using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Common; using System.Reflection; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES { /* * This file covers all NES and Famicom controller related stuff. * It supports (or could be easily made to support by adding a new class) every existing * controller device I know about. It does not support some things that were theoretically * possible with the electronic interface available, but never used. */ #region interfaces and such /// /// stores information about the strobe lines controlled by $4016 /// public struct StrobeInfo { /// /// the current value of $4016.0; strobes regular controller ports /// public readonly int OUT0; /// /// the current value of $4016.1; strobes expansion port /// public readonly int OUT1; /// /// the current value of $4016.2; strobes expansion port /// public readonly int OUT2; /// /// the previous value or $4016.0 (for edge sensitive equipment) /// public readonly int OUT0old; /// /// the previous value or $4016.1 (for edge sensitive equipment) /// public readonly int OUT1old; /// /// the previous value or $4016.2 (for edge sensitive equipment) /// public readonly int OUT2old; /// /// /// /// the old latched $4016 byte /// the new latched $4016 byte public StrobeInfo(byte oldvalue, byte newvalue) { OUT0old = oldvalue & 1; OUT1old = oldvalue >> 1 & 1; OUT2old = oldvalue >> 2 & 1; OUT0 = newvalue & 1; OUT1 = newvalue >> 1 & 1; OUT2 = newvalue >> 2 & 1; } } /// /// the main system deck, handling all $4016 writes and $4016/$4017 reads /// public interface IControllerDeck { /// /// call whenever $4016 is written /// /// /// void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c); /// /// call whenever $4016 is read /// /// /// bits 0-4 are valid byte ReadA(IController c); // D0:D4 /// /// call whenever $4017 is read /// /// /// bits 0-4 are valid byte ReadB(IController c); // D0:D4 ControllerDefinition GetDefinition(); void SyncState(Serializer ser); } /// /// a peripheral that plugs into the famicom expansion port /// public interface IFamicomExpansion { void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c); /// /// read data from $4016 /// /// /// only bit 1 is valid byte ReadA(IController c); /// /// read data from $4017 /// /// /// bits 1-4 are valid byte ReadB(IController c); ControllerDefinition GetDefinition(); void SyncState(Serializer ser); } /// /// a peripheral that plugs into either of the two NES controller ports /// public interface INesPort { void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c); // only uses OUT0 byte Read(IController c); // only uses D0, D3, D4 ControllerDefinition GetDefinition(); void SyncState(Serializer ser); } #endregion /// /// a NES or AV famicom, with two attached devices /// public class NesDeck : IControllerDeck { INesPort Left; INesPort Right; ControlDefUnMerger LeftU; ControlDefUnMerger RightU; ControllerDefinition Definition; public NesDeck(INesPort Left, INesPort Right, Func PPUCallback) { this.Left = Left; this.Right = Right; List cdum; Definition = ControllerDefMerger.GetMerged(new[] { Left.GetDefinition(), Right.GetDefinition() }, out cdum); LeftU = cdum[0]; RightU = cdum[1]; // apply hacks // if this list gets very long, then something should be changed // if it stays short, then no problem if (Left is FourScore) (Left as FourScore).RightPort = false; if (Right is FourScore) (Right as FourScore).RightPort = true; if (Left is IZapper) (Left as IZapper).PPUCallback = PPUCallback; if (Right is IZapper) (Right as IZapper).PPUCallback = PPUCallback; } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { Left.Strobe(s, LeftU.UnMerge(c)); Right.Strobe(s, RightU.UnMerge(c)); } public byte ReadA(IController c) { return (byte)(Left.Read(LeftU.UnMerge(c)) & 0x19); } public byte ReadB(IController c) { return (byte)(Right.Read(RightU.UnMerge(c)) & 0x19); } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection("Left"); Left.SyncState(ser); ser.EndSection(); ser.BeginSection("Right"); Right.SyncState(ser); ser.EndSection(); } } public class UnpluggedNES : INesPort { public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { } public byte Read(IController c) { return 0; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return new ControllerDefinition(); } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { } } /// /// a NES controller; also used internally to represent the two famicom controllers /// public class ControllerNES : INesPort { bool resetting = false; int latchedvalue = 0; static string[] Buttons = { "0A", "0B", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right" }; static string[] FamicomP2Buttons = { "0A", "0B", null, null, "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right" }; bool