using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public static class BkmMnemonicConstants { public static readonly Dictionary> BUTTONS = new Dictionary> { { "Gameboy Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"} } }, { "Lynx Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"} } }, { "GBA Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"}, {"L", "L"}, {"R", "R"} } }, { "Genesis 3-Button Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"A", "A"}, {"B", "B"}, {"C", "C"} } }, { "GPGX Genesis Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"A", "A"}, {"B", "B"}, {"C", "C"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"X", "X"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"Z", "Z"}, {"Mode", "M"} } }, { "GPGX 3-Button Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"A", "A"}, {"B", "B"}, {"C", "C"}, {"Start", "S"}, } }, { "NES Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"} } }, { "SNES Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"}, {"X", "X"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"L", "L"}, {"R", "R"} } }, { "PC Engine Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Run", "r"}, {"B2", "2"}, {"B1", "1"} } }, { "SMS Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"B1", "1"}, {"B2", "2"} } }, { "TI83 Controller", new Dictionary { {"0", "0"}, {"1", "1"}, {"2", "2"}, {"3", "3"}, {"4", "4"}, {"5", "5"}, {"6", "6"}, {"7", "7"}, {"8", "8"}, {"9", "9"}, {"DOT", "`"}, {"ON", "O"}, {"ENTER", "="}, {"UP", "U"}, {"DOWN", "D"}, {"LEFT", "L"}, {"RIGHT", "R"}, {"PLUS", "+"}, {"MINUS", "_"}, {"MULTIPLY", "*"}, {"DIVIDE", "/"}, {"CLEAR", "c"}, {"EXP", "^"}, {"DASH", "-"}, {"PARAOPEN", "("}, {"PARACLOSE", ")"}, {"TAN", "T"}, {"VARS", "V"}, {"COS", "C"}, {"PRGM", "P"}, {"STAT", "s"}, {"MATRIX", "m"}, {"X", "X"}, {"STO", ">"}, {"LN", "n"}, {"LOG", "L"}, {"SQUARED", "2"}, {"NEG1", "1"}, {"MATH", "H"}, {"ALPHA", "A"}, {"GRAPH", "G"}, {"TRACE", "t"}, {"ZOOM", "Z"}, {"WINDOW", "W"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"2ND", "&"}, {"MODE", "O"}, {"DEL", "D"}, {"COMMA", ","}, {"SIN", "S"} } }, { "Atari 2600 Basic Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Button", "B"} } }, { "Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Trigger", "1"}, {"Trigger 2", "2"} } }, { "Commodore 64 Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Button", "B"} } }, { "Commodore 64 Keyboard", new Dictionary { {"Key F1", "1"}, {"Key F3", "3"}, {"Key F5", "5"}, {"Key F7", "7"}, {"Key Left Arrow", "l"}, {"Key 1", "1"}, {"Key 2", "2"}, {"Key 3", "3"}, {"Key 4", "4"}, {"Key 5", "5"}, {"Key 6", "6"}, {"Key 7", "7"}, {"Key 8", "8"}, {"Key 9", "9"}, {"Key 0", "0"}, {"Key Plus", "+"}, {"Key Minus", "-"}, {"Key Pound", "l"}, {"Key Clear/Home", "c"}, {"Key Insert/Delete", "i"}, {"Key Control", "c"}, {"Key Q", "Q"}, {"Key W", "W"}, {"Key E", "E"}, {"Key R", "R"}, {"Key T", "T"}, {"Key Y", "Y"}, {"Key U", "U"}, {"Key I", "I"}, {"Key O", "O"}, {"Key P", "P"}, {"Key At", "@"}, {"Key Asterisk", "*"}, {"Key Up Arrow", "u"}, {"Key Restore", "r"}, {"Key Run/Stop", "s"}, {"Key Lck", "k"}, {"Key A", "A"}, {"Key S", "S"}, {"Key D", "D"}, {"Key F", "F"}, {"Key G", "G"}, {"Key H", "H"}, {"Key J", "J"}, {"Key K", "K"}, {"Key L", "L"}, {"Key Colon", ":"}, {"Key Semicolon", ";"}, {"Key Equal", "="}, {"Key Return", "e"}, {"Key Commodore", "o"}, {"Key Left Shift", "s"}, {"Key Z", "Z"}, {"Key X", "X"}, {"Key C", "C"}, {"Key V", "V"}, {"Key B", "B"}, {"Key N", "N"}, {"Key M", "M"}, {"Key Comma", ","}, {"Key Period", ">"}, {"Key Slash", "/"}, {"Key Right Shift", "s"}, {"Key Cursor Up/Down", "u"}, {"Key Cursor Left/Right", "l"}, {"Key Space", "_"} } }, { "ColecoVision Basic Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"L", "l"}, {"R", "r"}, {"Key1", "1"}, {"Key2", "2"}, {"Key3", "3"}, {"Key4", "4"}, {"Key5", "5"}, {"Key6", "6"}, {"Key7", "7"}, {"Key8", "8"}, {"Key9", "9"}, {"Star", "*"}, {"Key0", "0"}, {"Pound", "#"} } }, { "Nintento 64 Controller", new Dictionary { {"DPad U", "U"}, {"DPad D", "D"}, {"DPad