using System; using System.Drawing; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.Commodore64.MOS { sealed public partial class Vic { public Func ReadColorRam; public Func ReadMemory; public bool ReadAECBuffer() { return pinAEC; } public bool ReadBABuffer() { return pinBA; } public bool ReadIRQBuffer() { return pinIRQ; } private int cyclesPerSec; private int irqShift; private int[][] pipeline; private int totalCycles; private int totalLines; public Vic(int newCycles, int newLines, int[][] newPipeline, int newCyclesPerSec, int hblankStart, int hblankEnd, int vblankStart, int vblankEnd) { { this.hblankStart = hblankStart; this.hblankEnd = hblankEnd; this.vblankStart = vblankStart; this.vblankEnd = vblankEnd; totalCycles = newCycles; totalLines = newLines; pipeline = newPipeline; cyclesPerSec = newCyclesPerSec; bufWidth = TimingBuilder_ScreenWidth(pipeline[0], hblankStart, hblankEnd); bufHeight = TimingBuilder_ScreenHeight(vblankStart, vblankEnd, newLines); buf = new int[bufWidth * bufHeight]; bufLength = buf.Length; sprites = new Sprite[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) sprites[i] = new Sprite(); bufferC = new int[40]; bufferG = new int[40]; } } public int CyclesPerFrame { get { return (totalCycles * totalLines); } } public int CyclesPerSecond { get { return cyclesPerSec; } } public void ExecutePhase1() { { // raster IRQ compare if ((cycle == rasterIrqLineXCycle && rasterLine > 0) || (cycle == rasterIrqLine0Cycle && rasterLine == 0)) { if (rasterLine != lastRasterLine) if (rasterLine == rasterInterruptLine) intRaster = true; lastRasterLine = rasterLine; } // display enable compare if (rasterLine == 0x030) badlineEnable |= displayEnable; // badline compare if (badlineEnable && rasterLine >= 0x030 && rasterLine < 0x0F7 && ((rasterLine & 0x7) == yScroll)) { badline = true; } else { badline = false; } // go into display state on a badline if (badline) idle = false; ParseCycle(); Render(); // if the BA counter is nonzero, allow CPU bus access UpdateBA(); pinAEC = false; // must always come last //UpdatePins(); } } public void ExecutePhase2() { { ParseCycle(); // advance cycle and optionally raster line cycle++; if (cycle == totalCycles) { if (rasterLine == borderB) borderOnVertical = true; if (rasterLine == borderT && displayEnable) borderOnVertical = false; if (rasterLine == vblankStart) vblank = true; if (rasterLine == vblankEnd) vblank = false; cycleIndex = 0; cycle = 0; rasterLine++; if (rasterLine == totalLines) { rasterLine = 0; vcbase = 0; vc = 0; } } Render(); UpdateBA(); pinAEC = (baCount > 0); // must always come last UpdatePins(); } } private void UpdateBA() { if (pinBA) baCount = baResetCounter; else if (baCount > 0) baCount--; } private void UpdateBorder() { borderL = columnSelect ? 0x018 : 0x01F; borderR = columnSelect ? 0x158 : 0x14F; //borderL = columnSelect ? 28 : 35; //borderR = columnSelect ? 348 : 339; borderT = rowSelect ? 0x033 : 0x037; borderB = rowSelect ? 0x0FB : 0x0F7; } private void UpdatePins() { bool irqTemp = !( (enableIntRaster & intRaster) | (enableIntSpriteDataCollision & intSpriteDataCollision) | (enableIntSpriteCollision & intSpriteCollision) | (enableIntLightPen & intLightPen)); irqShift <<= 1; irqShift |= (irqTemp ? 0x1 : 0x0); pinIRQ = (irqShift & 0x1) != 0; } private void UpdateVideoMode() { if (!extraColorMode && !bitmapMode && !multicolorMode) { videoMode = 0; return; } else if (!extraColorMode && !bitmapMode && multicolorMode) { videoMode = 1; return; } else if (!extraColorMode && bitmapMode && !multicolorMode) { videoMode = 2; return; } else if (!extraColorMode && bitmapMode && multicolorMode) { videoMode = 3; return; } else if (extraColorMode && !bitmapMode && !multicolorMode) { videoMode = 4; return; } videoMode = -1; } } }