FamicomP2Hack; ControllerDefinition Definition; public ControllerNES() { Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = Buttons .OrderBy(x => ButtonOrdinals[x]) .ToList() }; } Dictionary ButtonOrdinals = new Dictionary { { "0Up", 1 }, { "0Down", 2 }, { "0Left", 3 }, { "0Right", 4 }, { "0Start", 5 }, { "0Select", 6 }, { "0B", 7 }, { "0A", 8 }, }; public ControllerNES(bool famicomP2) { if (famicomP2) { Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = FamicomP2Buttons .Where((s) => s != null) .OrderBy(x => ButtonOrdinals[x]) .ToList() }; } else { Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = Buttons .OrderBy(x => ButtonOrdinals[x]) .ToList() }; } FamicomP2Hack = famicomP2; } // reset is not edge triggered; so long as it's high, the latch is continuously reloading // so we need to latch in two places: // 1. when OUT0 goes low, to get the last set // 2. wheneven reading with OUT0 high, since new data for controller is always loading void Latch(IController c) { latchedvalue = SerialUtil.Latch(FamicomP2Hack ? FamicomP2Buttons : Buttons, c); } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) Latch(c); } public byte Read(IController c) { if (resetting) Latch(c); byte ret = (byte)(latchedvalue & 1); if (!resetting) latchedvalue >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue); } } /// /// a SNES controller plugged into a NES? heresy /// public class ControllerSNES : INesPort { bool resetting = false; int latchedvalue = 0; static readonly string[] Buttons = { "0B", "0Y", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right", "0A", "0X", "0L", "0R", null, null, null, null // 4 0s at end }; ControllerDefinition Definition; public ControllerSNES() { Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = Buttons.Where(s => s != null).ToList() }; } // reset is not edge triggered; so long as it's high, the latch is continuously reloading // so we need to latch in two places: // 1. when OUT0 goes low, to get the last set // 2. wheneven reading with OUT0 high, since new data for controller is always loading void Latch(IController c) { latchedvalue = SerialUtil.Latch(Buttons, c); } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) Latch(c); } public byte Read(IController c) { if (resetting) Latch(c); byte ret = (byte)(latchedvalue & 1); if (!resetting) latchedvalue >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue); } } /// /// vaus paddle, the NES (not famicom) version /// public class ArkanoidNES : INesPort { int shiftidx = 0; bool resetting = false; byte latchedvalue = 0x54 ^ 0xff; static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = { "0Fire" }, FloatControls = { "0Paddle" }, FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 80.0f, 160.0f } } }; public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (resetting) shiftidx = 0; if (s.OUT0 > s.OUT0old) { latchedvalue = (byte)(0x54 + (int)c.GetFloat("0Paddle")); latchedvalue ^= 0xff; } } public byte Read(IController c) { byte ret = c["0Fire"] ? (byte)0x08 : (byte)0x00; if (resetting) return ret; byte value = latchedvalue; value <<= shiftidx; ret |= (byte)(value >> 3 & 0x10); shiftidx++; return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("shiftidx", ref shiftidx); ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue); } } public class FourScore : INesPort { // fourscore is actually one two port thing // we emulate it as two separate halves // each one behaves slightly differently public bool RightPort = false; static string[] Buttons = { "0A", "0B", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right", "1A", "1B", "1Select", "1Start", "1Up", "1Down", "1Left", "1Right", }; static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List(Buttons) }; bool resetting = false; int latchedvalue = 0; void Latch(IController c) { latchedvalue = SerialUtil.Latch(Buttons, c); // set signatures latchedvalue &= ~0xff0000; if (RightPort) // signatures latchedvalue |= 0x040000; else latchedvalue |= 0x080000; } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) Latch(c); } public byte Read(IController c) { if (resetting) Latch(c); byte ret = (byte)(latchedvalue & 1); if (!resetting) latchedvalue >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue); } } public class PowerPad : INesPort { static string[] D3Buttons = { "0PP2", "0PP1", "0PP5", "0PP9", "0PP6", "0PP10", "0PP11", "0PP7" }; static string[] D4Buttons = { "0PP4", "0PP3", "0PP12", "0PP8" }; static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List(D3Buttons.Concat(D4Buttons)) }; bool resetting = false; int latched3 = 0; int latched4 = 0; void Latch(IController c) { latched3 = SerialUtil.Latch(D3Buttons, c); latched4 = SerialUtil.Latch(D4Buttons, c); } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) Latch(c); } public byte Read(IController c) { if (resetting) Latch(c); int d3 = latched3 & 1; int d4 = latched4 & 1; if (!resetting) { latched3 >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data latched4 >>= 1; } return (byte)(d3 << 3 | d4 << 4); } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latched3", ref latched3); ser.Sync("latched4", ref latched4); } } // Dummy interface to indicate zapper behavior, used as a means of type checking for zapper functionality public interface IZapper { Func PPUCallback { get; set; } } public class Zapper : INesPort, IFamicomExpansion, IZapper { /// /// returns true if light was detected at the ppu coordinates specified /// public Func PPUCallback { get; set; } static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = { "0Fire" }, FloatControls = { "0Zapper X", "0Zapper Y" }, FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }, new[] { 0.0f, 120.0f, 239.0f } } }; public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { } // NES controller port interface public byte Read(IController c) { byte ret = 0; if (c["0Fire"]) ret |= 0x10; if (!PPUCallback((int)c.GetFloat("0Zapper X"), (int)c.GetFloat("0Zapper Y"))) ret |= 0x08; return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { } // famicom expansion hookups public byte ReadA(IController c) { return 0; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { return Read(c); } } public class VSZapper : INesPort, IZapper { /// /// returns true if light was detected at the ppu coordinates specified /// PPUCallback { get; set; } static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = { "0Fire" }, FloatControls = { "0Zapper X", "0Zapper Y" }, FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }, new[] { 0.0f, 120.0f, 239.0f } } }; public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { } // NES controller port interface public byte Read(IController c) { byte ret = 0; if (c["0Fire"]) ret |= 0x10; if (!PPUCallback((int)c.GetFloat("0Zapper X"), (int)c.GetFloat("0Zapper Y"))) ret |= 0x08; return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { } // famicom expansion hookups public byte ReadA(IController c) { return 0; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { return Read(c); } } public class FamicomDeck : IControllerDeck { // two NES controllers are maintained internally INesPort Player1 = new ControllerNES(false); INesPort Player2 = new ControllerNES(true); IFamicomExpansion Player3; ControlDefUnMerger Player1U; ControlDefUnMerger Player2U; ControlDefUnMerger Player3U; ControllerDefinition Definition; public FamicomDeck(IFamicomExpansion ExpSlot, Func PPUCallback) { Player3 = ExpSlot; List cdum; Definition = ControllerDefMerger.GetMerged( new[] { Player1.GetDefinition(), Player2.GetDefinition(), Player3.GetDefinition() }, out cdum); Definition.BoolButtons.Add("P2 Microphone"); Player1U = cdum[0]; Player2U = cdum[1]; Player3U = cdum[2]; // hack if (Player3 is Zapper) (Player3 as Zapper).PPUCallback = PPUCallback; } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { Player1.Strobe(s, Player1U.UnMerge(c)); Player2.Strobe(s, Player2U.UnMerge(c)); Player3.Strobe(s, Player3U.UnMerge(c)); } public byte ReadA(IController c) { byte ret = 0; ret |= (byte)(Player1.Read(Player1U.UnMerge(c)) & 1); ret |= (byte)(Player3.ReadA(Player3U.UnMerge(c)) & 2); if (c["P2 Microphone"]) ret |= 4; return ret; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { byte ret = 0; ret |= (byte)(Player2.Read(Player2U.UnMerge(c)) & 1); ret |= (byte)(Player3.ReadB(Player3U.UnMerge(c)) & 30); return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection("Left"); Player1.SyncState(ser); ser.EndSection(); ser.BeginSection("Right"); Player2.SyncState(ser); ser.EndSection(); ser.BeginSection("Expansion"); Player3.SyncState(ser); ser.EndSection(); } } /// /// vaus controller that plugs into a famicom's expansion port /// public class ArkanoidFam : IFamicomExpansion { int shiftidx = 0; bool resetting = false; byte latchedvalue = 0x54 ^ 0xff; static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = { "0Fire" }, FloatControls = { "0Paddle" }, FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 80.0f, 160.0f } } }; public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (resetting) shiftidx = 0; if (s.OUT0 > s.OUT0old) { latchedvalue = (byte)(0x54 + (int)c.GetFloat("0Paddle")); latchedvalue ^= 0xff; } } public byte ReadA(IController c) { return c["0Fire"] ? (byte)0x02 : (byte)0x00; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { byte ret = 0; if (resetting) return ret; byte value = latchedvalue; value <<= shiftidx; ret |= (byte)(value >> 6 & 