L", "L"}, {"DPad R", "R"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"}, {"Z", "Z"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"L", "L"}, {"R", "R"}, {"C Up", "u"}, {"C Down", "d"}, {"C Left", "l"}, {"C Right", "r"} } }, { "Saturn Controller", new Dictionary { {"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"X", "X"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"Z", "Z"}, {"A", "A"}, {"B", "B"}, {"C", "C"}, {"L", "l"}, {"R", "r"}, } } }; public static readonly Dictionary> ANALOGS = new Dictionary> { {"Nintento 64 Controller", new Dictionary {{"X Axis", "X"}, {"Y Axis", "Y"}}} }; public static readonly Dictionary> COMMANDS = new Dictionary> { {"Atari 2600 Basic Controller", new Dictionary {{"Reset", "r"}, {"Select", "s"}}}, {"Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", new Dictionary {{"Reset", "r"}, {"Select", "s"}}}, {"Gameboy Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}}}, {"GBA Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}}}, {"Genesis 3-Button Controller", new Dictionary {{"Reset", "r"}}}, {"GPGX Genesis Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}, {"Reset", "r"}}}, {"NES Controller", new Dictionary {{"Reset", "r"}, {"Power", "P"}, {"FDS Eject", "E"}, {"FDS Insert 0", "0"}, {"FDS Insert 1", "1"}, {"VS Coin 1", "c"}, {"VS Coin 2", "C"}}}, {"SNES Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}, {"Reset", "r"}}}, {"PC Engine Controller", new Dictionary()}, {"SMS Controller", new Dictionary {{"Pause", "p"}, {"Reset", "r"}}}, {"TI83 Controller", new Dictionary()}, {"Nintento 64 Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}, {"Reset", "r"}}}, {"Saturn Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}, {"Reset", "r"}}}, {"GPGX 3-Button Controller", new Dictionary {{"Power", "P"}, {"Reset", "r"}}}, }; public static readonly Dictionary PLAYERS = new Dictionary { {"Gameboy Controller", 1}, {"GBA Controller", 1}, {"Genesis 3-Button Controller", 2}, {"GPGX Genesis Controller", 2}, {"NES Controller", 4}, {"SNES Controller", 4}, {"PC Engine Controller", 5}, {"SMS Controller", 2}, {"TI83 Controller", 1}, {"Atari 2600 Basic Controller", 2}, {"Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", 2}, {"ColecoVision Basic Controller", 2}, {"Commodore 64 Controller", 2}, {"Nintento 64 Controller", 4}, {"Saturn Controller", 2}, {"GPGX 3-Button Controller", 2}, { "Lynx Controller", 1 } }; // just experimenting with different possibly more painful ways to handle mnemonics // |P|UDLRsSBA| public static Tuple[] DGBMnemonic = { new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("P1 Power", 'P'), new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("P1 Up", 'U'), new Tuple("P1 Down", 'D'), new Tuple("P1 Left", 'L'), new Tuple("P1 Right", 'R'), new Tuple("P1 Select", 's'), new Tuple("P1 Start", 'S'), new Tuple("P1 B", 'B'), new Tuple("P1 A", 'A'), new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("P2 Power", 'P'), new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("P2 Up", 'U'), new Tuple("P2 Down", 'D'), new Tuple("P2 Left", 'L'), new Tuple("P2 Right", 'R'), new Tuple("P2 Select", 's'), new Tuple("P2 Start", 'S'), new Tuple("P2 B", 'B'), new Tuple("P2 A", 'A'), new Tuple(null, '|') }; public static Tuple[] WSMnemonic = { new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("P1 X1", '1'), new Tuple("P1 X3", '3'), new Tuple("P1 X4", '4'), new Tuple("P1 X2", '2'), new Tuple("P1 Y1", '1'), new Tuple("P1 Y3", '3'), new Tuple("P1 Y4", '4'), new Tuple("P1 Y2", '2'), new Tuple("P1 Start", 'S'), new Tuple("P1 B", 'B'), new Tuple("P1 A", 'A'), new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("P2 X1", '1'), new Tuple("P2 X3", '3'), new Tuple("P2 X4", '4'), new Tuple("P2 X2", '2'), new Tuple("P2 Y1", '1'), new Tuple("P2 Y3", '3'), new Tuple("P2 Y4", '4'), new Tuple("P2 Y2", '2'), new Tuple("P2 Start", 'S'), new Tuple("P2 B", 'B'), new Tuple("P2 A", 'A'), new Tuple(null, '|'), new Tuple("Power", 'P'), new Tuple("Rotate", 'R'), new Tuple(null, '|') }; } }