 bits are written to the register specified by the latch //when the top 2 bits arent 0, theyre written to the latch //interestingly, this works (for pinball quest) only when bus conflicts are applied, otherwise the game cant get past the title public sealed class JALECO_JF_17 : NES.NESBoardBase { //configuration int prg_bank_mask_16k; int chr_bank_mask_8k; //state int latch; ByteBuffer prg_banks_16k = new ByteBuffer(2); ByteBuffer chr_banks_8k = new ByteBuffer(1); public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { switch (Cart.board_type) { case "MAPPER072": break; case "JALECO-JF-17": break; default: return false; } prg_bank_mask_16k = (Cart.prg_size / 16) - 1; chr_bank_mask_8k = (Cart.chr_size / 8) - 1; SetMirrorType(Cart.pad_h, Cart.pad_v); prg_banks_16k[1] = 0xFF; chr_banks_8k[0] = 0; SyncMap(); return true; } void SyncMap() { ApplyMemoryMapMask(prg_bank_mask_16k, prg_banks_16k); ApplyMemoryMapMask(chr_bank_mask_8k, chr_banks_8k); } public override void Dispose() { prg_banks_16k.Dispose(); base.Dispose(); } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("latch", ref latch); ser.Sync("prg_banks_16k", ref prg_banks_16k); ser.Sync("chr_banks_8k", ref chr_banks_8k); } public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value) { //Console.WriteLine("MAP {0:X4} = {1:X2}", addr, value); value = HandleNormalPRGConflict(addr, value); int command = value >> 6; switch (command) { case 0: if (latch == 1) chr_banks_8k[0] = (byte)(value & 0xF); else if (latch == 2) prg_banks_16k[0] = (byte)(value & 0xF); SyncMap(); break; default: latch = command; break; } } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { addr = ApplyMemoryMap(14, prg_banks_16k, addr); return ROM[addr]; } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { addr = ApplyMemoryMap(13, chr_banks_8k, addr); return base.ReadPPUChr(addr); } else return base.ReadPPU(addr); } } }