using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Client.Common.InputAdapterExtensions; using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { /// /// This is an old abstracted rendering class that the OSD system is using to get its work done. /// We should probably just use a GuiRenderer (it was designed to do that) although wrapping it with /// more information for OSDRendering could be helpful I suppose /// public interface IBlitter { IBlitterFont GetFontType(string fontType); void DrawString(string s, IBlitterFont font, Color color, float x, float y); SizeF MeasureString(string s, IBlitterFont font); Rectangle ClipBounds { get; set; } } class UIMessage { public string Message; public DateTime ExpireAt; } class UIDisplay { public string Message; public int X; public int Y; public int Anchor; public Color ForeColor; public Color BackGround; } public class OSDManager { public string FPS { get; set; } public IBlitterFont MessageFont; public void Dispose() { } public void Begin(IBlitter blitter) { MessageFont = blitter.GetFontType("MessageFont"); } public Color FixedMessagesColor { get { return Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MessagesColor); } } public Color FixedAlertMessageColor { get { return Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.AlertMessageColor); } } public OSDManager() { } private float GetX(IBlitter g, int x, int anchor, string message) { var size = g.MeasureString(message, MessageFont); switch (anchor) { default: case 0: //Top Left case 2: //Bottom Left return x; case 1: //Top Right case 3: //Bottom Right return g.ClipBounds.Width - x - size.Width; } } private float GetY(IBlitter g, int y, int anchor, string message) { var size = g.MeasureString(message, MessageFont); switch (anchor) { default: case 0: //Top Left case 1: //Top Right return y; case 2: //Bottom Left case 3: //Bottom Right return g.ClipBounds.Height - y - size.Height; } } private string MakeFrameCounter() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb .Append(Global.Emulator.Frame) .Append('/') .Append(Global.MovieSession.Movie.FrameCount) .Append(" (Finished)"); return sb.ToString(); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb .Append(Global.Emulator.Frame) .Append('/') .Append(Global.MovieSession.Movie.FrameCount); return sb.ToString(); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsRecording) { return Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString(); } return Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString(); } private List messages = new List(5); private List GUITextList = new List(); public void AddMessage(string message) { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; messages.Add(new UIMessage { Message = message, ExpireAt = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2) }); } public void AddGUIText(string message, int x, int y, Color backGround, Color foreColor, int anchor) { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; GUITextList.Add(new UIDisplay { Message = message, X = x, Y = y, BackGround = backGround, ForeColor = foreColor, Anchor = anchor }); } public void ClearGUIText() { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; GUITextList.Clear(); } public void DrawMessages(IBlitter g) { messages.RemoveAll(m => DateTime.Now > m.ExpireAt); int line = 1; if (Global.Config.StackOSDMessages) { for (int i = messages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--, line++) { float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispMessagex, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, messages[i].Message); float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispMessagey, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, messages[i].Message); if (Global.Config.DispMessageanchor < 2) { y += ((line - 1) * 18); } else { y -= ((line - 1) * 18); } g.DrawString(messages[i].Message, MessageFont, Color.Black, x + 2, y + 2); g.DrawString(messages[i].Message, MessageFont, FixedMessagesColor, x, y); } } else { if (messages.Any()) { int i = messages.Count - 1; float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispMessagex, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, messages[i].Message); float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispMessagey, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, messages[i].Message); if (Global.Config.DispMessageanchor < 2) { y += ((line - 1) * 18); } else { y -= ((line - 1) * 18); } g.DrawString(messages[i].Message, MessageFont, Color.Black, x + 2, y + 2); g.DrawString(messages[i].Message, MessageFont, FixedMessagesColor, x, y); } } foreach (var text in GUITextList) { try { float posx = GetX(g, text.X, text.Anchor, text.Message); float posy = GetY(g, text.Y, text.Anchor, text.Message); g.DrawString(text.Message, MessageFont, text.BackGround, posx + 2, posy + 2); g.DrawString(text.Message, MessageFont, text.ForeColor, posx, posy); } catch (Exception) { return; } } } public string InputStrMovie() { var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance(); lg.SetSource(Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter); return lg.GenerateInputDisplay(); } public string InputStrImmediate() { var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance(); lg.SetSource(Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter); return lg.GenerateInputDisplay(); } public string InputPrevious() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished) { var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance(); var state = Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1); if (state != null) { lg.SetSource(state); return lg.GenerateInputDisplay(); } } return string.Empty; } public string InputStrOrAll() { var m = (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished && Global.Emulator.Frame > 0) ? Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1) : Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerInstance(); var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance(); lg.SetSource(Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.Or(m)); return lg.GenerateInputDisplay(); } public string InputStrSticky() { var stickyOr = new StickyOrAdapter { Source = Global.StickyXORAdapter, SourceStickyOr = Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter }; var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance(); lg.SetSource(stickyOr); return lg.GenerateInputDisplay(); } public string MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { var m = Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished ? Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1) : Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerInstance(); var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance(); lg.SetSource(Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.And(m)); return lg.GenerateInputDisplay(); } return string.Empty; } public string MakeRerecordCount() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { return Global.MovieSession.Movie.Rerecords.ToString(); } return string.Empty; } private void DrawOsdMessage(IBlitter g, string message, Color color, float x, float y) { g.DrawString(message, MessageFont, Color.Black, x + 1, y + 1); g.DrawString(message, MessageFont, color, x, y); } /// /// Display all screen info objects like fps, frame counter, lag counter, and input display /// public void DrawScreenInfo(IBlitter g) { if (Global.Config.DisplayFrameCounter && !Global.Game.IsNullInstance) { string message = MakeFrameCounter(); float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispFrameCx, Global.Config.DispFrameanchor, message); float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispFrameCy, Global.Config.DispFrameanchor, message); DrawOsdMessage(g, message, Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MessagesColor), x, y); if (GlobalWin.MainForm.IsLagFrame) { DrawOsdMessage(g, Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString(), FixedAlertMessageColor, x, y); } } if (Global.Config.DisplayInput && !Global.Game.IsNullInstance) { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished) { var input = InputStrMovie(); var x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispInpx, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, input); var y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispInpy, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, input); Color c = Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MovieInput); g.DrawString(input, MessageFont, Color.Black, x + 1, y + 1); g.DrawString(input, MessageFont, c, x, y); } else // TODO: message config -- allow setting of "previous", "mixed", and "auto" { var bgStr = InputStrOrAll(); var x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispInpx, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, bgStr); var y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispInpy, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, bgStr); g.DrawString(bgStr, MessageFont, Color.Black, x + 1, y + 1); var previousStr = InputPrevious(); var pColor = Color.Orange; g.DrawString(previousStr, MessageFont, pColor, x, y); var immediate = InputStrImmediate(); Color immediateColor = Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MessagesColor); g.DrawString(immediate, MessageFont, immediateColor, x, y); var immediateOverlay = MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious(); var oColor = Color.PeachPuff; g.DrawString(immediateOverlay, MessageFont, oColor, x, y); var autoString = InputStrSticky(); g.DrawString(autoString, MessageFont, Color.Pink, x, y); } } if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive) { float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispMultix, Global.Config.DispMultianchor, Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.Status); float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispMultiy, Global.Config.DispMultianchor, Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.Status); DrawOsdMessage(g, Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.Status, FixedMessagesColor, x, y); } if (Global.Config.DisplayFPS && FPS != null) { float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispFPSx, Global.Config.DispFPSanchor, FPS); float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispFPSy, Global.Config.DispFPSanchor, FPS); DrawOsdMessage(g, FPS, FixedMessagesColor, x, y); } if (Global.Config.DisplayLagCounter && Global.Emulator.CanPollInput()) { var counter = Global.Emulator.AsInputPollable().LagCount.ToString(); var x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispLagx, Global.Config.DispLaganchor, counter); var y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispLagy, Global.Config.DispLaganchor, counter); DrawOsdMessage(g, counter, FixedAlertMessageColor, x, y); } if (Global.Config.DisplayRerecordCount) { string rerec = MakeRerecordCount(); float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispRecx, Global.Config.DispRecanchor, rerec); float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispRecy, Global.Config.DispRecanchor, rerec); DrawOsdMessage(g, rerec, FixedMessagesColor, x, y); } if (Global.ClientControls["Autohold"] || Global.ClientControls["Autofire"]) { var disp = new StringBuilder("Held: "); foreach (string sticky in Global.StickyXORAdapter.CurrentStickies) { disp.Append(sticky).Append(' '); } foreach (string autoSticky in Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.CurrentStickies) { disp .Append("Auto-") .Append(autoSticky) .Append(' '); } var message = disp.ToString(); g.DrawString( message, MessageFont, Color.White, GetX(g, Global.Config.DispAutoholdx, Global.Config.DispAutoholdanchor, message), GetY(g, Global.Config.DispAutoholdy, Global.Config.DispAutoholdanchor, message)); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && Global.Config.DisplaySubtitles) { var subList = Global.MovieSession.Movie.Subtitles.GetSubtitles(Global.Emulator.Frame); foreach (var sub in subList) { DrawOsdMessage(g, sub.Message, Color.FromArgb((int)sub.Color), sub.X, sub.Y); } } } } }