0x02); shiftidx++; return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("shiftidx", ref shiftidx); ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue); } } public class FamilyBasicKeyboard : IFamicomExpansion { #region buttonlookup static string[] Buttons = { "0]", "0[", "0RETURN", "0F8", "0STOP", "0¥", "0RSHIFT", "0カナ", "0;", "0:", "0@", "0F7", "0^", "0-", "0/", "0_", "0K", "0L", "0O", "0F6", "00", "0P", "0,", "0.", "0J", "0U", "0I", "0F5", "08", "09", "0N", "0M", "0H", "0G", "0Y", "0F4", "06", "07", "0V", "0B", "0D", "0R", "0T", "0F3", "04", "05", "0C", "0F", "0A", "0S", "0W", "0F2", "03", "0E", "0Z", "0X", "0CTR", "0Q", "0ESC", "0F1", "02", "01", "0GRPH", "0LSHIFT", "0LEFT", "0RIGHT", "0UP", "0CLR", "0INS", "0DEL", "0SPACE", "0DOWN", }; #endregion static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List(Buttons) }; bool active; int column; int row; public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { active = s.OUT2 != 0; column = s.OUT1; if (s.OUT1 > s.OUT1old) { row++; if (row == 10) row = 0; } if (s.OUT0 != 0) // should this be edge triggered? row = 0; } public byte ReadA(IController c) { return 0; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { if (!active) return 0; if (row == 9) // empty last row return 0; int idx = row * 8 + column * 4; byte ret = 0; if (c[Buttons[idx]]) ret |= 16; if (c[Buttons[idx + 1]]) ret |= 8; if (c[Buttons[idx + 2]]) ret |= 4; if (c[Buttons[idx + 3]]) ret |= 2; // nothing is clocked here return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("active", ref active); ser.Sync("column", ref column); ser.Sync("row", ref row); } } public class Famicom4P : IFamicomExpansion { static string[] P1Buttons = { "0A", "0B", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right" }; static string[] P2Buttons = { "1A", "1B", "1Select", "1Start", "1Up", "1Down", "1Left", "1Right", }; static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List(P1Buttons.Concat(P2Buttons)) }; bool resetting = false; int latchedp1 = 0; int latchedp2 = 0; void Latch(IController c) { latchedp1 = SerialUtil.Latch(P1Buttons, c); latchedp2 = SerialUtil.Latch(P2Buttons, c); } public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 != 0; if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) Latch(c); } public byte ReadA(IController c) { if (resetting) Latch(c); byte ret = (byte)(latchedp1 << 1 & 2); if (!resetting) latchedp1 >>= 1; return ret; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { if (resetting) Latch(c); byte ret = (byte)(latchedp2 << 1 & 2); if (!resetting) latchedp2 >>= 1; return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("resetting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("latchedp1", ref latchedp1); ser.Sync("latchedp2", ref latchedp2); } } public class OekaKids : IFamicomExpansion { static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = { "0Click", "0Touch" }, FloatControls = { "0Pen X", "0Pen Y" }, FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }, new[] { 0.0f, 120.0f, 239.0f } } }; bool resetting; int shiftidx; int latchedvalue = 0; public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { resetting = s.OUT0 == 0; if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) // H->L: latch { int x = (int)c.GetFloat("0Pen X"); int y = (int)c.GetFloat("0Pen Y"); // // it almost feels like the hardware guys got the request for // a tablet that returned x in [0, 255] and y in [0, 239] and then // accidentally flipped the whole thing sideways x = (x + 8) * 240 / 256; y = (y - 14) * 256 / 240; x &= 255; y &= 255; latchedvalue = x << 10 | y << 2; if (c["0Touch"]) latchedvalue |= 2; if (c["0Click"]) latchedvalue |= 1; } if (s.OUT0 > s.OUT0old) // L->H: reset shift shiftidx = 0; if (s.OUT1 > s.OUT1old) // L->H: increment shift shiftidx++; } public byte ReadA(IController c) { return 0; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { byte ret = (byte)(resetting ? 2 : 0); if (resetting) return ret; // the shiftidx = 0 read is one off the end int bit = latchedvalue >> (16 - shiftidx); bit &= 4; bit ^= 4; // inverted data ret |= (byte)(bit); return ret; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return Definition; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("resetting", ref resetting); ser.Sync("shiftidx", ref shiftidx); ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue); } } public class UnpluggedFam : IFamicomExpansion { public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c) { } public byte ReadA(IController c) { return 0; } public byte ReadB(IController c) { return 0; } public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition() { return new ControllerDefinition(); } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { } } public