using System; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.QuickNES; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES9X; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public enum MovieEndAction { Stop, Pause, Record, Finish } public class MovieSession { public MovieSession() { ReadOnly = true; MovieControllerAdapter = MovieService.DefaultInstance.LogGeneratorInstance().MovieControllerAdapter; MultiTrack = new MultitrackRecorder(); } /// /// When initializing a movie, it will be stored here until Rom processes have been completed, then it will be moved to the Movie property /// If an existing movie is still active, it will remain in the Movie property while the new movie is queued /// public IMovie QueuedMovie { get; set; } // This wrapper but the logic could change, don't make the client code understand these details public bool MovieIsQueued { get { return QueuedMovie != null; } } public MultitrackRecorder MultiTrack { get; private set; } public IMovieController MovieControllerAdapter{ get; set; } public IMovie Movie { get; set; } public bool ReadOnly { get; set; } public Action MessageCallback { get; set; } public Func AskYesNoCallback { get; set; } /// /// Required /// public Action PauseCallback { get; set; } /// /// Required /// public Action ModeChangedCallback { get; set; } /// /// Simply shortens the verbosity necessary otherwise /// /// public ILogEntryGenerator LogGeneratorInstance() { return Movie.LogGeneratorInstance(); } public IMovieController MovieControllerInstance() { var adapter = Movie.LogGeneratorInstance().MovieControllerAdapter; adapter.Type = MovieControllerAdapter.Type; return adapter; } // Convenience property that gets the controller state from the movie for the most recent frame public IController CurrentInput { get { if (Movie.IsActive && !Movie.IsFinished && Global.Emulator.Frame > 0) { return Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1); } return null; } } public IController PreviousFrame { get { if (Movie.IsActive && !Movie.IsFinished && Global.Emulator.Frame > 1) { return Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 2); } return null; } } private void Output(string message) { if (MessageCallback != null) { MessageCallback(message); } } public void LatchMultitrackPlayerInput(IController playerSource, MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter rewiredSource) { if (MultiTrack.IsActive) { rewiredSource.PlayerSource = 1; rewiredSource.PlayerTargetMask = 1 << MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer; if (MultiTrack.RecordAll) { rewiredSource.PlayerTargetMask = unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF); } if (Movie.InputLogLength > Global.Emulator.Frame) { var input = Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame); MovieControllerAdapter.LatchFromSource(input); } MovieControllerAdapter.LatchPlayerFromSource(rewiredSource, MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer); } } public void LatchInputFromPlayer(IController source) { MovieControllerAdapter.LatchFromSource(source); } /// /// Latch input from the input log, if available /// public void LatchInputFromLog() { if (Global.Emulator.Frame < Movie.InputLogLength - (Global.Config.MovieEndAction == MovieEndAction.Pause ? 1 : 0)) // Pause logic is a hack for now { var input = Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame); MovieControllerAdapter.LatchFromSource(input); if (MultiTrack.IsActive) { Global.MultitrackRewiringAdapter.Source = MovieControllerAdapter; } } else { HandlePlaybackEnd(); } } private void HandlePlaybackEnd() { // TODO: mainform callback to update on mode change switch(Global.Config.MovieEndAction) { case MovieEndAction.Stop: Movie.Stop(); break; case MovieEndAction.Record: Movie.SwitchToRecord(); break; case MovieEndAction.Pause: PauseCallback(); // TODO: one frame ago break; default: case MovieEndAction.Finish: Movie.FinishedMode(); break; } ModeChangedCallback(); } // Movie Refactor TODO: delete me, any code calling this is poorly designed public bool MovieLoad() { MovieControllerAdapter = Movie.LogGeneratorInstance().MovieControllerAdapter; return Movie.Load(); } public void StopMovie(bool saveChanges = true) { var message = "Movie "; if (Movie.IsRecording) { message += "recording "; } else if (Movie.IsPlaying) { message += "playback "; } message += "stopped."; if (Movie.IsActive) { var result = Movie.Stop(saveChanges); if (result) { Output(Path.GetFileName(Movie.Filename) + " written to disk."); } Output(message); ReadOnly = true; } MultiTrack.Restart(); ModeChangedCallback(); } public void HandleMovieSaveState(TextWriter writer) { if (Movie.IsActive) { writer.Write(Movie.GetInputLog()); } } public void ClearFrame() { if (Movie.IsPlaying) { Movie.ClearFrame(Global.Emulator.Frame); Output("Scrubbed input at frame " + Global.Emulator.Frame); } } public void HandleMovieOnFrameLoop() { if (!Movie.IsActive) { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); } else if (Movie.IsFinished) { if (Global.Emulator.Frame < Movie.FrameCount) // This scenario can happen from rewinding (suddenly we are back in the movie, so hook back up to the movie { Movie.SwitchToPlay(); LatchInputFromLog(); } else { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); } } else if (Movie.IsPlaying) { LatchInputFromLog(); if (Movie.IsRecording) // The movie end situation can cause the switch to record mode, in that case we need to capture some input for this frame { HandleFrameLoopForRecordMode(); } else { // Movie may go into finished mode as a result from latching if (!Movie.IsFinished) { if (Global.ClientControls["Scrub