using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.Z80; // namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Calculators { [CoreAttributes( "TI83Hawk", "zeromus", isPorted: false, isReleased: true )] public partial class TI83 : IEmulator, IMemoryDomains, IDebuggable, ISettable { //hardware private readonly Z80A cpu = new Z80A(); private readonly byte[] rom; private byte[] ram; private int romPageLow3Bits; private int romPageHighBit; private byte maskOn; private bool onPressed; private int keyboardMask; private int disp_mode; private int disp_move; private uint disp_x, disp_y; internal int m_LinkOutput, m_LinkInput; internal int m_LinkState { get { return (m_LinkOutput | m_LinkInput) ^ 3; } } internal bool LinkActive; private bool m_CursorMoved; private int lagCount = 0; private bool lagged = true; private bool isLag = false; private int frame; [CoreConstructor("TI83")] public TI83(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, object Settings) { PutSettings((TI83Settings)Settings ?? new TI83Settings()); CoreComm = comm; cpu.ReadMemory = ReadMemory; cpu.WriteMemory = WriteMemory; cpu.ReadHardware = ReadHardware; cpu.WriteHardware = WriteHardware; cpu.IRQCallback = IRQCallback; cpu.NMICallback = NMICallback; this.rom = rom; LinkPort = new TI83LinkPort(this); //different calculators (different revisions?) have different initPC. we track this in the game database by rom hash //if( *(unsigned long *)(m_pRom + 0x6ce) == 0x04D3163E ) m_Regs.PC.W = 0x6ce; //KNOWN //else if( *(unsigned long *)(m_pRom + 0x6f6) == 0x04D3163E ) m_Regs.PC.W = 0x6f6; //UNKNOWN if (game["initPC"]) startPC = ushort.Parse(game.OptionValue("initPC"), NumberStyles.HexNumber); HardReset(); SetupMemoryDomains(); } //------- public byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { byte ret; int romPage = romPageLow3Bits | (romPageHighBit << 3); //Console.WriteLine("read memory: {0:X4}", addr); if (addr < 0x4000) ret = rom[addr]; //ROM zero-page else if (addr < 0x8000) ret = rom[romPage * 0x4000 + addr - 0x4000]; //other rom page else ret = ram[addr - 0x8000]; CoreComm.MemoryCallbackSystem.CallRead(addr); return ret; } public void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { if (addr < 0x4000) return; //ROM zero-page else if (addr < 0x8000) return; //other rom page else ram[addr - 0x8000] = value; CoreComm.MemoryCallbackSystem.CallWrite(addr); } public void WriteHardware(ushort addr, byte value) { switch (addr) { case 0: //PORT_LINK romPageHighBit = (value >> 4) & 1; m_LinkOutput = value & 3; if (LinkActive) { //Prevent rom calls from disturbing link port activity if (LinkActive && cpu.RegisterPC < 0x4000) return; LinkPort.Update(); } break; case 1: //PORT_KEYBOARD: lagged = false; keyboardMask = value; //Console.WriteLine("write PORT_KEYBOARD {0:X2}",value); break; case 2: //PORT_ROMPAGE romPageLow3Bits = value & 0x7; break; case 3: //PORT_STATUS maskOn = (byte)(value & 1); break; case 16: //PORT_DISPCTRL //Console.WriteLine("write PORT_DISPCTRL {0}",value); WriteDispCtrl(value); break; case 17: //PORT_DISPDATA //Console.WriteLine("write PORT_DISPDATA {0}",value); WriteDispData(value); break; } } public byte ReadHardware(ushort addr) { switch (addr) { case 0: //PORT_LINK LinkPort.Update(); return (byte)((romPageHighBit << 4) | (m_LinkState << 2) | m_LinkOutput); case 1: //PORT_KEYBOARD: //Console.WriteLine("read PORT_KEYBOARD"); return ReadKeyboard(); case 2: //PORT_ROMPAGE return (byte)romPageLow3Bits; case 3: //PORT_STATUS { //Console.WriteLine("read PORT_STATUS"); // Bits: // 0 - Set if ON key is down and ON key is trapped // 1 - Update things (keyboard etc) // 2 - Unknown, but used // 3 - Set if ON key is up // 4-7 - Unknown //if (onPressed && maskOn) ret |= 1; //if (!onPressed) ret |= 0x8; return (byte)((Controller.IsPressed("ON") ? maskOn : 8) | (LinkActive ? 0 : 2)); } case 4: //PORT_INTCTRL //Console.WriteLine("read PORT_INTCTRL"); return 0xFF; case 16: //PORT_DISPCTRL //Console.WriteLine("read DISPCTRL"); break; case 17: //PORT_DISPDATA return ReadDispData(); } return 0xFF; } private byte ReadKeyboard() { CoreComm.InputCallback.Call(); //ref TI-9X int ret = 0xFF; //Console.WriteLine("keyboardMask: {0:X2}",keyboardMask); if ((keyboardMask & 1) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("DOWN")) ret ^= 1; if (Controller.IsPressed("LEFT")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("RIGHT")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("UP")) ret ^= 8; } if ((keyboardMask & 2) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("ENTER")) ret ^= 1; if (Controller.IsPressed("PLUS")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("MINUS")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("MULTIPLY")) ret ^= 8; if (Controller.IsPressed("DIVIDE")) ret ^= 16; if (Controller.IsPressed("EXP")) ret ^= 32; if (Controller.IsPressed("CLEAR")) ret ^= 64; } if ((keyboardMask & 4) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("DASH")) ret ^= 1; if (Controller.IsPressed("3")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("6")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("9")) ret ^= 8; if (Controller.IsPressed("PARACLOSE")) ret ^= 16; if (Controller.IsPressed("TAN")) ret ^= 32; if (Controller.IsPressed("VARS")) ret ^= 64; } if ((keyboardMask & 8) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("DOT")) ret ^= 1; if (Controller.IsPressed("2")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("5")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("8")) ret ^= 8; if (Controller.IsPressed("PARAOPEN")) ret ^= 16; if (Controller.IsPressed("COS")) ret ^= 32; if (Controller.IsPressed("PRGM")) ret ^= 64; if (Controller.IsPressed("STAT")) ret ^= 128; } if ((keyboardMask & 16) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("0")) ret ^= 1; if (Controller.IsPressed("1")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("4")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("7")) ret ^= 8; if (Controller.IsPressed("COMMA")) ret ^= 16; if (Controller.IsPressed("SIN")) ret ^= 32; if (Controller.IsPressed("MATRIX")) ret ^= 64; if (Controller.IsPressed("X")) ret ^= 128; } if ((keyboardMask & 32) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("STO")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("LN")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("LOG")) ret ^= 8; if (Controller.IsPressed("SQUARED")) ret ^= 16; if (Controller.IsPressed("NEG1")) ret ^= 32; if (Controller.IsPressed("MATH")) ret ^= 64; if (Controller.IsPressed("ALPHA")) ret ^= 128; } if ((keyboardMask & 64) == 0) { if (Controller.IsPressed("GRAPH")) ret ^= 1; if (Controller.IsPressed("TRACE")) ret ^= 2; if (Controller.IsPressed("ZOOM")) ret ^= 4; if (Controller.IsPressed("WINDOW")) ret ^= 8; if (Controller.IsPressed("Y")) ret ^= 16; if (Controller.IsPressed("2ND")) ret ^= 32; if (Controller.IsPressed("MODE")) ret ^= 64; if (Controller.IsPressed("DEL")) ret ^= 128; } return (byte)ret; } private byte ReadDispData() { if (m_CursorMoved) { m_CursorMoved = false; return 0x00; //not accurate this should be stale data or something } byte ret; if (disp_mode == 1) { ret = vram[disp_y * 12 + disp_x]; } else { int column = 6 * (int)disp_x; int offset = (int)disp_y * 12 + (column >> 3); int shift = 10 - (column & 7); ret = (byte)(((vram[offset] << 8) | vram[offset + 1]) >> shift); } doDispMove(); return ret; } private void WriteDispData(byte value) { int offset; if (disp_mode == 1) { offset = (int)disp_y * 12 + (int)disp_x; vram[offset] = value; } else { int column = 6 * (int)disp_x; offset = (int)disp_y * 12 + (column >> 3); if (offset < 0x300) { int shift = column & 7; int mask = ~(252 >> shift); int Data = value << 2; vram[offset] = (byte)(vram[offset] & mask | (Data >> shift)); if (shift > 2 && offset < 0x2ff) { offset++; shift = 8 - shift; mask = ~(252 << shift); vram[offset] = (byte)(vram[offset] & mask | (Data << shift)); } } } doDispMove(); } private void doDispMove() { switch (disp_move) { case 0: disp_y--; break; case 1: disp_y++; break; case 2: disp_x--; break; case 3: disp_x++; break; } disp_x &= 0xF; //0xF or 0x1F? dunno disp_y &= 0x3F; } private void WriteDispCtrl(byte value) { if (value <= 1) disp_mode = value; else if (value >= 4 && value <= 7) disp_move = value - 4; else if ((value & 0xC0) == 0x40) { //hardware scroll } else if ((value & 0xE0) == 0x20) { disp_x = (uint)(value & 0x1F); m_CursorMoved = true; } else if ((value & 0xC0) == 0x80) { disp_y = (uint)(value & 0x3F); m_CursorMoved = true; } else if ((value & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { //contrast } else if (value == 2) { } else if (value == 3) { } else { } } private void IRQCallback() { //Console.WriteLine("IRQ with vec {0} and cpu.InterruptMode {1}", cpu.RegisterI, cpu.InterruptMode); cpu.Interrupt = false; } private void NMICallback() { Console.WriteLine("NMI"); cpu.NonMaskableInterrupt = false; } public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } protected byte[] vram = new byte[0x300]; private class MyVideoProvider : IVideoProvider { private readonly TI83 emu; public MyVideoProvider(TI83 emu) { this.emu = emu; } public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { //unflatten bit buffer int[] pixels = new int[96 * 64]; int i = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++) for (int x = 0; x < 96; x++) { int offset = y * 96 + x; int bufbyte = offset >> 3; int bufbit = offset & 7; int bit = ((emu.vram[bufbyte] >> (7 - bufbit)) & 1); if (bit == 0) { unchecked { pixels[i++] = (int)emu.Settings.BGColor; } } else { pixels[i++] = (int)emu.Settings.ForeColor; } } return pixels; } public int VirtualWidth { get { return 96; } } public int VirtualHeight { get { return 64; } } public int BufferWidth { get { return 96; } } public int BufferHeight { get { return 64; } } public int BackgroundColor { get { return 0; } } } public IVideoProvider VideoProvider { get { return new MyVideoProvider(this); } } public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return NullSound.SilenceProvider; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return new FakeSyncSound(NullSound.SilenceProvider, 735); } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return true; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } public static readonly ControllerDefinition TI83Controller = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "TI83 Controller", BoolButtons = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9","DOT", "ON","ENTER", "DOWN","LEFT","UP","RIGHT", "PLUS","MINUS","MULTIPLY","DIVIDE", "CLEAR", "EXP", "DASH", "PARACLOSE", "TAN", "VARS", "PARAOPEN", "COS", "PRGM", "STAT", "COMMA", "SIN", "MATRIX", "X", "STO", "LN", "LOG", "SQUARED", "NEG1", "MATH", "ALPHA", "GRAPH", "TRACE", "ZOOM", "WINDOW", "Y", "2ND", "MODE", "DEL" } }; public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition { get { return TI83Controller; } } public IController Controller { get; set; } // configuration private ushort startPC; public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool rendersound) { lagged = true; //I eyeballed this speed for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { onPressed = Controller.IsPressed("ON"); //and this was derived from other emus cpu.ExecuteCycles(10000); cpu.Interrupt = true; } Frame++; if (lagged) { lagCount++; isLag = true; } else { isLag = false; } } public void HardReset() { cpu.Reset(); ram = new byte[0x8000]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) ram[i] = 0xFF; cpu.RegisterPC = startPC; cpu.IFF1 = false; cpu.IFF2 = false; cpu.InterruptMode = 2; maskOn = 1; romPageHighBit = 0; romPageLow3Bits = 0; keyboardMask = 0; disp_mode = 0; disp_move = 0; disp_x = disp_y = 0; } public int Frame { get { return frame; } set { frame = value; } } public int LagCount { get { return lagCount; } set { lagCount = value; } } public bool IsLagFrame { get { return isLag; } } public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; lagCount = 0; isLag = false; } public bool DeterministicEmulation { get { return true; } } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return false; } } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateBinaryWriter(bw)); } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateBinaryReader(br)); } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter tw) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateTextWriter(tw)); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader tr) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateTextReader(tr)); } private void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection("TI83"); cpu.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("RAM", ref ram, false); ser.Sync("romPageLow3Bits", ref romPageLow3Bits); ser.Sync("romPageHighBit", ref romPageHighBit); ser.Sync("disp_mode", ref disp_mode); ser.Sync("disp_move", ref disp_move); ser.Sync("disp_x", ref disp_x); ser.Sync("disp_y", ref disp_y); ser.Sync("m_CursorMoved", ref m_CursorMoved); ser.Sync("maskOn", ref maskOn); ser.Sync("onPressed", ref onPressed); ser.Sync("keyboardMask", ref keyboardMask); ser.Sync("m_LinkOutput", ref m_LinkOutput); ser.Sync("VRAM", ref vram, false); ser.Sync("Frame", ref frame); ser.Sync("LagCount", ref lagCount); ser.Sync("IsLag", ref isLag); ser.EndSection(); } private byte[] stateBuffer; public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { if (stateBuffer == null) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); SaveStateBinary(writer); stateBuffer = stream.ToArray(); writer.Close(); return stateBuffer; } else { var stream = new MemoryStream(stateBuffer); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); SaveStateBinary(writer); writer.Close(); return stateBuffer; } } public string SystemId { get { return "TI83"; } } public string BoardName { get { return null; } } private const ushort RamSizeMask = 0x7FFF; public void Dispose() { } public TI83LinkPort LinkPort { get; set; } } }