static class SerialUtil { public static int Latch(string[] values, IController c) { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (values.Length > i) { if (values[i] != null && c[values[i]]) ret |= 1 << i; } else { // 1 in all other bits ret |= 1 << i; } } return ret; } } #region control definition adapters // the idea here is that various connected peripherals have their controls all merged // into one definition, including logic to unmerge the data back so each one can work // with it without knowing what else is connected public class ControlDefUnMerger { Dictionary Remaps; public ControlDefUnMerger(Dictionary Remaps) { this.Remaps = Remaps; } private class DummyController : IController { IController src; Dictionary remaps; public DummyController(IController src, Dictionary remaps) { this.src = src; this.remaps = remaps; } public ControllerDefinition Type { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public bool this[string button] { get { return IsPressed(button); } } public bool IsPressed(string button) { return src.IsPressed(remaps[button]); } public float GetFloat(string name) { return src.GetFloat(remaps[name]); } } public IController UnMerge(IController c) { return new DummyController(c, Remaps); } } public static class ControllerDefMerger { private static string Allocate(string input, ref int plr, ref int plrnext) { int offset = int.Parse(input.Substring(0, 1)); int currplr = plr + offset; if (currplr >= plrnext) plrnext = currplr + 1; return string.Format("P{0} {1}", currplr, input.Substring(1)); } /// /// handles all player number merging /// /// /// public static ControllerDefinition GetMerged(IEnumerable Controllers, out List Unmergers) { ControllerDefinition ret = new ControllerDefinition(); Unmergers = new List(); int plr = 1; int plrnext = 1; foreach (var def in Controllers) { Dictionary remaps = new Dictionary(); foreach (string s in def.BoolButtons) { string r = Allocate(s, ref plr, ref plrnext); ret.BoolButtons.Add(r); remaps[s] = r; } foreach (string s in def.FloatControls) { string r = Allocate(s, ref plr, ref plrnext); ret.FloatControls.Add(r); remaps[s] = r; } ret.FloatRanges.AddRange(def.FloatRanges); plr = plrnext; Unmergers.Add(new ControlDefUnMerger(remaps)); } return ret; } } #endregion #region settings public class NESControlSettings { static readonly Dictionary FamicomExpansions; static readonly Dictionary NesPortDevices; static Dictionary Implementors() { var assy = typeof(NESControlSettings).Assembly; var types = assy.GetTypes().Where(c => typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(c) && !c.IsAbstract && !c.IsInterface); var ret = new Dictionary(); foreach (Type t in types) ret[t.Name] = t; return ret; } static NESControlSettings() { FamicomExpansions = Implementors(); NesPortDevices = Implementors(); } public static IList GetFamicomExpansionValues() { return new List(FamicomExpansions.Keys).AsReadOnly(); } public static IList GetNesPortValues() { return new List(NesPortDevices.Keys).AsReadOnly(); } [JsonIgnore] private bool _Famicom; public bool Famicom { get { return _Famicom; } set { _Famicom = value; } } [JsonIgnore] private string _NesLeftPort; [JsonIgnore] private string _NesRightPort; public string NesLeftPort { get { return _NesLeftPort; } set { if (NesPortDevices.ContainsKey(value)) _NesLeftPort = value; else throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public string NesRightPort { get { return _NesRightPort; } set { if (NesPortDevices.ContainsKey(value)) _NesRightPort = value; else throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } [JsonIgnore] private string _FamicomExpPort; public string FamicomExpPort { get { return _FamicomExpPort; } set { if (FamicomExpansions.ContainsKey(value)) _FamicomExpPort = value; else throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public NESControlSettings() { Famicom = false; FamicomExpPort = typeof(UnpluggedFam).Name; NesLeftPort = typeof(ControllerNES).Name; NesRightPort = typeof(ControllerNES).Name; } public static bool NeedsReboot(NESControlSettings x, NESControlSettings y) { return !DeepEquality.DeepEquals(x, y); } public NESControlSettings Clone() { return (NESControlSettings)MemberwiseClone(); } public IControllerDeck Instantiate(Func PPUCallback) { if (Famicom) { IFamicomExpansion exp = (IFamicomExpansion)Activator.CreateInstance(FamicomExpansions[FamicomExpPort]); IControllerDeck ret = new FamicomDeck(exp, PPUCallback); return ret; } else { INesPort left = (INesPort)Activator.CreateInstance(NesPortDevices[NesLeftPort]); INesPort right = (INesPort)Activator.CreateInstance(NesPortDevices[NesRightPort]); IControllerDeck ret = new NesDeck(left, right, PPUCallback); return ret; } } } #endregion }