Input"]) { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); ClearFrame(); } else if (Global.Config.MoviePlaybackPokeMode) { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); var lg = Movie.LogGeneratorInstance(); lg.SetSource(Global.MovieOutputHardpoint); if (!lg.IsEmpty) { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); Movie.PokeFrame(Global.Emulator.Frame, Global.MovieOutputHardpoint); } else { LatchInputFromLog(); } } } } } else if (Movie.IsRecording) { HandleFrameLoopForRecordMode(); } } private void HandleFrameLoopForRecordMode() { if (MultiTrack.IsActive) { LatchMultitrackPlayerInput(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter, Global.MultitrackRewiringAdapter); } else { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); } // the movie session makes sure that the correct input has been read and merged to its MovieControllerAdapter; // this has been wired to Global.MovieOutputHardpoint in RewireInputChain Movie.RecordFrame(Global.Emulator.Frame, Global.MovieOutputHardpoint); } public bool HandleMovieLoadState(string path) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(path)) { return HandleMovieLoadState(sr); } } //TODO: maybe someone who understands more about what's going on here could rename these step1 and step2 into something more descriptive public bool HandleMovieLoadState_HackyStep2(TextReader reader) { if (!Movie.IsActive) { return true; } if (ReadOnly) { } else { string errorMsg; //// fixme: this is evil (it causes crashes in binary states because InflaterInputStream can't have its position set, even to zero. //((StreamReader)reader).BaseStream.Position = 0; //((StreamReader)reader).DiscardBufferedData(); //edit: zero 18-apr-2014 - this was solved by HackyStep1 and HackyStep2, so that the zip stream can be re-acquired instead of needing its position reset var result = Movie.ExtractInputLog(reader, out errorMsg); if (!result) { Output(errorMsg); return false; } } return true; } public bool HandleMovieLoadState(TextReader reader) { if (!HandleMovieLoadState_HackyStep1(reader)) return false; return HandleMovieLoadState_HackyStep2(reader); } public bool HandleMovieLoadState_HackyStep1(TextReader reader) { if (!Movie.IsActive) { return true; } string errorMsg; if (ReadOnly) { var result = Movie.CheckTimeLines(reader, out errorMsg); if (!result) { Output(errorMsg); return false; } if (Movie.IsRecording) { Movie.SwitchToPlay(); } else if (Movie.IsFinished) { LatchInputFromPlayer(Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter); } } else { if (Movie.IsFinished) { Movie.StartNewRecording(); } else if (Movie.IsPlaying) { Movie.SwitchToRecord(); } } return true; } public void ToggleMultitrack() { if (Movie.IsActive) { if (Global.Config.VBAStyleMovieLoadState) { Output("Multi-track can not be used in Full Movie Loadstates mode"); } else { MultiTrack.IsActive ^= true; MultiTrack.SelectNone(); Output(MultiTrack.IsActive ? "MultiTrack Enabled" : "MultiTrack Disabled"); } } else { Output("MultiTrack cannot be enabled while not recording."); } } // Movie Load Refactor TODO: a better name /// /// Sets the Movie property with the QueuedMovie, clears the queued movie, and starts the new movie /// public void RunQueuedMovie(bool recordMode) { Movie = QueuedMovie; QueuedMovie = null; MultiTrack.Restart(); if (recordMode) { Movie.StartNewRecording(); ReadOnly = false; } else { Movie.StartNewPlayback(); } } public void QueueNewMovie(IMovie movie, bool record) { if (!record) // The semantics of record is that we are starting a new movie, and even wiping a pre-existing movie with the same path, but non-record means we are loading an existing movie into playback mode { movie.Load(); if (movie.SystemID != Global.Emulator.SystemId) { throw new MoviePlatformMismatchException( string.Format( "Movie system Id ({0}) does not match the currently loaded platform ({1}), unable to load", movie.SystemID, Global.Emulator.SystemId)); } } //If a movie is already loaded, save it before starting a new movie if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.MovieSession.Movie.Filename)) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.Save(); } // Note: this populates MovieControllerAdapter's Type with the approparite controller // Don't set it to a movie instance of the adapter or you will lose the definition! InputManager.RewireInputChain(); if (!record && Global.Emulator.SystemId == "NES") // For NES we need special logic since the movie will drive which core to load { var quicknesName = ((CoreAttributes)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(QuickNES), typeof(CoreAttributes))).CoreName; var neshawkName = ((CoreAttributes)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(NES), typeof(CoreAttributes))).CoreName; // If either is specified use that, else use whatever is currently set if (movie.Core == quicknesName) { Global.Config.NES_InQuickNES = true; } else if (movie.Core == neshawkName) { Global.Config.NES_InQuickNES = false; } } else if (!record && Global.Emulator.SystemId == "SNES") // ditto with snes9x vs bsnes { var snes9xName = ((CoreAttributes)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Snes9x), typeof(CoreAttributes))).CoreName; var bsnesName = ((CoreAttributes)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(LibsnesCore), typeof(CoreAttributes))).CoreName; if (movie.Core == snes9xName) { Global.Config.SNES_InSnes9x = true; } else { Global.Config.SNES_InSnes9x = false; } } if (record) // This is a hack really, we need to set the movie to its propert state so that it will be considered active later { movie.SwitchToRecord(); } else { movie.SwitchToPlay(); } QueuedMovie = movie; } } }