using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; //IDEA: put filesizes in DB too. then scans can go real quick by only scanning filesizes that match (and then scanning filesizes that dont match, in case of an emergency) //this would be adviseable if we end up with a very large firmware file namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class FirmwareManager { //represents a file found on disk in the user's firmware directory matching a file in our database class RealFirmwareFile { public FileInfo fi; public string hash; } public class ResolutionInfo { public bool UserSpecified; public bool Missing; public bool KnownMismatching; public FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareFile KnownFirmwareFile; public string FilePath; public string Hash; } readonly Dictionary ResolutionDictionary = new Dictionary(); public ResolutionInfo Resolve(string sysId, string firmwareId) { return Resolve(FirmwareDatabase.LookupFirmwareRecord(sysId, firmwareId)); } public ResolutionInfo Resolve(FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareRecord record) { bool first = true; RETRY: ResolutionInfo resolved; ResolutionDictionary.TryGetValue(record, out resolved); //couldnt find it! do a scan and resolve to try harder if (resolved == null && first) { DoScanAndResolve(); first = false; goto RETRY; } return resolved; } //Requests the spcified firmware. tries really hard to scan and resolve as necessary public string Request(string sysId, string firmwareId) { var resolved = Resolve(sysId, firmwareId); if (resolved == null) return null; return resolved.FilePath; } class RealFirmwareReader { byte[] buffer = new byte[0]; public RealFirmwareFile Read(FileInfo fi) { RealFirmwareFile rff = new RealFirmwareFile {fi = fi}; long len = fi.Length; if (len > buffer.Length) buffer = new byte[len]; using (var fs = fi.OpenRead()) fs.Read(buffer, 0, (int)len); rff.hash = Util.Hash_SHA1(buffer, 0, (int)len); dict[rff.hash] = rff; files.Add(rff); return rff; } public readonly Dictionary dict = new Dictionary(); private readonly List files = new List(); } public void DoScanAndResolve() { RealFirmwareReader reader = new RealFirmwareReader(); //build a list of files under the global firmwares path, and build a hash for each of them while we're at it var todo = new Queue(new[] { new DirectoryInfo(Global.Config.PathEntries.FirmwaresPath) }); while (todo.Count != 0) { var di = todo.Dequeue(); //we're going to allow recursing into subdirectories, now. its been verified to work OK foreach (var disub in di.GetDirectories()) todo.Enqueue(disub); foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles()) { reader.Read(fi); } } //now, for each firmware record, try to resolve it foreach (var fr in FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareRecords) { //clear previous resolution results ResolutionDictionary.Remove(fr); //get all options for this firmware (in order) FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareRecord fr1 = fr; var options = from fo in FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareOptions where fo.systemId == fr1.systemId && fo.firmwareId == fr1.firmwareId select fo; //try each option foreach (var fo in options) { var hash = fo.hash; //did we find this firmware? if (reader.dict.ContainsKey(hash)) { //rad! then we can use it var ri = new ResolutionInfo { FilePath = reader.dict[hash].fi.FullName, KnownFirmwareFile = FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareFilesByHash[hash], Hash = hash }; ResolutionDictionary[fr] = ri; goto DONE_FIRMWARE; } } DONE_FIRMWARE: ; } //apply user overrides foreach (var fr in FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareRecords) { string userSpec; //do we have a user specification for this firmware record? if (Global.Config.FirmwareUserSpecifications.TryGetValue(fr.ConfigKey, out userSpec)) { //flag it as user specified ResolutionInfo ri; if (!ResolutionDictionary.TryGetValue(fr, out ri)) { ri = new ResolutionInfo(); ResolutionDictionary[fr] = ri; } ri.UserSpecified = true; ri.KnownFirmwareFile = null; ri.FilePath = userSpec; ri.Hash = null; //check whether it exists var fi = new FileInfo(userSpec); if (!fi.Exists) { ri.Missing = true; continue; } //compute its hash var rff = reader.Read(fi); ri.Hash = rff.hash; //check whether it was a known file anyway, and go ahead and bind to the known file, as a perk (the firmwares config doesnt really use this information right now) FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareFile ff; if(FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareFilesByHash.TryGetValue(rff.hash,out ff)) { ri.KnownFirmwareFile = ff; //if the known firmware file is for a different firmware, flag it so we can show a warning var option = (from fo in FirmwareDatabase.FirmwareOptions where fo.hash == rff.hash && fo.ConfigKey != fr.ConfigKey select fr).FirstOrDefault(); if (option != null) ri.KnownMismatching = true; } } } } } }