using System; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.LR35902; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBHawkLink4x { public partial class GBHawkLink4x : ICodeDataLogger { private ICodeDataLog _cdl; public void SetCDL(ICodeDataLog cdl) { _cdl = cdl; if (cdl == null) this.A.cpu.CDLCallback = null; else this.A.cpu.CDLCallback = CDLCpuCallback; } public void NewCDL(ICodeDataLog cdl) { cdl["ROM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["ROM A"].Size]; cdl["HRAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["Zero Page RAM A"].Size]; cdl["WRAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["Main RAM A"].Size]; if (MemoryDomains.Has("Cart RAM A")) { cdl["CartRAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["Cart RAM A"].Size]; } cdl.SubType = "GB"; cdl.SubVer = 0; } [FeatureNotImplemented] void ICodeDataLogger.DisassembleCDL(Stream s, ICodeDataLog cdl) { } public void SetCDL(LR35902.eCDLogMemFlags flags, string type, int cdladdr) { if (type == null) return; byte val = (byte)flags; _cdl[type][cdladdr] |= (byte)flags; } void CDLCpuCallback(ushort addr, LR35902.eCDLogMemFlags flags) { if (addr < 0x8000) { //don't record writes to the ROM, it's just noisy //NOTE: in principle a mapper could mount a useful resource here, but I doubt it) if ((flags & LR35902.eCDLogMemFlags.Write) != 0) return; } if (A.ppu.DMA_start) { // some of gekkio's tests require these to be accessible during DMA if (addr < 0x8000) { if (A.ppu.DMA_addr < 0x80) { return; } else { A.mapper.MapCDL(addr, flags); return; } } else if ((addr >= 0xE000) && (addr < 0xF000)) { SetCDL(flags, "WRAM", addr - 0xE000); } else if ((addr >= 0xF000) && (addr < 0xFE00)) { SetCDL(flags, "WRAM", (A.RAM_Bank * 0x1000) + (addr - 0xF000)); } else if ((addr >= 0xFE00) && (addr < 0xFEA0) && A.ppu.DMA_OAM_access) { return; } else if ((addr >= 0xFF00) && (addr < 0xFF80)) // The game GOAL! Requires Hardware Regs to be accessible { return; } else if ((addr >= 0xFF80)) { SetCDL(flags, "HRAM", addr - 0xFF80); } } if (addr < 0x900) { if (addr < 0x100) { // return Either BIOS ROM or Game ROM if ((A.GB_bios_register & 0x1) == 0) { return; } else { A.mapper.MapCDL(addr, flags); return; } } else if (addr >= 0x200) { // return Either BIOS ROM or Game ROM if (((A.GB_bios_register & 0x1) == 0) && A.is_GBC) { return; } else { A.mapper.MapCDL(addr, flags); return; } } else { A.mapper.MapCDL(addr, flags); return; } } else if (addr < 0x8000) { A.mapper.MapCDL(addr, flags); return; } else if (addr < 0xA000) { return; } else if (addr < 0xC000) { A.mapper.MapCDL(addr, flags); return; } else if (addr < 0xD000) { return; } else if (addr < 0xE000) { SetCDL(flags, "WRAM", (A.RAM_Bank * 0x1000) + (addr - 0xD000)); } else if (addr < 0xF000) { SetCDL(flags, "WRAM", addr - 0xE000); } else if (addr < 0xFE00) { SetCDL(flags, "WRAM", (A.RAM_Bank * 0x1000) + (addr - 0xF000)); } else if (addr < 0xFEA0) { return; } else if (addr < 0xFF00) { return; } else if (addr < 0xFF80) { return; } else if (addr < 0xFFFF) { SetCDL(flags, "HRAM", addr - 0xFF80); } else { return; } } } }